6,651 research outputs found

    Towards 3D printed multifunctional immobilization for proton therapy: initial materials characterization

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    Purpose: 3D printing technology is investigated for the purpose of patient immobilization during proton therapy. It potentially enables a merge of patient immobilization, bolus range shifting, and other functions into one single patient-speci c structure. In this rst step, a set of 3D printed materials is characterized in detail, in terms of structural and radiological properties, elemental composition, directional dependence, and structural changes induced by radiation damage. These data will serve as inputs for the design of 3D printed immobilization structure prototypes. Methods: Using four di erent 3D printing techniques, in total eight materials were subjected to testing. Samples with a nominal dimension of 20×20×80 mm3 were 3D printed. The geometrical printing accuracy of each test sample was measured with a dial gage. To assess the mechanical response of the samples, standardized compression tests were performed to determine the Young’s modulus. To investigate the e ect of radiation on the mechanical response, the mechanical tests were performed both prior and after the administration of clinically relevant dose levels (70 Gy), multiplied with a safety factor of 1.4. Dual energy computed tomography (DECT) methods were used to calculate the relative electron density to water ρe, the e ective atomic number Ze , and the proton stopping power ratio (SPR) to water SPR. In order to validate the DECT based calculation of radiological properties, beam measurements were performed on the 3D printed samples as well. Photon irradiations were performed to measure the photon linear attenuation coe cients, while proton irradiations were performed to measure the proton range shift of the samples. The direc- tional dependence of these properties was investigated by performing the irradiations for di erent orientations of the samples. Results: The printed test objects showed reduced geometric printing accuracy for 2 materials (deviation > 0.25 mm). Compression tests yielded Young’s moduli ranging from 0.6 to 2940 MPa. No deterioration in the mechanical response was observed after exposure of the samples to 100 Gy in a therapeutic MV photon beam. The DECT-based characterization yielded Ze ranging from 5.91 to 10.43. The SPR and ρe both ranged from 0.6 to 1.22. The measured photon attenuation coe cients at clinical energies scaled linearly with ρe. Good agreement was seen between the DECT estimated SPR and the measured range shift, except for the higher Ze . As opposed to the photon attenuation, the proton range shifting appeared to be printing orientation dependent for certain materials. Conclusions: In this study, the rst step toward 3D printed, multifunctional immobilization was performed, by going through a candidate clinical work ow for the rst time: from the material printing to DECT characterization with a veri cation through beam measurements. Besides a proof of concept for beam modi cation, the mechanical response of printed materials was also investigated to assess their capabilities for positioning functionality. For the studied set of printing techniques and materials, a wide variety of mechanical and radiological properties can be selected from for the intended purpose. Moreover the elaborated hybrid DECT methods aid in performing in-house quality assurance of 3D printed components, as these methods enable the estimation of the radiological properties relevant for use in radiation therapy

    Dose ratio proton radiography using the proximal side of the Bragg peak

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    Purpose: In recent years there has been a movement towards single-detector proton radiography, due to its potential ease of implementation within the clinical environment. One such single-detector technique is the dose ratio method, in which the dose maps from two pristine Bragg peaks are recorded beyond the patient. To date, this has only been investigated on the distal side of the lower energy Bragg peak, due to the sharp fall-off. We investigate the limits and applicability of the dose ratio method on the proximal side of the lower energy Bragg peak, which has the potential to allow a much wider range of water-equivalent thicknesses (WET) to be imaged. Comparisons are made with the use of the distal side of the Bragg peak. Methods: Using the analytical approximation for the Bragg peak we generated theoretical dose ratio curves for a range of energy pairs, and then determined how an uncertainty in the dose ratio would translate to a spread in the WET estimate. By defining this spread as the accuracy one could achieve in the WET estimate, we were able to generate look-up graphs of the range on the proximal side of the Bragg peak that one could reliably use. These were dependent on the energy pair, noise level in the dose ratio image and the required accuracy in the WET. Using these look-up graphs we investigated the applicability of the technique for a range of patient treatment sites. We validated the theoretical approach with experimental measurements using a complementary metal oxide semiconductor active pixel sensor (CMOS APS), by imaging a small sapphire sphere in a high energy proton beam. Results: Provided the noise level in the dose ratio image was 1% or less, a larger spread of WETs could be imaged using the proximal side of the Bragg peak (max 5.31 cm) compared to the distal side (max 2.42 cm). In simulation it was found that, for a pediatric brain, it is possible to use the technique to image a region with a square field equivalent size of 7.6 cm2, for a required accuracy in the WET of 3 mm and a 1% noise level in the dose ratio image. The technique showed limited applicability for other patient sites. The CMOS APS demonstrated a good accuracy, with a root-mean-square-error of 1.6 mm WET. The noise in the measured images was found to be σ =1.2% (standard deviation) and theoretical predictions with a 1.96σ noise level showed good agreement with the measured errors. Conclusions: After validating the theoretical approach with measurements, we have shown that the use of the proximal side of the Bragg peak when performing dose ratio imaging is feasible, and allows for a wider dynamic range than when using the distal side. The dynamic range available increases as the demand on the accuracy of the WET decreases. The technique can only be applied to clinical sites with small maximum WETs such as for pediatric brains

    Dosimetric evidence confirms computational model for magnetic field induced dose distortions of therapeutic proton beams

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    Given the sensitivity of proton therapy to anatomical variations, this cancer treatment modality is expected to benefit greatly from integration with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. One of the obstacles hindering such an integration are strong magnetic field induced dose distortions. These have been predicted in simulation studies, but no experimental validation has been performed so far. Here we show the first measurement of planar distributions of dose deposited by therapeutic proton pencil beams traversing a one-Tesla transversal magnetic field while depositing energy in a tissue-like phantom using film dosimetry. The lateral beam deflection ranges from one millimeter to one centimeter for 80 to 180 MeV beams. Simulated and measured deflection agree within one millimeter for all studied energies. These results proof that the magnetic field induced proton beam deflection is both measurable and accurately predictable. This demonstrates the feasibility of accurate dose measurement and hence validates dose predictions for the framework of MR-integrated proton therapy

    Scintillating fiber devices for particle therapy applications

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    Particle Therapy (PT) is a radiation therapy technique in which solid tumors are treated with charged ions and exploits the achievable highly localized dose delivery, allowing to spare healthy tissues and organs at risk. The development of a range monitoring technique to be used on-line, during the treatment, capable to reach millimetric precision is considered one of the important steps towards an optimization of the PT efficacy and of the treatment quality. To this aim, charged secondary particles produced in the nuclear interactions between the beam particles and the patient tissues can be exploited. Besides charged secondaries, also neutrons are produced in nuclear interactions. The secondary neutron component might cause an undesired and not negligible dose deposition far away from the tumor region, enhancing the risk of secondary malignant neoplasms that can develop even years after the treatment. An accurate neutron characterization (flux, energy and emission profile) is hence needed for a better evaluation of long-term complications. In this contribution two tracker detectors, both based on scintillating fibers, are presented. The first one, named Dose Profiler (DP), is planned to be used as a beam range monitor in PT treatments with heavy ion beams, exploiting the charged secondary fragments production. The DP is currently under development within the INSIDE (Innovative Solutions for In-beam DosimEtry in hadrontherapy) project. The second one is dedicated to the measurement of the fast and ultrafast neutron component produced in PT treatments, in the framework of the MONDO (MOnitor for Neutron Dose in hadrOntherapy) project. Results of the first calibration tests performed at the Trento Protontherapy center and at CNAO (Italy) are reported, as well as simulation studies

    From high energy physics to hospital

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    The effort to obtain continual progress in treatment quality in proton therapy facilities implies new technical requirements, mainly for the irradiation machines and the detector systems. For example, the collimation of proton spots generates stepper dose gradients and, thereby, the need for detectors with a high spatial resolution. Besides this, beam currents around 2 nA (≈ 1.2 ⋅ 1010 "protons" /"s" ) during patient treatment set challenging requirements on the detectors’ readout electronics for single particle tracking or counting. The knowledge gained in detector development in High Energy Physics (HEP) during the past decades is transferred to proton therapy applications in this work to address the upcoming detector requirements. It provides studies investigating the usage of a pixel detector designed for individual particle tracking in the high-radiation environment of the ATLAS experiment at LHC, namely the ATLAS IBL Pixel Detector, for proton beam measurements at proton therapy facilities. Due to the small pixel size of the detector under study, the shape of single pencil beam proton spots is determined with precision in the smaller pixel direction of 28 ÎŒm. The timing information of the particle hits on the detector allows the distinction between the single spots of scanned proton fields. Dose linearity checks reveal that the detector meets the requirement of an output dose consistency of ± 3 % for the daily quality assurance (QA) in the chosen dose range. Additionally, further studies lead to the conservative assumption that hit rates up to (73.85 ± 0.95) "clusters" /"25 ns" sampled with a frequency of 1 kHz feature a linear dependency on the beam current. Furthermore, the provided information on the deposited energy in the detector is utilized for range verification. Range differences of 1 mm required for the daily QA can be detected for proton energies impinging the sensor in the range of (30 − 44) MeV. Finally, an example of using the detector under study in the field of proton therapy is given by supporting a study investigating the energy deposition of platinum nanoparticles on a macroscopic scale. This work offers a characterization of the ATLAS IBL Pixel detector for proton therapy application and points out improvement opportunities for further detector development
