2,277 research outputs found

    In silico assessment of potential druggable pockets on the surface of α1-Antitrypsin conformers

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    The search for druggable pockets on the surface of a protein is often performed on a single conformer, treated as a rigid body. Transient druggable pockets may be missed in this approach. Here, we describe a methodology for systematic in silico analysis of surface clefts across multiple conformers of the metastable protein α1-antitrypsin (A1AT). Pathological mutations disturb the conformational landscape of A1AT, triggering polymerisation that leads to emphysema and hepatic cirrhosis. Computational screens for small molecule inhibitors of polymerisation have generally focused on one major druggable site visible in all crystal structures of native A1AT. In an alternative approach, we scan all surface clefts observed in crystal structures of A1AT and in 100 computationally produced conformers, mimicking the native solution ensemble. We assess the persistence, variability and druggability of these pockets. Finally, we employ molecular docking using publicly available libraries of small molecules to explore scaffold preferences for each site. Our approach identifies a number of novel target sites for drug design. In particular one transient site shows favourable characteristics for druggability due to high enclosure and hydrophobicity. Hits against this and other druggable sites achieve docking scores corresponding to a Kd in the µM–nM range, comparing favourably with a recently identified promising lead. Preliminary ThermoFluor studies support the docking predictions. In conclusion, our strategy shows considerable promise compared with the conventional single pocket/single conformer approach to in silico screening. Our best-scoring ligands warrant further experimental investigation

    LightDock: a new multi-scale approach to protein–protein docking

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    Computational prediction of protein–protein complex structure by docking can provide structural and mechanistic insights for protein interactions of biomedical interest. However, current methods struggle with difficult cases, such as those involving flexible proteins, low-affinity complexes or transient interactions. A major challenge is how to efficiently sample the structural and energetic landscape of the association at different resolution levels, given that each scoring function is often highly coupled to a specific type of search method. Thus, new methodologies capable of accommodating multi-scale conformational flexibility and scoring are strongly needed. We describe here a new multi-scale protein–protein docking methodology, LightDock, capable of accommodating conformational flexibility and a variety of scoring functions at different resolution levels. Implicit use of normal modes during the search and atomic/coarse-grained combined scoring functions yielded improved predictive results with respect to state-of-the-art rigid-body docking, especially in flexible cases.B.J-G was supported by a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This work was supported by I+D+I Research Project grants BIO2013-48213-R and BIO2016-79930-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 program through HiPEAC (GA 687698), by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015-65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programaciói Entorns d’Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    DARC 2.0: Improved Docking and Virtual Screening at Protein Interaction Sites

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    Over the past decade, protein-protein interactions have emerged as attractive but challenging targets for therapeutic intervention using small molecules. Due to the relatively flat surfaces that typify protein interaction sites, modern virtual screening tools developed for optimal performance against “traditional” protein targets perform less well when applied instead at protein interaction sites. Previously, we described a docking method specifically catered to the shallow binding modes characteristic of small-molecule inhibitors of protein interaction sites. This method, called DARC (Docking Approach using Ray Casting), operates by comparing the topography of the protein surface when “viewed” from a vantage point inside the protein against the topography of a bound ligand when “viewed” from the same vantage point. Here, we present five key enhancements to DARC. First, we use multiple vantage points to more accurately determine protein-ligand surface complementarity. Second, we describe a new scheme for rapidly determining optimal weights in the DARC scoring function. Third, we incorporate sampling of ligand conformers “on-the-fly” during docking. Fourth, we move beyond simple shape complementarity and introduce a term in the scoring function to capture electrostatic complementarity. Finally, we adjust the control flow in our GPU implementation of DARC to achieve greater speedup of these calculations. At each step of this study, we evaluate the performance of DARC in a “pose recapitulation” experiment: predicting the binding mode of 25 inhibitors each solved in complex with its distinct target protein (a protein interaction site). Whereas the previous version of DARC docked only one of these inhibitors to within 2 Å RMSD of its position in the crystal structure, the newer version achieves this level of accuracy for 12 of the 25 complexes, corresponding to a statistically significant performance improvement (p < 0.001). Collectively then, we find that the five enhancements described here – which together make up DARC 2.0 – lead to dramatically improved speed and performance relative to the original DARC method

    Computational studies for prediction of protein folding and ligand binding

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    This dissertation comprises four projects. I) Glycosylation is a post-translational modification that affects many physiological processes, including protein folding, cell interaction and host immune response. PglC, a phosphoglycosyl transferase (PGT) involved in the biosynthesis of N-linked glycoproteins in Campylobacter jejuni, is representative of one of the structurally simplest members of the small bacterial PGT family. The research utilizes sequence similarity network and evolutionary covariance studies to identify the catalytic core of PglC, followed by modeling its three-dimensional structure using the covariance as constraints. II) Rapid growth of fragment-based drug discovery necessitates accurate fragment library screening for targets of interest, finding strong binders with specific binding. While many high-resolution biophysical methods for fragment screening work well, docking-based virtual screening is highly desired due to the speed and cost efficiency. Beyond the key performance-determining factors like score function and search method, the goal is to learn from the experimental fragment bound structures in the PDBbinder database and to evaluate the profile of side-chain flexibility in the interface and its contribution to docking performance. III) Protein docking procedures carry out the task of predicting the structure of a protein–protein complex starting from the known structures of the individual protein components. However, the structure of one or both components frequently must be obtained by homology modeling based on known structures. This work presents a benchmark dataset of experimentally determined target complexes with a large set of sufficiently diverse template complexes identified for each target. The dataset allows developers to test their algorithms combining homology modeling and docking, in order to determine the factors that critically influence the prediction performance. IV) Human Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 4AI (heIF4AI) is the enzymatic component of a highly efficient complex, heIF4F. Its helicase activity binds and unwinds the secondary structure of mRNA at the 5' end and thus plays a crucial role in translation initiation. This research focuses on the C-terminal domain of heIF4AI and investigates its potential as an anti-cancer target by integrating the approaches of solvent mapping, docking, crystallization and NMR

    Benchmarking and Analysis of Protein Docking Performance in Rosetta v3.2

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    RosettaDock has been increasingly used in protein docking and design strategies in order to predict the structure of protein-protein interfaces. Here we test capabilities of RosettaDock 3.2, part of the newly developed Rosetta v3.2 modeling suite, against Docking Benchmark 3.0, and compare it with RosettaDock v2.3, the latest version of the previous Rosetta software package. The benchmark contains a diverse set of 116 docking targets including 22 antibody-antigen complexes, 33 enzyme-inhibitor complexes, and 60 ‘other’ complexes. These targets were further classified by expected docking difficulty into 84 rigid-body targets, 17 medium targets, and 14 difficult targets. We carried out local docking perturbations for each target, using the unbound structures when available, in both RosettaDock v2.3 and v3.2. Overall the performances of RosettaDock v2.3 and v3.2 were similar. RosettaDock v3.2 achieved 56 docking funnels, compared to 49 in v2.3. A breakdown of docking performance by protein complex type shows that RosettaDock v3.2 achieved docking funnels for 63% of antibody-antigen targets, 62% of enzyme-inhibitor targets, and 35% of ‘other’ targets. In terms of docking difficulty, RosettaDock v3.2 achieved funnels for 58% of rigid-body targets, 30% of medium targets, and 14% of difficult targets. For targets that failed, we carry out additional analyses to identify the cause of failure, which showed that binding-induced backbone conformation changes account for a majority of failures. We also present a bootstrap statistical analysis that quantifies the reliability of the stochastic docking results. Finally, we demonstrate the additional functionality available in RosettaDock v3.2 by incorporating small-molecules and non-protein co-factors in docking of a smaller target set. This study marks the most extensive benchmarking of the RosettaDock module to date and establishes a baseline for future research in protein interface modeling and structure prediction

    Systematic Exploitation of Multiple Receptor Conformations for Virtual Ligand Screening

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    The role of virtual ligand screening in modern drug discovery is to mine large chemical collections and to prioritize for experimental testing a comparatively small and diverse set of compounds with expected activity against a target. Several studies have pointed out that the performance of virtual ligand screening can be improved by taking into account receptor flexibility. Here, we systematically assess how multiple crystallographic receptor conformations, a powerful way of discretely representing protein plasticity, can be exploited in screening protocols to separate binders from non-binders. Our analyses encompass 36 targets of pharmaceutical relevance and are based on actual molecules with reported activity against those targets. The results suggest that an ensemble receptor-based protocol displays a stronger discriminating power between active and inactive molecules as compared to its standard single rigid receptor counterpart. Moreover, such a protocol can be engineered not only to enrich a higher number of active compounds, but also to enhance their chemical diversity. Finally, some clear indications can be gathered on how to select a subset of receptor conformations that is most likely to provide the best performance in a real life scenario

    Pockets as structural descriptors of EGFR kinase conformations

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    Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), a tyrosine kinase receptor, is one of the main tumor markers in different types of cancers. The kinase native state is mainly composed of two populations of conformers: active and inactive. Several sequence variations in EGFR kinase region promote the differential enrichment of conformers with higher activity. Some structural characteristics have been proposed to differentiate kinase conformations, but these considerations could lead to ambiguous classifications. We present a structural characterisation of EGFR kinase conformers, focused on active site pocket comparisons, and the mapping of known pathological sequence variations. A structural based clustering of this pocket accurately discriminates active from inactive, well-characterised conformations. Furthermore, this main pocket contains, or is in close contact with, ≈65% of cancer-related variation positions. Although the relevance of protein dynamics to explain biological function has been extensively recognised, the usage of the ensemble of conformations in dynamic equilibrium to represent the functional state of proteins and the importance of pockets, cavities and/or tunnels was often neglected in previous studies. These functional structures and the equilibrium between them could be structurally analysed in wild type as well as in sequence variants. Our results indicate that biologically important pockets, as well as their shape and dynamics, are central to understanding protein function in wild-type, polymorphic or disease-related variations.Fil: Hasenahuer, Marcia Anahí. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Barletta Roldan, Patricio German. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Alberti, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Parisi, Gustavo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fornasari, Maria Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    PharmDock: A Pharmacophore-Based Docking Program

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    Background Protein-based pharmacophore models are enriched with the information of potential interactions between ligands and the protein target. We have shown in a previous study that protein-based pharmacophore models can be applied for ligand pose prediction and pose ranking. In this publication, we present a new pharmacophore-based docking program PharmDock that combines pose sampling and ranking based on optimized protein-based pharmacophore models with local optimization using an empirical scoring function. Results Tests of PharmDock on ligand pose prediction, binding affinity estimation, compound ranking and virtual screening yielded comparable or better performance to existing and widely used docking programs. The docking program comes with an easy-to-use GUI within PyMOL. Two features have been incorporated in the program suite that allow for user-defined guidance of the docking process based on previous experimental data. Docking with those features demonstrated superior performance compared to unbiased docking. Conclusion A protein pharmacophore-based docking program, PharmDock, has been made available with a PyMOL plugin. PharmDock and the PyMOL plugin are freely available fromhttp://people.pharmacy.purdue.edu/~mlill/software/pharmdock webcite