470 research outputs found

    Linguistically inspired roadmap for building biologically reliable protein language models

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    Deep neural-network-based language models (LMs) are increasingly applied to large-scale protein sequence data to predict protein function. However, being largely black-box models and thus challenging to interpret, current protein LM approaches do not contribute to a fundamental understanding of sequence-function mappings, hindering rule-based biotherapeutic drug development. We argue that guidance drawn from linguistics, a field specialized in analytical rule extraction from natural language data, can aid with building more interpretable protein LMs that are more likely to learn relevant domain-specific rules. Differences between protein sequence data and linguistic sequence data require the integration of more domain-specific knowledge in protein LMs compared to natural language LMs. Here, we provide a linguistics-based roadmap for protein LM pipeline choices with regard to training data, tokenization, token embedding, sequence embedding, and model interpretation. Incorporating linguistic ideas into protein LMs enables the development of next-generation interpretable machine-learning models with the potential of uncovering the biological mechanisms underlying sequence-function relationships.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Inverse Statistical Physics of Protein Sequences: A Key Issues Review

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    In the course of evolution, proteins undergo important changes in their amino acid sequences, while their three-dimensional folded structure and their biological function remain remarkably conserved. Thanks to modern sequencing techniques, sequence data accumulate at unprecedented pace. This provides large sets of so-called homologous, i.e.~evolutionarily related protein sequences, to which methods of inverse statistical physics can be applied. Using sequence data as the basis for the inference of Boltzmann distributions from samples of microscopic configurations or observables, it is possible to extract information about evolutionary constraints and thus protein function and structure. Here we give an overview over some biologically important questions, and how statistical-mechanics inspired modeling approaches can help to answer them. Finally, we discuss some open questions, which we expect to be addressed over the next years.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Fast and accurate tumor segmentation of histology images using persistent homology and deep convolutional features

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    Tumor segmentation in whole-slide images of histology slides is an important step towards computer-assisted diagnosis. In this work, we propose a tumor segmentation framework based on the novel concept of persistent homology profiles (PHPs). For a given image patch, the homology profiles are derived by efficient computation of persistent homology, which is an algebraic tool from homology theory. We propose an efficient way of computing topological persistence of an image, alternative to simplicial homology. The PHPs are devised to distinguish tumor regions from their normal counterparts by modeling the atypical characteristics of tumor nuclei. We propose two variants of our method for tumor segmentation: one that targets speed without compromising accuracy and the other that targets higher accuracy. The fast version is based on the selection of exemplar image patches from a convolution neural network (CNN) and patch classification by quantifying the divergence between the PHPs of exemplars and the input image patch. Detailed comparative evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm is significantly faster than competing algorithms while achieving comparable results. The accurate version combines the PHPs and high-level CNN features and employs a multi-stage ensemble strategy for image patch labeling. Experimental results demonstrate that the combination of PHPs and CNN features outperforms competing algorithms. This study is performed on two independently collected colorectal datasets containing adenoma, adenocarcinoma, signet and healthy cases. Collectively, the accurate tumor segmentation produces the highest average patch-level F1-score, as compared with competing algorithms, on malignant and healthy cases from both the datasets. Overall the proposed framework highlights the utility of persistent homology for histopathology image analysis

    Comprehensive analysis of lectin-glycan interactions reveals determinants of lectin specificity

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    Lectin-glycan interactions facilitate inter- and intracellular communication in many processes including protein trafficking, host-pathogen recognition, and tumorigenesis promotion. Specific recognition of glycans by lectins is also the basis for a wide range of applications in areas including glycobiology research, cancer screening, and antiviral therapeutics. To provide a better understanding of the determinants of lectin-glycan interaction specificity and support such applications, this study comprehensively investigates specificity-conferring features of all available lectin-glycan complex structures. Systematic characterization, comparison, and predictive modeling of a set of 221 complementary physicochemical and geometric features representing these interactions highlighted specificity-conferring features with potential mechanistic insight. Univariable comparative analyses with weighted Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests revealed strong statistical associations between binding site features and specificity that are conserved across unrelated lectin binding sites. Multivariable modeling with random forests demonstrated the utility of these features for predicting the identity of bound glycans based on generalized patterns learned from non-homologous lectins. These analyses revealed global determinants of lectin specificity, such as sialic acid glycan recognition in deep, concave binding sites enriched for positively charged residues, in contrast to high mannose glycan recognition in fairly shallow but well-defined pockets enriched for non-polar residues. Focused fine specificity analysis of hemagglutinin interactions with human-like and avian-like glycans uncovered features representing both known and novel mutations related to shifts in influenza tropism from avian to human tissues. As the approach presented here relies on co-crystallized lectin-glycan pairs for studying specificity, it is limited in its inferences by the quantity, quality, and diversity of the structural data available. Regardless, the systematic characterization of lectin binding sites presented here provides a novel approach to studying lectin specificity and is a step towards confidently predicting new lectin-glycan interactions

    Computational studies of genome evolution and regulation

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    This thesis takes on the challenge of extracting information from large volumes of biological data produced with newly established experimental techniques. The different types of information present in a particular dataset have been carefully identified to maximise the information gained from the data. This also precludes the attempts to infer the types of information that are not present in the data. In the first part of the thesis I examined the evolutionary origins of de novo taxonomically restricted genes (TRGs) in Drosophila subgenus. De novo TRGs are genes that have originated after the speciation of a particular clade from previously non-coding regions - functional ncRNA, within introns or alternative frames of older protein-coding genes, or from intergenic sequences. TRGs are clade-specific tool-kits that are likely to contain proteins with yet undocumented functions and new protein folds that are yet to be discovered. One of the main challenges in studying de novo TRGs is the trade-off between false positives (non-functional open reading frames) and false negatives (true TRGs that have properties distinct from well established genes). Here I identified two de novo TRG families in Drosophila subgenus that have not been previously reported as de novo originated genes, and to our knowledge they are the best candidates identified so far for experimental studies aimed at elucidating the properties of de novo genes. In the second part of the thesis I examined the information contained in single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data and propose a method for extracting biological knowledge from this data using generative neural networks. The main challenge is the noisiness of scRNA-seq data - the number of transcripts sequenced is not proportional to the number of mRNAs present in the cell. I used an autoencoder to reduce the dimensionality of the data without making untestable assumptions about the data. This embedding into lower dimensional space alongside the features learned by an autoencoder contains information about the cell populations, differentiation trajectories and the regulatory relationships between the genes. Unlike most methods currently used, an autoencoder does not assume that these regulatory relationships are the same in all cells in the data set. The main advantages of our approach is that it makes minimal assumptions about the data, it is robust to noise and it is possible to assess its performance. In the final part of the thesis I summarise lessons learnt from analysing various types of biological data and make suggestions for the future direction of similar computational studies

    Robustness and Interpretability of Neural Networks’ Predictions under Adversarial Attacks

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    Le reti neurali profonde (DNNs) sono potenti modelli predittivi, che superano le capacità umane in una varietà di task. Imparano sistemi decisionali complessi e flessibili dai dati a disposizione e raggiungono prestazioni eccezionali in molteplici campi di apprendimento automatico, dalle applicazioni dell'intelligenza artificiale, come il riconoscimento di immagini, parole e testi, alle scienze più tradizionali, tra cui medicina, fisica e biologia. Nonostante i risultati eccezionali, le prestazioni elevate e l’alta precisione predittiva non sono sufficienti per le applicazioni nel mondo reale, specialmente in ambienti critici per la sicurezza, dove l'utilizzo dei DNNs è fortemente limitato dalla loro natura black-box. Vi è una crescente necessità di comprendere come vengono eseguite le predizioni, fornire stime di incertezza, garantire robustezza agli attacchi avversari e prevenire comportamenti indesiderati. Anche le migliori architetture sono vulnerabili a piccole perturbazioni nei dati di input, note come attacchi avversari: manipolazioni malevole degli input che sono percettivamente indistinguibili dai campioni originali ma sono in grado di ingannare il modello in predizioni errate. In questo lavoro, dimostriamo che tale fragilità è correlata alla geometria del manifold dei dati ed è quindi probabile che sia una caratteristica intrinseca delle predizioni dei DNNs. Questa condizione suggerisce una possibile direzione al fine di ottenere robustezza agli attacchi: studiamo la geometria degli attacchi avversari nel limite di un numero infinito di dati e di pesi per le reti neurali Bayesiane, dimostrando che, in questo limite, sono immuni agli attacchi avversari gradient-based. Inoltre, proponiamo alcune tecniche di training per migliorare la robustezza delle architetture deterministiche. In particolare, osserviamo sperimentalmente che ensembles di reti neurali addestrati su proiezioni casuali degli input originali in spazi basso-dimensionali sono più resistenti agli attacchi. Successivamente, ci concentriamo sul problema dell'interpretabilità delle predizioni delle reti nel contesto delle saliency-based explanations. Analizziamo la stabilità delle explanations soggette ad attacchi avversari e dimostriamo che, nel limite di un numero infinito di dati e di pesi, le interpretazioni Bayesiane sono più stabili di quelle fornite dalle reti deterministiche. Confermiamo questo comportamento in modo sperimentale nel regime di un numero finito di dati. Infine, introduciamo il concetto di attacco avversario alle sequenze di amminoacidi per protein Language Models (LM). I modelli di Deep Learning per la predizione della struttura delle proteine, come AlphaFold2, sfruttano le architetture Transformer e il loro meccanismo di attention per catturare le proprietà strutturali e funzionali delle sequenze di amminoacidi. Nonostante l'elevata precisione delle predizioni, perturbazioni biologicamente piccole delle sequenze di input, o anche mutazioni di un singolo amminoacido, possono portare a strutture 3D sostanzialmente diverse. Al contempo, i protein LMs sono insensibili alle mutazioni che inducono misfolding o disfunzione (ad esempio le missense mutations). In particolare, le predizioni delle coordinate 3D non rivelano l'effetto di unfolding indotto da queste mutazioni. Pertanto, esiste un'evidente incoerenza tra l'importanza biologica delle mutazioni e il conseguente cambiamento nella predizione strutturale. Ispirati da questo problema, introduciamo il concetto di perturbazione avversaria delle sequenze proteiche negli embedding continui dei protein LMs. Il nostro metodo utilizza i valori di attention per rilevare le posizioni degli amminoacidi più vulnerabili nelle sequenze di input. Le mutazioni avversarie sono biologicamente diverse dalle sequenze di riferimento e sono in grado di alterare in modo significativo le strutture 3D.Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are powerful predictive models, exceeding human capabilities in a variety of tasks. They learn complex and flexible decision systems from the available data and achieve exceptional performances in multiple machine learning fields, spanning from applications in artificial intelligence, such as image, speech and text recognition, to the more traditional sciences, including medicine, physics and biology. Despite the outstanding achievements, high performance and high predictive accuracy are not sufficient for real-world applications, especially in safety-critical settings, where the usage of DNNs is severely limited by their black-box nature. There is an increasing need to understand how predictions are performed, to provide uncertainty estimates, to guarantee robustness to malicious attacks and to prevent unwanted behaviours. State-of-the-art DNNs are vulnerable to small perturbations in the input data, known as adversarial attacks: maliciously crafted manipulations of the inputs that are perceptually indistinguishable from the original samples but are capable of fooling the model into incorrect predictions. In this work, we prove that such brittleness is related to the geometry of the data manifold and is therefore likely to be an intrinsic feature of DNNs’ predictions. This negative condition suggests a possible direction to overcome such limitation: we study the geometry of adversarial attacks in the large-data, overparameterized limit for Bayesian Neural Networks and prove that, in this limit, they are immune to gradient-based adversarial attacks. Furthermore, we propose some training techniques to improve the adversarial robustness of deterministic architectures. In particular, we experimentally observe that ensembles of NNs trained on random projections of the original inputs into lower dimensional spaces are more resilient to the attacks. Next, we focus on the problem of interpretability of NNs’ predictions in the setting of saliency-based explanations. We analyze the stability of the explanations under adversarial attacks on the inputs and we prove that, in the large-data and overparameterized limit, Bayesian interpretations are more stable than those provided by deterministic networks. We validate this behaviour in multiple experimental settings in the finite data regime. Finally, we introduce the concept of adversarial perturbations of amino acid sequences for protein Language Models (LMs). Deep Learning models for protein structure prediction, such as AlphaFold2, leverage Transformer architectures and their attention mechanism to capture structural and functional properties of amino acid sequences. Despite the high accuracy of predictions, biologically small perturbations of the input sequences, or even single point mutations, can lead to substantially different 3d structures. On the other hand, protein language models are insensitive to mutations that induce misfolding or dysfunction (e.g. missense mutations). Precisely, predictions of the 3d coordinates do not reveal the structure-disruptive effect of these mutations. Therefore, there is an evident inconsistency between the biological importance of mutations and the resulting change in structural prediction. Inspired by this problem, we introduce the concept of adversarial perturbation of protein sequences in continuous embedding spaces of protein language models. Our method relies on attention scores to detect the most vulnerable amino acid positions in the input sequences. Adversarial mutations are biologically diverse from their references and are able to significantly alter the resulting 3D structures

    Network Approaches to the Study of Genomic Variation in Cancer

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    Advances in genomic sequencing technologies opened the door for a wider study of cancer etiology. By analyzing datasets with thousands of exomes (or genomes), researchers gained a better understanding of the genomic alterations that confer a selective advantage towards cancerous growth. A predominant narrative in the field has been based on a dichotomy of alterations that confer a strong selective advantage, called cancer drivers, and the bulk of other alterations assumed to have a neutral effect, called passengers. Yet, a series of studies questioned this narrative and assigned potential roles to passengers, be it in terms of facilitating tumorigenesis or countering the effect of drivers. Consequently, the passenger mutational landscape received a higher level of attention in attempt to prioritize the possible effects of its alterations and to identify new therapeutic targets. In this dissertation, we introduce interpretable network approaches to the study of genomic variation in cancer. We rely on two types of networks, namely functional biological networks and artificial neural nets. In the first chapter, we describe a propagation method that prioritizes 230 infrequently mutated genes with respect to their potential contribution to cancer development. In the second chapter, we further transcend the driver-passenger dichotomy and demonstrate a gradient of cancer relevance across human genes. In the last two chapters, we present methods that simplify neural network models to render them more interpretable with a focus on functional genomic applications in cancer and beyond