4,494 research outputs found

    Automatic Synthesis and Verification of Industrial Commissioning Processes

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    The topic of this doctoral dissertation is the verification and synthesis of processes, i.e., work-flows. Verification is the check if a given process model fulfills all necessary properties. Synthesis is the automatic generation of a process model from a set of properties. The running example of the thesis and the use case for the evaluation is the commissioning of vehicles in the automobile production

    Strategies for low carbon buildings : Assessment of design options and the translation of design intent into performance in practice

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    To deliver low carbon buildings requires: a) Performance assessment and option appraisal; b) Industry process to translate selected options into low carbon performance in practice. This thesis aims to make some contribution in each of these two areas. Legislation such as the European Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is stimulating the market to put forward many technical options for design or retrofit of low carbon buildings. The need is identified here for a low cost, EPBD compatible, simulation based, real time method for performance assessment and upgrade option appraisal to inform decisions for a range of users with various levels of technical knowledge. The hypothesis is advanced that such a method can be developed. An EPBD compatible, dynamic simulation based, real time, performance assessment and option appraisal method is then proposed and evaluated. A range of test applications and user groups are considered. Test applications include the generation of energy performance ratings based on a simple questionnaire. Other applications cover a range of individual building, policy or strategy contexts. A critical analysis is carried out of the applicability, scope and limitations of the method. The proposed method proved useful in a range of applications. For other applications some limitations were identified. How these can be addressed is discussed. The development and deployment examples are for a specific building stock but provide insights to enable replication for other situations. The research provides a foundation for further research and development. There is much evidence that selection of appropriate options is not sufficient to achieve low carbon performance. Many issues can lead to gaps between intended and actual performance. Problems are identified in the design and implementation of low carbon systems and controls. Problems include poor understanding, errors in implementation, and poor visibility of actual performance. The need for a method to address these problems is identified. The hypothesis is advanced that such a method can be developed. A Modular Control Mapping and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) method is then proposed and evaluated for a range of test applications to buildings intended to be low carbon. The insights from the test applications are reviewed and the scope and limitations of the proposed method discussed. Overall the applications were successful and the useful application demonstrated. The method was deployed post-occupancy, then applicability at various stages of the design process was demonstrated by using concept and detailed design information. The modular control mapping and FMEA process proposed leverages in part the approach taken in industrial sectors identified as benchmarks by proponents of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) initiative. The potential application of further processes from BIM benchmark industry is discussed in the context of current buildings industry initiatives. The performance assessment and option appraisal method, the modular control mapping and FMEA method, and the outcomes from their evaluations are intended to contribute to the realisation of low carbon buildings in practice. The future integration of both methods within a BIM framework is proposed

    Strategies for low carbon buildings, assessment of design options and the translation of design intent into performance in practice

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    To deliver low carbon buildings requires: a) Performance assessment and option appraisal; b) Industry process to translate selected options into low carbon performance in practice. This thesis aims to make some contribution in each of these two areas. Legislation such as the European Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is stimulating the market to put forward many technical options for design or retrofit of low carbon buildings. The need is identified here for a low cost, EPBD compatible, simulation based, real time method for performance assessment and upgrade option appraisal to inform decisions for a range of users with various levels of technical knowledge. The hypothesis is advanced that such a method can be developed. An EPBD compatible, dynamic simulation based, real time, performance assessment and option appraisal method is then proposed and evaluated. A range of test applications and user groups are considered. Test applications include the generation of energy performance ratings based on a simple questionnaire. Other applications cover a range of individual building, policy or strategy contexts. A critical analysis is carried out of the applicability, scope and limitations of the method. The proposed method proved useful in a range of applications. For other applications some limitations were identified. How these can be addressed is discussed. The development and deployment examples are for a specific building stock but provide insights to enable replication for other situations. The research provides a foundation for further research and development. There is much evidence that selection of appropriate options is not sufficient to achieve low carbon performance. Many issues can lead to gaps between intended and actual performance. Problems are identified in the design and implementation of low carbon systems and controls. Problems include poor understanding, errors in implementation, and poor visibility of actual performance. The need for a method to address these problems is identified. The hypothesis is advanced that such a method can be developed.;A Modular Control Mapping and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) method is then proposed and evaluated for a range of test applications to buildings intended to be low carbon. The insights from the test applications are reviewed and the scope and limitations of the proposed method discussed. Overall the applications were successful and the useful application demonstrated. The method was deployed post-occupancy, then applicability at various stages of the design process was demonstrated by using concept and detailed design information. The modular control mapping and FMEA process proposed leverages in part the approach taken in industrial sectors identified as benchmarks by proponents of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) initiative. The potential application of further processes from BIM benchmark industry is discussed in the context of current buildings industry initiatives. The performance assessment and option appraisal method, the modular control mapping and FMEA method, and the outcomes from their evaluations are intended to contribute to the realisation of low carbon buildings in practice. The future integration of both methods within a BIM framework is proposed.To deliver low carbon buildings requires: a) Performance assessment and option appraisal; b) Industry process to translate selected options into low carbon performance in practice. This thesis aims to make some contribution in each of these two areas. Legislation such as the European Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is stimulating the market to put forward many technical options for design or retrofit of low carbon buildings. The need is identified here for a low cost, EPBD compatible, simulation based, real time method for performance assessment and upgrade option appraisal to inform decisions for a range of users with various levels of technical knowledge. The hypothesis is advanced that such a method can be developed. An EPBD compatible, dynamic simulation based, real time, performance assessment and option appraisal method is then proposed and evaluated. A range of test applications and user groups are considered. Test applications include the generation of energy performance ratings based on a simple questionnaire. Other applications cover a range of individual building, policy or strategy contexts. A critical analysis is carried out of the applicability, scope and limitations of the method. The proposed method proved useful in a range of applications. For other applications some limitations were identified. How these can be addressed is discussed. The development and deployment examples are for a specific building stock but provide insights to enable replication for other situations. The research provides a foundation for further research and development. There is much evidence that selection of appropriate options is not sufficient to achieve low carbon performance. Many issues can lead to gaps between intended and actual performance. Problems are identified in the design and implementation of low carbon systems and controls. Problems include poor understanding, errors in implementation, and poor visibility of actual performance. The need for a method to address these problems is identified. The hypothesis is advanced that such a method can be developed.;A Modular Control Mapping and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) method is then proposed and evaluated for a range of test applications to buildings intended to be low carbon. The insights from the test applications are reviewed and the scope and limitations of the proposed method discussed. Overall the applications were successful and the useful application demonstrated. The method was deployed post-occupancy, then applicability at various stages of the design process was demonstrated by using concept and detailed design information. The modular control mapping and FMEA process proposed leverages in part the approach taken in industrial sectors identified as benchmarks by proponents of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) initiative. The potential application of further processes from BIM benchmark industry is discussed in the context of current buildings industry initiatives. The performance assessment and option appraisal method, the modular control mapping and FMEA method, and the outcomes from their evaluations are intended to contribute to the realisation of low carbon buildings in practice. The future integration of both methods within a BIM framework is proposed

    Sustainable reuse: the adaptive reuse of the Chattanooga Choo Choo into the Chattanooga Market using LEED

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    Buildings account for a significant percentage of energy use, material consumption, and waste production. This study argues that a solution for this issue is the adaptive reuse of existing buildings. Research shows that reusing existing buildings for new design projects helps to decrease the amount of energy consumed and waste produced. When adapting historic buildings specifically, the cultural significance within the community is maintained (Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2004). Sustainability has often been seen as more difficult when adapting historic buildings due to the importance of protecting the historical character and design of the building (Polo Lopez & Frontini, 2014). This thesis creates a hypothetical adaptive reuse plan for adapting the Chattanooga Choo Choo into the Chattanooga Market, a location that will be used by local farmers and vendors to sell their goods. The project will use the LEED v4: New Construction and Major Renovation rating system in an attempt to document a LEED certification for the building based on its current state. Showing that historically significant buildings can be renovated and reused in a sustainable manner can help pave the way for increased sustainable implementation of other historically significant buildings

    An Investigation to the Main Components of the Project Study Phase Deliverables and an In-depth Review into the Industry's Schedule Development Practices

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    One of the key causes of project’s productivity issues is insufficient attention to the project ‘study phase’. In certain developing countries, standard processes do not exist that define the project study phase components and usually project management defines its own (often non-structured) approach to manage the project. The driver for this research is to provide a recommended set of deliverables that can support construction companies to prepare standard procedures at the project study phase

    Evaluating the impact of adopting a component-based approach within the automotive domain

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    Component-based technology applied to the control system of production machinery is one of the new research developments in the automotive sector. Although it is important to evaluate the technical aspects of this new paradigm, an appreciation of the impact from the business and human aspects is equally important to the stakeholders in the industry. However, the current evaluation approaches do not offer a method to capture and analyse the component-based technology that is simple to use and produces results that are readily understood by the stakeholders involved in the process. This study is based upon a research project at Loughborough University to look into the effect of the implementation of a component-based control system for production machinery in the automotive sector (referred to as the component-based approach) and is focused on the business and the human aspects of the approach. [Continues.

    Realising operational energy performance in non-domestic buildings: Lessons learnt from initiatives applied in Cambridge

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    © 2017 by the authors. The gap between the intended and actual energy performance of buildings is increasingly well documented in the non-domestic building sector. Recognition of this issue has led to the availability of a large range of initiatives that seek to ensure energy efficient building operation. This article reviews the practical implementation of three such initiatives in a case study building at the University of Cambridge. The notionally high-performance office/laboratory building implemented two voluntary design frameworks during building planning and construction: the voluntary rating scheme BREEAM and a bespoke Soft Landings framework called the CambridgeWork Plan. The building additionally meets the energy reporting criteria for the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), a legislative requirement for many publicly owned buildings in the UK. The relative impact of these three approaches for optimising building energy performance is reviewed through a mixed methods approach of building occupant and operator interviews, document analysis and energy performance review. The building's core functions were revealed to consume 140% more energy than the building logbook estimate for the same needs. This difference, referred to widely as the energy performance gap, is larger than the majority of reported UK university buildings in the energy reporting database CarbonBuzz. The three implemented initiatives are demonstrated to be inadequate for reducing the energy performance gap in the case study, thus a number of alternative energy efficiency approaches are additionally reviewed. Common to the three approaches used in the case study is a lack of verification of actual building performance despite ambitious sustainability targets, due to a heavy focus on the design-stage and few follow-up mechanisms. The paper demonstrates the potential of energy efficiency initiatives that are focussed on operational performance as a core criterion (such as the Living Building Challenge) together with those that ensure the creation of realistic energy estimates at the design stage (such as the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Technical Memorandum 54)

    Managing end-users’ satisfaction during capital developments by adopting value engineering as project management tool

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    The burden of translating the end-users’ project briefs into the development of functional support facilities that enhance the performance of the core functions of the organisation require the use of dynamic modern project management methods. In the course of developing capital assets, it is inevitable that original designs are modified, some sections redesigned while some facilities or components are out-rightly removed due to budgetary, time or other constraints. It is imperative, therefore, to incorporate the end-users into the development process, so that managing changes, trade-offs, commissioning and project close-outs will be smooth and enhance the achievement of customers’ satisfaction. Customers’ satisfaction, in the context of this paper, is viewed in the light of how effective and functional the completed facilities enhance the performance of the core functions of the organisation. The case study method of qualitative research was used in this research. The research data were collected through semi-structured questionnaire complemented with interviews. The thematic method was used to analyse the interview data. The client and end-users provided information on the level of their satisfaction with the performance of the capital development unit as well as identified some areas of concern that require improvement. Recommendations made include the use of Value Engineering as a project management tool; considered suitable for the management of design or scope changes and ‘trade-offs’, in order to improve on the level of customers’ satisfaction

    Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory - Preliminary Design Report

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    The DUSEL Project has produced the Preliminary Design of the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) at the rehabilitated former Homestake mine in South Dakota. The Facility design calls for, on the surface, two new buildings - one a visitor and education center, the other an experiment assembly hall - and multiple repurposed existing buildings. To support underground research activities, the design includes two laboratory modules and additional spaces at a level 4,850 feet underground for physics, biology, engineering, and Earth science experiments. On the same level, the design includes a Department of Energy-shepherded Large Cavity supporting the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment. At the 7,400-feet level, the design incorporates one laboratory module and additional spaces for physics and Earth science efforts. With input from some 25 science and engineering collaborations, the Project has designed critical experimental space and infrastructure needs, including space for a suite of multidisciplinary experiments in a laboratory whose projected life span is at least 30 years. From these experiments, a critical suite of experiments is outlined, whose construction will be funded along with the facility. The Facility design permits expansion and evolution, as may be driven by future science requirements, and enables participation by other agencies. The design leverages South Dakota's substantial investment in facility infrastructure, risk retirement, and operation of its Sanford Laboratory at Homestake. The Project is planning education and outreach programs, and has initiated efforts to establish regional partnerships with underserved populations - regional American Indian and rural populations

    Level(s) – A common EU framework of core sustainability indicators for office and residential buildings: Part 3: How to make performance assessments using Level(s) (Beta v1.0)

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    Developed as a common EU framework of core indicators for the sustainability of office and residential buildings, Level(s) provides a set of indicators and common metrics for measuring the performance of buildings along their life cycle. As well as environmental performance, which is the main focus, it also enables other important related performance aspects to be assessed using indicators and tools for health and comfort, life cycle cost and potential future risks to performance. Level(s) aims to provide a general language of sustainability for buildings. This common language should enable actions to be taken at building level that can make a clear contribution to broader European environmental policy objectives. It is structured as follows: 1. Macro-objectives: An overarching set of six macro-objectives for the Level(s) framework that contribute to EU and Member State policy objectives in areas such as energy, material use and waste, water and indoor air quality. 2. Core Indicators: A set of 9 common indicators for measuring the performance of buildings which contribute to achieving each macro-objective. 3. Life cycle tools: A set of 4 scenario tools and 1 data collection tool, together with a simplified Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, that are designed to support a more holistic analysis of the performance of buildings based on whole life cycle thinking. 4. Value and risk rating: A checklist and rating system provides information on the potential positive contribution to a property valuation and the underlying reliability of performance assessments made using the Level(s) framework. In addition, the Level(s) framework aims to promote life cycle thinking. It guides users from an initial focus on individual aspects of building performance towards a more holistic perspective, with the aim of wider European use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA). Part 3 of the Level(s) documentation provides a complete set of technical guidance on how to make performance assessments at each of the three different Levels, and then to report on the results.JRC.B.5-Circular Economy and Industrial Leadershi