19,467 research outputs found

    Australian firearm identification system based on the ballistics images of projectile specimens

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    Charactetistic markings on the cartridge case and projectile of a fired bullet are created when it is fired. Over thirty different features within these marks can be distinguished, which in combination produce a fingerprint for a firearm. By analyzing features within such a set of fireann :fingerprints, it will be possible to identify not only the type and model of a fireann, but also each every individual weapon as effectively as human :fingerprint identification. A new analytic system based on fast Fourier transform (FFT) for identifying the projectile specimens by the line-scan imaging technique is proposed in this paper. Experimental results show that the proposed system can be used for firearm identification efficiently and precisely through digitizing and analyzing the fired projectiles specimens

    Fragmentation cross sections of 158 A GeV Pb ions in various targets measured with CR39 nuclear track detectors

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    We report the measurement of the fragmentation cross sections in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions using the 158 A GeV Pb beam from the CERN-SPS. The fragments have charges changed from that of the incident projectile nucleus by ΔZ=ZPbZfrag\Delta Z=Z_{Pb}-Z_{frag}, with 8 <\Delta Z <75. The targets range from polyethylene to lead. Charge identification is made with CR39 nuclear track detectors, measured with an automatic image analyzer system. The measured fragmentation cross sections are parameterized with an empirical relation in terms of the atomic mass of the target, and of the charge of the final fragment.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Projectile fragmentation reactions and production of nuclei near the neutron drip-line

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    The reaction mechanism of projectile fragmentation at intermediate energies has been investigated observing the target dependence of the production cross sections of very neutron-rich nuclei. Measurement of longitudinal momentum distributions of projectile-like fragments within a wide range of fragment mass and its charge was performed using a hundred-MeV/n 40^{40}Ar beam incident on Be and Ta targets. By measurement of fragment momentum distribution, a parabolic mass dependence of momentum peak shift was observed in the results of both targets, and a phenomenon of light-fragment acceleration was found only in the Be-target data. The analysis of production cross sections revealed an obvious enhancement of the target dependence except target size effect when the neutron excess is increased. This result implies the breakdown of factorization (BOF) of production cross sections for very neutron-rich nuclei near the drip line.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Isospin diffusion in semi-peripheral 58Ni^{58}Ni + 197Au^{197}Au collisions at intermediate energies (I): Experimental results

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    Isospin diffusion in semi-peripheral collisions is probed as a function of the dissipated energy by studying two systems 58Ni^{58}Ni + 58Ni^{58}Ni and 58Ni^{58}Ni + 197Au^{197}Au, over the incident energy range 52-74\AM. A close examination of the multiplicities of light products in the forward part of phase space clearly shows an influence of the isospin of the target on the neutron richness of these products. A progressive isospin diffusion is observed when collisions become more central, in connection with the interaction time

    Collisions of Deformed Nuclei: A Path to the Far Side of the Superheavy Island

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    A detailed understanding of complete fusion cross sections in heavy-ion collisions requires a consideration of the effects of the deformation of the projectile and target. Our aim here is to show that deformation and orientation of the colliding nuclei have a very significant effect on the fusion-barrier height and on the compactness of the touching configuration. To facilitate discussions of fusion configurations of deformed nuclei, we develop a classification scheme and introduce a notation convention for these configurations. We discuss particular deformations and orientations that lead to compact touching configurations and to fusion-barrier heights that correspond to fairly low excitation energies of the compound systems. Such configurations should be the most favorable for producing superheavy elements. We analyse a few projectile-target combinations whose deformations allow favorable entrance-channel configurations and whose proton and neutron numbers lead to compound systems in a part of the superheavy region where alpha half-lives are calculated to be observable, that is, longer than 1 microsecond.Comment: 15 pages. LaTeX with iopconf.sty style file. Submitted to Nuclear Physics A. 25 figures not included here. PostScript version with figures available at http://t2.lanl.gov/pub/publications/publications.html or at ftp://t2.lanl.gov/pub/publications/cd

    Analysis of charged particle emission sources and coalescence in E/A = 61 MeV 36^{36}Ar + 27^{27}Al, 112^{112}Sn and 124^{124}Sn collisions

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    Single-particle kinetic energy spectra and two-particle small angle correlations of protons (pp), deuterons (dd) and tritons (tt) have been measured simultaneously in 61A MeV 36^{36}Ar + 27^{27}Al, 112^{112}Sn and 124^{124}Sn collisions. Characteristics of the emission sources have been derived from a ``source identification plot'' (βsource\beta_{source}--ECME_{CM} plot), constructed from the single-particle invariant spectra, and compared to the complementary results from two-particle correlation functions. Furthermore, the source identification plot has been used to determine the conditions when the coalescence mechanism can be applied for composite particles. In our data, this is the case only for the Ar + Al reaction, where pp, dd and tt are found to originate from a common source of emission (from the overlap region between target and projectile). In this case, the coalescence model parameter, p~0\tilde{p}_0 -- the radius of the complex particle emission source in momentum space, has been analyzed.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nuclear Physics

    Timescale for equilibration of N/Z gradients in dinuclear systems

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    Equilibration of N/Z in binary breakup of an excited and transiently deformed projectile-like fragment (PLF*), produced in peripheral collisions of 64Zn + 27Al, 64Zn, 209Bi at E/A = 45 MeV, is examined. The composition of emitted light fragments (3<=Z<=6) changes with the decay angle of the PLF*. The most neutron-rich fragments observed are associated with a small rotation angle. A clear target dependence is observed with the largest initial N/Z correlated with the heavy, neutron-rich target. Using the rotation angle as a clock, we deduce that N/Z equilibration persists for times as long as 3-4 zs (1zs = 1 x 10^-21 s = 300 fm/c). The rate of N/Z equilibration is found to depend on the initial neutron gradient within the PLF*.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure