79 research outputs found

    Information Analysis for Steganography and Steganalysis in 3D Polygonal Meshes

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    Information hiding, which embeds a watermark/message over a cover signal, has recently found extensive applications in, for example, copyright protection, content authentication and covert communication. It has been widely considered as an appealing technology to complement conventional cryptographic processes in the field of multimedia security by embedding information into the signal being protected. Generally, information hiding can be classified into two categories: steganography and watermarking. While steganography attempts to embed as much information as possible into a cover signal, watermarking tries to emphasize the robustness of the embedded information at the expense of embedding capacity. In contrast to information hiding, steganalysis aims at detecting whether a given medium has hidden message in it, and, if possible, recover that hidden message. It can be used to measure the security performance of information hiding techniques, meaning a steganalysis resistant steganographic/watermarking method should be imperceptible not only to Human Vision Systems (HVS), but also to intelligent analysis. As yet, 3D information hiding and steganalysis has received relatively less attention compared to image information hiding, despite the proliferation of 3D computer graphics models which are fairly promising information carriers. This thesis focuses on this relatively neglected research area and has the following primary objectives: 1) to investigate the trade-off between embedding capacity and distortion by considering the correlation between spatial and normal/curvature noise in triangle meshes; 2) to design satisfactory 3D steganographic algorithms, taking into account this trade-off; 3) to design robust 3D watermarking algorithms; 4) to propose a steganalysis framework for detecting the existence of the hidden information in 3D models and introduce a universal 3D steganalytic method under this framework. %and demonstrate the performance of the proposed steganalysis by testing it against six well-known 3D steganographic/watermarking methods. The thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 describes in detail the background relating to information hiding and steganalysis, as well as the research problems this thesis will be studying. Chapter 2 conducts a survey on the previous information hiding techniques for digital images, 3D models and other medium and also on image steganalysis algorithms. Motivated by the observation that the knowledge of the spatial accuracy of the mesh vertices does not easily translate into information related to the accuracy of other visually important mesh attributes such as normals, Chapters 3 and 4 investigate the impact of modifying vertex coordinates of 3D triangle models on the mesh normals. Chapter 3 presents the results of an empirical investigation, whereas Chapter 4 presents the results of a theoretical study. Based on these results, a high-capacity 3D steganographic algorithm capable of controlling embedding distortion is also presented in Chapter 4. In addition to normal information, several mesh interrogation, processing and rendering algorithms make direct or indirect use of curvature information. Motivated by this, Chapter 5 studies the relation between Discrete Gaussian Curvature (DGC) degradation and vertex coordinate modifications. Chapter 6 proposes a robust watermarking algorithm for 3D polygonal models, based on modifying the histogram of the distances from the model vertices to a point in 3D space. That point is determined by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the cover model. The use of PCA makes the watermarking method robust against common 3D operations, such as rotation, translation and vertex reordering. In addition, Chapter 6 develops a 3D specific steganalytic algorithm to detect the existence of the hidden messages embedded by one well-known watermarking method. By contrast, the focus of Chapter 7 will be on developing a 3D watermarking algorithm that is resistant to mesh editing or deformation attacks that change the global shape of the mesh. By adopting a framework which has been successfully developed for image steganalysis, Chapter 8 designs a 3D steganalysis method to detect the existence of messages hidden in 3D models with existing steganographic and watermarking algorithms. The efficiency of this steganalytic algorithm has been evaluated on five state-of-the-art 3D watermarking/steganographic methods. Moreover, being a universal steganalytic algorithm can be used as a benchmark for measuring the anti-steganalysis performance of other existing and most importantly future watermarking/steganographic algorithms. Chapter 9 concludes this thesis and also suggests some potential directions for future work

    ROI Based Quality Access Control of Compressed Color Image using DWT via Lifting

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    Region-of-Interest (ROI) in an image or video signal contains important information and may be used for access control at various qualities using multiresolution analysis (MRA). This paper proposes a novel quality access control method of compressed color image by modulating the coefficients of ROI at various levels. Data modulation causes visual degradation in the original image and plays the key role in access control through reversible process. The modulation information, in the form of a secret key, is embedded in non-ROI part of the chrominance blue (Cb) channel of the color image using quantization index modulation (QIM). Lifting based DWT, rather than conventional DWT, is used to decompose the original image in order to achieve two-fold advantages, namely (1) better flexibility and low loss in image quality due to QIM and (2) better decoding reliability that leads to better access control. Only the authorized users having the full knowledge of the secret key restore the full quality of ROI. Simulation results duly support this claims

    Study on high Performance and Effective Watermarking Scheme using Hybrid Transform (DCT-DWT)

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    Nowadays healthcare infrastructure depends on Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Radiology Information Systems (RIS),Picture archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) as these provide new ways to store, access and distribute medical data . It eliminates the security risk. Conversely, these developments have introduced new risks for unsuitable deployment of medical information flowing in open networks, provided the effortlessness with which digital content can be manipulated. It is renowned that the integrity and confidentiality of medical data is a serious topic for ethical and legal reasons. Medical images need to be kept intact in any condition and prior to any operation as well need to be checked for integrity and verification. Watermarking is a budding technology that is capable of assisting this aim. In recent times, frequency domain watermarking algorithms have gained immense importance due to their widespread use. Subsequently, the watermark embedding and extraction are performed in frequency domain using the presented scheme. The proposed watermarking scheme, the watermark extraction compared with the original image for calculating SSIM.The effectiveness of the proposed watermarking scheme is demonstrated with the aid of experimental results

    Wavelet-Based Audio Embedding & Audio/Video Compression

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    With the decline in military spending, the United States relies heavily on state side support. Communications has never been more important. High-quality audio and video capabilities are a must. Watermarking, traditionally used for copyright protection, is used in a new and exciting way. An efficient wavelet-based watermarking technique embeds audio information into a video signal. Several highly effective compression techniques are applied to compress the resulting audio/video signal in an embedded fashion. This wavelet-based compression algorithm incorporates bit plane coding, first difference coding, and Huffman coding. To demonstrate the potential of this audio embedding audio/video compression system, an audio signal is embedded into a video signal and the combined signal is compressed. Results show that overall compression rates of 15:1 can be achieved. The video signal is reconstructed with a median PSNR of nearly 33dB. Finally, the audio signal is extracted with out error

    WAVELET BASED DATA HIDING OF DEM IN THE CONTEXT OF REALTIME 3D VISUALIZATION (Visualisation 3D Temps-Réel à Distance de MNT par Insertion de Données Cachées Basée Ondelettes)

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    The use of aerial photographs, satellite images, scanned maps and digital elevation models necessitates the setting up of strategies for the storage and visualization of these data. In order to obtain a three dimensional visualization it is necessary to drape the images, called textures, onto the terrain geometry, called Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Practically, all these information are stored in three different files: DEM, texture and position/projection of the data in a geo-referential system. In this paper we propose to stock all these information in a single file for the purpose of synchronization. For this we have developed a wavelet-based embedding method for hiding the data in a colored image. The texture images containing hidden DEM data can then be sent from the server to a client in order to effect 3D visualization of terrains. The embedding method is integrable with the JPEG2000 coder to accommodate compression and multi-resolution visualization. Résumé L'utilisation de photographies aériennes, d'images satellites, de cartes scannées et de modèles numériques de terrains amène à mettre en place des stratégies de stockage et de visualisation de ces données. Afin d'obtenir une visualisation en trois dimensions, il est nécessaire de lier ces images appelées textures avec la géométrie du terrain nommée Modèle Numérique de Terrain (MNT). Ces informations sont en pratiques stockées dans trois fichiers différents : MNT, texture, position et projection des données dans un système géo-référencé. Dans cet article, nous proposons de stocker toutes ces informations dans un seul fichier afin de les synchroniser. Nous avons développé pour cela une méthode d'insertion de données cachées basée ondelettes dans une image couleur. Les images de texture contenant les données MNT cachées peuvent ensuite être envoyées du serveur au client afin d'effectuer une visualisation 3D de terrains. Afin de combiner une visualisation en multirésolution et une compression, l'insertion des données cachées est intégrable dans le codeur JPEG 2000

    Redundant Image Representations in Security Applications

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    To be efficient, data protection algorithms should generally exploit the properties of the media information in the transform domain. In this paper, we will advocate the use of non-linear image approximations using highly redundant dictionaries, for security algorithms. We show that a flexible image representation based on a multidimensional and geometry-based coding scheme, has precious attributes for security information embedding. Redundant expansions provide very good approximation properties, as well as an increased resiliency to coding noise, and a simple stream structure enables easy manipulations. This paper describes simple examples of image scrambling and watermarking applications, based on a Matching Pursuit image coder. It illustrates the very interesting potential of redundant decompositions for data protection and security applications

    The Applications of Discrete Wavelet Transform in Image Processing: A Review

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    This paper reviews the newly published works on applying waves to image processing depending on the analysis of multiple solutions. the wavelet transformation reviewed in detail including wavelet function, integrated wavelet transformation, discrete wavelet transformation, rapid wavelet transformation, DWT properties, and DWT advantages. After reviewing the basics of wavelet transformation theory, various applications of wavelet are reviewed and multi-solution analysis, including image compression, image reduction, image optimization, and image watermark. In addition, we present the concept and theory of quadruple waves for the future progress of wavelet transform applications and quadruple solubility applications. The aim of this paper is to provide a wide-ranging review of the survey found able on wavelet-based image processing applications approaches. It will be beneficial for scholars to execute effective image processing applications approaches

    A review of compressive sensing in information security field

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    The applications of compressive sensing (CS) in the fi eld of information security have captured a great deal of researchers\u27 attention in the past decade. To supply guidance for researchers from a comprehensive perspective, this paper, for the fi rst time, reviews CS in information security field from two aspects: theoretical security and application security. Moreover, the CS applied in image cipher is one of the most widespread applications, as its characteristics of dimensional reduction and random projection can be utilized and integrated into image cryptosystems, which can achieve simultaneous compression and encryption of an image or multiple images. With respect to this application, the basic framework designs and the corresponding analyses are investigated. Speci fically, the investigation proceeds from three aspects, namely, image ciphers based on chaos and CS, image ciphers based on optics and CS, and image ciphers based on chaos, optics, and CS. A total of six frameworks are put forward. Meanwhile, their analyses in terms of security, advantages, disadvantages, and so on are presented. At last, we attempt to indicate some other possible application research topics in future

    Watermarking digital image and video data. A state-of-the-art overview

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