253,201 research outputs found

    Life cycle assessment (LCA) applied to the process industry: a review

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    Purpose : Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is a well-established analytical method to quantify environmental impacts, which has been mainly applied to products. However, recent literature would suggest that it has also the potential as an analysis and design tool for processes, and stresses that one of the biggest challenges of this decade in the field of process systems engineering (PSE) is the development of tools for environmental considerations. Method : This article attempts to give an overview of the integration of LCA methodology in the context of industrial ecology, and focuses on the use of this methodology for environmental considerations concerning process design and optimization. Results : The review identifies that LCA is often used as a multi-objective optimization of processes: practitioners use LCA to obtain the inventory and inject the results into the optimization model. It also shows that most of the LCA studies undertaken on process analysis consider the unit processes as black boxes and build the inventory analysis on fixed operating conditions. Conclusions : The article highlights the interest to better assimilate PSE tools with LCA methodology, in order to produce a more detailed analysis. This will allow optimizing the influence of process operating conditions on environmental impacts and including detailed environmental results into process industry

    Review of Life Cycle Assessment in Agro-Chemical Processes

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    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method used to evaluate the potential impacts on the environment of a product, process, or activity throughout its life cycle. Today’s LCA users are a mixture of individuals with skills in different disciplines who want to evaluate their products, processes, or activities in a life cycle context. This study attempts to present some of the LCA studies on agro-chemical processes, recent advances in LCA and their application on food products and non-food products. Due to the recent development of LCA methodologies and dissemination programs by international and local bodies, use of LCA is rapidly increasing in agricultural and industrial products. The literatures suggest that LCA coupled with other environmental approaches provides much more reliable and comprehensive information to environmentally conscious policy makers, producers, and consumers in selecting sustainable products and production processes. For this purpose, a field study of LCA of biodiesel from Jatropha curcas has been taken as an example in the study. In the past, LCA has been applied primarily to products but recent literature suggests that it has also the potential as an analysis and design tool for processes and services. In general, all primary industries use energy and water resources and emit pollutants gases. LCA is a method to report on and analyze these resource issues across the life cycle of agro-chemical processes. This review has the importance as a first part of a research project to develop a life cycle assessment methodology for agro-chemical industries. It presents the findings of a literature review that focuses on LCA of agriculture and chemical engineering literatur

    Development of the Integrated Model of the Automotive Product Quality Assessment

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    Issues on building an integrated model of the automotive product quality assessment are studied herein basing on widely applicable methods and models of the quality assessment. A conceptual model of the automotive product quality system meeting customer requirements has been developed. Typical characteristics of modern industrial production are an increase in the production dynamism that determines the product properties; a continuous increase in the volume of information required for decision-making, an increased role of knowledge and high technologies implementing absolutely new scientific and technical ideas. To solve the problem of increasing the automotive product quality, a conceptual structural and hierarchical model is offered to ensure its quality as a closed system with feedback between the regulatory, manufacturing, and information modules, responsible for formation of the product quality at all stages of its life cycle. The three module model of the system of the industrial product quality assurance is considered to be universal and to give the opportunity to explore processes of any complexity while solving theoretical and practical problems of the quality assessment and prediction for products for various purposes, including automotive

    Needs and challenges for assessing the environmental impacts of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs).

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    The potential environmental impact of nanomaterials is a critical concern and the ability to assess these potential impacts is top priority for the progress of sustainable nanotechnology. Risk assessment tools are needed to enable decision makers to rapidly assess the potential risks that may be imposed by engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), particularly when confronted by the reality of limited hazard or exposure data. In this review, we examine a range of available risk assessment frameworks considering the contexts in which different stakeholders may need to assess the potential environmental impacts of ENMs. Assessment frameworks and tools that are suitable for the different decision analysis scenarios are then identified. In addition, we identify the gaps that currently exist between the needs of decision makers, for a range of decision scenarios, and the abilities of present frameworks and tools to meet those needs

    Assessing variability in carbon footprint throughout the food supply chain: a case study of Valencian oranges

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    [EN] Purpose This study aims to analyse the variability in the carbon footprint (CF) of organically and conventionally produced Valencian oranges (Spain), including both farming and post-harvest (PH) stages. At the same time, two issues regarding sample representativeness are addressed: how to determine confidence intervals from small samples and how to calculate the aggregated mean CF (and its variability) when the inventory is derived from different sources. Methods The functional unit was 1 kg of oranges at a European distribution centre. Farming data come from a survey of two samples of organic and conventional farms; PH data come from one PH centre; and data on exportation to the main European markets were obtained from official secondary sources. To assess the variability of the farming subsystem, a bootstrap of the mean CF was performed. The variability of the PH subsystem was assessed through a Monte Carlo simulation and a subsequent subsampling bootstrap. A weighted discrete distribution of the CF of distribution and end-of-life (EoL) was built, which was also bootstrapped. The empirical distribution of the overall CF was obtained by summing all iterations of the three bootstrap procedures of the subsystems. Results and discussion The CF of the baseline scenarios for conventional and organic production were 0.82 and 0.67 kg CO2 equivalent·kg orange¿1, respectively; the difference between their values was due mainly to differences in the farming subsystem. Distribution and EoL was the subsystem contributing the most to the CF (59.3 and 75.7% of the total CF for conventional and organic oranges, respectively), followed by the farming subsystem (34.1 and 19.8% for conventional and organic oranges, respectively). The confidence intervals for the CF of oranges were 0.72¿0.92 and 0.61¿0.82 kg CO2 equivalent·kg orange¿1 for conventional and organic oranges, respectively, and a significant difference was found between them. If organic production were to reach 50% of the total exported production, the CF would be reduced by 5.4¿8.4%. Conclusions The case study and the methods used show that bootstrap techniques can help to test for the existence of significant differences and estimate confidence intervals of the mean CF. Furthermore, these techniques allow several CF sources to be combined so as to estimate the uncertainty in the mean CF estimate. Assessing the variability in the mean CF (or in other environmental impacts) gives a more reliable measure of the mean impact.The Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for provided financial support in the project Design of a life-cycle indicator for sustainability in agricultural systems (CTM2013-47340-R).Ribal, J.; Estruch, V.; Clemente, G.; Loreto Fenollosa, M.; Sanjuan, N. (2019). Assessing variability in carbon footprint throughout the food supply chain: a case study of Valencian oranges. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 24(8):1515-1532. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-018-01580-9S15151532248Agustí M, Martínez-Fuentes A, Mesejo C (2002) Citrus fruit quality. Physiological basis and techniques of improvement. Agrociencia 6(2):1–16Altman N, Krzywinski M (2017) Points of significance: P values and the search for significance. Nat Methods 14:1–4De Backer ED, Aertsens J, Vergucht S, Steurbaut W (2009) Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA): a case study of leek production. Brit Food J 111(10):1028–1061Beccali M, Cellura M, Iudicello M, Mistretta M (2009) Resource consumption and environmental impacts of the Agrofood sector: life cycle assessment of Italian citrus-based products. J Environ Manag 43(4):707–724Bessou C, Basset-Mens C, Latunussa C, Vélu A, Heitz H, Vannière H, Caliman JP (2016) Partial modelling of the perennial crop cycle misleads LCA results in two contrasted case studies. Int J Life Cycle Assess 21(3):297–310Boone L, De Meester S, Vandecasteele B, Muylle H, Roldán-Ruiz I, Nemecek T, Dewulf J (2016) Environmental life cycle assessment of grain maize production: an analysis of factors causing variability. Sci Total Environ 553:551–564Boulard T, Raeppel C, Brun R, Lecompte F, Hayer F, Carmassi G, Gaillard G (2011) Environmental impact of greenhouse tomato production in France. Agron Sustain Dev 31(4):757–777CAMACCDR (2017a) Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleriad’Agricultura, Med Ambient, Canvi Climatic i Desenvolupament Rural. Informe del Sector Agrari Valencià 2015. Available at: http://www.agroambient.gva.es/documents/162218839/163510152/ISAV2015/ccc50371-e0c8-4462-9f3a-259fac20c49e . Accessed 9 March 2017CAMACCDR (2017b) Generalitat Valenciana. 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Accessed 10 March 2017Chen X, Corson MS (2014) Influence of emission-factor uncertainty and farm-characteristic variability in LCA estimates of environmental impacts of French dairy farms. J Clean Prod 81:150–157Chernick MR (2008) Bootstrap methods: a guide for practitioners and researchers. John Wilery & Sons. Inc., Hoboken, New JerseyChernick MR, LaBudde RA (2011) An introduction to bootstrap methods with applications to R. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New JerseyColtro L, Mourad AL, Kletecke RM, Mendonça TA, Germer SPM (2009) Assessing the environmental profile of orange production in Brazil. Int J Life Cycle Assess 14(7):656–664Escobar N, Ribal J, Clemente G, Rodrigo A, Pascual A, Sanjuán N (2015) Uncertainty analysis in the environmental assessment of an integrated management system for restaurants and catering waste. 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EXPORTACIÓN/IMPORTACIÓN ESPAÑOLAS DE FRUTAS Y HORTALIZAS. Available at: http://www.fepex.es/datos-del-sector/exportacion-importacion-espa%C3%B1ola-frutas-hortalizas . Accessed 11 January 2017Finkbeiner M (2009) Carbon footprinting—opportunities and threats. Int J Life Cycle Assess 14:91–94Heidari MD, Mobli H, Omid M, Rafiee S, Marbini VJ, Elshout PM, Huijbregts MA (2017) Spatial and technological variability in the carbon footprint of durum wheat production in Iran. Int J Life Cycle Assess 22(12):1893–1900Heijungs R, Huijbregts M (2004) A review of approaches to treat uncertainty in LCA. In: Pahl C, Schmidt S, Jakeman T (eds) iEMSs 2004 International Congress: complexity and integrated resources management. International Environmental Modeling and Software Society, OsnabrueckHenriksson PJ, Heijungs R, Dao HM, Phan LT, de Snoo GR, Guinée JB (2015) Product carbon footprints and their uncertainties in comparative decision contexts. 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Springer, Boston, pp 309–328Keyes S, Tyedmers P, Beazley K (2015) Evaluating the environmental impacts of conventional and organic apple production in Nova Scotia, Canada, through life cycle assessment. J Clean Prod 104:40–51Knudsen MT, de Almeida G, Langer V, de Abreu LS, Halberg N (2011) Environmental assessment of organic juice imported to Denmark: a case study on oranges (Citrus sinensis) from Brazil. Org Agric 1:167–185Lacirignola M, Blanc P, Girard R, Perez-Lopez P, Blanc I (2017) LCA of emerging technologies: addressing high uncertainty on inputs’ variability when performing global sensitivity analysis. Sci Total Environ 578:268–280Laurent A, Olsen SI, Hauschild MZ (2012) Limitations of carbon footprint as indicator of environmental sustainability. Environ Sci Technol 46(7):4100–4108Leys C, Ley C, Klein O, Bernard P, Licata L (2013) Detecting outliers: do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median. 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    Eco‐Holonic 4.0 Circular Business Model to  Conceptualize Sustainable Value Chain Towards  Digital Transition 

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    The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize a circular business model based on an Eco-Holonic Architecture, through the integration of circular economy and holonic principles. A conceptual model is developed to manage the complexity of integrating circular economy principles, digital transformation, and tools and frameworks for sustainability into business models. The proposed architecture is multilevel and multiscale in order to achieve the instantiation of the sustainable value chain in any territory. The architecture promotes the incorporation of circular economy and holonic principles into new circular business models. This integrated perspective of business model can support the design and upgrade of the manufacturing companies in their respective industrial sectors. The conceptual model proposed is based on activity theory that considers the interactions between technical and social systems and allows the mitigation of the metabolic rift that exists between natural and social metabolism. This study contributes to the existing literature on circular economy, circular business models and activity theory by considering holonic paradigm concerns, which have not been explored yet. This research also offers a unique holonic architecture of circular business model by considering different levels, relationships, dynamism and contextualization (territory) aspects

    Expert Elicitation for Reliable System Design

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    This paper reviews the role of expert judgement to support reliability assessments within the systems engineering design process. Generic design processes are described to give the context and a discussion is given about the nature of the reliability assessments required in the different systems engineering phases. It is argued that, as far as meeting reliability requirements is concerned, the whole design process is more akin to a statistical control process than to a straightforward statistical problem of assessing an unknown distribution. This leads to features of the expert judgement problem in the design context which are substantially different from those seen, for example, in risk assessment. In particular, the role of experts in problem structuring and in developing failure mitigation options is much more prominent, and there is a need to take into account the reliability potential for future mitigation measures downstream in the system life cycle. An overview is given of the stakeholders typically involved in large scale systems engineering design projects, and this is used to argue the need for methods that expose potential judgemental biases in order to generate analyses that can be said to provide rational consensus about uncertainties. Finally, a number of key points are developed with the aim of moving toward a framework that provides a holistic method for tracking reliability assessment through the design process.Comment: This paper commented in: [arXiv:0708.0285], [arXiv:0708.0287], [arXiv:0708.0288]. Rejoinder in [arXiv:0708.0293]. Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/088342306000000510 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    1991 NASA Life Support Systems Analysis workshop

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    The 1991 Life Support Systems Analysis Workshop was sponsored by NASA Headquarters' Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology (OAST) to foster communication among NASA, industrial, and academic specialists, and to integrate their inputs and disseminate information to them. The overall objective of systems analysis within the Life Support Technology Program of OAST is to identify, guide the development of, and verify designs which will increase the performance of the life support systems on component, subsystem, and system levels for future human space missions. The specific goals of this workshop were to report on the status of systems analysis capabilities, to integrate the chemical processing industry technologies, and to integrate recommendations for future technology developments related to systems analysis for life support systems. The workshop included technical presentations, discussions, and interactive planning, with time allocated for discussion of both technology status and time-phased technology development recommendations. Key personnel from NASA, industry, and academia delivered inputs and presentations on the status and priorities of current and future systems analysis methods and requirements