16 research outputs found

    Social Bots As an Instrument of Influence in Social Networks: Typologization Problems

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    Nowadays, in the field of social bots investigations, we can observe a new research trend — a shift from a technology-centered to sociology-centered interpretations. It leads to the creation of new perspectives for sociology: now the phenomenon of social bots is not only considered as one of the efficient manipulative technologies but has a wider meaning: new communicative technologies have an informational impact on the social networks space. The objective of this research is to assess the new approaches of the established social bots typologies (based on the fields of their usage, objectives, degree of human behavior imitation), and also consider the ambiguity and controversy of the use of such typologies using the example of botnets operating in the VKontakte social network. A method of botnet identification is based on comprehensive methodology developed by the authors which includes the frequency analysis of published messages, botnet profiling, statistical analysis of content, analysis of botnet structural organization, division of content into semantic units, forming content clusters, content analysis inside the clusters, identification of extremes — maximum number of unique texts published by botnets in a particular cluster for a certain period. The methodology was applied for the botnet space investigation of Russian online social network VKontakte in February and October 2018. The survey has fixed that among 10 of the most active performing botnets, three botnets were identified that demonstrate the ambiguity and controversy of their typologization according to the following criteria: botnet “Defrauded shareholders of LenSpetsStroy” — according to the field of their usage, botnet “Political news in Russian and Ukrainian languages” — according to their objectives, botnet “Ksenia Sobchak” — according to the level of human behavior imitation. The authors identified the prospects for sociological analysis of different types of bots in a situation of growing accessibility and routinization of bot technologies used in social networks. Keywords: social bots, botnets, classification, VKontakte social networ


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    Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, refers to the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the internet and other computer networks. Internet is the rapidest growing media during the past decade. It has changed the look of new era. Especially, online shopping is a rapidly growing e- commerce area. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have internet access both at work and at home. A successful web store is not just a good looking website with dynamic technical features, listed in many search engines but it always looks forward for consumer satisfaction. This study aims to establish a preliminary assessment, evaluation and understanding of the characteristics of online shopping. An effort has been made to investigate online consumer behaviour, which in turn provides E-marketers with a constructional framework for fine-tuning their E-businesses? strategies

    Identifying Potentiality Online Sales In Malaysia: A Study On Customer Relationships Online Shopping

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    Understanding of consumers buying pattern through internet and motivation of consumers to online shopping and what product has potential of online sales are critical questions. The purpose of this study was to identify the potential of online sales. The study started with verifying consumer online behavior and model of potential of online sales. The results showed only two factors, gender and family income was significant relationship with overall attitudes towards online shopping. In addition, results indicated that weekly internet use, having experience in e-shopping, and willingness to shopping online in the future have significant relationship with overall attitude towards online shopping. Moreover, results   proved that there is significant difference between human senses in online decision-making process and it is explored to customers who experienced shopping a product or they were satisfied previously, which have stronger confidence to do online shopping. The estimation of Logistic model shows that potential of online sales is affected significantly by consumer overall attitudes towards online shopping, product type, familiarity and confidence

    Precio no monetario percibido en alojamientos e-peer-to-peer. La perspectiva de los huéspedes de Airbnb

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    [EN] Price is considered as a key variable in predicting buying behavior. However, few studies have focused on how non-monetary price is affected and can affect other components of the consumer endogenous variables. This paper seeks (1) to analyze the effects of antecedents of behavioural price (past experience, the benefits and risks of peer to peer accommodation services) on the guest perceived price, and (2) to determine the effect of this price and past experience on guest intentions. With a sample of 136 Airbnb guests and the use of SEM, results show that past experience, financial risk, and time risk influence the non-monetary perceived price. This price and past experience affect guest intentions. This paper tries to bridge certain gaps detected in the literature: (1) we propose to extend the two main factors underlined, considering non-monetary costs, (2) this paper focuses on peer consumers because there is a lack of specification in previous studies due to authors have not differentiated users into host or guest when they analyse intentions, (3) previous literature has research in Airbnb prices but not in the factors that affect price, not in behavioural price strategies, and (4) much of the work to date has been qualitative in nature, whereas this study takes a quantitative approach.[ES] El precio se considera una variable clave a la hora de determinar el comportamiento de compra. Sin embargo, pocos estudios se han centrado en investigar cómo el precio no monetario se ve afectado y puede afectar otras variables endógenas del consumidor. Así, este trabajo persigue (1) analizar los antecedentes en el precio comportamental (experiencia previa, beneficios y riesgos de los servicios de alojamiento peer-to-peer), y (2) determinar el efecto de este precio no monetario y de la experiencia pasada en las intenciones del huésped. Con una muestra de 136 huéspedes de Airbnb y el uso de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, los resultados muestran que la experiencia pasada, el riesgo financiero y el riesgo de tiempo influyen en el precio no monetario percibido. Este precio y la experiencia pasada influyen en las intenciones de los huéspedes. Así, a través de este manuscrito, se persiguen cubrir ciertos gaps detectados en la literatura: (1) proponemos ampliar los dos factores principales subrayados, considerando los precios no monetarios, (2) este trabajo se centra en los huéspedes debido a que estudios previos no han diferenciado entre anfitriones o huéspedes al analizar las intenciones, (3) si bien algunos trabajos previos han investigado sobre los precios de Airbnb, no han analizado los factores que los afectan, ni las estrategias de precios no monetarios, y (4) gran parte del trabajo, hasta la fecha, ha sido de naturaleza cualitativa, mientras que este estudio adopta un enfoque cuantitativo

    The role of attitude toward chatbots and privacy concern on the relationship between attitude toward mobile advertising and behavioral intent to use chatbots.

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    Abstract Chatbots are technological tools equipped with artificial intelligence that allow companies to interact with their consumers. Through their computers or mobile devices, consumers can use this technology to search for information, make purchases or request after-sales services. This study aims to identify the role of attitude toward chatbots and privacy concern in the relationship between attitude toward mobile advertising and behavioral intent to use chatbots. After reviewing the literature, the study proposes a moderated mediation model. Through a survey, the study shows that attitude toward mobile advertising does not have a direct effect on the behavioral intent to use chatbot, but is rather mediated by one’s attitude toward chatbots. In fact, the interactivity is unidirectional in the case of mobile advertising (from the company to the consumer), but bidirectional in the case of chatbots (in which consumers have an active role in communication). In line with these assumptions, the data analysis shows that internet privacy concerns only negatively moderate the relationship between attitude toward chatbots and behavioral intent to use this technology. These results can be useful for companies and researchers in terms of developing and testing new digital marketing strategies. The paper concludes with a discussion of the results’ theoretical and managerial implications

    Changing Access Patterns of Tech Savvy Citizens

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    This paper attempts to reveal the impact of modern digital business models on the changing buyer behavior of the tech savvy consumers. An empirical research was undertaken with a sample size of 100 and the responses are analyzed to give an overview on the major factors that influence buyers to shift from traditional or conventional shopping. The study reveals that more and more people prefer online shopping over conventional shopping. Present investigation reveals that consumers have an overall positive image towards digitalization while making a purchase

    Consumer’s trust in Internet shopping: a modelling proposal based on the standard learning hierarchy

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    This paper is placed on the framework of studies focused on analyzing the consumers’ buying behaviour on the Internet. We have based on adapting the hierarchy-of-effects model (standard learning hierarchy), in order to theoretically propose a conceptual model explaining how consumers’ beliefs i.e. design, interaction speed, social benefits, and privacy and attitudes toward the Internet as a communication medium can be plausible determinants of trusting in Internet shopping. Furthermore, our model poses that consumers’ overall opinions regarding with in-home shopping might also exert an influence on their evaluations about the Internet as a communication medium and, specially, as a shopping medium. The proposed conceptual model is supported by a deep and specific literature review. The relationships contained in the model have been estimated by means of structural equation modelling. Results confirm that this approach based on the cognitive information processing is valid to model consumers’ shopping behaviour on the Internet. Finally, several academic reflections, as well as a set of managerial implications based on the questions analyzed, are put forward.Online consumer behaviour, attitude, trust in Internet shopping, standard learning hierarchy.

    Consumer’s trust in Internet shopping: a modelling proposal based on the standard learning hierarchy

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    [ES] Este trabajo se encuadra dentro de los estudios centrados en el análisis del comportamiento de compra del consumidor en Internet. Nos centramos en la adaptación del modelo de la jerarquía de efectos basado en su variante de la jerarquía estándar de aprendizaje para proponer teóricamente un modelo conceptual que explica cómo las creencias —i.e. diseño, velocidad de interacción, beneficios sociales y privacidad— y actitudes del consumidor hacia Internet, como medio de comunicación, pueden considerarse como determinantes plausibles de la confianza en la compra online. Asimismo, en nuestro modelo se plantea que las opiniones del consumidor respecto a la compra a distancia también deben ejercer una influencia sobre sus valoraciones de Internet, como medio de comunicación y, especialmente, de compra.El modelo conceptual propuesto se apoya en una extensa revisión realizada de la literatura específica. La estimación de las relaciones del modelo se ha realizado haciendo uso de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados confirman que esta aproximación basada en el procesamiento cognitivo de la información es válida para modelar el comportamiento de compra del consumidor en Internet.Finalmente, se presentan diversas reflexiones académicas así como las principales implicaciones empresariales que se derivan de las cuestiones analizadas.[EN] This paper is placed on the framework of studies focused on analyzing the consumers’ buying behaviour on the Internet. We have based on adapting the hierarchy-of-effects model (standard learning hierarchy), in order to theoretically propose a conceptual model explaining how consumers’ beliefs —i.e. design, interaction speed, social benefits, and privacy— and attitudes toward the Internet as a communication medium can be plausible determinants of trusting in Internet shopping. Furthermore, our model poses that consumers’ overall opinions regarding with in-home shopping might also exert an influence on their evaluations about the Internet as a communication medium and, specially, as a shopping medium.The proposed conceptual model is supported by a deep and specific literature review. The relationships contained in the model have been estimated by means of structural equation modelling. Results confirm that this approach based on the cognitive information processing is valid to model consumers’ shopping behaviour on the Internet.Finally, several academic reflections, as well as a set of managerial implications based on the questions analyzed, are put forward