11 research outputs found

    Implementation Paper Modern and Smart Logistic Vehicle Using Tracking and Security

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    The logistic organization structure have climbed beginning late with the improvement of global positioning system (GPS), helpful correspondence movements, sensor and remote structures association advancements. The collaborations of the administrators system are fundamental as they can add to a few points of enthusiasm, for example, proposing right places for getting clients, developing pay of truck drivers, reducing holding up time, vehicle downpours and besides compelling fuel utilization and from this time forward broadening the measure of treks the drivers can perform. The rule motivation driving this structure would supply required vehicles that would be utilized to meet client requests through the arranging, control and utilization of the noteworthy headway and cutoff of related data and associations from beginning to objective. Customer brings to the table start to finish security to client and supplier information by utilizing QR code thought. Customer is proposition of closest best specialist relationship as shown by client intrigue and recognize spam master network. Joint efforts association suggests the commitment and association of plan and direct structures to control the improvement and land masterminding of foul materials, work-in-process, and completed inventories at the most unimportant all out expense. Composed endeavours solidifies the relationship of enthusiasm organizing, stock, transportation, and the mix of warehousing, materials managing, and packaging, all joined all through an arrangement of workplaces

    Digitalization and Work Organization in New Urban Food Delivery Systems

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    The implementation of food distribution in general and especially within urban areas requires a state-of-the-art logistics system. One decision therein is the level of centralization, with shifting optima due to emerging digitalization and peer-to-peer concepts. This study presents insights regarding the effects of innovative food logistics solutions with digitalized logistics. Findings are based on two case studies from (1) new urban distribution systems (Foodora, Lieferando and Deliveroo) and (2) Foodsharing in Germany. Results focus on the digitalized fast and short-term coordination between suppliers, transporters and customers – with interesting influences on work organization and management of workers in food distribution

    Digitalization and Work Organization in New Urban Food Delivery Systems

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    Food distribution in general and within urban areas in particular requires a state-of-the-art logistics system. One important aspect is the level of centralization, which has shifting optima owing to emerging digitalization and peer-to-peer concepts. This study offers insights regarding the digitalization effects for innovative food logistics solutions. Findings are based on two case studies from (1) new urban distribution systems (Foodora, Lieferando, and Deliveroo) and (2) Foodsharing in Germany. Results focus on the digitalized fast and short-term coordination between suppliers, transporters, and customers, and reveal interesting influences on work organization and management of workers in food distribution


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    Las grandes cadenas comerciales presentan estrategias que han permitido la expansión de las tiendas a conveniencia que se encuentran en áreas de alto tráfico peatonal, además de responder a los cambios demográficos en las grandes ciudades. Con el surgimiento de esta forma de comercio, se han presentado problemas logísticos para la distribución de diferentes productos; por lo cual, en este trabajo se desarrolló un modelo de optimización basado en programación entera mixta para la asignación multiproducto proyectando el uso de plataformas logísticas para la distribución de tres familias de productos lácteos para una hipertienda en la ciudad de Bogotá en Colombia, que cuenta con 42 centros de venta. De esta manera se estableció como resultado del modelo y bajo el análisis de escenarios, que era mejor utilizar 2 de 3 plataformas logísticas como asignación optima de despacho con el uso del vehículo de menor capacidad para abastecer todos los centros de consumo con un costo operacional de US15314diariosaproximadamente;esimportanteanotarqueenelmodelosetuvoencuenta:dostiposdevehıˊculosconsusrespectivascapacidades,atencioˊnexclusivaporplataforma,costosporproductoycostosfijosdetransporteportipodevehıˊculoydisponibilidadmaˊximadecapitalparasolventarloscostosfijosporplataforma.Largecommercialchainspresentstrategiesthathaveallowedtheexpansionofconveniencestoreslocatedinareaswithhighpedestriantraffic,inadditiontorespondingtodemographicchangesinlargecities.Withtheemergenceofthisformofcommerce,logisticalproblemshavearisenforthedistributionofdifferentproducts;Therefore,inthisworkanoptimizationmodelbasedonmixedintegerprogrammingwasdevelopedformultiproductallocation,projectingtheuseoflogisticsplatformsforthedistributionofthreefamiliesofdairyproductsforasuperstoreinthecityofBogotaˊinColombia,whichwith42salescenters.Inthisway,itwasestablishedasaresultofthemodelandundertheanalysisofscenarios,thatitwasbettertouse2of3logisticsplatformsasoptimaldispatchallocationwiththeuseofthelowestcapacityvehicletosupplyallconsumptioncenterswithanoperationalcostofUS15314 diarios aproximadamente; es importante anotar que en el modelo se tuvo en cuenta: dos tipos de vehículos con sus respectivas capacidades, atención exclusiva por plataforma, costos por producto y costos fijos de transporte por tipo de vehículo y disponibilidad máxima de capital para solventar los costos fijos por plataforma.Large commercial chains present strategies that have allowed the expansion of convenience stores located in areas with high pedestrian traffic, in addition to responding to demographic changes in large cities. With the emergence of this form of commerce, logistical problems have arisen for the distribution of different products; Therefore, in this work an optimizationmodel based on mixed integer programming was developed for multiproduct allocation, projecting the use of logistics platforms for the distribution of three families of dairy products for a superstore in the city of Bogotá in Colombia, which with 42 sales centers. In this way, it was established as a result of the model and under the analysis of scenarios, that it wasbetter to use 2 of 3 logistics platforms as optimal dispatch allocation with the use of the lowest capacity vehicle to supply all consumption centers with an operational cost of US15314 per day approximately; It is important to note that the model took into account: two types of vehicles with their respective capacities, exclusive service per platform, costs per product andfixed transport costs per type of vehicle, and maximum availability of capital to cover fixed costs per platform

    Coordenação e desenvolvimento da operação logística

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    Na atualidade, não só o mercado está a tonar-se cada vez mais desenvolvido e consequentemente mais exigente e competitivo, como também, os consumidores têm à sua disposição muita mais informação. Isto requer da parte das empresas, a necessidade de reduzir custos e desperdícios de forma a possuírem preços competitivos, sendo um desses custos, os transportes, uma vez que uma boa gestão de transportes/distribuição pode levar a um aumento das margens de lucro. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na empresa Skk - Central de Distribuição Para Refrigeração e Climatização, S.A, em Matosinhos. Teve como principal objetivo sugerir/implementar método ou ferramenta que permita otimizar a distribuição de material dos fornecedores para os três armazéns (Porto, Lisboa e Coimbra), bem como a distribuição do material entre os mesmos. Desta forma, foram apresentadas duas propostas de melhoria, uma formação com o objetivo de conhecer todas as funcionalidades do software usado e o desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático de modo a otimizar a distribuição do material dos fornecedores para os armazéns, tendo em consideração as diferentes características de todas as entidades envolventes. Com a formação, foi possível perceber que o software utilizado pela empresa tem bastantes limitações e, portanto, a melhor solução encontrada foi a sua substituição. Quanto ao modelo, desenvolvido no programa CPLEX, obtiveram-se como resultados para os artigos estudados, que 71% das necessidades foram satisfeitas diretamente através dos fornecedores, 23% via transshipment pelo armazém do Porto, 5% via transshipment pelo armazém de Lisboa e 1% via transshipment pelo armazém de Coimbra.Currently, not only is the market becoming increasingly more developed and consequently more demanding and competitive, but also consumers have at their disposal much more information. This requires companies the need to reduce costs and waste to have competitive prices, and one of these costs being transport, since a good transport/distribution management can lead to an increase in profit margins. The present work was developed at the company Skk - Central de Distribuição Para Refrigeração e Climatização, S.A, in Matosinhos. It´s main objective was to suggest/implement a method or a tool that allows optimizing the distribution of material from suppliers to the three warehouses (Porto, Lisboa and Coimbra), as well the distribution of material between them. In this way, two improvment proposoals were made, a training course with the objective of knowing all the features of the software usde and the development of a mathematical model in order to optimize the distribution of material from the suplliers to the warehouses, taking into consideration the different characteristics of all the surrounding entities. With the training course, it was possible to understand that the software used by the company has many limitations and, therefore, the best solution found was to replace it. Regarding the model, developed in the CPLEX program, the results for the items studied were that 71% of the needs were fulfilled directly through suplliers, 23% via transshipment by the warehouse in Porto, 5% via transshipment by tha warehouse in Lisboa and 1% via transshipment by the warehouse in Coimbra

    A Study of Marketing Logistics for Latex Pillow Product

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    วิศวกรรมศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (วิศวกรรมโลจิสติกส์และโซ่อุปทาน), 2561This research is conducted to study the supply chain of rubber pillows for community enterprises in the South of Thailand. This research provides an analysis of the logistics system in the domestic rubber pillows business. The objective is to increase operational efficiency by identifying the logistics management model that supports the marketing strategy of the rubber pillow business in the Southern Community Enterprises. The scope of this work incorporates two main areas in the rubber pillows supply chain, including consumer and manufacturer. Three groups of consumers are considered; final costumer, hospital and military, and the pillows distributors. The market mix modeling is utilized to identify the customer behavior. Moreover, the in-depth interviews are occupied to determine the company strategic planning comprising the product information, the business management problem, and the business and logistics costs. This research proposes four strategic plans by integrating both manufacturer and consumer interests, including the reinforcement of the network strategic partnerships, enforcing the promotion to the state agencies, the establishment of the technical production standards, and maintaining the market share of the existing customers along with the enhancement of the new customer base. Ultimately, this research creates the mathematical models and presents the case study of the rubber pillows procurement in order to particularly delineate the performance of the first strategy. The result of planning order management, by integrating strategies of the latex pillow manufacturers from the case study, the total cost of the 3 manufacturers in the current situation is equal 11,052,950 THB. If the manufactuers are applied the integration strategy, the total cost will be reduced to 10,812,891 THB, 240,059 THB reduction, or 2.11 percent. This will lead to increase in negotiation power for manufacturer and to improve customer satisfaction.งานวิจัยนี้ทาการศึกษาโซ่อุปทานของหมอนยางพาราของวิสาหกิจชุมชนในพื้นที่ภาคใต้ โดยวิเคราะห์ระบบโลจิสติกส์การตลาดของธุรกิจหมอนยางพาราในประเทศ มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการดาเนินงานโดยบ่งชี้รูปแบบการจัดการด้านโลจิสติกส์ที่สนับสนุนกลยุทธ์ด้านการตลาดของธุรกิจหมอนยางพาราของวิสาหกิจชุมชนภาคใต้ การวิจัยเริ่มจากการศึกษาสภาพปัจจุบัน ของธุรกิจโดยครอบคลุมการสารวจกลุ่มผู้บริโภคได้แก่ผู้บริโภครายสุดท้าย กลุ่มโรงพยาบาล ค่ายทหาร และตัวแทนจาหน่ายหมอนยางพารา ถึงส่วนประสมทางการตลาด ได้แก่ ผลิตภัณฑ์ ราคา ช่องทางการจัดจาหน่าย และการส่งเสริมการตลาด เพื่อให้ทราบถึงพฤติกรรมผู้บริโภคแต่ละกลุ่ม ในส่วนของผู้ผลิตโดยใช้การสัมภาษณ์เชิงลึกเพื่อให้ได้ข้อมูลผลิตภัณฑ์ การบริหารงานธุรกิจ สภาพปัญหาในธุรกิจ และข้อมูลต้นทุนโลจิสติกส์ จากนั้นนาข้อมูลที่ผ่านการวิเคราะห์เบื้องต้น มาใช้ในการกาหนดกลยุทธ์ในการเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพโซ่อุปทานหมอนยางพารา ผลที่ได้จากงานวิจัย คือ กลยุทธ์ 4 ประเด็น ได้แก่ กลยุทธ์ที่ 1 การสร้างความเข้มแข็งผ่านระบบเครือข่าย โดยกลยุทธ์การร่วมเป็นพันธมิตรธุรกิจ กลยุทธ์ที่ 2 การส่งเสริมการขายหมอนยางพาราให้หน่วยงานของรัฐในประเทศ กลยุทธ์ที่ 3 การสร้างมาตรฐานในองค์กรทั้งด้านเทคนิคการผลิต และด้านบริหารจัดการ กลยุทธ์ที่ 4 การรักษาส่วนครองตลาดของลูกค้ากลุ่มเดิม และเพิ่มฐานลูกค้าใหม่ ในงานวิจัยนี้ได้นากลยุทธ์การสร้างความเข้มแข็งผ่านระบบเครือข่าย โดยกลยุทธ์การร่วมเป็นพันธมิตรธุรกิจ สร้างตัวแบบทางคณิตศาสตร์ในการแก้ปัญหา และประยุกต์ใช้กับกรณีศึกษา จากการวางแผนการจัดการการสั่งซื้อโดยกลยุทธ์การรวมกลุ่มกันของผู้ผลิตหมอนยางพารา จากกรณีศึกษาต้นทุนรวมทั้งหมดของผู้ผลิต 3 โรงงานในปัจจุบันมีต้นทุนรวมทั้งหมด 11,052,950 บาท หากมีการประยุกต์ใช้กลยุทธ์การรวมกลุ่มกันระหว่างผู้ผลิตทาให้ต้นทุนรวมลดลงเหลือ 10,812,891 บาท ลดลง 240,059 บาท ซึ่งคิดเป็นร้อยละ 2.11 ทาให้ต้นทุนของผู้ผลิตลดลง และส่งผลให้สามารถเพิ่มอานาจต่อรองในตลาดรวมถึงความพึงพอใจของลูกค้าเพิ่มขึ้

    Procurement model for planning distribution of construction materials in Colombia

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    La evolución de la Administración de la cadena de suministro y la tendencia de los diferentes sectores de la economía en adoptar modelos de abastecimiento, ha generado un interés en el sector de la construcción por adoptar modelos productivos orientados en el abastecimiento y la logística eficiente de sus recursos. Sin embargo, el sector de la construcción en Colombia se encuentra en rezago en términos de productividad, y por ello hay un gran campo de acción encaminado a la logística y la reducción de costos. La integración de la cadena de abastecimiento ha sido un tema ampliamente abordado debido a su importancia estratégica en las empresas; pese a esto, existen pocos estudios de integración de las cadenas constructoras que permitan mejorar el abastecimiento en las empresas de construcción, por consiguiente se identifica una gran necesidad de evaluar de manera simultánea el impacto que genera cada uno de los mecanismos y componentes que definen este sistema. En este proyecto de investigación se contempla el desarrollo de un modelo que integre cada una de las variables que caracterizan y componen el sector de la construcción de vivienda, con el fin de planificar la distribución de materiales teniendo en cuenta las contribuciones realizadas en cada uno de los elementos que componen el modelo, tomando como base la Planeación y ubicación oportuna de materiales, de tal modo que se asegure el suministro constante de materiales, se promueva la disminución de costos y por ende el incremento de la productividad en el sector. Se utilizarán técnicas provenientes del sector industrial y se integrarán dentro del modelo con el fin de plantear variables auxiliares que permitan el mejoramiento y control del modelo. Las medidas de desempeño que toman mayor interés en este sector se encuentran encaminadas en la reducción de los costos, mejora en los niveles de inventario y el rendimiento económico de los proyectos. Posteriormente los resultados obtenidos serán validados a través de indicadores que participen en la toma de decisiones y permitan controlar el flujo de materiales y la posterior reducción de costos, finalmente se planteará el ambiente ideal para implementar el modelo en el sector.Tabla de Contenido Glosario 11 Alistamiento de piso para acabados (mortero) 11 Mampostería 12 Tipos de Mampostería 13 Mampostería confinada 14 Pañete de muros en mampostería 15 Resumen 17 Abstract 18 Capítulo 1: Introducción 19 1.1 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 19 1.1.1 Reconocimiento de las dificultades que presentadas el sector 19 1.1.2 Definición del problema y aspectos por estudiar 22 1.2 Justificación del proyecto 23 1.3 Objetivos del proyecto 26 1.3.1 Objetivo General 26 1.3.2 Objetivos específicos 26 1.4 Hipótesis 27 1.5 Delimitación y alcance 27 Capítulo 2: Antecedentes y estado del arte 28 Capítulo 3: Marco de referencia 34 3.1 Marco conceptual 34 3.1.1 Logística y cadena de suministro 34 3.1.2 CENTRO DE DISTRIBUCIÓN 35 3.1.3 TIPOS DE CENTRO DE DISTRIBUCIÓN Y ALMACENES 36 3.1.4 Tipos de negocios en la Cadena de Suministro del sector de la construcción 38 3.1.5 Gestión de la cadena de suministro de la construcción 39 3.2 Marco teórico 40 3.2.1 Modelado de la cadena de suministro de la construcción 40 41 3.2.2 Sistemas de producción MTO-MTS-ATO-ETO 42 3.2.3 Enfoques identificados en la cadena de suministro 44 3.2.4 Filosofía Just in time en relación con Lean Construction 45 3.2.5 Misiones en un centro logístico, configuración de canales de abastecimiento. 46 3.2.6 Modelo SCOR 49 3.2.7 Dinámica de sistemas 51 3.2.8 Metodologías para análisis de modelos de abastecimiento 53 Capítulo 4: Metodología 55 4.1 Resumen metodológico 55 4.2 Diseño de la metodología de estudio 55 4.3 Tipo de investigación 56 4.4 Población objetivo 57 4.5 Muestra 57 Capítulo 5: Técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos 58 5.1 Fase: 1Definición de influencias, variables y componentes del modelo 58 5.2 Fase 2: Identificación de parámetros e indicadores de control 59 5.3 Fase 3: Planteamiento y formulación del modelo 60 5.4 Fase 4: Análisis y sensibilización del modelo 61 5.5 Recurso del proyecto 62 Recursos del proyecto 62 Capítulo 6: Modelado - Simulación dinámica 63 6.1 Planteamiento del modelo 63 6.2 Definición de influencias - variables 67 6.2.1 Análisis documental de variables 67 6.2.2 Caso de estudio 72 6.2.3 Configuración de variables y procesos de nivel 74 6.2.4 Configuración de parámetros de maquinaría y duración de procesos 76 6.2.5 Influencias internas y externas del sistema 80 6.3. Diagrama de correlacional de variables 81 6.4 Características de las cadenas de suministro en el sector constructor, contraste sector de manufactura 83 6.5 Definición y modelado del sistema 84 6.5.1 Diagrama causal. Vensim 87 6.5.2 Recopilación de datos 90 Demanda conocida de materiales por consumo 90 Calculo de cantidades y supuestos del modelo 91 Cantidades de mortero 94 Cálculo de cantidades de pañete 98 Cálculo de cantidades de alistamiento sobre piso 100 6.5.3 Diagrama de Gantt cronograma de actividades 103 6.6. Validación de variables de control y enfoque del modelo planteado 106 6.7 Diseño de encuesta con enfoque a la planificación y comportamiento del sector constructor 107 Capítulo 7: Presentación de Resultados 108 7.1 Resultados de la encuesta 108 7.2 Indicadores para medir el desempeño del modelo 115 7.3 Planteamiento de variable: auxiliar Centro de distribución 119 Capítulo 8: Conclusiones 122 Capítulo 9: Recomendaciones 124The evolution of Supply Chain Management and the tendency of the different sectors of the economy to adopt supply models has generated an interest in the construction sector to adopt productive models oriented towards the supply and efficient logistics of their operations. means. However, the construction sector in Colombia is lagging behind in terms of productivity, and therefore there is a large field of action aimed at logistics and cost reduction. The integration of the supply chain has been a widely addressed issue due to its strategic importance in companies; Despite this, there are few integration studies of the construction chains that allow improving the supply in the construction companies, therefore a great need is identified to simultaneously evaluate the impact generated by each of the mechanisms and components that define this system. This research project contemplates the development of a model that integrates each of the variables that characterize and compose the sector, in order to plan the distribution of materials taking into account the contributions made in each of the elements that make up the model, taking as a basis the Planning and timely location of materials, in such a way that the constant supply of materials is ensured, the reduction of costs is promoted and therefore the increase of the productivity in the sector. Techniques from the industrial sector will be used and integrated within the model in order to propose auxiliary variables that allow the improvement and control of the model. The performance measures that take greater interest in this sector are aimed at reducing costs, improving inventory levels and the economic performance of projects. Subsequently, the results obtained will be validated through indicators that participate in decision making and allow to control the flow of materials and the subsequent reduction of costs, finally the ideal environment will be proposed to implement the model in the sectorMaestríaL'évolution de l'Administration de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et la tendance des différents secteurs de l'économie à adopter des modèles d'approvisionnement, a généré un intérêt dans le secteur de la construction pour adopter des modèles de production orientés vers l'approvisionnement et une logistique efficace de ses moyens. Cependant, le secteur de la construction en Colombie est à la traîne en termes de productivité, et il existe donc un grand champ d'action visant à la logistique et à la réduction des coûts. L'intégration de la supply chain a été un sujet largement abordé en raison de son importance stratégique dans les entreprises ; Malgré cela, il existe peu d'études sur l'intégration des chaînes de construction qui améliorent l'offre dans les entreprises de construction, il y a donc un grand besoin d'évaluer simultanément l'impact généré par chacun des mécanismes et composants qui définissent ce système. . Ce projet de recherche comprend l'élaboration d'un modèle qui intègre chacune des variables qui caractérisent et composent le secteur de la construction de logements, afin de planifier la répartition des matériaux en tenant compte des contributions apportées dans chacun des éléments qui composent le modèle, Sur la base de la planification et la localisation opportune des matériaux, de telle sorte que l'approvisionnement constant en matériaux soit assuré, la réduction des coûts soit favorisée et donc l'augmentation de la productivité dans le secteur. Des techniques du secteur industriel seront utilisées et seront intégrées au modèle afin de proposer des variables auxiliaires permettant l'amélioration et le contrôle du modèle. Les mesures de performance qui intéressent le plus ce secteur visent à réduire les coûts, à améliorer les niveaux de stocks et la performance économique des projets. Par la suite, les résultats obtenus seront validés grâce à des indicateurs qui participent à la prise de décision et contrôlent les flux de matériaux et la réduction des coûts qui en découle, enfin l'environnement idéal pour mettre en œuvre le modèle dans le secteur sera considéré

    An exploration of online fulfilment centres in omni-channel grocery retail

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    Grocery retail is going through a rapid shift and retailers are moving towards omni-channel. Omni-channel means that a retailer has multiple channels in which thecustomer can move seamlessly, with the back-end organised to make this possible.While the grocery-retail sector has started to see a rapid growth in online sales,omni-channel grocery retailers are struggling with profitability in their onlinechannels. For these retailers, efficient logistics and material handling are crucial toachieve profitability. Today, it is common for omni-channel grocery retailers toinvest in an online fulfilment centre (OFC) when volumes are growing. A keycomponent for improving profitability is thus to improve the OFC configuration (i.e.warehouse operations, design, and resource). Despite the important role that an OFCplays for omni-channel performance and profitability, extant research is lacking onhow to configure an OFC in omni-channel grocery retail. Hence, the purpose of thisthesis was to ‘explore how grocery retailers are configuring their OFCs and in whatway they adapt to specific challenges and context’