886 research outputs found

    Self-Partial and Dynamic Reconfiguration Implementation for AES using FPGA

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    This paper addresses efficient hardware/software implementation approaches for the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm and describes the design and performance testing algorithm for embedded system. Also, with the spread of reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) embedded cryptographic hardware became cost-effective. Nevertheless, it is worthy to note that nowadays, even hardwired cryptographic algorithms are not so safe. From another side, the self-reconfiguring platform is reported that enables an FPGA to dynamically reconfigure itself under the control of an embedded microprocessor. Hardware acceleration significantly increases the performance of embedded systems built on programmable logic. Allowing a FPGA-based MicroBlaze processor to self-select the coprocessors uses can help reduce area requirements and increase a system's versatility. The architecture proposed in this paper is an optimal hardware implementation algorithm and takes dynamic partially reconfigurable of FPGA. This implementation is good solution to preserve confidentiality and accessibility to the information in the numeric communication

    Real-time human action recognition on an embedded, reconfigurable video processing architecture

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    Copyright @ 2008 Springer-Verlag.In recent years, automatic human motion recognition has been widely researched within the computer vision and image processing communities. Here we propose a real-time embedded vision solution for human motion recognition implemented on a ubiquitous device. There are three main contributions in this paper. Firstly, we have developed a fast human motion recognition system with simple motion features and a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The method has been tested on a large, public human action dataset and achieved competitive performance for the temporal template (eg. “motion history image”) class of approaches. Secondly, we have developed a reconfigurable, FPGA based video processing architecture. One advantage of this architecture is that the system processing performance can be reconfiured for a particular application, with the addition of new or replicated processing cores. Finally, we have successfully implemented a human motion recognition system on this reconfigurable architecture. With a small number of human actions (hand gestures), this stand-alone system is performing reliably, with an 80% average recognition rate using limited training data. This type of system has applications in security systems, man-machine communications and intelligent environments.DTI and Broadcom Ltd

    FPGA implementation of real-time human motion recognition on a reconfigurable video processing architecture

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    In recent years, automatic human motion recognition has been widely researched within the computer vision and image processing communities. Here we propose a real-time embedded vision solution for human motion recognition implemented on a ubiquitous device. There are three main contributions in this paper. Firstly, we have developed a fast human motion recognition system with simple motion features and a linear Support Vector Machine(SVM) classifier. The method has been tested on a large, public human action dataset and achieved competitive performance for the temporal template (eg. ``motion history image") class of approaches. Secondly, we have developed a reconfigurable, FPGA based video processing architecture. One advantage of this architecture is that the system processing performance can be reconfigured for a particular application, with the addition of new or replicated processing cores. Finally, we have successfully implemented a human motion recognition system on this reconfigurable architecture. With a small number of human actions (hand gestures), this stand-alone system is performing reliably, with an 80% average recognition rate using limited training data. This type of system has applications in security systems, man-machine communications and intelligent environments

    Design and Programming Methods for Reconfigurable Multi-Core Architectures using a Network-on-Chip-Centric Approach

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    A current trend in the semiconductor industry is the use of Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) for a wide variety of applications such as image processing, automotive, multimedia, and robotic systems. Most applications gain performance advantages by executing parallel tasks on multiple processors due to the inherent parallelism. Moreover, heterogeneous structures provide high performance/energy efficiency, since application-specific processing elements (PEs) can be exploited. The increasing number of heterogeneous PEs leads to challenging communication requirements. To overcome this challenge, Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) have emerged as scalable on-chip interconnect. Nevertheless, NoCs have to deal with many design parameters such as virtual channels, routing algorithms and buffering techniques to fulfill the system requirements. This thesis highly contributes to the state-of-the-art of FPGA-based MPSoCs and NoCs. In the following, the three major contributions are introduced. As a first major contribution, a novel router concept is presented that efficiently utilizes communication times by performing sequences of arithmetic operations on the data that is transferred. The internal input buffers of the routers are exchanged with processing units that are capable of executing operations. Two different architectures of such processing units are presented. The first architecture provides multiply and accumulate operations which are often used in signal processing applications. The second architecture introduced as Application-Specific Instruction Set Routers (ASIRs) contains a processing unit capable of executing any operation and hence, it is not limited to multiply and accumulate operations. An internal processing core located in ASIRs can be developed in C/C++ using high-level synthesis. The second major contribution comprises application and performance explorations of the novel router concept. Models that approximate the achievable speedup and the end-to-end latency of ASIRs are derived and discussed to show the benefits in terms of performance. Furthermore, two applications using an ASIR-based MPSoC are implemented and evaluated on a Xilinx Zynq SoC. The first application is an image processing algorithm consisting of a Sobel filter, an RGB-to-Grayscale conversion, and a threshold operation. The second application is a system that helps visually impaired people by navigating them through unknown indoor environments. A Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensor scans the environment, while Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) measure the orientation of the user to generate an audio signal that makes the distance as well as the orientation of obstacles audible. This application consists of multiple parallel tasks that are mapped to an ASIR-based MPSoC. Both applications show the performance advantages of ASIRs compared to a conventional NoC-based MPSoC. Furthermore, dynamic partial reconfiguration in terms of relocation and security aspects are investigated. The third major contribution refers to development and programming methodologies of NoC-based MPSoCs. A software-defined approach is presented that combines the design and programming of heterogeneous MPSoCs. In addition, a Kahn-Process-Network (KPN) –based model is designed to describe parallel applications for MPSoCs using ASIRs. The KPN-based model is extended to support not only the mapping of tasks to NoC-based MPSoCs but also the mapping to ASIR-based MPSoCs. A static mapping methodology is presented that assigns tasks to ASIRs and processors for a given KPN-model. The impact of external hardware components such as sensors, actuators and accelerators connected to the processors is also discussed which makes the approach of high interest for embedded systems

    Implementation and Evaluation of an NoC Architecture for FPGAs

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    The Networks-on-Chip (NoC) approach for designing Systems-on-Chip (SoC) is currently emerging as an advanced concept for overcoming the scalability and efficiency problems of traditional bus-based systems. A great deal of theoretical research has been done in this area that provides good insight and shows promising results. There is a great need for research in hardware implementation of NoC-based systems to determine the feasibility of implementing various topologies and protocols, and also to accurately determine what design tradeoffs are involved in NoC implementation. This thesis addresses the challenges of implementing an NoC-based system on FPGAs for running real benchmark applications. The NoC used a mesh topology and circuit-switched communication protocol. An experimental framework was developed that allowed implementation of NoC-based system from a high level specification, using the Celoxica Handel-C hardware description language. Two test applications: charged couple device (CCD) and JPEG were developed in Handel-C to be used as our benchmark applications. Both benchmarks are computational expensive and require large quantities of data transfer that will test the NoC system. Implementation results show that the NoC-based system gives superior area utilization and speed performance compared to the bus-based system, running the same benchmarks

    On-board see-and-avoid system

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