56 research outputs found

    A review of the role of sensors in mobile context-aware recommendation systems

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    Recommendation systems are specialized in offering suggestions about specific items of different types (e.g., books, movies, restaurants, and hotels) that could be interesting for the user. They have attracted considerable research attention due to their benefits and also their commercial interest. Particularly, in recent years, the concept of context-aware recommendation system has appeared to emphasize the importance of considering the context of the situations in which the user is involved in order to provide more accurate recommendations. The detection of the context requires the use of sensors of different types, which measure different context variables. Despite the relevant role played by sensors in the development of context-aware recommendation systems, sensors and recommendation approaches are two fields usually studied independently. In this paper, we provide a survey on the use of sensors for recommendation systems. Our contribution can be seen from a double perspective. On the one hand, we overview existing techniques used to detect context factors that could be relevant for recommendation. On the other hand, we illustrate the interest of sensors by considering different recommendation use cases and scenarios

    Mobile app recommendations using deep learning and big data

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMRecommender systems were first introduced to solve information overload problems in enterprises. Over the last decades, recommender systems have found applications in several major websites related to e-commerce, music and video streaming, travel and movie sites, social media and mobile app stores. Several methods have been proposed over the years to build recommender systems. The most popular approaches are based on collaborative filtering techniques, which leverage the similarities between consumer tastes. But the current state of the art in recommender systems is deep-learning methods, which can leverage not only item consumption data but also content, context, and user attributes. Mobile app stores generate data with Big Data properties from app consumption data, behavioral, geographic, demographic, social network and user-generated content data, which includes reviews, comments and search queries. In this dissertation, we propose a deep-learning architecture for recommender systems in mobile app stores that leverage most of these data sources. We analyze three issues related to the impact of the data sources, the impact of embedding layer pretraining and the efficiency of using Kernel methods to improve app scoring at a Big Data scale. An experiment is conducted on a Portuguese Android app store. Results suggest that models can be improved by combining structured and unstructured data. The results also suggest that embedding layer pretraining is essential to obtain good results. Some evidence is provided showing that Kernel-based methods might not be efficient when deployed in Big Data contexts

    FIN-DM: finantsteenuste andmekaeve protsessi mudel

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    Andmekaeve hõlmab reeglite kogumit, protsesse ja algoritme, mis võimaldavad ettevõtetel iga päev kogutud andmetest rakendatavaid teadmisi ammutades suurendada tulusid, vähendada kulusid, optimeerida tooteid ja kliendisuhteid ning saavutada teisi eesmärke. Andmekaeves ja -analüütikas on vaja hästi määratletud metoodikat ja protsesse. Saadaval on mitu andmekaeve ja -analüütika standardset protsessimudelit. Kõige märkimisväärsem ja laialdaselt kasutusele võetud standardmudel on CRISP-DM. Tegu on tegevusalast sõltumatu protsessimudeliga, mida kohandatakse sageli sektorite erinõuetega. CRISP-DMi tegevusalast lähtuvaid kohandusi on pakutud mitmes valdkonnas, kaasa arvatud meditsiini-, haridus-, tööstus-, tarkvaraarendus- ja logistikavaldkonnas. Seni pole aga mudelit kohandatud finantsteenuste sektoris, millel on omad valdkonnapõhised erinõuded. Doktoritöös käsitletakse seda lünka finantsteenuste sektoripõhise andmekaeveprotsessi (FIN-DM) kavandamise, arendamise ja hindamise kaudu. Samuti uuritakse, kuidas kasutatakse andmekaeve standardprotsesse eri tegevussektorites ja finantsteenustes. Uurimise käigus tuvastati mitu tavapärase raamistiku kohandamise stsenaariumit. Lisaks ilmnes, et need meetodid ei keskendu piisavalt sellele, kuidas muuta andmekaevemudelid tarkvaratoodeteks, mida saab integreerida organisatsioonide IT-arhitektuuri ja äriprotsessi. Peamised finantsteenuste valdkonnas tuvastatud kohandamisstsenaariumid olid seotud andmekaeve tehnoloogiakesksete (skaleeritavus), ärikesksete (tegutsemisvõime) ja inimkesksete (diskrimineeriva mõju leevendus) aspektidega. Seejärel korraldati tegelikus finantsteenuste organisatsioonis juhtumiuuring, mis paljastas 18 tajutavat puudujääki CRISP- DMi protsessis. Uuringu andmete ja tulemuste abil esitatakse doktoritöös finantsvaldkonnale kohandatud CRISP-DM nimega FIN-DM ehk finantssektori andmekaeve protsess (Financial Industry Process for Data Mining). FIN-DM laiendab CRISP-DMi nii, et see toetab privaatsust säilitavat andmekaevet, ohjab tehisintellekti eetilisi ohte, täidab riskijuhtimisnõudeid ja hõlmab kvaliteedi tagamist kui osa andmekaeve elutsüklisData mining is a set of rules, processes, and algorithms that allow companies to increase revenues, reduce costs, optimize products and customer relationships, and achieve other business goals, by extracting actionable insights from the data they collect on a day-to-day basis. Data mining and analytics projects require well-defined methodology and processes. Several standard process models for conducting data mining and analytics projects are available. Among them, the most notable and widely adopted standard model is CRISP-DM. It is industry-agnostic and often is adapted to meet sector-specific requirements. Industry- specific adaptations of CRISP-DM have been proposed across several domains, including healthcare, education, industrial and software engineering, logistics, etc. However, until now, there is no existing adaptation of CRISP-DM for the financial services industry, which has its own set of domain-specific requirements. This PhD Thesis addresses this gap by designing, developing, and evaluating a sector-specific data mining process for financial services (FIN-DM). The PhD thesis investigates how standard data mining processes are used across various industry sectors and in financial services. The examination identified number of adaptations scenarios of traditional frameworks. It also suggested that these approaches do not pay sufficient attention to turning data mining models into software products integrated into the organizations' IT architectures and business processes. In the financial services domain, the main discovered adaptation scenarios concerned technology-centric aspects (scalability), business-centric aspects (actionability), and human-centric aspects (mitigating discriminatory effects) of data mining. Next, an examination by means of a case study in the actual financial services organization revealed 18 perceived gaps in the CRISP-DM process. Using the data and results from these studies, the PhD thesis outlines an adaptation of CRISP-DM for the financial sector, named the Financial Industry Process for Data Mining (FIN-DM). FIN-DM extends CRISP-DM to support privacy-compliant data mining, to tackle AI ethics risks, to fulfill risk management requirements, and to embed quality assurance as part of the data mining life-cyclehttps://www.ester.ee/record=b547227

    Context-Aware Recommendation Systems in Mobile Environments

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    Nowadays, the huge amount of information available may easily overwhelm users when they need to take a decision that involves choosing among several options. As a solution to this problem, Recommendation Systems (RS) have emerged to offer relevant items to users. The main goal of these systems is to recommend certain items based on user preferences. Unfortunately, traditional recommendation systems do not consider the user’s context as an important dimension to ensure high-quality recommendations. Motivated by the need to incorporate contextual information during the recommendation process, Context-Aware Recommendation Systems (CARS) have emerged. However, these recent recommendation systems are not designed with mobile users in mind, where the context and the movements of the users and items may be important factors to consider when deciding which items should be recommended. Therefore, context-aware recommendation models should be able to effectively and efficiently exploit the dynamic context of the mobile user in order to offer her/him suitable recommendations and keep them up-to-date.The research area of this thesis belongs to the fields of context-aware recommendation systems and mobile computing. We focus on the following scientific problem: how could we facilitate the development of context-aware recommendation systems in mobile environments to provide users with relevant recommendations? This work is motivated by the lack of generic and flexible context-aware recommendation frameworks that consider aspects related to mobile users and mobile computing. In order to solve the identified problem, we pursue the following general goal: the design and implementation of a context-aware recommendation framework for mobile computing environments that facilitates the development of context-aware recommendation applications for mobile users. In the thesis, we contribute to bridge the gap not only between recommendation systems and context-aware computing, but also between CARS and mobile computing.<br /

    Data mining techniques for complex application domains

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    The emergence of advanced communication techniques has increased availability of large collection of data in electronic form in a number of application domains including healthcare, e- business, and e-learning. Everyday a large amount of records are stored electronically. However, finding useful information from such a large data collection is a challenging issue. Data mining technology aims automatically extracting hidden knowledge from large data repositories exploiting sophisticated algorithms. The hidden knowledge in the electronic data may be potentially utilized to facilitate the procedures, productivity, and reliability of several application domains. The PhD activity has been focused on novel and effective data mining approaches to tackle the complex data coming from two main application domains: Healthcare data analysis and Textual data analysis. The research activity, in the context of healthcare data, addressed the application of different data mining techniques to discover valuable knowledge from real exam-log data of patients. In particular, efforts have been devoted to the extraction of medical pathways, which can be exploited to analyze the actual treatments followed by patients. The derived knowledge not only provides useful information to deal with the treatment procedures but may also play an important role in future predictions of potential patient risks associated with medical treatments. The research effort in textual data analysis is twofold. On the one hand, a novel approach to discovery of succinct summaries of large document collections has been proposed. On the other hand, the suitability of an established descriptive data mining to support domain experts in making decisions has been investigated. Both research activities are focused on adopting widely exploratory data mining techniques to textual data analysis, which require overcoming intrinsic limitations for traditional algorithms for handling textual documents efficiently and effectively

    Jointly integrating current context and social influence for improving recommendation

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    La diversité des contenus recommandation et la variation des contextes des utilisateurs rendent la prédiction en temps réel des préférences des utilisateurs de plus en plus difficile mettre en place. Toutefois, la plupart des approches existantes n'utilisent que le temps et l'emplacement actuels séparément et ignorent d'autres informations contextuelles sur lesquelles dépendent incontestablement les préférences des utilisateurs (par exemple, la météo, l'occasion). En outre, ils ne parviennent pas considérer conjointement ces informations contextuelles avec les interactions sociales entre les utilisateurs. D'autre part, la résolution de problèmes classiques de recommandation (par exemple, aucun programme de télévision vu par un nouvel utilisateur connu sous le nom du problème de démarrage froid et pas assez d'items co-évalués par d'autres utilisateurs ayant des préférences similaires, connu sous le nom du problème de manque de donnes) est d'importance significative puisque sont attaqués par plusieurs travaux. Dans notre travail de thèse, nous proposons un modèle probabiliste qui permet exploiter conjointement les informations contextuelles actuelles et l'influence sociale afin d'améliorer la recommandation des items. En particulier, le modèle probabiliste vise prédire la pertinence de contenu pour un utilisateur en fonction de son contexte actuel et de son influence sociale. Nous avons considérer plusieurs éléments du contexte actuel des utilisateurs tels que l'occasion, le jour de la semaine, la localisation et la météo. Nous avons utilisé la technique de lissage Laplace afin d'éviter les fortes probabilités. D'autre part, nous supposons que l'information provenant des relations sociales a une influence potentielle sur les préférences des utilisateurs. Ainsi, nous supposons que l'influence sociale dépend non seulement des évaluations des amis mais aussi de la similarité sociale entre les utilisateurs. Les similarités sociales utilisateur-ami peuvent être établies en fonction des interactions sociales entre les utilisateurs et leurs amis (par exemple les recommandations, les tags, les commentaires). Nous proposons alors de prendre en compte l'influence sociale en fonction de la mesure de similarité utilisateur-ami afin d'estimer les préférences des utilisateurs. Nous avons mené une série d'expérimentations en utilisant un ensemble de donnes réelles issues de la plateforme de TV sociale Pinhole. Cet ensemble de donnes inclut les historiques d'accès des utilisateurs-vidéos et les réseaux sociaux des téléspectateurs. En outre, nous collectons des informations contextuelles pour chaque historique d'accès utilisateur-vidéo saisi par le système de formulaire plat. Le système de la plateforme capture et enregistre les dernières informations contextuelles auxquelles le spectateur est confronté en regardant une telle vidéo.Dans notre évaluation, nous adoptons le filtrage collaboratif axé sur le temps, le profil dépendant du temps et la factorisation de la matrice axe sur le réseau social comme tant des modèles de référence. L'évaluation a port sur deux tâches de recommandation. La première consiste sélectionner une liste trie de vidéos. La seconde est la tâche de prédiction de la cote vidéo. Nous avons évalué l'impact de chaque élément du contexte de visualisation dans la performance de prédiction. Nous testons ainsi la capacité de notre modèle résoudre le problème de manque de données et le problème de recommandation de démarrage froid du téléspectateur. Les résultats expérimentaux démontrent que notre modèle surpasse les approches de l'état de l'art fondes sur le facteur temps et sur les réseaux sociaux. Dans les tests des problèmes de manque de donnes et de démarrage froid, notre modèle renvoie des prédictions cohérentes différentes valeurs de manque de données.Due to the diversity of alternative contents to choose and the change of users' preferences, real-time prediction of users' preferences in certain users' circumstances becomes increasingly hard for recommender systems. However, most existing context-aware approaches use only current time and location separately, and ignore other contextual information on which users' preferences may undoubtedly depend (e.g. weather, occasion). Furthermore, they fail to jointly consider these contextual information with social interactions between users. On the other hand, solving classic recommender problems (e.g. no seen items by a new user known as cold start problem, and no enough co-rated items with other users with similar preference as sparsity problem) is of significance importance since it is drawn by several works. In our thesis work, we propose a context-based approach that leverages jointly current contextual information and social influence in order to improve items recommendation. In particular, we propose a probabilistic model that aims to predict the relevance of items in respect with the user's current context. We considered several current context elements such as time, location, occasion, week day, location and weather. In order to avoid strong probabilities which leads to sparsity problem, we used Laplace smoothing technique. On the other hand, we argue that information from social relationships has potential influence on users' preferences. Thus, we assume that social influence depends not only on friends' ratings but also on social similarity between users. We proposed a social-based model that estimates the relevance of an item in respect with the social influence around the user on the relevance of this item. The user-friend social similarity information may be established based on social interactions between users and their friends (e.g. recommendations, tags, comments). Therefore, we argue that social similarity could be integrated using a similarity measure. Social influence is then jointly integrated based on user-friend similarity measure in order to estimate users' preferences. We conducted a comprehensive effectiveness evaluation on real dataset crawled from Pinhole social TV platform. This dataset includes viewer-video accessing history and viewers' friendship networks. In addition, we collected contextual information for each viewer-video accessing history captured by the plat form system. The platform system captures and records the last contextual information to which the viewer is faced while watching such a video. In our evaluation, we adopt Time-aware Collaborative Filtering, Time-Dependent Profile and Social Network-aware Matrix Factorization as baseline models. The evaluation focused on two recommendation tasks. The first one is the video list recommendation task and the second one is video rating prediction task. We evaluated the impact of each viewing context element in prediction performance. We tested the ability of our model to solve data sparsity and viewer cold start recommendation problems. The experimental results highlighted the effectiveness of our model compared to the considered baselines. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms time-aware and social network-based approaches. In the sparsity and cold start tests, our approach returns consistently accurate predictions at different values of data sparsity

    Computational socioeconomics

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    Uncovering the structure of socioeconomic systems and timely estimation of socioeconomic status are significant for economic development. The understanding of socioeconomic processes provides foundations to quantify global economic development, to map regional industrial structure, and to infer individual socioeconomic status. In this review, we will make a brief manifesto about a new interdisciplinary research field named Computational Socioeconomics, followed by detailed introduction about data resources, computational tools, data-driven methods, theoretical models and novel applications at multiple resolutions, including the quantification of global economic inequality and complexity, the map of regional industrial structure and urban perception, the estimation of individual socioeconomic status and demographic, and the real-time monitoring of emergent events. This review, together with pioneering works we have highlighted, will draw increasing interdisciplinary attentions and induce a methodological shift in future socioeconomic studies

    Exploring attributes, sequences, and time in Recommender Systems: From classical to Point-of-Interest recommendation

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingenieria Informática. Fecha de lectura: 08-07-2021Since the emergence of the Internet and the spread of digital communications throughout the world, the amount of data stored on the Web has been growing exponentially. In this new digital era, a large number of companies have emerged with the purpose of ltering the information available on the web and provide users with interesting items. The algorithms and models used to recommend these items are called Recommender Systems. These systems are applied to a large number of domains, from music, books, or movies to dating or Point-of-Interest (POI), which is an increasingly popular domain where users receive recommendations of di erent places when they arrive to a city. In this thesis, we focus on exploiting the use of contextual information, especially temporal and sequential data, and apply it in novel ways in both traditional and Point-of-Interest recommendation. We believe that this type of information can be used not only for creating new recommendation models but also for developing new metrics for analyzing the quality of these recommendations. In one of our rst contributions we propose di erent metrics, some of them derived from previously existing frameworks, using this contextual information. Besides, we also propose an intuitive algorithm that is able to provide recommendations to a target user by exploiting the last common interactions with other similar users of the system. At the same time, we conduct a comprehensive review of the algorithms that have been proposed in the area of POI recommendation between 2011 and 2019, identifying the common characteristics and methodologies used. Once this classi cation of the algorithms proposed to date is completed, we design a mechanism to recommend complete routes (not only independent POIs) to users, making use of reranking techniques. In addition, due to the great di culty of making recommendations in the POI domain, we propose the use of data aggregation techniques to use information from di erent cities to generate POI recommendations in a given target city. In the experimental work we present our approaches on di erent datasets belonging to both classical and POI recommendation. The results obtained in these experiments con rm the usefulness of our recommendation proposals, in terms of ranking accuracy and other dimensions like novelty, diversity, and coverage, and the appropriateness of our metrics for analyzing temporal information and biases in the recommendations producedDesde la aparici on de Internet y la difusi on de las redes de comunicaciones en todo el mundo, la cantidad de datos almacenados en la red ha crecido exponencialmente. En esta nueva era digital, han surgido un gran n umero de empresas con el objetivo de ltrar la informaci on disponible en la red y ofrecer a los usuarios art culos interesantes. Los algoritmos y modelos utilizados para recomendar estos art culos reciben el nombre de Sistemas de Recomendaci on. Estos sistemas se aplican a un gran n umero de dominios, desde m usica, libros o pel culas hasta las citas o los Puntos de Inter es (POIs, en ingl es), un dominio cada vez m as popular en el que los usuarios reciben recomendaciones de diferentes lugares cuando llegan a una ciudad. En esta tesis, nos centramos en explotar el uso de la informaci on contextual, especialmente los datos temporales y secuenciales, y aplicarla de forma novedosa tanto en la recomendaci on cl asica como en la recomendaci on de POIs. Creemos que este tipo de informaci on puede utilizarse no s olo para crear nuevos modelos de recomendaci on, sino tambi en para desarrollar nuevas m etricas para analizar la calidad de estas recomendaciones. En una de nuestras primeras contribuciones proponemos diferentes m etricas, algunas derivadas de formulaciones previamente existentes, utilizando esta informaci on contextual. Adem as, proponemos un algoritmo intuitivo que es capaz de proporcionar recomendaciones a un usuario objetivo explotando las ultimas interacciones comunes con otros usuarios similares del sistema. Al mismo tiempo, realizamos una revisi on exhaustiva de los algoritmos que se han propuesto en el a mbito de la recomendaci o n de POIs entre 2011 y 2019, identi cando las caracter sticas comunes y las metodolog as utilizadas. Una vez realizada esta clasi caci on de los algoritmos propuestos hasta la fecha, dise~namos un mecanismo para recomendar rutas completas (no s olo POIs independientes) a los usuarios, haciendo uso de t ecnicas de reranking. Adem as, debido a la gran di cultad de realizar recomendaciones en el ambito de los POIs, proponemos el uso de t ecnicas de agregaci on de datos para utilizar la informaci on de diferentes ciudades y generar recomendaciones de POIs en una determinada ciudad objetivo. En el trabajo experimental presentamos nuestros m etodos en diferentes conjuntos de datos tanto de recomendaci on cl asica como de POIs. Los resultados obtenidos en estos experimentos con rman la utilidad de nuestras propuestas de recomendaci on en t erminos de precisi on de ranking y de otras dimensiones como la novedad, la diversidad y la cobertura, y c omo de apropiadas son nuestras m etricas para analizar la informaci on temporal y los sesgos en las recomendaciones producida

    Human-Centered Content-Based Image Retrieval

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    Retrieval of images that lack a (suitable) annotations cannot be achieved through (traditional) Information Retrieval (IR) techniques. Access through such collections can be achieved through the application of computer vision techniques on the IR problem, which is baptized Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). In contrast with most purely technological approaches, the thesis Human-Centered Content-Based Image Retrieval approaches the problem from a human/user centered perspective. Psychophysical experiments were conducted in which people were asked to categorize colors. The data gathered from these experiments was fed to a Fast Exact Euclidean Distance (FEED) transform (Schouten & Van den Broek, 2004), which enabled the segmentation of color space based on human perception (Van den Broek et al., 2008). This unique color space segementation was exploited for texture analysis and image segmentation, and subsequently for full-featured CBIR. In addition, a unique CBIR-benchmark was developed (Van den Broek et al., 2004, 2005). This benchmark was used to explore what and how several parameters (e.g., color and distance measures) of the CBIR process influence retrieval results. In contrast with other research, users judgements were assigned as metric. The online IR and CBIR system Multimedia for Art Retrieval (M4ART) (URL: http://www.m4art.org) has been (partly) founded on the techniques discussed in this thesis. References: - Broek, E.L. van den, Kisters, P.M.F., and Vuurpijl, L.G. (2004). The utilization of human color categorization for content-based image retrieval. Proceedings of SPIE (Human Vision and Electronic Imaging), 5292, 351-362. [see also Chapter 7] - Broek, E.L. van den, Kisters, P.M.F., and Vuurpijl, L.G. (2005). Content-Based Image Retrieval Benchmarking: Utilizing Color Categories and Color Distributions. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 49(3), 293-301. [see also Chapter 8] - Broek, E.L. van den, Schouten, Th.E., and Kisters, P.M.F. (2008). Modeling Human Color Categorization. Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(8), 1136-1144. [see also Chapter 5] - Schouten, Th.E. and Broek, E.L. van den (2004). Fast Exact Euclidean Distance (FEED) transformation. In J. Kittler, M. Petrou, and M. Nixon (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), Vol 3, p. 594-597. August 23-26, Cambridge - United Kingdom. [see also Appendix C