7 research outputs found

    Parallel pair-wise interaction for multi-agent immune systems modelling

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    Agent Based Modelling (ABM), is an approach for modelling dynamic systems and studying complex and emergent behaviour. ABM approach is a very common technique in biological domain due to high demand for a large scale analysis tool to collect and interpret information to solve biological problems. However, simulating large scale cellular level models (i.e. large number of agents/entities) require a high degree of computational power which is achievable through parallel computing methods such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The use of parallel approaches in ABMs is growing rapidly specifically when modelling in continuous space system (particle based). Parallel implementation of particle based simulation within continuum space where agents contain quantities of chemicals/substances is very challenging. Pair-wise interactions are different abstraction to continuous space (particle) models which is commonly used for immune system modelling. This paper describes an approach to parallelising the key component of biological and immune system models (pair-wise interactions) within an ABM model. Our performance results demonstrate the applicability of this method to a broader class of biological systems with the same type of cell interactions and that it can be used as the basis for developing complete immune system models on parallel hardware

    Fosmid-based whole genome haplotyping of a HapMap trio child: evaluation of Single Individual Haplotyping techniques

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    Determining the underlying haplotypes of individual human genomes is an essential, but currently difficult, step toward a complete understanding of genome function. Fosmid pool-based next-generation sequencing allows genome-wide generation of 40-kb haploid DNA segments, which can be phased into contiguous molecular haplotypes computationally by Single Individual Haplotyping (SIH). Many SIH algorithms have been proposed, but the accuracy of such methods has been difficult to assess due to the lack of real benchmark data. To address this problem, we generated whole genome fosmid sequence data from a HapMap trio child, NA12878, for which reliable haplotypes have already been produced. We assembled haplotypes using eight algorithms for SIH and carried out direct comparisons of their accuracy, completeness and efficiency. Our comparisons indicate that fosmid-based haplotyping can deliver highly accurate results even at low coverage and that our SIH algorithm, ReFHap, is able to efficiently produce high-quality haplotypes. We expanded the haplotypes for NA12878 by combining the current haplotypes with our fosmid-based haplotypes, producing near-to-complete new gold-standard haplotypes containing almost 98% of heterozygous SNPs. This improvement includes notable fractions of disease-related and GWA SNPs. Integrated with other molecular biological data sets, this phase information will advance the emerging field of diploid genomics

    Bidirectional string anchors: A new string sampling mechanism

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    The minimizers sampling mechanism is a popular mechanism for string sampling introduced independently by Schleimer et al. [SIGMOD 2003] and by Roberts et al. [Bioinf. 2004]. Given two positive integers w and k, it selects the lexicographically smallest length-k substring in every fragment of w consecutive length-k substrings (in every sliding window of length w+k-1). Minimizers samples are approximately uniform, locally consistent, and computable in linear time. Although they do not have good worst-case guarantees on their size, they are often small in practice. They thus have been successfully employed in several string processing applications. Two main disadvantages of minimizers sampling mechanisms are: first, they also do not have good guarantees on the expected size of their samples for every combination of w and k; and, second, indexes that are constructed over their samples do not have good worst-case guarantees for on-line pattern searches. To alleviate these disadvantages, we introduce bidirectional string anchors (bd-anchors), a new string sampling mechanism. Given a positive integer , our mechanism selects the lexicographically smallest rotation in every length- fragment (in every sliding window of length ). We show that bd-anchors samples are also approximately uniform, locally consistent, and computable in linear time. In addition, our experimen

    A Framework for Semantic Similarity Measures to enhance Knowledge Graph Quality

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    Precisely determining similarity values among real-world entities becomes a building block for data driven tasks, e.g., ranking, relation discovery or integration. Semantic Web and Linked Data initiatives have promoted the publication of large semi-structured datasets in form of knowledge graphs. Knowledge graphs encode semantics that describes resources in terms of several aspects or resource characteristics, e.g., neighbors, class hierarchies or attributes. Existing similarity measures take into account these aspects in isolation, which may prevent them from delivering accurate similarity values. In this thesis, the relevant resource characteristics to determine accurately similarity values are identified and considered in a cumulative way in a framework of four similarity measures. Additionally, the impact of considering these resource characteristics during the computation of similarity values is analyzed in three data-driven tasks for the enhancement of knowledge graph quality. First, according to the identified resource characteristics, new similarity measures able to combine two or more of them are described. In total four similarity measures are presented in an evolutionary order. While the first three similarity measures, OnSim, IC-OnSim and GADES, combine the resource characteristics according to a human defined aggregation function, the last one, GARUM, makes use of a machine learning regression approach to determine the relevance of each resource characteristic during the computation of the similarity. Second, the suitability of each measure for real-time applications is studied by means of a theoretical and an empirical comparison. The theoretical comparison consists on a study of the worst case computational complexity of each similarity measure. The empirical comparison is based on the execution times of the different similarity measures in two third-party benchmarks involving the comparison of semantically annotated entities. Ultimately, the impact of the described similarity measures is shown in three data-driven tasks for the enhancement of knowledge graph quality: relation discovery, dataset integration and evolution analysis of annotation datasets. Empirical results show that relation discovery and dataset integration tasks obtain better results when considering semantics encoded in semantic similarity measures. Further, using semantic similarity measures in the evolution analysis tasks allows for defining new informative metrics able to give an overview of the evolution of the whole annotation set, instead of the individual annotations like state-of-the-art evolution analysis frameworks

    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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    Computational and human-based methods for knowledge discovery over knowledge graphs

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    The modern world has evolved, accompanied by the huge exploitation of data and information. Daily, increasing volumes of data from various sources and formats are stored, resulting in a challenging strategy to manage and integrate them to discover new knowledge. The appropriate use of data in various sectors of society, such as education, healthcare, e-commerce, and industry, provides advantages for decision support in these areas. However, knowledge discovery becomes challenging since data may come from heterogeneous sources with important information hidden. Thus, new approaches that adapt to the new challenges of knowledge discovery in such heterogeneous data environments are required. The semantic web and knowledge graphs (KGs) are becoming increasingly relevant on the road to knowledge discovery. This thesis tackles the problem of knowledge discovery over KGs built from heterogeneous data sources. We provide a neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence system that integrates symbolic and sub-symbolic frameworks to exploit the semantics encoded in a KG and its structure. The symbolic system relies on existing approaches of deductive databases to make explicit, implicit knowledge encoded in a KG. The proposed deductive database DSDS can derive new statements to ego networks given an abstract target prediction. Thus, DSDS minimizes data sparsity in KGs. In addition, a sub-symbolic system relies on knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models. KGE models are commonly applied in the KG completion task to represent entities in a KG in a low-dimensional vector space. However, KGE models are known to suffer from data sparsity, and a symbolic system assists in overcoming this fact. The proposed approach discovers knowledge given a target prediction in a KG and extracts unknown implicit information related to the target prediction. As a proof of concept, we have implemented the neuro-symbolic system on top of a KG for lung cancer to predict polypharmacy treatment effectiveness. The symbolic system implements a deductive system to deduce pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions encoded in a set of rules through the Datalog program. Additionally, the sub-symbolic system predicts treatment effectiveness using a KGE model, which preserves the KG structure. An ablation study on the components of our approach is conducted, considering state-of-the-art KGE methods. The observed results provide evidence for the benefits of the neuro-symbolic integration of our approach, where the neuro-symbolic system for an abstract target prediction exhibits improved results. The enhancement of the results occurs because the symbolic system increases the prediction capacity of the sub-symbolic system. Moreover, the proposed neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence system in Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is evaluated, demonstrating its effectiveness in determining relatedness among standards and analyzing their properties to detect unknown relations in the I4.0KG. The results achieved allow us to conclude that the proposed neuro-symbolic approach for an abstract target prediction improves the prediction capability of KGE models by minimizing data sparsity in KGs

    The University of Iowa General Catalog 2009-10

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