25 research outputs found

    A Survey on Energy-Efficient Strategies in Static Wireless Sensor Networks

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    A comprehensive analysis on the energy-efficient strategy in static Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that are not equipped with any energy harvesting modules is conducted in this article. First, a novel generic mathematical definition of Energy Efficiency (EE) is proposed, which takes the acquisition rate of valid data, the total energy consumption, and the network lifetime of WSNs into consideration simultaneously. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the EE of WSNs is mathematically defined. The energy consumption characteristics of each individual sensor node and the whole network are expounded at length. Accordingly, the concepts concerning EE, namely the Energy-Efficient Means, the Energy-Efficient Tier, and the Energy-Efficient Perspective, are proposed. Subsequently, the relevant energy-efficient strategies proposed from 2002 to 2019 are tracked and reviewed. Specifically, they respectively are classified into five categories: the Energy-Efficient Media Access Control protocol, the Mobile Node Assistance Scheme, the Energy-Efficient Clustering Scheme, the Energy-Efficient Routing Scheme, and the Compressive Sensing--based Scheme. A detailed elaboration on both of the basic principle and the evolution of them is made. Finally, further analysis on the categories is made and the related conclusion is drawn. To be specific, the interdependence among them, the relationships between each of them, and the Energy-Efficient Means, the Energy-Efficient Tier, and the Energy-Efficient Perspective are analyzed in detail. In addition, the specific applicable scenarios for each of them and the relevant statistical analysis are detailed. The proportion and the number of citations for each category are illustrated by the statistical chart. In addition, the existing opportunities and challenges facing WSNs in the context of the new computing paradigm and the feasible direction concerning EE in the future are pointed out

    On the Medium Access Control Protocols Suitable for Wireless Sensor Networks – A Survey

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    A MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol has direct impact on the energy efficiency and traffic characteristics of any Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Due to the inherent differences in WSN’s requirements and application scenarios, different kinds of MAC protocols have so far been designed especially targeted to WSNs, though the primary mode of communications is wireless like any other wireless network. This is the subject topic of this survey work to analyze various aspects of the MAC protocols proposed for WSNs. To avoid collision and ensure reliability, before any data transmission between neighboring nodes in MAC layer, sensor nodes may need sampling channel and synchronizing. Based on these needs, we categorize the major MAC protocols into three classes, analyze each protocol’s relative advantages and disadvantages, and finally present a comparative summary which could give a snapshot of the state-of-the-art to guide other researchers find appropriate areas to work on. In spite of various existing survey works, we have tried to cover all necessary aspects with the latest advancements considering the major works in this area

    Indoor location identification technologies for real-time IoT-based applications: an inclusive survey

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    YesThe advent of the Internet of Things has witnessed tremendous success in the application of wireless sensor networks and ubiquitous computing for diverse smart-based applications. The developed systems operate under different technologies using different methods to achieve their targeted goals. In this treatise, we carried out an inclusive survey on key indoor technologies and techniques, with to view to explore their various benefits, limitations, and areas for improvement. The mathematical formulation for simple localization problems is also presented. In addition, an empirical evaluation of the performance of these indoor technologies is carried out using a common generic metric of scalability, accuracy, complexity, robustness, energy-efficiency, cost and reliability. An empirical evaluation of performance of different RF-based technologies establishes the viability of Wi-Fi, RFID, UWB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and Light over other indoor technologies for reliable IoT-based applications. Furthermore, the survey advocates hybridization of technologies as an effective approach to achieve reliable IoT-based indoor systems. The findings of the survey could be useful in the selection of appropriate indoor technologies for the development of reliable real-time indoor applications. The study could also be used as a reliable source for literature referencing on the subject of indoor location identification.Supported in part by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund of the Federal Government of Nigeria, and in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant agreement H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 SECRET-72242

    Broadband optical wireless communications for the teleoperation of mining equipment

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    The current level of technological advancement of our civilization serving more than seven billion human population requires new sources of biotic and abiotic natural resources. The depletion and scarcity of high-grade mineral deposits in dry land are forcing the Natural Re- sources industry to look for alternate sources in underwater environments and outer space, requiring the creation of reliable broadband omnidirectional wireless communication systems that allows the teleoperation of exploration and production equipment. Within these ob- jectives, Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) are starting to be used as an alternative or complement to standard radio systems, due to important advantages that optical wave- lengths have to transmit data: potential for Terabit/s bit rates, broadband operation in underwater environments, energy e ciency and better protection against interference and eavesdropping. This research focus in two crucial design aspects required to implement broadband OWC systems for the teleoperation of mining equipment: high bandwidth wide beam photon emission and low noise omnidirectional Free-Space Optical (FSO) receivers. Novel OWC omnidirectional receivers using guided wavelength-shifting photon concentra- tion are experimented in over 100 meters range vehicle teleoperation.Master of Science (MSc) in Natural Resources Engineerin

    End-to-end mobility for the internet using ILNP

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    This work was partially funded by the Government of Thailand through a PhD scholarship for Dr Phoomikiattisak.As the use of mobile devices and methods of wireless connectivity continue to increase, seamless mobility becomes more desirable and important. The current IETF Mobile IP standard relies on additional network entities for mobility management, can have poor performance, and has seen little deployment in real networks. We present a host-based mobility solution with a true end-to-end architecture using the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP). We show how the TCP code in the Linux kernel can be extended allowing legacy TCP applications that use the standard C sockets API to operate over ILNP without requiring changes or recompilation. Our direct testbed performance comparison shows that ILNP provides better host mobility support than Mobile IPv6 in terms of session continuity, packet loss, and handoff delay for TCP.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Modelling of mmWave Propagation Channel for Off-body Communication Scenarios

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    Předkládaná disertační práce je zaměřena na \uv{Modelování propagačního kanálu pro off-body komunikaci v oblasti milimetrových vln}. Navzdory pokrokům v rámci bezdrátových sítí v přímé blízkosti člověka stále systémy 5. generace postrádají dostatečnou šířku pásma a dostatečně nízkou odezvu. To je způsobeno neefektivním využíváním rádiového spektra. Tento nedostatek je potřeba co nejdříve odstranit a právě z tohoto důvodu je hlavním cílem této práce navrhnout vylepšený model rádiového kanálů pro off-body komunikaci. Úkolem tohoto modelu je umožnit uživatelům efektivněji a přesněji simulovat propagaci signálu v rámci daného prostředí. Navržený model je dále optimalizován a ověřen vůči nejnovějším měřením, získaným z literatury. Nakonec je tento model implementován do simulačního nástroje NS-3, pomocí kterého je následně využit k simulaci množství scénářů. Hlavním výstupem této práce je ověřený model přenosového kanálu pro off-body komunikaci v rámci milimetrových vln, společně s jeho implementací do simulačního nástroje NS-3, díky čemuž je dostupný pro širokou veřejnost.This thesis addresses the \uv{Modeling of mmWave Propagation Channel for Off-body Communication Scenarios}. Despite the advancements in the body area wireless networks, the 5G systems are still struggling with not enough bandwidth and large latency due to inefficient utilization of radio spectrum. This issue calls for immediate action and therefore the main aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to propose a novel mmWave off-body channel, which will enable its users to more effectively simulate the signal propagation. The proposed model is further optimized and verified against state-of-the-art measurements from the literature. Finally, the developed model is implemented into the NS-3 simulator and utilized for plethora of simulation scenarios. The main output of this thesis is the verified developed model as well as the implementation inside the NS-3 simulator, which enables a wide society to use it.

    Trust-based mechanisms for secure communication in cognitive radio networks

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    Cognitive radio (CR) technology was introduced to solve the problem of spectrum scarcity to support the growth of wireless communication. However, the inherent properties of CR technology make such networks more vulnerable to attacks. This thesis is an effort to develop a trust-based framework to ensure secure communication in CRN by authenticating trustworthy nodes to share spectrum securely and increasing system's availability and reliability by selecting the trustworthy key nodes in CRNs