12 research outputs found

    Agent ontology alignment repair through dynamic epistemic logic

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    vandenberg2020aInternational audienceOntology alignments enable agents to communicate while preserving heterogeneity in their information. Alignments may not be provided as input and should be able to evolve when communication fails or when new information contradicting the alignment is acquired. In the Alignment Repair Game (ARG) this evolution is achieved via adaptation operators. ARG was evaluated experimentally and the experiments showed that agents converge towards successful communication and improve their alignments. However, whether the adaptation operators are formally correct, complete or redundant is still an open question. In this paper, we introduce a formal framework based on Dynamic Epistemic Logic that allows us to answer this question. This framework allows us (1) to express the ontologies and alignments used, (2) to model the ARG adaptation operators through announcements and conservative upgrades and (3) to formally establish the correctness, partial redundancy and incompleteness of the adaptation operators in ARG

    Attack States Identification in a Logical Framework of Communicating Agents

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    A channel is a logical space where agents make announcements publicly. Examples of such objects are forums, wikis and social networks. Several questions arise about the nature of such a statement as well as about the attitude of the agent herself in doing these announcements. Does the agent know whether the statement is true? Is this agent announcing that statement or its opposite in any other channel? Extensions to Dynamic Epistemic Logics have been proposed in the recent past that give account to public announcements. One major limit of these logics is that announcements are always considered truthful. It is however clear that, in real life, incompetent agents may announce false things, while deceitful agents may even announce things they do not believe in. In this thesis, we provide a logical framework, called Multiple Channel Logic (MCL), able to relate true statements, agent beliefs, and announcements on communication channels. We discuss syntax and semantics of this logic and show the behavior of the p

    DELPHIC: Practical DEL Planning via Possibilities (Extended Version)

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    Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) provides a framework for epistemic planning that is capable of representing non-deterministic actions, partial observability, higher-order knowledge and both factual and epistemic change. The high expressivity of DEL challenges existing epistemic planners, which typically can handle only restricted fragments of the whole framework. The goal of this work is to push the envelop of practical DEL planning, ultimately aiming for epistemic planners to be able to deal with the full range of features offered by DEL. Towards this goal, we question the traditional semantics of DEL, defined in terms on Kripke models. In particular, we propose an equivalent semantics defined using, as main building block, so-called possibilities: non well-founded objects representing both factual properties of the world, and what agents consider to be possible. We call the resulting framework DELPHIC. We argue that DELPHIC indeed provides a more compact representation of epistemic states. To substantiate this claim, we implement both approaches in ASP and we set up an experimental evaluation to compare DELPHIC with the traditional, Kripke-based approach. The evaluation confirms that DELPHIC outperforms the traditional approach in space and time

    Modal logics of sabotage revisited

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    Sabotage modal logic was proposed in 2003 as a format for analysing games that modify graphs they are played on. We investigate some model-theoretic and proof-theoretic aspects of sabotage modal logic, which has come to be viewed as an early dynamic logic of graph change. Our first result is a characterization theorem for sabotage modal logic as a fragment of first-order logic which is invariant with respect to a natural notion of ‘sabotage bisimulation’. Next, we offer a sound and complete tableau method and its associated labelled sequent calculus for analysing reasoning in sabotage modal logic. Finally, we identify and briefly explore a number of open research problems concerning sabotage modal logic that illuminate its complexity, placing it within the current landscape of modal logics that analyse model update, and, returning to the original motivation of sabotage, fixed-point logics for network games

    Sabotage Modal Logic Revisted

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    Logics for Dynamics of Information and Preferences: Seminar’s yearbook 2008

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    Reasoning about knowledge and messages in asynchronous multi-agent systems

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    International audienceWe propose a variant of public announcement logic for asynchronous systems. To capture asynchrony, we introduce two different modal operators for sending and receiving messages. The natural approach to defining the semantics leads to a circular definition, but we describe two restricted cases in which we solve this problem. The first case requires the Kripke model representing the initial epistemic situation to be a finite tree, and the second one only allows announcements from the existential fragment. After establishing some validities, we study the model checking problem and the satisfiability problem in cases where the semantics is well-defined, and we provide several complexity results.

    A modal approach to model computational trust

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    Le concept de confiance est un concept sociocognitif qui adresse la question de l'interaction dans les systèmes concurrents. Quand la complexité d'un système informatique prohibe l'utilisation de solutions traditionnelles de sécurité informatique en amont du processus de développement (solutions dites de type dur), la confiance est un concept candidat, pour le développement de systèmes d'aide à l'interaction. Dans cette thèse, notre but majeur est de présenter une vue d'ensemble de la discipline de la modélisation de la confiance dans les systèmes informatiques, et de proposer quelques modèles logiques pour le développement de module de confiance. Nous adoptons comme contexte applicatif majeur, les applications basées sur les architectures orientées services, qui sont utilisées pour modéliser des systèmes ouverts telle que les applications web. Nous utiliserons pour cela une abstraction qui modélisera ce genre de systèmes comme des systèmes multi-agents. Notre travail est divisé en trois parties, la première propose une étude de la discipline, nous y présentons les pratiques utilisées par les chercheurs et les praticiens de la confiance pour modéliser et utiliser ce concept dans différents systèmes, cette analyse nous permet de définir un certain nombre de points critiques, que la discipline doit aborder pour se développer. La deuxième partie de notre travail présente notre premier modèle de confiance. Cette première solution basée sur un formalisme logique (logique dynamique épistémique), démarre d'une interprétation de la confiance comme une croyance sociocognitive, ce modèle présentera une première modélisation de la confiance. Apres avoir prouvé la décidabilité de notre formalisme. Nous proposons une méthodologie pour inférer la confiance en des actions complexes : à partir de notre confiance dans des actions atomiques, nous illustrons ensuite comment notre solution peut être mise en pratique dans un cas d'utilisation basée sur la combinaison de service dans les architectures orientées services. La dernière partie de notre travail consiste en un modèle de confiance, où cette notion sera perçue comme une spécialisation du raisonnement causal tel qu'implémenté dans le formalisme des règles de production. Après avoir adapté ce formalisme au cas épistémique, nous décrivons trois modèles basés sur l'idée d'associer la confiance au raisonnement non monotone. Ces trois modèles permettent respectivement d'étudier comment la confiance est générée, comment elle-même génère les croyances d'un agent et finalement, sa relation avec son contexte d'utilisation.The concept of trust is a socio-cognitive concept that plays an important role in representing interactions within concurrent systems. When the complexity of a computational system and its unpredictability makes standard security solutions (commonly called hard security solutions) inapplicable, computational trust is one of the most useful concepts to design protocols of interaction. In this work, our main objective is to present a prospective survey of the field of study of computational trust. We will also present two trust models, based on logical formalisms, and show how they can be studied and used. While trying to stay general in our study, we use service-oriented architecture paradigm as a context of study when examples are needed. Our work is subdivided into three chapters. The first chapter presents a general view of the computational trust studies. Our approach is to present trust studies in three main steps. Introducing trust theories as first attempts to grasp notions linked to the concept of trust, fields of application, that explicit the uses that are traditionally associated to computational trust, and finally trust models, as an instantiation of a trust theory, w.r.t. some formal framework. Our survey ends with a set of issues that we deem important to deal with in priority in order to help the advancement of the field. The next two chapters present two models of trust. Our first model is an instantiation of Castelfranchi & Falcone's socio-cognitive trust theory. Our model is implemented using a Dynamic Epistemic Logic that we propose. The main originality of our solution is the fact that our trust definition extends the original model to complex action (programs, composed services, etc.) and the use of authored assignment as a special kind of atomic actions. The use of our model is then illustrated in a case study related to service-oriented architecture. Our second model extends our socio-cognitive definition to an abductive framework that allows us to associate trust to explanations. Our framework is an adaptation of Bochman's production relations to the epistemic case. Since Bochman approach was initially proposed to study causality, our definition of trust in this second model presents trust as a special case of causal reasoning, applied to a social context. We end our manuscript with a conclusion that presents how we would like to extend our work

    An architectural framework for self-configuration and self-improvement at runtime

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    Semantically informed methods in structural proof theory

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