13 research outputs found

    Machine learning for smart building applications: Review and taxonomy

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    © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. The use of machine learning (ML) in smart building applications is reviewed in this article. We split existing solutions into two main classes: occupant-centric versus energy/devices-centric. The first class groups solutions that use ML for aspects related to the occupants, including (1) occupancy estimation and identification, (2) activity recognition, and (3) estimating preferences and behavior. The second class groups solutions that use ML to estimate aspects related either to energy or devices. They are divided into three categories: (1) energy profiling and demand estimation, (2) appliances profiling and fault detection, and (3) inference on sensors. Solutions in each category are presented, discussed, and compared; open perspectives and research trends are discussed as well. Compared to related state-of-the-art survey papers, the contribution herein is to provide a comprehensive and holistic review from the ML perspectives rather than architectural and technical aspects of existing building management systems. This is by considering all types of ML tools, buildings, and several categories of applications, and by structuring the taxonomy accordingly. The article ends with a summary discussion of the presented works, with focus on lessons learned, challenges, open and future directions of research in this field

    Energy Data Analytics for Smart Meter Data

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    The principal advantage of smart electricity meters is their ability to transfer digitized electricity consumption data to remote processing systems. The data collected by these devices make the realization of many novel use cases possible, providing benefits to electricity providers and customers alike. This book includes 14 research articles that explore and exploit the information content of smart meter data, and provides insights into the realization of new digital solutions and services that support the transition towards a sustainable energy system. This volume has been edited by Andreas Reinhardt, head of the Energy Informatics research group at Technische UniversitÀt Clausthal, Germany, and Lucas Pereira, research fellow at Técnico Lisboa, Portugal

    FlashProfile: A Framework for Synthesizing Data Profiles

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    We address the problem of learning a syntactic profile for a collection of strings, i.e. a set of regex-like patterns that succinctly describe the syntactic variations in the strings. Real-world datasets, typically curated from multiple sources, often contain data in various syntactic formats. Thus, any data processing task is preceded by the critical step of data format identification. However, manual inspection of data to identify the different formats is infeasible in standard big-data scenarios. Prior techniques are restricted to a small set of pre-defined patterns (e.g. digits, letters, words, etc.), and provide no control over granularity of profiles. We define syntactic profiling as a problem of clustering strings based on syntactic similarity, followed by identifying patterns that succinctly describe each cluster. We present a technique for synthesizing such profiles over a given language of patterns, that also allows for interactive refinement by requesting a desired number of clusters. Using a state-of-the-art inductive synthesis framework, PROSE, we have implemented our technique as FlashProfile. Across 153153 tasks over 7575 large real datasets, we observe a median profiling time of only ∌ 0.7 \sim\,0.7\,s. Furthermore, we show that access to syntactic profiles may allow for more accurate synthesis of programs, i.e. using fewer examples, in programming-by-example (PBE) workflows such as FlashFill.Comment: 28 pages, SPLASH (OOPSLA) 201

    Efficiency and Optimization of Buildings Energy Consumption: Volume II

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    This reprint, as a continuation of a previous Special Issue entitled “Efficiency and Optimization of Buildings Energy Consumption”, gives an up-to-date overview of new technologies based on Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT) procedures to improve the mathematical approach of algorithms that allow control systems to be improved with the aim of reducing housing sector energy consumption

    Smart Monitoring and Control in the Future Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) and related technologies have the promise of realizing pervasive and smart applications which, in turn, have the potential of improving the quality of life of people living in a connected world. According to the IoT vision, all things can cooperate amongst themselves and be managed from anywhere via the Internet, allowing tight integration between the physical and cyber worlds and thus improving efficiency, promoting usability, and opening up new application opportunities. Nowadays, IoT technologies have successfully been exploited in several domains, providing both social and economic benefits. The realization of the full potential of the next generation of the Internet of Things still needs further research efforts concerning, for instance, the identification of new architectures, methodologies, and infrastructures dealing with distributed and decentralized IoT systems; the integration of IoT with cognitive and social capabilities; the enhancement of the sensing–analysis–control cycle; the integration of consciousness and awareness in IoT environments; and the design of new algorithms and techniques for managing IoT big data. This Special Issue is devoted to advancements in technologies, methodologies, and applications for IoT, together with emerging standards and research topics which would lead to realization of the future Internet of Things

    32. Forum Bauinformatik 2021

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    Das Forum Bauinformatik ist eine jĂ€hrlich stattfindende Tagung und ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Bauinformatik im deutschsprachigen Raum. Insbesondere Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern bietet es die Möglichkeit, ihre Forschungsarbeiten zu prĂ€sentieren, Problemstellungen fachspezifisch zu diskutieren und sich ĂŒber den neuesten Stand der Forschung zu informieren. Es bietet sich ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit, in die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft im Bereich der Bauinformatik einzusteigen und Kontakte mit anderen Forschenden zu knĂŒpfen

    Modelling of Electrical Appliance Signatures for Energy Disaggregation

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    The rapid development of technology in the electrical sector within the last 20 years has led to growing electric power needs through the increased number of electrical appliances and automation of tasks. In contrary, reduction of the overall energy consumption as well as efficient energy management are needed, in order to reduce global warming and meet the global climate protection goals. These requirements have led to the recent adoption of smart-meters and smart-grids, as well as to the rise of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring aims to extract the energy consumption of individual electrical appliances through disaggregation of the total power consumption as measured by a single smart meter at the inlet of a household. Therefore, Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring is a highly under-determined problem which aims to estimate multiple variables from a single observation, thus is impossible to be solved analytical. In order to find accurate estimates of the unknown variables three fundamentally different approaches, namely deep-learning, pattern matching and single-channel source separation, have been investigated in the literature in order to solve the Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring problem. While Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring has multiple areas of application, including energy reduction through consumer awareness, load scheduling for energy cost optimization or reduction of peak demands, the focus of this thesis is especially on the performance of the disaggregation algorithm, the key part of the Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring architecture. In detail, optimizations are proposed for all three architectures, while the focus lies on deep-learning based approaches. Furthermore, the transferability capability of the deep-learning based approach is investigated and a NILM specific transfer architecture is proposed. The main contribution of the thesis is threefold. First, with Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring being a time-series problem incorporation of temporal information is crucial for accurate modelling of the appliance signatures and the change of signatures over time. Therefore, previously published architectures based on deep-learning have focused on utilizing regression models which intrinsically incorporating temporal information. In this work, the idea of incorporating temporal information is extended especially through modelling temporal patterns of appliances not only in the regression stage, but also in the input feature vector, i.e. by using fractional calculus, feature concatenation or high-frequency double Fourier integral signatures. Additionally, multi variance matching is utilized for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring in order to have additional degrees of freedom for a pattern matching based solution. Second, with Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring systems expected to operate in realtime as well as being low-cost applications, computational complexity as well as storage limitations must be considered. Therefore, in this thesis an approximation for frequency domain features is presented in order to account for a reduction in computational complexity. Furthermore, investigations of reduced sampling frequencies and their impact on disaggregation performance has been evaluated. Additionally, different elastic matching techniques have been compared in order to account for reduction of training times and utilization of models without trainable parameters. Third, in order to fully utilize Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring techniques accurate transfer models, i.e. models which are trained on one data domain and tested on a different data domain, are needed. In this context it is crucial to transfer time-variant and manufacturer dependent appliance signatures to manufacturer invariant signatures, in order to assure accurate transfer modelling. Therefore, a transfer learning architecture specifically adapted to the needs of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring is presented. Overall, this thesis contributes to the topic of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring improving the performance of the disaggregation stage while comparing three fundamentally different approaches for the disaggregation problem

    Improving Energy Efficiency through Data-Driven Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

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    In October 2014, the EU leaders agreed upon three key targets for the year 2030: a reduction by at least 40% in greenhouse gas emissions, savings of at least 27% for renewable energy, and improvements by at least 27% in energy efficiency. The increase in computational power combined with advanced modeling and simulation tools makes it possible to derive new technological solutions that can enhance the energy efficiency of systems and that can reduce the ecological footprint. This book compiles 10 novel research works from a Special Issue that was focused on data-driven approaches, machine learning, or artificial intelligence for the modeling, simulation, and optimization of energy systems