12 research outputs found

    Exploring Computing Continuum in IoT Systems: Sensing, Communicating and Processing at the Network Edge

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    As Internet of Things (IoT), originally comprising of only a few simple sensing devices, reaches 34 billion units by the end of 2020, they cannot be defined as merely monitoring sensors anymore. IoT capabilities have been improved in recent years as relatively large internal computation and storage capacity are becoming a commodity. In the early days of IoT, processing and storage were typically performed in cloud. New IoT architectures are able to perform complex tasks directly on-device, thus enabling the concept of an extended computational continuum. Real-time critical scenarios e.g. autonomous vehicles sensing, area surveying or disaster rescue and recovery require all the actors involved to be coordinated and collaborate without human interaction to a common goal, sharing data and resources, even in intermittent networks covered areas. This poses new problems in distributed systems, resource management, device orchestration,as well as data processing. This work proposes a new orchestration and communication framework, namely CContinuum, designed to manage resources in heterogeneous IoT architectures across multiple application scenarios. This work focuses on two key sustainability macroscenarios: (a) environmental sensing and awareness, and (b) electric mobility support. In the first case a mechanism to measure air quality over a long period of time for different applications at global scale (3 continents 4 countries) is introduced. The system has been developed in-house from the sensor design to the mist-computing operations performed by the nodes. In the second scenario, a technique to transmit large amounts of fine-time granularity battery data from a moving vehicle to a control center is proposed jointly with the ability of allocating tasks on demand within the computing continuum

    Clothing-Integrated Human-Technology Interaction

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    Due to the different disabilities of people and versatile use environments, the current handheld and screen-based digital devices on the market are not suitable for all consumers and all situations. Thus, there is an urgent need for human- technology interaction solutions, where the required input actions to digital devices are simple, easy to establish, and instinctive, allowing the whole society to effortlessly interact with the surrounding technology. In passive ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, the tag consists only of an antenna and a simple integrated circuit (IC). The tag gets all the needed power from the RFID reader and can be thus seamlessly and in a maintenance-free way integrated into clothing. In this thesis, it is presented that by integrating passive UHF RFID technology into clothing, body movements and gestures can be monitored by monitoring the individual IDs and backscattered signals of the tags. Electro-textiles and embroidery with conductive thread are found to be suitable options when manufacturing and materials for such garments are considered. This thesis establishes several RFID- based interface solutions, multiple types of inputs through RFID platforms, and controlling the surrounding and communicating with RFID-based on/off functions. The developed intelligent clothing is visioned to provide versatile applications for assistive technology, for entertainment, and ambient assistant living, and for comfort and safety in work environments, just to name a few examples

    Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for June to December 2015

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    The 33rd edition of the conference list covers selected events that primarily focus on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until December 2015 are complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were not available for a number of events held from January 2016 onward. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, only URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the list to obtain event information without submitting their e-mail addresses to anyone. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the lack of a link between conference websites from one year to the next

    End-to-end network service orchestration in heterogeneous domains for next-generation mobile networks

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    5G marks the beginning of a deep revolution in the mobile network ecosystem, transitioning to a network of services to satisfy the demands of new players, the vertical industries. This revolution implies a redesign of the overall mobile network architecture where complexity, heterogeneity, dynamicity, and flexibility will be the rule. Under such context, automation and programmability are essential to support this vision and overcome current rigid network operation processes. Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Network slicing are key enabling techniques to provide such capabilities. They are complementary, but they are still in its infancy and the synergies between them must be exploited to realise the mentioned vision. The aim of this thesis is to further contribute to its development and integration in next generation mobile networks by designing an end-to-end (E2E) network service orchestration (NSO) architecture, which aligned with some guidelines and specifications provided by main standardization bodies, goes beyond current management and orchestration (MANO) platforms to fulfil network service lifetime requirements in heterogeneous multi-technology/administrative network infrastructures shared by concurrent instances of diverse network services. Following a bottom-up approach, we start studying some SDN aspects related to the management of wireless network elements and its integration into hierarchical control architectures orchestrating networking resources in a multi-technology (wireless, optical, packet) infrastructure. Then, this work is integrated in an infrastructure manager module executing the joint resource abstraction and allocation of network and compute resources in distributed points of presence (PoPs) connected by a transport network, aspect which is not (or lightly) handled by current MANO platforms. This is the module where the integration between NFV and SDN techniques is executed. This integration is commanded by a Service Orchestrator module, in charge of automating the E2E lifecycle management of network services implementing network slices (NS) based on the vertical requirements, the available infrastructure resources, and, while fulfilling service level agreement (SLA) also during run-time operation. This architecture, focused on single administrative domain (AD) scenarios, constitutes the first group of contributions of this thesis. The second group of contributions evolves this initial architecture to deal with the orchestration and sharing of NS and its network slice subnet instances (NSSIs) involving multiple ADs. The main differential aspect with current state-of-the-art solutions is the consideration of resource orchestration aspects during the whole orchestration process. This is fundamental to achieve the interconnection of NSSIs, hence making the E2E multi-domain orchestration and network slicing a reality in practice. Additionally, this work also considers SLA management aspects by means of scaling actions during run-time operation in such complex scenarios. The third group of contributions demonstrate the validity and applicability of the resulting architectures, workflows, and interfaces by implementing and evaluating them in real experimental infrastructures featuring multiple ADs and transport technologies interconnecting distributed computing PoPs. The performed experimentation considers network service definitions close to real vertical use cases, namely automotive and eHealth, which help bridging the gap between network providers and vertical industries stakeholders. Experimental results show that network service creation and scaling times in the order of minutes can be achieved for single and multi-AD scenarios, in line with 5G network targets. Moreover, these measurements serve as a reference for benchmarking the different operations involved during the network service deployment. Such analysis are limited in current literature.5G marca el inicio de una gran revolución en las redes móviles, convirtiéndose en redes orientadas a servicios para satisfacer las demandas de nuevos actores, las industrias verticales. Esta revolución supone un rediseño total de la arquitectura de red donde la complejidad, heterogeneidad, dinamicidad y flexibilidad serán la norma. En este contexto, la automatización y programabilidad serán esenciales para superar los rígidos procesos actuales de operación de red. Las redes definidas por software (SDN), la virtualización de funciones de red (NFV) y el particionamiento de redes son técnicas clave para proporcionar dichas capacidades. Éstas son complementarias, pero aún recientes y sus sinergias se deben explotar para realizar la nueva visión. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a su desarrollo e integración en la nuevas generaciones de redes móviles mediante el diseño de una arquitectura de orquestación de servicios de red (NSO) extremo a extremo (E2E), que alineada con algunas pautas y especificaciones de los principales organismos de estandarización, va más allá de los actuales sistemas de gestión y orquestación (MANO) para instanciar y garantizar los requisitos de los diversos servicios de red desplegados concurrentemente en infraestructuras heterogéneas compartidas que combinan múltiples tecnologías y dominios administrativos (AD). Siguiendo un enfoque ascendente, comenzamos a estudiar aspectos de SDN relacionados con la gestión de elementos de red inalámbricos y su integración en arquitecturas jerárquicas de orquestación de recursos de red en infraestructuras multi tecnología (inalámbrica, óptica, paquetes). Luego, este trabajo se integra en un módulo de administración de infraestructura que ejecuta de forma conjunta la abstracción y la asignación de recursos de red y computación en múltiples puntos de presencia (PoP) distribuidos conectados por una red de transporte, aspecto que no está (o ligeramente) considerado por los actuales sistemas MANO. Este módulo ejecuta la integración de las técnicas NFV y SDN. Esta integración está dirigida por el módulo Orquestador de Servicios, que automatiza la gestión E2E del ciclo de vida de los servicios de red implementando las diferentes particiones de red en base a los requisitos de los verticales, los recursos de infraestructura disponibles y mientras cumple los acuerdos de nivel de servicio (SLA) durante la operación del servicio. Esta arquitectura, centrada en escenarios con un único AD, forma el primer grupo de contribuciones de esta tesis. El segundo grupo de contribuciones evoluciona esta arquitectura abordando la orquestación y compartición de particiones de red y sus componentes (NSSIs) en escenarios con múltiples AD. La consideración detallada de aspectos de orquestación de recursos es el principal aspecto diferencial con la literatura. Esto es fundamental para la interconexión de NSSIs, haciendo realidad la orquestación E2E y el particionamiento de red en escenarios con múltiples AD. Además, se considera la gestión de SLA mediante acciones de escalado durante la operación del servicio en los escenarios mencionados. El tercer grupo de contribuciones valida las arquitecturas, procedimientos e interfaces resultantes pues se han implementado y evaluado sobre infraestructuras experimentales reales que presentan múltiples AD y tecnologías de transporte interconectando PoP distribuidos. Esta experimentación considera definiciones de servicios de red cercanos a casos de uso de verticales reales, como automoción y eHealth, ayudando a cubrir la brecha entre los proveedores de red y los verticales. Los resultados experimentales muestran que la creación y el escalado de servicios de red se pueden realizar en pocos minutos en escenarios con un único o múltiples ADs, en línea con los indicadores de red objetivos de 5G. Estas medidas, escasas en la literatura actual, sirven como referencia para caracterizar las diferentes operaciones involucradas durante el despliegue de servicios.Postprint (published version

    Indoor Positioning and Navigation

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    In recent years, rapid development in robotics, mobile, and communication technologies has encouraged many studies in the field of localization and navigation in indoor environments. An accurate localization system that can operate in an indoor environment has considerable practical value, because it can be built into autonomous mobile systems or a personal navigation system on a smartphone for guiding people through airports, shopping malls, museums and other public institutions, etc. Such a system would be particularly useful for blind people. Modern smartphones are equipped with numerous sensors (such as inertial sensors, cameras, and barometers) and communication modules (such as WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE/5G, and UWB capabilities), which enable the implementation of various localization algorithms, namely, visual localization, inertial navigation system, and radio localization. For the mapping of indoor environments and localization of autonomous mobile sysems, LIDAR sensors are also frequently used in addition to smartphone sensors. Visual localization and inertial navigation systems are sensitive to external disturbances; therefore, sensor fusion approaches can be used for the implementation of robust localization algorithms. These have to be optimized in order to be computationally efficient, which is essential for real-time processing and low energy consumption on a smartphone or robot

    Система відстеження рухів людини

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    Роботу викладено на 70 сторінках, вона містить 4 розділи, 24 ілюстрації, 2 таблиці та 42 джерела в переліку посилань. Об’єктом розробки є модульна система відстеження рухів людини. Предмет роботи – спосіб оцінки зміщення та орієнтації частин людського тіла. Метою розробки є створення системи, що буде застосовуватись для відстеження рухів людини та передачі оброблених даних на ПК для їхнього подальшого використання. У першому розділі виконано пошук аналогічних систем відстеження рухів, сформовано уявлення про конструкторські та програмні особливості таких систем, прийнято рішення про застосування деяких існуючих рішень в розроблюваній системі. В другому розділі розроблено структурну схему модулів системи, схему електричну принципову. Проведено розрахунки параметрів елементів схеми електричної принципової. Обрано клас точності, тип та матеріал друкованої плати. У третьому розділі проведено конструкторсько-технічні розрахунки. В четвертому розділі детально розглянуто алгоритм обробки даних та наведено результати його випробування.The work consists of 4 sections and contains 24 illustrations, 2 tables, 42 references and is presented on 70 pages. The object of development is a modular human motion capture system. The subject of the current work is a method of estimating of human body parts rotation and displacement. Creating a system for capturing human motion sending processed data to a PC for further utilization is the purpose of the current work. The first section describes the search for analogous motion capture systems, their software and hardware features and the usage of existing solutions in the current project. The development of the structural and functional electrical diagrams is described in the second section. Also, in this section the PCB accuracy class, type and material are chosen and explained. The necessary engineering calculations are presented in the third section. The detailed description of data processing algorithm and test results are established in the fourth section

    Protocolos para la seguridad de la información en eHealth: Criptografía en entornos mHeath

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    Abstract. The advance of technology has brought with it the evolution of tools in various fields, among which the medical field stands out. Today’s medicine has tools that 30 years ago were unthinkable making its functioning completely different. Thanks to this fusion of medicine and technology new terms concerning this symbiosis, such as eHealth or mHealth, may be found in our daily lives. Both users and all the areas that work in the protection and performance of health and safety benefit from it. In this doctoral thesis we have worked in several lines with the aim of improving information security in several mHealth systems trying to make the proposed solutions extrapolable to other environments. Firstly, a tool, supported by an expert system and using identity-based encryption for the protection of patient information, for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of children with attention deficit disorder is proposed. Second, a solution focused on geared towards enhancing solutions for two of the fundamental problems of medical data information security: the secure management of patient information and the identification of patients within the hospital environment, is included. The solution proposed for the identification problem is based on the use of NFC bracelets that store an identifier associated with the patient and is generated through an HMAC function. In the third work, the problem of identification is again analyzed, but this time in emergency environments where no stable communication networks are present. It also proposes a system for the classification of victims whose objective is to improve the management of health resources in these scenarios. The fourth contribution is a system for improving the traceability and management of small emergencies and everyday events based on the use of blockchains. To conclude with the contributions of this thesis, a cryptographic scheme which improves security in healthcare devices with little computing capacity is presented. The general aim of this thesis is providing improvements in current medicine through mHealth systems, paying special attention to information security. Specifically, measures for the protection of data integrity, identification, authentication and nonrepudiation of information are included. The completion of this doctoral thesis has been funded through a pre-doctoral FPI grant from the Canary Islands Government.El avance de la tecnología ha traído consigo la evolución de herramientas en diversos ámbitos, entre ellos destaca el de la medicina. La medicina actual posee unas herramientas que hace 30 años eran impensables, lo que hace que su funcionamiento sea completamente diferente. Gracias a esta fusión de medicina y tecnología encontramos en nuestro día a día nuevos términos, como eHealth o mHealth, que hacen referencia a esta simbiosis, en la que se benefician tanto los usuarios, como todas las áreas que trabajan en la protección y actuación de la salud y seguridad de las mismas. En esta tesis doctoral se ha trabajado en varias líneas con el objetivo de mejorar la seguridad de la información en varios sistemas mHealth intentando que las soluciones propuestas sean extrapolables a otros entornos. En primer lugar se propone una herramienta destinada al diagnóstico, tratamiento y monitorización de niños con trastorno de déficit de atención que se apoya en un sistema experto y usa cifrado basado en identidad para la protección de la información de los pacientes. En segundo lugar, se incluye una solución centrada en aportar mejoras en dos de los problemas fundamentales de la seguridad de la información de los datos médicos: la gestión segura de la información de los pacientes y la identificación de los mismos dentro del entorno hospitalario. La solución planteada para el problema de identificación se basa en la utilización de pulseras NFC que almacenan un identificador asociado al paciente y que es generado a través de una función HMAC. En el tercer trabajo se analiza de nuevo el problema de identificación de las personas pero esta vez en entornos de emergencia en los que no se cuenta con redes de comunicaciones estables. Además se propone un sistema de clasificación de víctimas en dichos entornos cuyo objetivo es mejorar la gestión de recursos sanitarios en estos escenarios. Como cuarta aportación se presenta un sistema de mejora de la trazabilidad y de la gestión de pequeñas emergencias y eventos cotidianos basada en el uso de blockchain. Para terminar con las aportaciones de esta tesis, se presenta un esquema criptográfico que mejora los esquemas actuales de seguridad utilizados para dispositivos del entorno sanitario que poseen poca capacidad computacional. La finalidad general perseguida en esta tesis es aportar mejoras al uso de la medicina actual a través de sistemas mHealth en los que se presta especial atención a la seguridad de la información. Concretamente se incluyen medidas para la protección de la integridad de los datos, identificación de personas, autenticación y no repudio de la información. La realización de esta tesis doctoral ha contando con financiación del Gobierno de Canarias a través de una beca predoctoral FPI

    WSN based sensing model for smart crowd movement with identification: a conceptual model

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    With the advancement of IT and increase in world population rate, Crowd Management (CM) has become a subject undergoing intense study among researchers. Technology provides fast and easily available means of transport and, up-to-date information access to the people that causes crowd at public places. This imposes a big challenge for crowd safety and security at public places such as airports, railway stations and check points. For example, the crowd of pilgrims during Hajj and Ummrah while crossing the borders of Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To minimize the risk of such crowd safety and security identification and verification of people is necessary which causes unwanted increment in processing time. It is observed that managing crowd during specific time period (Hajj and Ummrah) with identification and verification is a challenge. At present, many advanced technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) are being used to solve the crowed management problem with minimal processing time. In this paper, we have presented a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based conceptual model for smart crowd movement with minimal processing time for people identification. This handles the crowd by forming groups and provides proactive support to handle them in organized manner. As a result, crowd can be managed to move safely from one place to another with group identification. The group identification minimizes the processing time and move the crowd in smart way

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum