10 research outputs found

    An adaptive trust based service quality monitoring mechanism for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing is the newest paradigm in distributed computing that delivers computing resources over the Internet as services. Due to the attractiveness of cloud computing, the market is currently flooded with many service providers. This has necessitated the customers to identify the right one meeting their requirements in terms of service quality. The existing monitoring of service quality has been limited only to quantification in cloud computing. On the other hand, the continuous improvement and distribution of service quality scores have been implemented in other distributed computing paradigms but not specifically for cloud computing. This research investigates the methods and proposes mechanisms for quantifying and ranking the service quality of service providers. The solution proposed in this thesis consists of three mechanisms, namely service quality modeling mechanism, adaptive trust computing mechanism and trust distribution mechanism for cloud computing. The Design Research Methodology (DRM) has been modified by adding phases, means and methods, and probable outcomes. This modified DRM is used throughout this study. The mechanisms were developed and tested gradually until the expected outcome has been achieved. A comprehensive set of experiments were carried out in a simulated environment to validate their effectiveness. The evaluation has been carried out by comparing their performance against the combined trust model and QoS trust model for cloud computing along with the adapted fuzzy theory based trust computing mechanism and super-agent based trust distribution mechanism, which were developed for other distributed systems. The results show that the mechanisms are faster and more stable than the existing solutions in terms of reaching the final trust scores on all three parameters tested. The results presented in this thesis are significant in terms of making cloud computing acceptable to users in verifying the performance of the service providers before making the selection

    Cross-Domain information extraction from scientific articles for research knowledge graphs

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    Today’s scholarly communication is a document-centred process and as such, rather inefficient. Fundamental contents of research papers are not accessible by computers since they are only present in unstructured PDF files. Therefore, current research infrastructures are not able to assist scientists appropriately in their core research tasks. This thesis addresses this issue and proposes methods to automatically extract relevant information from scientific articles for Research Knowledge Graphs (RKGs) that represent scholarly knowledge structured and interlinked. First, this thesis conducts a requirements analysis for an Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG). We present literature-related use cases of researchers that should be supported by an ORKG-based system and their specific requirements for the underlying ontology and instance data. Based on this analysis, the identified use cases are categorised into two groups: The first group of use cases needs manual or semi-automatic approaches for knowledge graph (KG) construction since they require high correctness of the instance data. The second group requires high completeness and can tolerate noisy instance data. Thus, this group needs automatic approaches for KG population. This thesis focuses on the second group of use cases and provides contributions for machine learning tasks that aim to support them. To assess the relevance of a research paper, scientists usually skim through titles, abstracts, introductions, and conclusions. An organised presentation of the articles' essential information would make this process more time-efficient. The task of sequential sentence classification addresses this issue by classifying sentences in an article in categories like research problem, used methods, or obtained results. To address this problem, we propose a novel unified cross-domain multi-task deep learning approach that makes use of datasets from different scientific domains (e.g. biomedicine and computer graphics) and varying structures (e.g. datasets covering either only abstracts or full papers). Our approach outperforms the state of the art on full paper datasets significantly while being competitive for datasets consisting of abstracts. Moreover, our approach enables the categorisation of sentences in a domain-independent manner. Furthermore, we present the novel task of domain-independent information extraction to extract scientific concepts from research papers in a domain-independent manner. This task aims to support the use cases find related work and get recommended articles. For this purpose, we introduce a set of generic scientific concepts that are relevant over ten domains in Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM) and release an annotated dataset of 110 abstracts from these domains. Since the annotation of scientific text is costly, we suggest an active learning strategy based on a state-of-the-art deep learning approach. The proposed method enables us to nearly halve the amount of required training data. Then, we extend this domain-independent information extraction approach with the task of \textit{coreference resolution}. Coreference resolution aims to identify mentions that refer to the same concept or entity. Baseline results on our corpus with current state-of-the-art approaches for coreference resolution showed that current approaches perform poorly on scientific text. Therefore, we propose a sequential transfer learning approach that exploits annotated datasets from non-academic domains. Our experimental results demonstrate that our approach noticeably outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines. Additionally, we investigate the impact of coreference resolution on KG population. We demonstrate that coreference resolution has a small impact on the number of resulting concepts in the KG, but improved its quality significantly. Consequently, using our domain-independent information extraction approach, we populate an RKG from 55,485 abstracts of the ten investigated STM domains. We show that every domain mainly uses its own terminology and that the populated RKG contains useful concepts. Moreover, we propose a novel approach for the task of \textit{citation recommendation}. This task can help researchers improve the quality of their work by finding or recommending relevant related work. Our approach exploits RKGs that interlink research papers based on mentioned scientific concepts. Using our automatically populated RKG, we demonstrate that the combination of information from RKGs with existing state-of-the-art approaches is beneficial. Finally, we conclude the thesis and sketch possible directions of future work.Die Kommunikation von Forschungsergebnissen erfolgt heutzutage in Form von Dokumenten und ist aus verschiedenen Gründen ineffizient. Wesentliche Inhalte von Forschungsarbeiten sind für Computer nicht zugänglich, da sie in unstrukturierten PDF-Dateien verborgen sind. Daher können derzeitige Forschungsinfrastrukturen Forschende bei ihren Kernaufgaben nicht angemessen unterstützen. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dieser Problemstellung und untersucht Methoden zur automatischen Extraktion von relevanten Informationen aus Forschungspapieren für Forschungswissensgraphen (Research Knowledge Graphs). Solche Graphen sollen wissenschaftliches Wissen maschinenlesbar strukturieren und verknüpfen. Zunächst wird eine Anforderungsanalyse für einen Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) durchgeführt. Wir stellen literaturbezogene Anwendungsfälle von Forschenden vor, die durch ein ORKG-basiertes System unterstützt werden sollten, und deren spezifische Anforderungen an die zugrundeliegende Ontologie und die Instanzdaten. Darauf aufbauend werden die identifizierten Anwendungsfälle in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Die erste Gruppe von Anwendungsfällen benötigt manuelle oder halbautomatische Ansätze für die Konstruktion eines ORKG, da sie eine hohe Korrektheit der Instanzdaten erfordern. Die zweite Gruppe benötigt eine hohe Vollständigkeit der Instanzdaten und kann fehlerhafte Daten tolerieren. Daher erfordert diese Gruppe automatische Ansätze für die Konstruktion des ORKG. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die zweite Gruppe von Anwendungsfällen und schlägt Methoden für maschinelle Aufgabenstellungen vor, die diese Anwendungsfälle unterstützen können. Um die Relevanz eines Forschungsartikels effizient beurteilen zu können, schauen sich Forschende in der Regel die Titel, Zusammenfassungen, Einleitungen und Schlussfolgerungen an. Durch eine strukturierte Darstellung von wesentlichen Informationen des Artikels könnte dieser Prozess zeitsparender gestaltet werden. Die Aufgabenstellung der sequenziellen Satzklassifikation befasst sich mit diesem Problem, indem Sätze eines Artikels in Kategorien wie Forschungsproblem, verwendete Methoden oder erzielte Ergebnisse automatisch klassifiziert werden. In dieser Arbeit wird für diese Aufgabenstellung ein neuer vereinheitlichter Multi-Task Deep-Learning-Ansatz vorgeschlagen, der Datensätze aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen (z. B. Biomedizin und Computergrafik) mit unterschiedlichen Strukturen (z. B. Datensätze bestehend aus Zusammenfassungen oder vollständigen Artikeln) nutzt. Unser Ansatz übertrifft State-of-the-Art-Verfahren der Literatur auf Benchmark-Datensätzen bestehend aus vollständigen Forschungsartikeln. Außerdem ermöglicht unser Ansatz die Klassifizierung von Sätzen auf eine domänenunabhängige Weise. Darüber hinaus stellen wir die neue Aufgabenstellung domänenübergreifende Informationsextraktion vor. Hierbei werden, unabhängig vom behandelten wissenschaftlichen Fachgebiet, inhaltliche Konzepte aus Forschungspapieren extrahiert. Damit sollen die Anwendungsfälle Finden von verwandten Arbeiten und Empfehlung von Artikeln unterstützt werden. Zu diesem Zweck führen wir eine Reihe von generischen wissenschaftlichen Konzepten ein, die in zehn Bereichen der Wissenschaft, Technologie und Medizin (STM) relevant sind, und veröffentlichen einen annotierten Datensatz von 110 Zusammenfassungen aus diesen Bereichen. Da die Annotation wissenschaftlicher Texte aufwändig ist, kombinieren wir ein Active-Learning-Verfahren mit einem aktuellen Deep-Learning-Ansatz, um die notwendigen Trainingsdaten zu reduzieren. Die vorgeschlagene Methode ermöglicht es uns, die Menge der erforderlichen Trainingsdaten nahezu zu halbieren. Anschließend erweitern wir unseren domänenunabhängigen Ansatz zur Informationsextraktion um die Aufgabe der Koreferenzauflösung. Die Auflösung von Koreferenzen zielt darauf ab, Erwähnungen zu identifizieren, die sich auf dasselbe Konzept oder dieselbe Entität beziehen. Experimentelle Ergebnisse auf unserem Korpus mit aktuellen Ansätzen zur Koreferenzauflösung haben gezeigt, dass diese bei wissenschaftlichen Texten unzureichend abschneiden. Daher schlagen wir eine Transfer-Learning-Methode vor, die annotierte Datensätze aus nicht-akademischen Bereichen nutzt. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unser Ansatz deutlich besser abschneidet als die bisherigen Ansätze. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir den Einfluss der Koreferenzauflösung auf die Erstellung von Wissensgraphen. Wir zeigen, dass diese einen geringen Einfluss auf die Anzahl der resultierenden Konzepte in dem Wissensgraphen hat, aber die Qualität des Wissensgraphen deutlich verbessert. Mithilfe unseres domänenunabhängigen Ansatzes zur Informationsextraktion haben wir aus 55.485 Zusammenfassungen der zehn untersuchten STM-Domänen einen Forschungswissensgraphen erstellt. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass jede Domäne hauptsächlich ihre eigene Terminologie verwendet und dass der erstellte Wissensgraph nützliche Konzepte enthält. Schließlich schlagen wir einen Ansatz für die Empfehlung von passenden Referenzen vor. Damit können Forschende einfacher relevante verwandte Arbeiten finden oder passende Empfehlungen erhalten. Unser Ansatz nutzt Forschungswissensgraphen, die Forschungsarbeiten mit in ihnen erwähnten wissenschaftlichen Konzepten verknüpfen. Wir zeigen, dass aktuelle Verfahren zur Empfehlung von Referenzen von zusätzlichen Informationen aus einem automatisch erstellten Wissensgraphen profitieren. Zum Schluss wird ein Fazit gezogen und ein Ausblick für mögliche zukünftige Arbeiten gegeben

    Workload Interleaving with Performance Guarantees in Data Centers

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    In the era of global, large scale data centers residing in clouds, many applications and users share the same pool of resources for the purposes of reducing energy and operating costs, and of improving availability and reliability. Along with the above benefits, resource sharing also introduces performance challenges: when multiple workloads access the same resources concurrently, contention may occur and introduce delays in the performance of individual workloads. Providing performance isolation to individual workloads needs effective management methodologies. The challenges of deriving effective management methodologies lie in finding accurate, robust, compact metrics and models to drive algorithms that can meet different performance objectives while achieving efficient utilization of resources. This dissertation proposes a set of methodologies aiming at solving the challenging performance isolation problem in workload interleaving in data centers, focusing on both storage components and computing components. at the storage node level, we focus on methodologies for better interleaving user traffic with background workloads, such as tasks for improving reliability, availability, and power savings. More specifically, a scheduling policy for background workload based on the statistical characteristics of the system busy periods and a methodology that quantitatively estimates the performance impact of power savings are developed. at the storage cluster level, we consider methodologies on how to efficiently conduct work consolidation and schedule asynchronous updates without violating user performance targets. More specifically, we develop a framework that can estimate beforehand the benefits and overheads of each option in order to automate the process of reaching intelligent consolidation decisions while achieving faster eventual consistency. at the computing node level, we focus on improving workload interleaving at off-the-shelf servers as they are the basic building blocks of large-scale data centers. We develop priority scheduling middleware that employs different policies to schedule background tasks based on the instantaneous resource requirements of the high priority applications running on the server node. Finally, at the computing cluster level, we investigate popular computing frameworks for large-scale data intensive distributed processing, such as MapReduce and its Hadoop implementation. We develop a new Hadoop scheduler called DyScale to exploit capabilities offered by heterogeneous cores in order to achieve a variety of performance objectives

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access two-volume set constitutes the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2021, which was held during March 27 – April 1, 2021, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021. The conference was planned to take place in Luxembourg and changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The total of 41 full papers presented in the proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 141 submissions. The volume also contains 7 tool papers; 6 Tool Demo papers, 9 SV-Comp Competition Papers. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Game Theory; SMT Verification; Probabilities; Timed Systems; Neural Networks; Analysis of Network Communication. Part II: Verification Techniques (not SMT); Case Studies; Proof Generation/Validation; Tool Papers; Tool Demo Papers; SV-Comp Tool Competition Papers

    Designs for increasing reliability while reducing energy and increasing lifetime

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    In the last decades, the computing technology experienced tremendous developments. For instance, transistors' feature size shrank to half at every two years as consistently from the first time Moore stated his law. Consequently, number of transistors and core count per chip doubles at each generation. Similarly, petascale systems that have the capability of processing more than one billion calculation per second have been developed. As a matter of fact, exascale systems are predicted to be available at year 2020. However, these developments in computer systems face a reliability wall. For instance, transistor feature sizes are getting so small that it becomes easier for high-energy particles to temporarily flip the state of a memory cell from 1-to-0 or 0-to-1. Also, even if we assume that fault-rate per transistor stays constant with scaling, the increase in total transistor and core count per chip will significantly increase the number of faults for future desktop and exascale systems. Moreover, circuit ageing is exacerbated due to increased manufacturing variability and thermal stresses, therefore, lifetime of processor structures are becoming shorter. On the other side, due to the limited power budget of the computer systems such that mobile devices, it is attractive to scale down the voltage. However, when the voltage level scales to beyond the safe margin especially to the ultra-low level, the error rate increases drastically. Nevertheless, new memory technologies such as NAND flashes present only limited amount of nominal lifetime, and when they exceed this lifetime, they can not guarantee storing of the data correctly leading to data retention problems. Due to these issues, reliability became a first-class design constraint for contemporary computing in addition to power and performance. Moreover, reliability even plays increasingly important role when computer systems process sensitive and life-critical information such as health records, financial information, power regulation, transportation, etc. In this thesis, we present several different reliability designs for detecting and correcting errors occurring in processor pipelines, L1 caches and non-volatile NAND flash memories due to various reasons. We design reliability solutions in order to serve three main purposes. Our first goal is to improve the reliability of computer systems by detecting and correcting random and non-predictable errors such as bit flips or ageing errors. Second, we aim to reduce the energy consumption of the computer systems by allowing them to operate reliably at ultra-low voltage level. Third, we target to increase the lifetime of new memory technologies by implementing efficient and low-cost reliability schemes

    Addressing Energy Efficiency in System Design: A Journey FromArchitecture to Operation

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    Digital-transformation initiatives have led to major efficiencies and cost savings but at the cost of consuming nearly 10 percent of the world’s electricity. Energy consumption research has increased datacentre, network, and hardware efficiency, but a neglected aspect of energy research has been the energy consumption of the software applications that underpin digital transformation. To date, software architects have lacked the knowledge, guidance, and tools to allow them to understand the energy properties of their systems. The research reported in this thesis begins to address this situation by developing practical knowledge, techniques, and tools to allow software architects to play their part in controlling the energy consumption of our modern digital world. The work commences with an investigation into formal architectural description languages, through a literature review and a case study, resulting in two research contributions, namely a comprehensive systematic survey of architecture description languages from 1991 to 2015, and a case study of practical ADL use at scale in industry. The second part of the research investigates how to assist architects in prioritising energy efficiency through a study of how experienced architects focus their attention for maximum effectiveness, which leads to the development of a model to guide architecture practitioners, which is validated and refined through a large survey of practising software architects. The research contribution is a refined and validated model for architectural effort prioritisation. The third aspect of the research examines the energy-related guidance available to architects and having found little generally applicable advice, analyses a significant industrial case study to understand how leading-edge practitioners addressed energy efficiency, contributing a set of three energy-related architectural principles, which can be used to guide architects in improving application energy efficiency. Finally, we consider the practical problem of understanding the runtime energy properties of a system, and designed a novel approach to estimate the energy consumption of execution scenarios via application execution tracing and a cost-based energy model. We created a proof of concept implementation of the approach and validated its consistency and correctness through practical testing. The contribution of this work was twofold, namely the design of a practical system for allocating energy to application execution scenarios, and a tested, open-source, proof-of-concept implementation of the system. Hence, the result of this work is six distinct contributions to knowledge in the area of ADLs (the survey and practical case study), architectural practice (the prioritisation model and the architectural principles for energy efficiency) and application energy efficiency (the design of the energy allocation system and the proof-of-concept implementation), which collectively can help architects to treat energy efficiency as a first class architectural concern in their work

    Energy Efficiency in Data Centres and the Barriers to Further Improvements: An Interdisciplinary Investigation

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    Creation, storage and sharing of data throughout the world is rapidly increasing alongside rising demands for access to the internet, communications and digital services, leading to increasing levels of energy consumption in data centres. Steps have already been taken towards lower energy consumption, however there is still some way to go. To gain a better understanding of what barriers there are to further energy saving, a cross-section of industry representatives were interviewed. Generally, it was found that efforts are being made to reduce energy consumption, albeit to varying degrees. Those interviewed face various problems when attempting to improve their energy consumption including financial difficulties, lack of communication, tenant/landlord type relationships and physical restrictions. The findings show that the data centre industry would benefit from better access to information such as which technologies or management methods to invest in and how other facilities have reduced energy, along with a greater knowledge of the problem of energy consumption. Metrics commonly used in the industry are not necessarily helping facilities to reach higher levels of energy efficiency, and are not suited to their purpose. A case study was conducted to critically assess the Power Utilisation Effectiveness (PUE) metric, the most commonly used metric, through using open source information. The work highlights the fact that whilst the metric is valuable to the industry in terms of creating awareness and competition between companies regarding energy use, it does not give a complete representation of energy efficiency. Crucially the metric also does not consider the energy use of the server, which forms the functional component of the data centre. By taking a closer look at the fans within a server and by focussing on this hidden parameter within the PUE measurement, experimental work in this thesis has also considered one technological way in which a data centre may save energy. Barriers such as those found in the interviews may however restrict such potential energy saving interventions. Overall, this thesis has provided evidence of barriers that may be preventing further energy savings in data centres and provided recommendations for improvement. The industry would benefit from a change in the way that metrics are employed to assess energy efficiency, and new tools to encourage better choices of which technologies and methodologies to employ. The PUE metric is useful to assess supporting infrastructure energy use during design and operation. However when assessing overall impacts of IT energy use, businesses need more indicators such as life cycle carbon emissions to be integrated into the overall energy assessment

    Undergraduate Catalog 2007-2008

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    Undergraduate Catalog 2008-2009

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    None published in 1960. Volume for 1975-76 issued in 2 parts: part 1. General information -- part 2. Curricula and courses. Supplement for 1961 entitled: Summer sessions, 1961. Continued in part by University of South Florida. Graduate School programs, [1985/86]- Continued by the CD-ROM publication: USF academic information.https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/usf_catalogs/1040/thumbnail.jp