20 research outputs found

    Dinamička distribucija sigurnosnih ključeva i koalicijski protokol IP adresa za mobilne ad hoc mreže

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    In mobile adhoc networks (MANETs) a tree-based dynamic address auto-configuration protocol (T-DAAP) is one of the best protocols designed for address assignment as far as the network throughput and packet delays are concerned. Moreover, MANET security is an important factor for many applications given that any node can listen to the channel and overhear the packets being transmitted. In this paper, we merge the address assignment with the security key delivery into one protocol, such that a node in the MANET is configured with IP address and security key simultaneously. To the best of our knowledge, no single protocol provides concurrent assignment of IP addresses and security keys for MANET nodes. The proposed method, which is based on T-DAAP, shows significant enhancements in the required control packets needed for assigning network nodes IP addresses and security keys, MAC layer packets, total end-to-end delay, and channel throughput over those obtained when using separate protocols. Additionally, it provides not only efficient security keys to the nodes from the first moment they join the network, but also secure delivery of the address and security key to all participating nodes. It is noteworthy to mention that providing a complete security model for MANET to detect and countermeasure network security threats and attacks is beyond the scope of our proposed protocol.Kod mobilnih ad hoc mreža (MANET) dinamički protokol za autokonfiguraciju adresa baziran na stablu (T-DAAP) je jedan od najboljih protokola dizajniranih za dodjelu adresa iz perspektive propusnosti mreže i i kašnjenja paketa. štoviše, sigurnost MANET-a je važan faktor za mnoge aplikacije s obzirom da bilo koji čvor može osluškivati kanal i slučajno čuti pakete koji se šalju. U ovom radu, dodjela adresa i dostava sigurnosnih ključeva spojeni su u jedan protokol tako da je čvor u MANET-u konfiguriran simultano s IP adresom i sigurnosnim ključem. Prema saznanjima autora, niti jedan postojeći protokol ne pruža istovremeno dodjeljivanje IP adrese i sigurnosnog ključa za MANET čvorove. Predložena metoda, koja se bazira na T-DAAP-u, pokazuje značajna poboljšanja u odnosu na metode koje koriste odvojene porotokole, kod traženih kontrolnih paketa koji su potrebni za dodjeljivanje IP adresa i sigurnosnih ključeva čvorovima mreže, MAC paketa, ukupnog end-to-end kašnjenja i propusnosti kanala. Dodatno pruža ne samo efikasne sigurnosne ključeve čvorovima od trenutka kad se priključe mreži, nego i sigurno dostavljanje adrese i sigurnosnog ključa svim čvorovima koji sudjeluju u mreži. Važno je spomenuti da je pružanje cjelokupnog sigurnosnog modela za MANET koji detektira dodatno i protumjere prijetnjama i napadima na sigurnost mreže izvan dosega predloženog protokola

    Deriving information from spatial sampling floor-based personnel detection system

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    Field of study: Electrical & computer engineering.Dr. Harry W. Tyrer, Thesis Supervisor.Includes vita."May 2017."Research has shown and identified a clear link between human gait characteristics and different medical conditions. Therefore, a change in certain gait parameters may be predictive of future falls and adverse events in older adults such as physical functional decline and fall risks. We describe a system that is unobtrusive and continuously monitors the gait during daily activities of elderly people. The early assessment of gait decline will benefit the senior by providing an indication of the risk of falls. We developed a low cost floor-based personnel detection system; we call a smart carpet, which consists of a sensor pad placed under a carpet; the electronics reads walking activity. The smart carpet systems is used as a component of an automated health monitoring system, which helps enable independent living for elderly people and provide a practical environment that improves quality of life, reduces healthcare costs and promotes independence. In this dissertation, we extended the functionalities of the smart carpet to improve its ability to detect falls, estimate gait parameters and compared it to GAITRite system. We counted number of people walking on the carpet in order to distinguish the plurality of people from fall event. Additionally we studied the characteristics and the behavior of the sensor's scavenged signal. Results showed that our system detects falls, using computational intelligence techniques, with 96.2% accuracy and 81% sensitivity and 97.8% specificity. The system reliably estimates the gait parameters; walking speed, stride length and stride time with percentage errors of 1.43%, -4.32%, and -5.73% respectively. Our system can count the number of people on the carpet with high accuracy, and we ran tests with up to four people. We were able to use computational features of the generated waveform, by extracting the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), and using formal computation intelligence to distinguish different people with an average accuracy of 82%, given that the experiments were performed within the same day.Includes bibliographical references

    Guiding the Creation of Choreographed Processes with Multiple Instances Based on Data Models

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    Choreography in business processes is used as a mechanism to communicate various organizations, by providing a method to isolate the behaviour of each part and keeping the privacy of their data. Nev ertheless, choreography diagrams can also be necessary inside an orga nization when a single instance of a process needs to interact and be synchronized with multiple instances of another process simultaneously. The description, by business experts, and the implementation, by devel opers, of these choreographed models are highly complex, especially when the activities involved in the processes exchange various data objects and with different cardinalities. We propose the automatic detection of the synchronization points, when a choreographed process model is needed. The choreography will be derived from the analysis of the process model, data objects consumed and generated through the process, and the data conceptual model that relates the data objects. A graphical tool has been developed to support where the synchronization points must be included, helping to decide about the patterns that describe how a single model can be transformed into a choreographed model.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-


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    To obtain a real-time situational awareness about the specific behavior of targets-of-interest using large-scale sensory data-set, this paper presents a generic sensor-oriented information system based on Hadoop Ecosystem, which is denoted as SOIS-Hadoop for simplicity.  Robotic heterogeneous sensor nodes bound by wireless sensor network are used to track things-of-interest. Hadoop Ecosystem enables highly scalable and fault-tolerant acquisition, fusion and storage, retrieval, and processing of sensory data. In addition, SOIS-Hadoop employs temporally and spatially dependent mathematical model to formulate the expected behavior of targets-of-interest, based on which the observed behavior of targets can be analyzed and evaluated.  Using two real-world sensor-oriented information processing and analysis problems as examples, the mechanism of SOIS-Hadoop is also presented and validated in detail

    Skip Trie Matching for Real-Time OCR Output Error Corrrection on Smartphones

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    Many Visually Impaired individuals are managing their daily activities with the help of smartphones. While there are many vision-based mobile applications to identify products, there is a relative dearth of applications for extracting useful nutrition information. In this report, we study the performance of existing OCR systems available for the Android platform, and choose the best to extract the nutrition facts information from U.S grocery store packages. We then provide approaches to improve the results of text strings produced by the Tesseract OCR engine on image segments of nutrition tables automatically extracted by an Android 2.3.6 smartphone application using real-time video streams of grocery products. We also present an algorithm, called Skip Trie Matching (STM), for real-time OCR output error correction on smartphones. The algorithm’s performance is compared with Apache Lucene’s spell checker. Our evaluation indicates that the average run time of the STM algorithm is lower than Lucene’s. (68 pages

    Content rendering and interaction technologies for digital heritage systems

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    Existing digital heritage systems accommodate a huge amount of digital repository information; however their content rendering and interaction components generally lack the more interesting functionality that allows better interaction with heritage contents. Many digital heritage libraries are simply collections of 2D images with associated metadata and textual content, i.e. little more than museum catalogues presented online. However, over the last few years, largely as a result of EU framework projects, some 3D representation of digital heritage objects are beginning to appear in a digital library context. In the cultural heritage domain, where researchers and museum visitors like to observe cultural objects as closely as possible and to feel their existence and use in the past, giving the user only 2D images along with textual descriptions significantly limits interaction and hence understanding of their heritage. The availability of powerful content rendering technologies, such as 3D authoring tools to create 3D objects and heritage scenes, grid tools for rendering complex 3D scenes, gaming engines to display 3D interactively, and recent advances in motion capture technologies for embodied immersion, allow the development of unique solutions for enhancing user experience and interaction with digital heritage resources and objects giving a higher level of understanding and greater benefit to the community. This thesis describes DISPLAYS (Digital Library Services for Playing with Shared Heritage Resources), which is a novel conceptual framework where five unique services are proposed for digital content: creation, archival, exposition, presentation and interaction services. These services or tools are designed to allow the heritage community to create, interpret, use and explore digital heritage resources organised as an online exhibition (or virtual museum). This thesis presents innovative solutions for two of these services or tools: content creation where a cost effective render grid is proposed; and an interaction service, where a heritage scenario is presented online using a real-time motion capture and digital puppeteer solution for the user to explore through embodied immersive interaction their digital heritage

    Georeferencing text using social media

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    Enhanced web-based summary generation for search.

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    After a user types in a search query on a major search engine, they are presented with a number of search results. Each search result is made up of a title, brief text summary and a URL. It is then the user\u27s job to select documents for further review. Our research aims to improve the accuracy of users selecting relevant documents by improving the way these web pages are summarized. Improvements in accuracy will lead to time improvements and user experience improvements. We propose ReClose, a system for generating web document summaries. ReClose generates summary content through combining summarization techniques from query-biased and query-independent summary generation. Query-biased summaries generally provide query terms in context. Query-independent summaries focus on summarizing documents as a whole. Combining these summary techniques led to a 10% improvement in user decision making over Google generated summaries. Color-coded ReClose summaries provide keyword usage depth at a glance and also alert users to topic departures. Color-coding further enhanced ReClose results and led to a 20% improvement in user decision making over Google generated summaries. Many online documents include structure and multimedia of various forms such as tables, lists, forms and images. We propose to include this structure in web page summaries. We found that the expert user was insignificantly slowed in decision making while the majority of average users made decisions more quickly using summaries including structure without any decrease in decision accuracy. We additionally extended ReClose for use in summarizing large numbers of tweets in tracking flu outbreaks in social media. The resulting summaries have variable length and are effective at summarizing flu related trends. Users of the system obtained an accuracy of 0.86 labeling multi-tweet summaries. This showed that the basis of ReClose is effective outside of web documents and that variable length summaries can be more effective than fixed length. Overall the ReClose system provides unique summaries that contain more informative content than current search engines produce, highlight the results in a more meaningful way, and add structure when meaningful. The applications of ReClose extend far beyond search and have been demonstrated in summarizing pools of tweets

    Advances in Grid Computing

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    This book approaches the grid computing with a perspective on the latest achievements in the field, providing an insight into the current research trends and advances, and presenting a large range of innovative research papers. The topics covered in this book include resource and data management, grid architectures and development, and grid-enabled applications. New ideas employing heuristic methods from swarm intelligence or genetic algorithm and quantum encryption are considered in order to explain two main aspects of grid computing: resource management and data management. The book addresses also some aspects of grid computing that regard architecture and development, and includes a diverse range of applications for grid computing, including possible human grid computing system, simulation of the fusion reaction, ubiquitous healthcare service provisioning and complex water systems

    Hábitos de recuperación de información en motores de búsqueda sobre lectura, libro y bibliotecas en España (2004-2016)

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    Este estudio ha tenido como objetivo principal, determinar si los procesos y expresiones de búsqueda de información usados por los usuarios en motores de búsqueda, pueden considerarse como indicadores válidos para el análisis y estudio de los hábitos de lectura y posible interés en otros contenidos ofrecidos por las bibliotecas en España (como videojuegos o películas).Para ello se propone un modelo de análisis con el que caracterizar el lenguaje de búsqueda de información de los usuarios de internet que utilizan Google desde España como motor de búsqueda, durante el período 2004 - 2016, al recuperar información sobre la temática de el libro, la lectura y las bibliotecas, desde una perspectiva histórica. De esta forma, se pretende aportar otra dimensión de análisis a los estudios que hay sobre los hábitos lectores en general, y en España en particular.La investigación tiene distintas áreas de aplicación del análisis del lector online, como son el apoyo a la indización y la clasificación bibliotecaria, la evaluación de colecciones y evaluación de la biblioteca, los estudios de necesidades de usuarios, la evaluación de OPACs, la analítica digital de sedes web bibliotecarias o de entidades de la industria del libro como editoriales, librerías online, metabuscadores o páginas web de autores y aficionados a la literatura en general, márketing bibliotecario y promoción de la lectura, márketing editorial, altmetría y Cibermetría, y SEO (posicionamiento en buscadores).El análisis de los hábitos lectores tiene una larga tradición en el mundo offline, especialmente en España, donde el estudio de hábitos lectores es parte importante de la investigación estratégica en la industria del libro. Se han observado distintas metodologías, desde las encuestas y entrevistas a lectores y no lectores, el análisis de las ventas de los libros y la prensa, a los análisis de logs de préstamos en las bibliotecas. Al entrar la lectura en e-book, y en plena era de internet, la lectura en papel ha sufrido una transformación, donde los usuarios leen por internet, y buscan su lectura (ya sea online, en e-book y/o en papel) a través de internet, especialmente utilizando motores de búsqueda, de los que en España el más utilizado desde principios de siglo hasta al menos su segunda década, es el buscador Google. Es este cambio en las formas de localizar la lectura la que impulsa a investigar cómo se busca información sobre lectura en un buscador. Anteriormente se han investigado distintos aspectos de esas conductas con distintas técnicas, dentro del paradigma cognitivo, y especialmente dentro de la disciplina de Information Seeking, de difícil traducción al castellano. Tras consignar modelos de búsqueda por parte de los usuarios, como el modelo Berrypicking de Marcia Bates, el modelo de Ellis, el modelo de Marchionini, o el modelo de Information Search Process de Kulthau, entre otros, se han estudiado otros modificadores de las conductas de búsqueda, llegando a los estudios sobre User Search Behaviour (conductas de búsqueda de los usuarios en motores de búsqueda) especialmente en lo concerniente a desambiguación y expansión de búsquedas, análisis longitudinal de la búsqueda y de Query Intent, el Análisis de la Intención de Búsqueda. Es precísamente en la combinación de las últimas subdisciplinas hacia donde se ha orientado este estudio. Para la investigación, en 2010 se obtuvieron de Google Keywords Planner, el log de búsquedas del motor de búsqueda, más de 30.000 expresiones de búsqueda (denominadas también como frases de búsqueda, queries, keywords o palabras clave), relacionadas con el libro, la lectura y las bibliotecas, segmentando la búsqueda de palabras clave en lenguaje español y de búsquedas realizadas desde España. Posteriormente se extrajo de Google Trends la serie de datos histórica de 2004 a 2016, para conformar un dataset con el que realizar un análisis longitudinal. Las palabras clave fueron clasificadas en 27 facetas distintas de intención de búsqueda, contando también con aspectos modificadores y aspectos lingüísticos. Por tanto, no se clasificó en categorías mutuamente excluyentes, sino de forma que una expresión de búsqueda pudiera pertenecer a varias clases simultáneamente, por lo que se realizó un estudio del grado de co-ocurrencia entre las distintas facetas y los aspectos identificados. Posteriormente se dividió las palabras clave, previamente clasificadas, en una nueva dimensión de análisis, según si era atemporales (tenían una larga vida en la serie histórica) o temporales, aquellas que nacían en algún momento de la serie, y tenían una vida más o menos corta. Como resultado del análisis, se han estudiado las posibilidades de la facetación como mejora o complemento de otras técnicas de análisis de las intenciones de búsqueda (query intent analysis); se ha validado el modelo de estudio, de forma que sirva como corpus inicial de futuros análisis de los hábitos de lectura en España, a través del estudio de la demanda de información en motores de búsqueda; se han descubierto subtipos de intenciones de búsqueda propias del sector de la lectura, dentro de las clasificaciones clásicas de intención de búsqueda (navegacional, informacional, transaccional); se han identificado facetas adicionales, distintas a las meramente temáticas, como modificadores y características del lenguaje, que sirvan para completar las facetas halladas desde una dimensión de análisis complementaria; se ha descubierto distintos patrones de uso, nuevas abreviaturas y formas de expresión de las necesidades de búsqueda de los usuarios mediante lenguaje natural, se han relacionado distintos media y/o formatos, así como, tras una selección mediante una muestra intencionada, de distintos ejemplos paradigmáticos de estas tendencias de búsqueda y sus posibles relaciones causales, observando los efectos producidos en la evolución de la demanda de información en torno a la lectura a través de la búsqueda de la misma en Google en España, durante el período 2004-2016.Finalmente, y además de constatar su utilidad para completar otras técnicas de análisis de los hábitos lectores mediante una técnica inédita hasta la fecha en el sector del libro y bibliotecas, se ha observado cómo la demanda de información sobre lectura en España realizada a través de motores de búsqueda, ha decaído de forma paulatina en la segunda década del siglo XXI, coincidiendo con otras investigaciones y datos de estudios de hábitos lectores realizadas a través de otras técnicas. <br /