21 research outputs found

    Gépi tanulási módszerek alkalmazása deanonimizálásra

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    Számos olyan adathalmaz áll a rendelkezésünkre, amelyek jelentős üzleti és kutatási potenciált hordoznak. Azonban – gondoljunk például a hordozható eszközök által gyűjtött egészségügyi adatokra – a hasznosítás mellett kiemelkedő kockázati tényező a privátszféra sérülése, amelynek elkerülésére többek között anonimizálási algoritmusokat alkalmaznak. Jelen tanulmányban az anonimizálás „visszafordítására” szakosodott algoritmusokat, az úgynevezett deanonimizációs eljárásokat, illetve azoknak egy speciális és újnak tekinthető szegmensét tekintjük át, amelyeknél gépi tanulási eljárásokat alkalmaznak a robusztusság, illetve a hatékonyság növelése érdekében. A tanulmányban a privátszféra-sértő üzleti célú támadások és a biztonsági alkalmazások hasonlóságára is rámutatunk: ugyanaz az algoritmus hogyan tud biztonsági indokkal a privátszférával szemben dolgozni, kontextustól függően

    A Survey on Routing in Anonymous Communication Protocols

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    The Internet has undergone dramatic changes in the past 15 years, and now forms a global communication platform that billions of users rely on for their daily activities. While this transformation has brought tremendous benefits to society, it has also created new threats to online privacy, ranging from profiling of users for monetizing personal information to nearly omnipotent governmental surveillance. As a result, public interest in systems for anonymous communication has drastically increased. Several such systems have been proposed in the literature, each of which offers anonymity guarantees in different scenarios and under different assumptions, reflecting the plurality of approaches for how messages can be anonymously routed to their destination. Understanding this space of competing approaches with their different guarantees and assumptions is vital for users to understand the consequences of different design options. In this work, we survey previous research on designing, developing, and deploying systems for anonymous communication. To this end, we provide a taxonomy for clustering all prevalently considered approaches (including Mixnets, DC-nets, onion routing, and DHT-based protocols) with respect to their unique routing characteristics, deployability, and performance. This, in particular, encompasses the topological structure of the underlying network; the routing information that has to be made available to the initiator of the conversation; the underlying communication model; and performance-related indicators such as latency and communication layer. Our taxonomy and comparative assessment provide important insights about the differences between the existing classes of anonymous communication protocols, and it also helps to clarify the relationship between the routing characteristics of these protocols, and their performance and scalability

    Smartphone owners need security advice. How can we ensure they get it?

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    Computer users often behave insecurely, and do not take the precautions they ought to. One reads almost daily about people not protecting their devices, not making backups and falling for phishing messages. This impacts all of society since people increasingly carry a computer in their pockets: their smartphones. It could be that smartphone owners simply do not know enough about security threats or precautions. To address this, many official bodies publish advice online. For such a broadcast-type educational approach to work, two assumptions must be satisfied. The first is that people will deliberately seek out security-related information and the second is that they will consult official sources to satisfy their information needs. Assumptions such as these ought to be verified, especially with the numbers of cyber attacks on the rise. It was decided to explore the validity of these assumptions by surveying students at a South African university, including both Computer Science and Non-Computer Science students. The intention was to explore levels of awareness of Smartphone security practice, the sources of advice the students used, and the impact of a Computer Science education on awareness and information seeking behaviours. Awareness, it was found, was variable across the board but poorer amongst students without a formal computing education. Moreover, it became clear that students often found Facebook more helpful than public media, in terms of obtaining security advice

    Multipath Routing on Anonymous Communication Systems: Enhancing Privacy and Performance

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    We live in an era where mass surveillance and online tracking against civilians and organizations have reached alarming levels. This has resulted in more and more users relying on anonymous communications tools for their daily online activities. Nowadays, Tor is the most popular and widely deployed anonymization network, serving millions of daily users in the entire world. Tor promises to hide the identity of users (i.e., IP addresses) and prevents that external agents disclose relationships between the communicating parties. However, the benefit of privacy protection comes at the cost of severe performance loss. This performance loss degrades the user experience to such an extent that many users do not use anonymization networks and forgo the privacy protection offered. On the other hand, the popularity of Tor has captured the attention of attackers wishing to deanonymize their users. As a response, this dissertation presents a set of multipath routing techniques, both at transport and circuit level, to improve the privacy and performance offered to Tor users. To this end, we first present a comprehensive taxonomy to identify the implications of integrating multipath on each design aspect of Tor. Then, we present a novel transport design to address the existing performance unfairness of the Tor traffic.In Tor, traffic from multiple users is multiplexed in a single TCP connection between two relays. While this has positive effects on privacy, it negatively influences performance and is characterized by unfairness as TCP congestion control gives all the multiplexed Tor traffic as little of the available bandwidth as it gives to every single TCP connection that competes for the same resource. To counter this, we propose to use multipath TCP (MPTCP) to allow for better resource utilization, which, in turn, increases throughput of the Tor traffic to a fairer extend. Our evaluation in real-world settings shows that using out-of-the-box MPTCP leads to 15% performance gain. We analyze the privacy implications of MPTCP in Tor settings and discuss potential threats and mitigation strategies. Regarding privacy, in Tor, a malicious entry node can mount website fingerprinting (WFP) attacks to disclose the identities of Tor users by only observing patterns of data flows.In response to this, we propose splitting traffic over multiple entry nodes to limit the observable patterns that an adversary has access to. We demonstrate that our sophisticated splitting strategy reduces the accuracy from more than 98% to less than 16% for all state-of-the-art WFP attacks without adding any artificial delays or dummy traffic. Additionally, we show that this defense, initially designed against WFP, can also be used to mitigate end-to-end correlation attacks. The contributions presented in this thesis are orthogonal to each other and their synergy comprises a boosted system in terms of both privacy and performance. This results in a more attractive anonymization network for new and existing users, which, in turn, increases the security of all users as a result of enlarging the anonymity set

    Technical Privacy Metrics: a Systematic Survey

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed versionThe goal of privacy metrics is to measure the degree of privacy enjoyed by users in a system and the amount of protection offered by privacy-enhancing technologies. In this way, privacy metrics contribute to improving user privacy in the digital world. The diversity and complexity of privacy metrics in the literature makes an informed choice of metrics challenging. As a result, instead of using existing metrics, new metrics are proposed frequently, and privacy studies are often incomparable. In this survey we alleviate these problems by structuring the landscape of privacy metrics. To this end, we explain and discuss a selection of over eighty privacy metrics and introduce categorizations based on the aspect of privacy they measure, their required inputs, and the type of data that needs protection. In addition, we present a method on how to choose privacy metrics based on nine questions that help identify the right privacy metrics for a given scenario, and highlight topics where additional work on privacy metrics is needed. Our survey spans multiple privacy domains and can be understood as a general framework for privacy measurement

    Evaluating the Strength of Genomic Privacy Metrics

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The genome is a unique identifier for human individuals. The genome also contains highly sensitive information, creating a high potential for misuse of genomic data (for example, genetic discrimination). In this paper, we investigate how genomic privacy can be measured in scenarios where an adversary aims to infer a person’s genomic markers by constructing probability distributions on the values of genetic variations. We measured the strength of privacy metrics by requiring that metrics are monotonic with increasing adversary strength and uncovered serious problems with several existing metrics currently used to measure genomic privacy. We provide suggestions on metric selection, interpretation, and visualization, and illustrate the work flow using case studies for three real-world diseases

    Low-latency mix networks for anonymous communication

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    Every modern online application relies on the network layer to transfer information, which exposes the metadata associated with digital communication. These distinctive characteristics encapsulate equally meaningful information as the content of the communication itself and allow eavesdroppers to uniquely identify users and their activities. Hence, by exposing the IP addresses and by analyzing patterns of the network traffic, a malicious entity can deanonymize most online communications. While content confidentiality has made significant progress over the years, existing solutions for anonymous communication which protect the network metadata still have severe limitations, including centralization, limited security, poor scalability, and high-latency. As the importance of online privacy increases, the need to build low-latency communication systems with strong security guarantees becomes necessary. Therefore, in this thesis, we address the problem of building multi-purpose anonymous networks that protect communication privacy. To this end, we design a novel mix network Loopix, which guarantees communication unlinkability and supports applications with various latency and bandwidth constraints. Loopix offers better security properties than any existing solution for anonymous communications while at the same time being scalable and low-latency. Furthermore, we also explore the problem of active attacks and malicious infrastructure nodes, and propose a Miranda mechanism which allows to efficiently mitigate them. In the second part of this thesis, we show that mix networks may be used as a building block in the design of a private notification system, which enables fast and low-cost online notifications. Moreover, its privacy properties benefit from an increasing number of users, meaning that the system can scale to millions of clients at a lower cost than any alternative solution

    Entropy-based privacy against profiling of user mobility

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    Location-based services (LBSs) flood mobile phones nowadays, but their use poses an evident privacy risk. The locations accompanying the LBS queries can be exploited by the LBS provider to build the user profile of visited locations, which might disclose sensitive data, such as work or home locations. The classic concept of entropy is widely used to evaluate privacy in these scenarios, where the information is represented as a sequence of independent samples of categorized data. However, since the LBS queries might be sent very frequently, location profiles can be improved by adding temporal dependencies, thus becoming mobility profiles, where location samples are not independent anymore and might disclose the user's mobility patterns. Since the time dimension is factored in, the classic entropy concept falls short of evaluating the real privacy level, which depends also on the time component. Therefore, we propose to extend the entropy-based privacy metric to the use of the entropy rate to evaluate mobility profiles. Then, two perturbative mechanisms are considered to preserve locations and mobility profiles under gradual utility constraints. We further use the proposed privacy metric and compare it to classic ones to evaluate both synthetic and real mobility profiles when the perturbative methods proposed are applied. The results prove the usefulness of the proposed metric for mobility profiles and the need for tailoring the perturbative methods to the features of mobility profiles in order to improve privacy without completely loosing utility.This work is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the CONSEQUENCE (TEC2010-20572-C02-01/02) and EMRISCO (TEC2013-47665-C4-4-R) projects.The work of Das was partially supported by NSF Grants IIS-1404673, CNS-1355505, CNS-1404677 and DGE-1433659. Part of the work by Rodriguez-Carrion was conducted while she was visiting the Computer Science Department at Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2013–2014