6,445 research outputs found

    Procedural aging techniques of synthetic cities and 3D scenarios

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    Today we live in an increasingly computerized and demanding world. A world where is constantly presented the need for, the industry of video games and movies, to find ways to create more realistic graphics environments, faster and longer with a huge level of variety. To address this need, the techniques for procedural generation appeared. These techniques were used by the computer graphics industry to create textures to simulate special effects and generate complex natural models, including mostly vegetation. Within these first techniques we can find a wide range of techniques. Subsequently, with the needs to create increasingly more complex and realistic environments, emerged the solution to adapt these algorithms, already known, to something more complex such as the generation of a road infrastructure, the generation of buildings or allowed to practically generate a world only with procedural generation and a set of rules. Although this development is increasingly felt, we noticed there is an interest in a new area, which is the procedural aging of buildings in these graphical worlds. Several authors had proposed to create new and better algorithms of procedural aging in building. These authors when approaching this subject, tend to follow a very unique and specific way, creating an algorithm capable of playing a unique phenomenon of aging. Thus, identified this gap in the literature, it was decided to seize this opportunity and present and develop a procedural aging algorithm applied to buildings that is capable of reproduce different aging phenomena, and that consumes low computational resources being capable of be applied to a huge 3D scenario.Hoje em dia vivemos num mundo cada vez mais computorizado e exigente. Um mundo onde cada vez mais está presente a necessidade de a industria dos jogos de vídeo e dos filmes arranjar maneiras de criar ambientes gráficos mais realistas, mais rapidamente e já com um nível de variedade grande. Para colmatar esta necessidade surgiu então as técnicas de geração procedural. Estas técnicas aliaram-se á industria de computação gráfica para criar texturas naturais, simular efeitos especiais e gerar modelos naturais complexos, incluindo maioritariamente vegetação. Dentro destas primeiras técnicas podemos encontrar as fractais, L-system e Perlin Noise, entre outros. Posteriormente, com a necessidades de criar cada vez mais ambientes mais complexos, surgiu a solução de adaptar estes algoritmos já conhecidos para algo mais complexo, como a geração de uma estrutura rodoviária, ou como a geração de edifícios podendo assim praticamente gerar um mundo inteiro somente com a geração procedural e um conjunto de regras. Apesar de esta evolução ser cada vez mais sentida, notou-se um crescente interesse num tema em partcular, sendo essa, o envelhecimento procedural dos edifícios nestes mundos gráficos. Vários autores até então tinham-se proposto a criar novos e cada vez melhores algoritmos de envelhecimento procedural dos edifícios. Estes autores ao abordar este tema, tendem em seguir um caminho muito singular e especifico, criando um algoritmo capaz de reproduzir um unico fenomeno de envelhecimento. Assim, identificada esta lacuna na literatura, decidiu-se agarrar esta oportunidade e apresentar e desenvolver um algoritmo de envelhecimento procedural aplicado aos edifícios que é capaz de reproduzir diferentes fenomenos de envelhecimento, e que consome poucos recursos computacionais sendo capaz de ser aplicado a um grande cenário 3D

    Space-Time Transfinite Interpolation of Volumetric Material Properties

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    The paper presents a novel technique based on extension of a general mathematical method of transfinite interpolation to solve an actual problem in the context of a heterogeneous volume modelling area. It deals with time-dependent changes to the volumetric material properties (material density, colour and others) as a transformation of the volumetric material distributions in space-time accompanying geometric shape transformations such as metamorphosis. The main idea is to represent the geometry of both objects by scalar fields with distance properties, to establish in a higher-dimensional space a time gap during which the geometric transformation takes place, and to use these scalar fields to apply the new space-time transfinite interpolation to volumetric material attributes within this time gap. The proposed solution is analytical in its nature, does not require heavy numerical computations and can be used in real-time applications. Applications of this technique also include texturing and displacement mapping of time-variant surfaces, and parametric design of volumetric microstructures

    Learning a Neural 3D Texture Space from 2D Exemplars

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    We propose a generative model of 2D and 3D natural textures with diversity, visual fidelity and at high computational efficiency. This is enabled by a family of methods that extend ideas from classic stochastic procedural texturing (Perlin noise) to learned, deep, non-linearities. The key idea is a hard-coded, tunable and differentiable step that feeds multiple transformed random 2D or 3D fields into an MLP that can be sampled over infinite domains. Our model encodes all exemplars from a diverse set of textures without a need to be re-trained for each exemplar. Applications include texture interpolation, and learning 3D textures from 2D exemplars

    Preserving attribute values on simplified meshes by re-sampling detail textures

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    Many sophisticated solutions have been proposed to reduce the geometric complexity of 3D meshes. A slightly less studied problem is how to preserve attribute detail on simplified meshes (e.g., color, high-frequency shape details, scalar fields, etc.).We present a general approach that is completely independent of the simplification technique adopted to reduce the mesh size. We use resampled textures (rgb, bump, displacement or shade maps) to decouple attribute detail representation from geometry simplification. The original contribution is that preservation is performed after simplification by building a set of triangular texture patches that are then packed into a single texture map. This general solution can be applied to the output of any topology-preserving simplification code and it allows any attribute value defined on the high-resolution mesh to be recovered. Moreover, decoupling shape simplification from detail preservation (and encoding the latter with texture maps) leads to high simplification rates and highly efficient rendering. We also describe an alternative application: the conversion of 3D models with 3D procedural textures (which generally force the use of software renderers) into standard 3D models with 2D bitmap textures

    Virtual tour

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    Interactive 3D Visualization of Architectural models might be the best way to get some idea about an Architecture Plan. Photo-realistic visualization often attracts the investors and customers for whom the architectural blueprints are obscure. Architectural Visualization is considered to have a bright future ahead of it as more and more architects and real estate developers are using this technology. Virtual Walk-through can give not only ideas about your building but its interiors and design too. The Architectural Virtual Environment also most widely used in Gaming and Entertainment Industry in creating a complex movie scenes or a game environment

    Usage Based Materials by Simulating Layered Imperfections

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    Maintaining the ability to make quick iterations is very important to any artist in Computer Graphics, which is not always easy for simulating realistic materials based on how they are used. This thesis will examine imperfections in materials and the way different imperfections interact with each other based on how they are used. A new system will be created to save artist time by simulating how imperfections are layered and positioned

    Perlin noise functions for generation of textures

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    Tato práce se zabývá teoreticky i prakticky Perlinovou šumovou funkcí, pomocí níž lze generovat procedurální textury. Její algoritmus má hned několik výhod jako je přirozený vzhled, jednoduchost nanášení dvojrozměrných textur na trojrozměrné objekty nebo menší nároky na kapacitu paměti. Z těchto důvodů se dnes tato technika používá velice často v různých obměnách a vylepšeních v počítačové grafice. Nejčastěji se s takto vytvořenými texturami setkáme v počítačových hrách nebo animovaných filmech. Perlinovou šumovou funkcí lze vytvořit procedurální textury jenž působí jako mramor, dřevo nebo tráva. Příklady těchto textur generuje program, který je popsán v praktické části této práce. Tento program byl navrhnut pro jednoduchou prezentaci procedurálních textur vytvořené Perlinovým šumem. Program lze ovládat přes uživatelské rozhraní, v němž uživatel změnou některých parametrů mění vzhled generované textury. Tento program by měl sloužit k prezentaci Perlinova šumu studentům.This work deals with Perlin noise function in theoretical and practical way. Procedural textures can be generated by Perlin noise function. Perlin´s algorithm has many advantages, for example natural appearance, smaller demands on memory capacity and possibility of simple application on cubic objects. It is for these reasons that this technique is widely used nowadays in many varieties and improvements. We can meet these kind of textures mainly in computer games or animated movies. It is possible to create procedural textures by Perlin noise function so that they look like marble, wood or grass. Examples of these textures are generated by a program which is in the practical part of this work. The program was designed for simple presentation of procedural textures made by Perlin noise. Program can be operated via user interface, where the user can change some parameters which affect the look of the texture. The program can be used for presentation of Perlin noise to students.