973 research outputs found

    Digital Culture in Dan Brown’s Novel “Digital Fortress” (Sociology of Literature Approach)

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    This thesis studied about digital culture in Digital Fortress novel by Dan Brown. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and to describe the social emotional components and the negative effect of digital culture in the novel. The writer used descriptive qualitative method and used note taking instrument. The writer used the theory of digital culture by Charlie Gere and sociology of literature approach to express and explain social emotional components and the negative effects of digital culture in the novel, then finding the relation between the context of the novel and the social condition in current society. In this thesis, the writer found two social emotional components of digital culture. They are the protection of personal security and privacy, recognize the threat and how to face it. The writer also found five negative effects of digital culture. They are deviation in using digital media, it consumes people live, changes of mindset, patterns of interaction and activities between people are changed and the last is pressure and competition are increased. This thesis implicates to make people realize how digital culture has contaminated life and implicitly formed the perspective in looking at surroundings. Expectantly, this thesis can stimulate the students of English Literature to learn more about the influence of digital culture to the contemporary literary works

    Incorporating Biometric And Mobile Systems In Social Safety Nets In Sub-Saharan Africa

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    This paper measured poverty and corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa and modelled a biometric/mobile solution for curbing corrupt practices in social safety programmes. This is against the backdrop that efforts to better the lives of the vulnerable groups - unemployed, rural poor, women and persons with disabilities - are being frustrated by corruption in social security schemes mounted by various government to cater for these groups. The fallout is that planned benefits don't get to the target audience, precipitating conflicts and social tensions. Even more worrisome is that this segment of the society becomes easy recruits for social menace like kidnapping, terrorism, vandalism, prostitution, among others. Using Nigeria as case study, the study applied biometric system for the documentation and authentication of social safety net beneficiaries so that only genuine persons get the social benefits. Equally, mobile applications and devices are integrated for disseminating information about planned and released social packages from government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) to the target audience. The research resulted in an integrated Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) design that substantially mitigates corrupt practices in social safety nets

    Medical record: systematic centralization versus secure on demand aggregation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As patients often see the data of their medical histories scattered among various medical records hosted in several health-care establishments, the purpose of our multidisciplinary study was to define a pragmatic and secure on-demand based system able to gather this information, with no risk of breaching confidentiality, and to relay it to a medical professional who asked for the information via a specific search engine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Scattered data are often heterogeneous, which makes the task of gathering information very hard. Two methods can be compared: trying to solve the problem by standardizing and centralizing all the information about every patient in a single Medical Record system or trying to use the data "as is" and find a way to obtain the most complete and the most accurate information. Given the failure of the first approach, due to the lack of standardization or privacy and security problems, for example, we propose an alternative that relies on the current state of affairs: an on-demand system, using a specific search engine that is able to retrieve information from the different medical records of a single patient.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe the function of Medical Record Search Engines (MRSE), which are able to retrieve all the available information regarding a patient who has been hospitalized in different hospitals and to provide this information to health professionals upon request. MRSEs use pseudonymized patient identities and thus never have access to the patient's identity. However, though the system would be easy to implement as it by-passes many of the difficulties associated with a centralized architecture, the health professional would have to validate the information, i.e. read all of the information and create his own synthesis and possibly reject extra data, which could be a drawback. We thus propose various feasible improvements, based on the implementation of several tools in our on-demand based system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A system that gathers all of the currently available information regarding a patient on the request of health-care professionals could be of great interest. This low-cost pragmatic alternative to centralized medical records could be developed quickly and easily. It could also be designed to include extra features and should thus be considered by health authorities.</p

    Computer and data security: a comprehensive annotated bibliography.

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    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management. Thesis. 1973. M.S.MICROFICHE COPY ALSO AVAILABLE IN DEWEY LIBRARY.M.S

    A case study of the Secure Anonymous Information Linkage (SAIL) Gateway: A privacy-protecting remote access system for health-related research and evaluation

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    AbstractWith the current expansion of data linkage research, the challenge is to find the balance between preserving the privacy of person-level data whilst making these data accessible for use to their full potential. We describe a privacy-protecting safe haven and secure remote access system, referred to as the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Gateway. The Gateway provides data users with a familiar Windows interface and their usual toolsets to access approved anonymously-linked datasets for research and evaluation. We outline the principles and operating model of the Gateway, the features provided to users within the secure environment, and how we are approaching the challenges of making data safely accessible to increasing numbers of research users. The Gateway represents a powerful analytical environment and has been designed to be scalable and adaptable to meet the needs of the rapidly growing data linkage community