215,871 research outputs found

    Exploring personalized life cycle policies

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    Ambient Intelligence imposes many challenges in protecting people's privacy. Storing privacy-sensitive data permanently will inevitably result in privacy violations. Limited retention techniques might prove useful in order to limit the risks of unwanted and irreversible disclosure of privacy-sensitive data. To overcome the rigidness of simple limited retention policies, Life-Cycle policies more precisely describe when and how data could be first degraded and finally be destroyed. This allows users themselves to determine an adequate compromise between privacy and data retention. However, implementing and enforcing these policies is a difficult problem. Traditional databases are not designed or optimized for deleting data. In this report, we recall the formerly introduced life cycle policy model and the already developed techniques for handling a single collective policy for all data in a relational database management system. We identify the problems raised by loosening this single policy constraint and propose preliminary techniques for concurrently handling multiple policies in one data store. The main technical consequence for the storage structure is, that when allowing multiple policies, the degradation order of tuples will not always be equal to the insert order anymore. Apart from the technical aspects, we show that personalizing the policies introduces some inference breaches which have to be further investigated. To make such an investigation possible, we introduce a metric for privacy, which enables the possibility to compare the provided amount of privacy with the amount of privacy required by the policy

    PP-SDLC The privacy protecting systems development life cycle

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    Many new Privacy Laws and Regulations have placed an increased importance on the correct design and implementation of information systems. This is an attempt to preserve and protect user and information privacy. Incorporating privacy regulations and guidelines into an active information system is often unsuccessful and ineffective. In addition, systems that have already progressed through the development life cycle can very expensive to change once implemented. We propose the integration of privacy preservation methodologies and techniques into each phase of the system development life cycle (SDLC). This is to preserve the privacy of individuals and to protect PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data. The incorporation of IT Security measures in each SDLC phase is also discussed. This is due to its direct relevance and correlation with information system privacy issues. The proposed methodology involves identifying the privacy and security issues in each phase. From there appropriate privacy protecting and security techniques are applied to address these issues. Special mention is made of the recently proposed Common Criteria. The CC is an international standard for IT Security for Information Systems. Specifically, this paper will analyse the way the Common Criteria currently deals with privacy in information systems, and what is needed to improve its current inadequate handling of information privacy

    An Integrated Framework for the Methodological Assurance of Security and Privacy in the Development and Operation of MultiCloud Applications

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    x, 169 p.This Thesis studies research questions about how to design multiCloud applications taking into account security and privacy requirements to protect the system from potential risks and about how to decide which security and privacy protections to include in the system. In addition, solutions are needed to overcome the difficulties in assuring security and privacy properties defined at design time still hold all along the system life-cycle, from development to operation.In this Thesis an innovative DevOps integrated methodology and framework are presented, which help to rationalise and systematise security and privacy analyses in multiCloud to enable an informed decision-process for risk-cost balanced selection of the protections of the system components and the protections to request from Cloud Service Providers used. The focus of the work is on the Development phase of the analysis and creation of multiCloud applications.The main contributions of this Thesis for multiCloud applications are four: i) The integrated DevOps methodology for security and privacy assurance; and its integrating parts: ii) a security and privacy requirements modelling language, iii) a continuous risk assessment methodology and its complementary risk-based optimisation of defences, and iv) a Security and Privacy Service Level AgreementComposition method.The integrated DevOps methodology and its integrating Development methods have been validated in the case study of a real multiCloud application in the eHealth domain. The validation confirmed the feasibility and benefits of the solution with regards to the rationalisation and systematisation of security and privacy assurance in multiCloud systems

    Early evaluation of security functionality in software projects - some experience on using the common criteria in a quality management process

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    This paper documents the experiences of assurance evaluation during the early stage of a large software development project. This project researches, contracts and integrates privacy-respecting software to business environments. While assurance evaluation with ISO 15408 Common Criteria (CC) within the certification schemes is done after a system has been completed, our approach executes evaluation during the early phases of the software life cycle. The promise is to increase quality and to reduce testing and fault removal costs for later phases of the development process. First results from the still-ongoing project suggests that the Common Criteria can define a framework for assurance evaluation in ongoing development projects.Dieses Papier dokumentiert den Versuch, mittels der Common Criteria nach ISO 15408 bereits während der Erstellung eines Softwaresystems dessen Sicherheitseigenschaften zu überprüfen. Dies geschieht im Gegensatz zur üblichen Post-Entwicklungs-Evaluation

    LegitimID: A federative digital identity system for strong authentication

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    The growing use of online services advocated the emergence of digital identity as a mechanism of data security and personal information protection that can increase the trust among online users and applications. This paper introduces a new security system developed around the digital identity concept, implemented using a federative multifactor strong authentication framework and tested in an authentic online educational setting to accomplish the complete life cycle of business privacy. System performance evaluated on a sample of 108 students revealed an excellent acceptance and confidence among the users

    Oferta y demanda de criados rurales en Holanda, 1760-1920. El caso de Groningen

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    Until the end of the nineteenth century a system of live-in servants on farms was widespread in large parts of Europe. This practise played an important role in the life cycle of large numbers of rural inhabitants. In the relatively capitalistic agricultural clay son area of Groningen (The Netherlands), the breakdown of this system proved to be mainly Ihe result of a change in strategy within the live-in labour supplying families. Rising real wages facilitated a growing preference to keep family Iife and freedom for the children. In addition, it is argued that live-in servants, though earning a higher income, probably had worse prospects than those who stayed on in their parental home. After World War I the system of live-in servants almost completely disappeared because now richer farmers desired more privacy, keeping a maid only for domestic work

    Implanting Life-Cycle Privacy Policies in a Context Database

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    Ambient intelligence (AmI) environments continuously monitor surrounding individuals' context (e.g., location, activity, etc.) to make existing applications smarter, i.e., make decision without requiring user interaction. Such AmI smartness ability is tightly coupled to quantity and quality of the available (past and present) context. However, context is often linked to an individual (e.g., location of a given person) and as such falls under privacy directives. The goal of this paper is to enable the difficult wedding of privacy (automatically fulfilling users' privacy whishes) and smartness in the AmI. interestingly, privacy requirements in the AmI are different from traditional environments, where systems usually manage durable data (e.g., medical or banking information), collected and updated trustfully either by the donor herself, her doctor, or an employee of her bank. Therefore, proper information disclosure to third parties constitutes a major privacy concern in the traditional studies

    Enabling personal privacy for pervasive computing environments

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    Protection of personal data in the Internet is already a challenge today. Users have to actively look up privacy policies of websites and decide whether they can live with the terms of use. Once discovered, they are forced to make a ”‘take or leave”’ decision. In future living and working environments, where sensors and context-aware services are pervasive, this becomes an even greater challenge and annoyance. The environment is much more personalized and users cannot just ”‘leave”’. They require measures to prevent, avoid and detect misuse of sensitive data, as well as to be able to negotiate the purpose of use of data. We present a novel model of privacy protection, complementing the notion of enterprise privacy with the incorporation of personal privacy towards a holistic privacy management system. Our approach allows non-expert users not only to negotiate the desired level of privacy in a rather automated and simple way, but also to track and monitor the whole life-cycle of data

    Balancing smartness and privacy for the Ambient Intelligence

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    Ambient Intelligence (AmI) will introduce large privacy risks. Stored context histories are vulnerable for unauthorized disclosure, thus unlimited storing of privacy-sensitive context data is not desirable from the privacy viewpoint. However, high quality and quantity of data enable smartness for the AmI, while less and coarse data benefit privacy. This raises a very important problem to the AmI, that is, how to balance the smartness and privacy requirements in an ambient world. In this article, we propose to give to donors the control over the life cycle of their context data, so that users themselves can balance their needs and wishes in terms of smartness and privacy