37 research outputs found

    Real-Time Sensor Networks and Systems for the Industrial IoT

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    The Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT—IIoT) has emerged as the core construct behind the various cyber-physical systems constituting a principal dimension of the fourth Industrial Revolution. While initially born as the concept behind specific industrial applications of generic IoT technologies, for the optimization of operational efficiency in automation and control, it quickly enabled the achievement of the total convergence of Operational (OT) and Information Technologies (IT). The IIoT has now surpassed the traditional borders of automation and control functions in the process and manufacturing industry, shifting towards a wider domain of functions and industries, embraced under the dominant global initiatives and architectural frameworks of Industry 4.0 (or Industrie 4.0) in Germany, Industrial Internet in the US, Society 5.0 in Japan, and Made-in-China 2025 in China. As real-time embedded systems are quickly achieving ubiquity in everyday life and in industrial environments, and many processes already depend on real-time cyber-physical systems and embedded sensors, the integration of IoT with cognitive computing and real-time data exchange is essential for real-time analytics and realization of digital twins in smart environments and services under the various frameworks’ provisions. In this context, real-time sensor networks and systems for the Industrial IoT encompass multiple technologies and raise significant design, optimization, integration and exploitation challenges. The ten articles in this Special Issue describe advances in real-time sensor networks and systems that are significant enablers of the Industrial IoT paradigm. In the relevant landscape, the domain of wireless networking technologies is centrally positioned, as expected

    Acoustic-based Smart Tactile Sensing in Social Robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEl sentido del tacto es un componente crucial de la interacción social humana y es único entre los cinco sentidos. Como único sentido proximal, el tacto requiere un contacto físico cercano o directo para registrar la información. Este hecho convierte al tacto en una modalidad de interacción llena de posibilidades en cuanto a comunicación social. A través del tacto, podemos conocer la intención de la otra persona y comunicar emociones. De esta idea surge el concepto de social touch o tacto social como el acto de tocar a otra persona en un contexto social. Puede servir para diversos fines, como saludar, mostrar afecto, persuadir y regular el bienestar emocional y físico. Recientemente, el número de personas que interactúan con sistemas y agentes artificiales ha aumentado, principalmente debido al auge de los dispositivos tecnológicos, como los smartphones o los altavoces inteligentes. A pesar del auge de estos dispositivos, sus capacidades de interacción son limitadas. Para paliar este problema, los recientes avances en robótica social han mejorado las posibilidades de interacción para que los agentes funcionen de forma más fluida y sean más útiles. En este sentido, los robots sociales están diseñados para facilitar interacciones naturales entre humanos y agentes artificiales. El sentido del tacto en este contexto se revela como un vehículo natural que puede mejorar la Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) debido a su relevancia comunicativa en entornos sociales. Además de esto, para un robot social, la relación entre el tacto social y su aspecto es directa, al disponer de un cuerpo físico para aplicar o recibir toques. Desde un punto de vista técnico, los sistemas de detección táctil han sido objeto recientemente de nuevas investigaciones, sobre todo dedicado a comprender este sentido para crear sistemas inteligentes que puedan mejorar la vida de las personas. En este punto, los robots sociales se han convertido en dispositivos muy populares que incluyen tecnologías para la detección táctil. Esto está motivado por el hecho de que un robot puede esperada o inesperadamente tener contacto físico con una persona, lo que puede mejorar o interferir en la ejecución de sus comportamientos. Por tanto, el sentido del tacto se antoja necesario para el desarrollo de aplicaciones robóticas. Algunos métodos incluyen el reconocimiento de gestos táctiles, aunque a menudo exigen importantes despliegues de hardware que requieren de múltiples sensores. Además, la fiabilidad de estas tecnologías de detección es limitada, ya que la mayoría de ellas siguen teniendo problemas tales como falsos positivos o tasas de reconocimiento bajas. La detección acústica, en este sentido, puede proporcionar un conjunto de características capaces de paliar las deficiencias anteriores. A pesar de que se trata de una tecnología utilizada en diversos campos de investigación, aún no se ha integrado en la interacción táctil entre humanos y robots. Por ello, en este trabajo proponemos el sistema Acoustic Touch Recognition (ATR), un sistema inteligente de detección táctil (smart tactile sensing system) basado en la detección acústica y diseñado para mejorar la interacción social humano-robot. Nuestro sistema está desarrollado para clasificar gestos táctiles y localizar su origen. Además de esto, se ha integrado en plataformas robóticas sociales y se ha probado en aplicaciones reales con éxito. Nuestra propuesta se ha enfocado desde dos puntos de vista: uno técnico y otro relacionado con el tacto social. Por un lado, la propuesta tiene una motivación técnica centrada en conseguir un sistema táctil rentable, modular y portátil. Para ello, en este trabajo se ha explorado el campo de las tecnologías de detección táctil, los sistemas inteligentes de detección táctil y su aplicación en HRI. Por otro lado, parte de la investigación se centra en el impacto afectivo del tacto social durante la interacción humano-robot, lo que ha dado lugar a dos estudios que exploran esta idea.The sense of touch is a crucial component of human social interaction and is unique among the five senses. As the only proximal sense, touch requires close or direct physical contact to register information. This fact makes touch an interaction modality full of possibilities regarding social communication. Through touch, we are able to ascertain the other person’s intention and communicate emotions. From this idea emerges the concept of social touch as the act of touching another person in a social context. It can serve various purposes, such as greeting, showing affection, persuasion, and regulating emotional and physical well-being. Recently, the number of people interacting with artificial systems and agents has increased, mainly due to the rise of technological devices, such as smartphones or smart speakers. Still, these devices are limited in their interaction capabilities. To deal with this issue, recent developments in social robotics have improved the interaction possibilities to make agents more seamless and useful. In this sense, social robots are designed to facilitate natural interactions between humans and artificial agents. In this context, the sense of touch is revealed as a natural interaction vehicle that can improve HRI due to its communicative relevance. Moreover, for a social robot, the relationship between social touch and its embodiment is direct, having a physical body to apply or receive touches. From a technical standpoint, tactile sensing systems have recently been the subject of further research, mostly devoted to comprehending this sense to create intelligent systems that can improve people’s lives. Currently, social robots are popular devices that include technologies for touch sensing. This is motivated by the fact that robots may encounter expected or unexpected physical contact with humans, which can either enhance or interfere with the execution of their behaviours. There is, therefore, a need to detect human touch in robot applications. Some methods even include touch-gesture recognition, although they often require significant hardware deployments primarily that require multiple sensors. Additionally, the dependability of those sensing technologies is constrained because the majority of them still struggle with issues like false positives or poor recognition rates. Acoustic sensing, in this sense, can provide a set of features that can alleviate the aforementioned shortcomings. Even though it is a technology that has been utilised in various research fields, it has yet to be integrated into human-robot touch interaction. Therefore, in thiswork,we propose theATRsystem, a smart tactile sensing system based on acoustic sensing designed to improve human-robot social interaction. Our system is developed to classify touch gestures and locate their source. It is also integrated into real social robotic platforms and tested in real-world applications. Our proposal is approached from two standpoints, one technical and the other related to social touch. Firstly, the technical motivation of thiswork centred on achieving a cost-efficient, modular and portable tactile system. For that, we explore the fields of touch sensing technologies, smart tactile sensing systems and their application in HRI. On the other hand, part of the research is centred around the affective impact of touch during human-robot interaction, resulting in two studies exploring this idea.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Pedro Manuel Urbano de Almeida Lima.- Secretaria: María Dolores Blanco Rojas.- Vocal: Antonio Fernández Caballer

    On-chip electrochemical capacitors and piezoelectric energy harvesters for self-powering sensor nodes

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    On-chip sensing and communications in the Internet of things platform have benefited from the miniaturization of faster and low power complementary-metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) microelectronics. Micro-electromechanical systems technology (MEMS) and development of novel nanomaterials have further improved the performance of sensors and transducers while also demonstrating reduction in size and power consumption. Integration of such technologies can enable miniaturized nodes to be deployed to construct wireless sensor networks for autonomous data acquisition. Their longevity, however, is determined by the lifetime of the power supply. Traditional batteries cannot fully fulfill the demands of sensor nodes that require long operational duration. Thus, we require solutions that produce their own electricity from the surroundings and store them for future utility. Furthermore, manufacturing of such a power supply must be compatible with CMOS and MEMS technology. In this thesis, we will describe on-chip electrochemical capacitors and piezoelectric energy harvesters as components of such a self-powered sensor node. Our piezoelectric microcantilevers confirm the feasibility of fabricating micro electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) size two-degree-of-freedom systems which can address the major issue of small bandwidth of piezoelectric micro-energy harvesters. These devices use a cut-out trapezoidal cantilever beam, limited by its footprint area i.e. a 1 cm2^2 silicon die, to enhance the stress on the cantilever\u27s free end while reducing the gap remarkably between its first two eigenfrequencies in the 400 - 500 Hz and in the 1 - 2 kHz range. The energy from the M-shaped harvesters could be stored in rGO based on-chip electrochemical capacitors. The electrochemical capacitors are manufactured through CMOS compatible, reproducible, and reliable micromachining processes such as chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanofibers (CNF) and spin coating of graphene oxide based (GO) solutions. The impact of electrode geometry and electrode thickness is studied for CNF based electrodes. Furthermore, we have also demonstrated an improvement in their electrochemical performance and yield of spin coated electrochemical capacitors through surface roughening from iron and chromium nanoparticles. The CVD grown CNF and spin coated rGO based devices are evaluated for their respective trade-offs. Finally, to improve the energy density and demonstrate the versatility of the spin coating process, we manufactured electrochemical capacitors from various GO based composites with functional groups heptadecan-9-amine and octadecanamine. The materials were used as a stack to demonstrate high energy density for spin coated electrochemical capacitors. We have also examined the possibility of integrating these devices into a power management unit to fully realize a self-powering on-chip power supply through survey of package fabrication, choice of electrolyte, and device assembly

    Using Portable X-ray Fluorescence to Predict Physical and Chemical Properties of California Soils

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    Soil characterization provides the basic information necessary for understanding the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. Knowledge about soils can in turn be used to inform management practices, optimize agricultural operations, and ensure the continuation of ecosystem services provided by soils. However, current analytical standards for identifying each distinct property are costly and time-consuming. The optimization of laboratory grade technology for wide scale use is demonstrated by advances in a proximal soil sensing technique known as portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF). pXRF analyzers use high energy Xrays that interact with a sample to cause characteristic reflorescence that can be distinguished by the analyzer for its energy and intensity to determine the chemical composition of the sample. While pXRF only measures total elemental abundance, the concentrations of certain elements have been used as a proxy to develop models capable of predicting soil characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate existing models and model building techniques for predicting soil pH, texture, cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and C:N ratio from pXRF spectra and assess their fittingness for California soils by comparing predictions to results from laboratory methods. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and random forest (RF) models were created for each property using a training subset of data and evaluated by R2 , RMSE, RPD and RPIQ on an unseen test set. The California soils sample set was comprised of 480 soil samples from across the state that were subject to laboratory and pXRF analysis in GeoChem mode. Results showed that existing data models applied to the CA soils dataset lacked predictive ability. In comparison, data models generated using MLR with 10-fold cross validation for variable selection improved predictions, while algorithmic modeling produced the best estimates for all properties besides pH. The best models produced for each property gave RMSE values of 0.489 for pH, 10.8 for sand %, 6.06 for clay % (together predicting the correct texture class 74% of the time), 6.79 for CEC (cmolc/kg soil), 1.01 for SOC %, 0.062 for TN %, and 7.02 for C:N ratio. Where R2 and RMSE were observed to fluctuate inconsistently with a change in the random train/test splits, RPD and RPIQ were more stable, which may indicate a more useful representation of out of sample applicability. RF modeling for TN content provided the best predictive model overall (R2 = 0.782, RMSE = 0.062, RPD = 2.041, and RPIQ = 2.96). RF models for CEC and TN % achieved RPD values \u3e2, indicating stable predictive models (Cheng et al., 2021). Lower RPD values between 1.75 and 2 and RPIQ \u3e2 were also found for MLR models of CEC, and TN %, as well as RF models for SOC. Better estimates for chemical properties (CEC, N, SOC) when compared to physical properties (texture), may be attributable to a correlation between elemental signatures and organic matter. All models were improved with the addition of categorical variables (land-use and sample set) but came at a great statistical cost (9 extra predictors). Separating models by land type and lab characterization method revealed some improvements within land types, but these effects could not be fully untangled from sample set. Thus, the consortia of characterizing bodies for ‘true’ lab data may have been a drawback in model performance, by confounding inter-lab errors with predictive errors. Future studies using pXRF analysis for soil property estimation should investigate how predictive v models are affected by characterizing method and lab body. While statewide models for California soils provided what may be an acceptable level of error for some applications, models calibrated for a specific site using consistent lab characterization methods likely provide a higher degree of accuracy for indirect measurements of some key soil properties

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov

    End-to-End Trust Fulfillment of Big Data Workflow Provisioning over Competing Clouds

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    Cloud Computing has emerged as a promising and powerful paradigm for delivering data- intensive, high performance computation, applications and services over the Internet. Cloud Computing has enabled the implementation and success of Big Data, a relatively recent phenomenon consisting of the generation and analysis of abundant data from various sources. Accordingly, to satisfy the growing demands of Big Data storage, processing, and analytics, a large market has emerged for Cloud Service Providers, offering a myriad of resources, platforms, and infrastructures. The proliferation of these services often makes it difficult for consumers to select the most suitable and trustworthy provider to fulfill the requirements of building complex workflows and applications in a relatively short time. In this thesis, we first propose a quality specification model to support dual pre- and post-cloud workflow provisioning, consisting of service provider selection and workflow quality enforcement and adaptation. This model captures key properties of the quality of work at different stages of the Big Data value chain, enabling standardized quality specification, monitoring, and adaptation. Subsequently, we propose a two-dimensional trust-enabled framework to facilitate end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) enforcement that: 1) automates cloud service provider selection for Big Data workflow processing, and 2) maintains the required QoS levels of Big Data workflows during runtime through dynamic orchestration using multi-model architecture-driven workflow monitoring, prediction, and adaptation. The trust-based automatic service provider selection scheme we propose in this thesis is comprehensive and adaptive, as it relies on a dynamic trust model to evaluate the QoS of a cloud provider prior to taking any selection decisions. It is a multi-dimensional trust model for Big Data workflows over competing clouds that assesses the trustworthiness of cloud providers based on three trust levels: (1) presence of the most up-to-date cloud resource verified capabilities, (2) reputational evidence measured by neighboring users and (3) a recorded personal history of experiences with the cloud provider. The trust-based workflow orchestration scheme we propose aims to avoid performance degradation or cloud service interruption. Our workflow orchestration approach is not only based on automatic adaptation and reconfiguration supported by monitoring, but also on predicting cloud resource shortages, thus preventing performance degradation. We formalize the cloud resource orchestration process using a state machine that efficiently captures different dynamic properties of the cloud execution environment. In addition, we use a model checker to validate our monitoring model in terms of reachability, liveness, and safety properties. We evaluate both our automated service provider selection scheme and cloud workflow orchestration, monitoring and adaptation schemes on a workflow-enabled Big Data application. A set of scenarios were carefully chosen to evaluate the performance of the service provider selection, workflow monitoring and the adaptation schemes we have implemented. The results demonstrate that our service selection outperforms other selection strategies and ensures trustworthy service provider selection. The results of evaluating automated workflow orchestration further show that our model is self-adapting, self-configuring, reacts efficiently to changes and adapts accordingly while enforcing QoS of workflows

    Automation and Robotics: Latest Achievements, Challenges and Prospects

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    This SI presents the latest achievements, challenges and prospects for drives, actuators, sensors, controls and robot navigation with reverse validation and applications in the field of industrial automation and robotics. Automation, supported by robotics, can effectively speed up and improve production. The industrialization of complex mechatronic components, especially robots, requires a large number of special processes already in the pre-production stage provided by modelling and simulation. This area of research from the very beginning includes drives, process technology, actuators, sensors, control systems and all connections in mechatronic systems. Automation and robotics form broad-spectrum areas of research, which are tightly interconnected. To reduce costs in the pre-production stage and to reduce production preparation time, it is necessary to solve complex tasks in the form of simulation with the use of standard software products and new technologies that allow, for example, machine vision and other imaging tools to examine new physical contexts, dependencies and connections

    Priority Handling Aggregation Technique (PHAT) for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have limited power capabilities, whereas they serve applications which usually require specific packets, i.e. High Priority Packets (HPP), to be delivered before a deadline. Hence, it is essential to reduce the energy consumption and to have real-time behavior. To achieve this goal we propose a hybrid technique which explores the benefits of data aggregation without data size reduction in combination with prioritized queues. The energy consumption is reduced by appending data from incoming packets with already buffered Low Priority Packets (LPP). The real-time behavior is achieved by directly forwarding the HPP to the next node. Our study explores the impact of the proposed hybrid technique in several all-to-one data flow scenarios with various traffic loads, wait time intervals and percentage of HPP. Our results show gain up to 23,3% in packet loss and 36,6% in energy consumption compared with the direct forwarding of packets. © 2012 IEEE.IEEE Industrial Electronics Societ