14 research outputs found

    Prime divisors of palindromes

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    http://www.math.missouri.edu/~bbanks/papers/index.htmlIn this paper, we study some divisibility properties of palindromic numbers in a fixed base g ≥ 2. In particular, if PL denotes the set of palindromes with precisely L digits, we show that for any sufficiently large value of L there exists a palindrome n ∈ PL with at least (log log n)1+o(1) distinct prime divisors, and there exists a palindrome n ∈ PL with a prime factor of size at least (log n)2+o(1)

    Power Values of Palindromes

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    8 páginas.We show that for a fixed integer base g <= 2 the palindromes to base g which are k-powers form a very thin set in the set of all base g palindromes.During the preparation of this paper, J. C. was supported in part by Grant MTM 2005-04730 of MYCIT, F. L. was supported in part by Grant SEP- CONACyT 46755, and I. S. by ARC Grant DP0556431.Peer reviewe

    Patterns obtained from digit and iterative digit sums of Palindromic, Repdigit and Repunit numbers, its variants and subsets

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    The digit and iterative digit sums of Palindromic numbers, their primes and squares, repdigit, repunit, their squares and cubes produced different patterns and sequences. The digit and iterative digits sum of the Palindromic, repdigits and repunit numbers are the same but with different pattern

    Sums of Palindromes: an Approach via Automata

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    Recently, Cilleruelo, Luca, & Baxter proved, for all bases b >= 5, that every natural number is the sum of at most 3 natural numbers whose base-b representation is a palindrome. However, the cases b = 2, 3, 4 were left unresolved. We prove, using a decision procedure based on automata, that every natural number is the sum of at most 4 natural numbers whose base-2 representation is a palindrome. Here the constant 4 is optimal. We obtain similar results for bases 3 and 4, thus completely resolving the problem

    Every positive integer is a sum of three palindromes

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    For integer g5g\ge 5, we prove that any positive integer can be written as a sum of three palindromes in base gg

    Reversible primes

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    For an nn-bit positive integer aa written in binary as a=j=0n1εj(a)2j a = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} \varepsilon_{j}(a) \,2^j where, εj(a){0,1}\varepsilon_j(a) \in \{0,1\}, j{0,,n1}j\in\{0, \ldots, n-1\}, εn1(a)=1\varepsilon_{n-1}(a)=1, let us define a=j=0n1εj(a)2n1j, \overleftarrow{a} = \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} \varepsilon_j(a)\,2^{n-1-j}, the digital reversal of aa. Also let Bn={2n1a<2n: a odd}.\mathcal{B}_n = \{2^{n-1}\leq a<2^n:~a \text{ odd}\}. With a sieve argument, we obtain an upper bound of the expected order of magnitude for the number of pBnp \in \mathcal{B}_n such that pp and p\overleftarrow{p} are prime. We also prove that for sufficiently large nn, {aBn: max{Ω(a),Ω(a)}8}c2nn2, \left|\{a \in \mathcal{B}_n:~ \max \{\Omega (a), \Omega (\overleftarrow{a})\}\le 8 \}\right| \ge c\, \frac{2^n}{n^2}, where Ω(n)\Omega(n) denotes the number of prime factors counted with multiplicity of nn and c>0c > 0 is an absolute constant. Finally, we provide an asymptotic formula for the number of nn-bit integers aa such that aa and a\overleftarrow{a} are both squarefree. Our method leads us to provide various estimates for the exponential sum \sum_{a \in \mathcal{B}_n} \exp\left(2\pi i (\alpha a + \vartheta \overleftarrow{a})\right) \quad(\alpha,\vartheta \in\mathbb{R}). $

    Infinitude of palindromic almost-prime numbers

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    It is proven that, in any given base, there are infinitely many palindromic numbers having at most six prime divisors, each relatively large. The work involves equidistribution estimates for the palindromes in residue classes to large moduli, offering upper bounds for moments and averages of certain products closely related to exponential sums over palindrome