14 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model of Improved Reverse Charging of Wireless Internet Pricing Scheme in Servicing Multiple QoS

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    This paper seeks to utilize the improved model of reverse charging scheme. Reverse charging basically is defined as a capability of stored network that replaces the network used when the network is suddenly shut down. In this paper, charging back on 3G and 4G network that is user automated platform, will change the access of 4G to 3G and on the contrary when platform conduct thehosting. This research was solved as a problem Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) by LINGO 13.0. An optimal pricing scheme is applied to a local data server, including digilib traffic and mail traffic. The improved model of Reverse Charging is modified into 4 cases and formed by setting the base price (?) and service level (?). Based on the analysis that has been done, the results of this study indicate that the reverse charging model can be utilized Internet Service Provider (ISP) to maximize profits and provide quality services for the user if compared to previous model without reverse charging schem

    Analysis Model in the Cloud Optimization Consumption in Pricing the Internet Bandwidt

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    The problem of internet pricing is a problem that is often a major problem in optimization. In this study, the internet pricing scheme focuses on optimizing the use of bandwidth consumption. This research utilizes modification of cloud model in finding optimal solution in network. Cloud computing is computational model which is like network, server, storage and service that is utilizing internet connection. As ISP's Internet service provider requires appropriate pricing schemes in order to maximize revenue and provide quality of service (Quality on Service) or QoS so as to satisfy internet users or users. The model used will be completed with the help of LINGO software program to get optimal solution and accurate result. Based on the optimal solution obtained from the modification of the cloud model can be utilized ISP to maximize revenue and provide services in accordance with needs and requests

    Self-configuring resource management in cooperative and uncooperative autonomous systems

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    In several circumstances, cooperation among autonomous agents is a prerequisite for effective or efficient task processing. This stems from the inherent or transient asymmetry of the agents resources and capabilities. Since agents process tasks autonomously, they have to decide by themselves under which conditions and to which means they cooperate. Such local decision making renders dedicated entities for resource management dispensable and, thus, may increase the systems fault-tolerance. In this report, we propose a framework for self-configuring resource management in cooperative and uncooperative environments. Therefore, we recognize the relatedness of autonomous agents and economic entities. Both are REMMs assess their resources and demands locally which leads to more efficiency of the overall system. We identify and discuss two dimensions of autonomy, i.e. principal-agent and inter-agent autonomy

    Utility Function-based Pricing Strategies in Maximizing the Information Service Provider’s Revenue with Marginal and Monitoring Costs

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    Previous research only focus on maximizing revenue for pricing strategies for information good with regardless the marginal and monitoring costs. This paper aims to focus on the addition of marginal and monitoring costs into the pricing strategies to maintain the maximal revenue while introduce the costs incurred in adopting the strategies. The well-known utility functions applied to also consider the consumer’s satisfaction towards the service offered. The results show that the addition costs incurred for setting up the strategies can also increase the profit for the providers rather than neglecting the costs. It is also showed that the Cobb-Douglas utility functions used can enhance the notion of provider to optimize the revenue compared to quasi linear and perfect substitutes

    Cobb-Douglass Utility Function in Optimizing the Internet Pricing Scheme Model

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    The greater numbers of internet users the greater challenge will be tackled by ISP to provide good services but gain maximum profit. By analyzing Cobb-Douglass utility function we will obtain optimal pricing scheme. Wu and Banker analyzed modified Cobb-douglass utility function and obtained optimal model of flat fee and two part tariff for homogen consumers meanwhile we focus on getting optimal pricing scheme model by using original Cobb-Douglass utility function. The first step to conduct this research is by formulating Cobb-Douglass utility function then analyzing that function. The results show that we obtain optimal pricing scheme model for homogenous and heterogeneous consumer cases. The two-part tariff pricing scheme yield better optimal solution rather than flat fee and two-part tariff pricing scheme regarding with homogen consumers and heterogen consumers based on willingness to pay. For heterogeneous consumers based on consumption level, the optimal pricing scheme is on two-part tariff pricing scheme

    Optimasi Model Cloud Radio Access Network (C RAN) pada Efisiensi Konsumsi Bandwidth dalam Jaringan

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    Pengguna layanan internet yang meningkatmenjadikan internet menjadi salah satu topik dalampermasalahan optimasi. Meningkatnya pengguna layanan intenetmengharuskan penyedia layanan intenet menyediakan jasalayanan dengan kualitas yang baik serta harga yang optimal.Pendekatan dinamis dalam memodelkan jaringan dapatmemperkuat kinerja jaringan dan mengoptimalkan biaya. Padapenelitian ini dibentuk model skema pembiayaan internet denganmenerapkan model cloud radio access network (C-RAN) sebagaiskema pembiayaan internet berdasarkan fungsi utilitasbandwidth untuk konsumsi heterogen serta optimalisasi jaringanfisik (H-CRAN). heterogen cloud radio akses (H-CRAN) dapatmenjadi solusi potensial hemat biaya dan meningkatkanpemprosesan melalui kombinasi komputasi awan. CloudComputing merupakan model komputasi dimana sumber dayaseperti processor, storage, network dan software informasi yangbisa diakses oleh pelanggannya melalui jaringan Internet,sedangkan C-RAN merupakan jaringan akses radio yangterpusat, dimana peralatan yang digunakan terhubung keantena seluler untuk memproses sinyal dan mengirimkan nya kejaringan inti. Model C-Ran diharapkan mampu menjadi salahsatu teknologi kunci dalam pengembangan jaringan nirkabel4G maupun masa depan dengan skema pembiayan yang optimalPada penelitian ini model akan diselesaikan dengan LINGO 11.0untuk mendapatkan solusi yang optimal. Hasil optimal yangdiperoleh menunjukkan bahwa model yang digunakan dapatmemaksimumkan pendapatan ISP dengan efisiensi komsumsibandwidth serta memberikan kualitas layanan yang terbaik bagipengguna layanan. Pada fungsi tujuan dan kendala telahditetapkan yang mana sebagai parameter maupun variabe

    A Stock Options Metaphor for Content Delivery Networks

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    The concept of Stock Options is used to address the scarcity of resources, not adequately addressed by the previous tools of our Prediction Mechanism. Using a Predictive Reservation Scheme, network and disk resources are being monitored through well-established techniques (Kernel Regression Estimators) in a given time frame. Next, an Secondary Market mechanism significantly improves the efficiency and robustness of our Predictive Reservation Scheme by allowing the fast exchange of unused (remaining) resources between the Origin Servers (CDN Clients). This exchange can happen, either by implementing socially optimal practices or by allowing automatic electronic auctions at the end of the day or at shorter time intervals. Finally, we further enhance our Prediction Mechanism; Stock Options are obtained and exercised, depending on the lack of resources at the end of day. As a result, Origin Servers may acquire resources (if required) at a normal price. The effectiveness of our mechanism further improves.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figure

    Enhancing QoS provisioning and granularity in next generation internet

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    Next Generation IP technology has the potential to prevail, both in the access and in the core networks, as we are moving towards a multi-service, multimedia and high-speed networking environment. Many new applications, including the multimedia applications, have been developed and deployed, and demand Quality of Service (QoS) support from the Internet, in addition to the current best effort service. Therefore, QoS provisioning techniques in the Internet to guarantee some specific QoS parameters are more a requirement than a desire. Due to the large amount of data flows and bandwidth demand, as well as the various QoS requirements, scalability and fine granularity in QoS provisioning are required. In this dissertation, the end-to-end QoS provisioning mechanisms are mainly studied, in order to provide scalable services with fine granularity to the users, so that both users and network service providers can achieve more benefits from the QoS provisioned in the network. To provide the end-to-end QoS guarantee, single-node QoS provisioning schemes have to be deployed at each router, and therefore, in this dissertation, such schemes are studied prior to the study of the end-to-end QoS provisioning mechanisms. Specifically, the effective sharing of the output bandwidth among the large amount of data flows is studied, so that fairness in the bandwidth allocation among the flows can be achieved in a scalable fashion. A dual-rate grouping architecture is proposed in this dissertation, in which the granularity in rate allocation can be enhanced, while the scalability of the one-rate grouping architecture is still maintained. It is demonstrated that the dual-rate grouping architecture approximates the ideal per-flow based PFQ architecture better than the one-rate grouping architecture, and provides better immunity capability. On the end-to-end QoS provisioning, a new Endpoint Admission Control scheme for Diffserv networks, referred to as Explicit Endpoint Admission Control (EEAC), is proposed, in which the admission control decision is made by the end hosts based on the end-to-end performance of the network. A novel concept, namely the service vector, is introduced, by which an end host can choose different services at different routers along its data path. Thus, the proposed service provisioning paradigm decouples the end-to-end QoS provisioning from the service provisioning at each router, and the end-to-end QoS granularity in the Diffserv networks can be enhanced, while the implementation complexity of the Diffserv model is maintained. Furthermore, several aspects of the implementation of the EEAC and service vector paradigm, referred to as EEAC-SV, in the Diffserv architecture are also investigated. The performance analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed EEAC-SV scheme, not only increases the benefit to the service users, but also enhances the benefit to the network service provider in terms of network resource utilization. The study also indicates that the proposed EEAC-SV scheme can provide a compatible and friendly networking environment to the conventional TCP flows, and the scheme can be deployed in the current Internet in an incremental and gradual fashion

    Scalable approaches for DiffServ multicasting

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    Over the last several years, there has been an explosion in the introduction of new Internet technologies. Whereas the Internet in its original form was a medium primarily for academia and research interests, the Internet has been redefined as business and consumer interests have dominated the focal points of Internet technology. The dominant question facing the Internet today is, how can the network meet the needs of the users and their applications while trying to keep such implementations scalable to the billions of users present on the Internet? Two of the emerging technologies for answering the question are Differentiated Services (DiffServ) and multicasting. Although the two technologies share complementary goals, the integration of the two technologies is a non-trivial issue due to three fundamental conflicts. The three fundamental conflicts are the scalability of per-group state information, sender versus receiver-driven QoS, and resource management. The issues surrounding how to solve these conflicts provide the basis for this dissertation.;In this dissertation, two architectures (DiffServ Multicasting (DSMCast) and Edge-Based Multicasting (EBM)) are proposed to satisfy the requirements for scalable DiffServ multicasting architectures. In addition to the two architectures, this dissertation also presents the first in-depth study regarding single tree support for heterogeneous QoS multicasting. Furthermore, the dissertation proposes a novel application of DSMCast for fault tolerance and management of the DiffServ network. Finally, the dissertation comments on future applications of the architectures and proposes several areas for future research