274 research outputs found


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    Organizations increasingly utilize cloud computing architectures to reduce costs and en- ergy consumption both in the data warehouse and on mobile devices by better utilizing the computing resources available. However, the security and privacy issues with publicly available cloud computing infrastructures have not been studied to a sufficient depth for or- ganizations and individuals to be fully informed of the risks; neither are private nor public clouds prepared to properly secure their connections as middle-men between mobile de- vices which use encryption and external data providers which neglect to encrypt their data. Furthermore, cloud computing providers are not well informed of the risks associated with policy and techniques they could implement to mitigate those risks. In this dissertation, we present a new layered understanding of public cloud comput- ing. On the high level, we concentrate on the overall architecture and how information is processed and transmitted. The key idea is to secure information from outside attack and monitoring. We use techniques such as separating virtual machine roles, re-spawning virtual machines in high succession, and cryptography-based access control to achieve a high-level assurance of public cloud computing security and privacy. On the low level, we explore security and privacy issues on the memory management level. We present a mechanism for the prevention of automatic virtual machine memory guessing attacks

    Review of Web Mapping: Eras, Trends and Directions

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    Web mapping and the use of geospatial information online have evolved rapidly over the past few decades. Almost everyone in the world uses mapping information, whether or not one realizes it. Almost every mobile phone now has location services and every event and object on the earth has a location. The use of this geospatial location data has expanded rapidly, thanks to the development of the Internet. Huge volumes of geospatial data are available and daily being captured online, and are used in web applications and maps for viewing, analysis, modeling and simulation. This paper reviews the developments of web mapping from the first static online map images to the current highly interactive, multi-sourced web mapping services that have been increasingly moved to cloud computing platforms. The whole environment of web mapping captures the integration and interaction between three components found online, namely, geospatial information, people and functionality. In this paper, the trends and interactions among these components are identified and reviewed in relation to the technology developments. The review then concludes by exploring some of the opportunities and directions

    Edge computing platforms for Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform many domains of human activity, enabled by the collection of data from the physical world at a massive scale. As the projected growth of IoT data exceeds that of available network capacity, transferring it to centralized cloud data centers is infeasible. Edge computing aims to solve this problem by processing data at the edge of the network, enabling applications with specialized requirements that cloud computing cannot meet. The current market of platforms that support building IoT applications is very fragmented, with offerings available from hundreds of companies with no common architecture. This threatens the realization of IoT's potential: with more interoperability, a new class of applications that combine the collected data and use it in new ways could emerge. In this thesis, promising IoT platforms for edge computing are surveyed. First, an understanding of current challenges in the field is gained through studying the available literature on the topic. Second, IoT edge platforms having the most potential to meet these challenges are chosen and reviewed for their capabilities. Finally, the platforms are compared against each other, with a focus on their potential to meet the challenges learned in the first part. The work shows that AWS IoT for the edge and Microsoft Azure IoT Edge have mature feature sets. However, these platforms are tied to their respective cloud platforms, limiting interoperability and the possibility of switching providers. On the other hand, open source EdgeX Foundry and KubeEdge have the potential for more standardization and interoperability in IoT but are limited in functionality for building practical IoT applications

    Location Privacy in the Era of the Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics

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    Location information is generated in large quantities in the Internet of Things and becomes a major component of the big data phenomenon. This results in privacy issues involving sensing, identification, storage, processing, sharing, and use of this information in technical, social, and legal contexts. These issues must be addressed if the IoT is to be widely adopted and accepted. Theory will need to be developed and tested, and new research questions will need to be investigated. This exploratory research begins to identify, classify, and describe these issues and questions

    A Semantic Web approach to ontology-based system: integrating, sharing and analysing IoT health and fitness data

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    With the rapid development of fitness industry, Internet of Things (IoT) technology is becoming one of the most popular trends for the health and fitness areas. IoT technologies have revolutionised the fitness and the sport industry by giving users the ability to monitor their health status and keep track of their training sessions. More and more sophisticated wearable devices, fitness trackers, smart watches and health mobile applications will appear in the near future. These systems do collect data non-stop from sensors and upload them to the Cloud. However, from a data-centric perspective the landscape of IoT fitness devices and wellness appliances is characterised by a plethora of representation and serialisation formats. The high heterogeneity of IoT data representations and the lack of common accepted standards, keep data isolated within each single system, preventing users and health professionals from having an integrated view of the various information collected. Moreover, in order to fully exploit the potential of the large amounts of data, it is also necessary to enable advanced analytics over it, thus achieving actionable knowledge. Therefore, due the above situation, the aim of this thesis project is to design and implement an ontology based system to (1) allow data interoperability among heterogeneous IoT fitness and wellness devices, (2) facilitate the integration and the sharing of information and (3) enable advanced analytics over the collected data (Cognitive Computing). The novelty of the proposed solution lies in exploiting Semantic Web technologies to formally describe the meaning of the data collected by the IoT devices and define a common communication strategy for information representation and exchange

    fVSS: A New Secure and Cost-Efficient Scheme for Cloud Data Warehouses

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    Cloud business intelligence is an increasingly popular choice to deliver decision support capabilities via elastic, pay-per-use resources. However, data security issues are one of the top concerns when dealing with sensitive data. In this pa-per, we propose a novel approach for securing cloud data warehouses by flexible verifiable secret sharing, fVSS. Secret sharing encrypts and distributes data over several cloud ser-vice providers, thus enforcing data privacy and availability. fVSS addresses four shortcomings in existing secret sharing-based approaches. First, it allows refreshing the data ware-house when some service providers fail. Second, it allows on-line analysis processing. Third, it enforces data integrity with the help of both inner and outer signatures. Fourth, it helps users control the cost of cloud warehousing by balanc-ing the load among service providers with respect to their pricing policies. To illustrate fVSS' efficiency, we thoroughly compare it with existing secret sharing-based approaches with respect to security features, querying power and data storage and computing costs

    Privacy Preserving Data-as-a-Service Mashups

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    Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) is a paradigm that provides data on demand to consumers across different cloud platforms over the Internet. Yet, a single DaaS provider may not be able to fulfill a data request. Consequently, the concept of DaaS mashup was introduced to enable DaaS providers to dynamically integrate their data on demand depending on consumers’ requests. Utilizing DaaS mashup, however, involves some challenges. Mashing up data from multiple sources to answer a consumer’s request might reveal sensitive information and thereby compromise the privacy of individuals. Moreover, data integration of arbitrary DaaS providers might not always be sufficient to answer incoming requests. In this thesis, we provide a cloud-based framework for privacy-preserving DaaS mashup that enables secure collaboration between DaaS providers for the purpose of generating an anonymous dataset to support data mining. We propose a greedy algorithm to determine a suitable group of DaaS providers whose data can satisfy a given request. Furthermore, our framework securely integrates the data from multiple DaaS providers while preserving the privacy of the resulting mashup data. Experiments on real-life data demonstrate that our DaaS mashup framework is scalable to large set of databases and it can efficiently and effectively satisfy the data privacy and data mining requirements specified by the DaaS providers and the data consumers
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