562 research outputs found

    Phantasms in music

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    Tese de mestrado, Teoria da Literatura, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2009Esta tese é sobre a forma como a música pode ser descrita mimeticamente. Começando por discutir o tratamento contemporâneo deste tópico, comparo vários argumentos sobre música (em particular música e representação') e descrevo a razão porque estes são relevantes para a questão original da mimêsis. No segundo e terceiro capítulos, discuto ideias ou soluções (para o problema da música mimética' de Aristóteles) para os problemas colocados no primeiro capítulo, e relaciono estes com conceitos usados por Aristóteles nos seus escritos sobre música. O terceiro capítulo trata especificamente do tópico da phantasia e dou ênfase à importância da phantasia no argumento de Aristóteles sobre mimêsis e imitações em relação à música.This thesis attempts to describe how music can be called mimetic. Beginning with a discussion of current work on this topic, I compare various arguments on music (mainly music and representation') and why I find them to be relevant to this original question of mimêsis. In the second and third chapters, I build on ideas or solutions (for the mimetic music' problem originally taken from Aristotle) for problems posed in the first chapter and relate them to concepts Aristotle uses when writing about music. The third chapter specifically treats the topic of phantasia and I propose the importance of phantasia in Aristotle's argument of mimesis and imitations as related to music

    Streetfilms As a Public Resource on Public Space

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    As a livable streets filmmaker for the past twenty years, it’s been both my primary responsibility and passion to document cities around the world, and much of that has revolved around public spaces and the what goes on in them. The bulk of my work has been done via the website Streetfilms, a non-profit resource promoting “transportation best practices” through short films, where I’ve been the Director for over ten years. In that time, I’ve produced, shot or edited over 700 shorts on the topics of transportation, walking, biking, public plazas, street interventions and open streets public events - where our roads become open to people and activity. All of our videos are free for the public to use in screenings, for communities to show to elected leaders and for journalists & advocates to embed in written stories on related transportation topics. We are nearing the 11 million views mark since 2006, and are consistently cited as an inspiration by experts and leaders across the world

    The Sound of Time Passing

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    An examination of the influence of student teaching experience on preservice elementary teachers\u27 self-efficacy judgments about the full-inclusion of students with exceptional needs in the regular education elementary classroom

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine the influence of student teaching experience on four aspects crucially related to preservice teachers\u27 ability to teach in the increasingly complex environments created by exceptional students: self-efficacy, outcome expectations, sources of information, and choice behavior or perceived ability to cope with students that present exceptional challenges in a full-inclusion regular education classroom;The study utilized a nonrandomized control group, pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. The two groups were drawn from preservice elementary teachers attending a medium-sized state university in southern Minnesota during Spring Quarter of 1994. One group (n = 41) included students enrolled in elementary student teaching course. The other group (n = 37) included students enrolled in the Reading and Language Arts methods course who had not participated in student teaching;Data were collected at the beginning of the quarter and at the end of the quarter using an Inclusion Readiness Survey. This instrument included three major sections: Section 1-Personal Teaching Profile, Section 2-Sources of Efficacy Information, and Section 3-Depth of Experience;Results indicated that preservice teachers who complete a student teaching experience alter their self-efficacy judgments and become more positive about including students with differing ability levels in their regular education classrooms. Student teachers are more likely to choose to work in a full-inclusion teaching situation when their judgments about their capability to teach in this situation, expected outcomes for all students, and experiences with a wider range of student abilities are more positive. Student teachers who are more positive about their personal ability (self-efficacy) to teach students with differing ability levels also hold higher outcome expectations for all students\u27 achievement and are more positive about their student teaching experiences (sources of information). The student teachers\u27 judgments about self-efficacy, outcome expectations, sources of information, and ability to cope were significantly less positive as the description of the student\u27s cognitive, behavioral, and physical ability became more severely impaired

    The Material of the Servant: Theology and Hermeneutics in Handel’s Samson

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    George Frideric Handel’s Samson oratorio (HWV 57, 1743) has posed critical difficulty for scholars because of its libretto. The librettist, Newburgh Hamilton, is often accused of making a poor adaption of John Milton’s Samson Agonistes (1671). One of the main points of criticism centers on how Hamilton removed much of Samson’s deliberation from the source text. In this article, however, it will be argued that the way ideas and commentary pass through different voices (namely, from Samson and Micah to the Chorus of Israelites) contributes to the unique interpretation the oratorio puts forward of the Samson narrative. The method to explore this theme is interdisciplinary, derived from literary hermeneutics and musical aesthetics, to locate theological notions specifically related to the material of the body in the oratorio. To emphasize the hermeneutic movement in the oratorio, and the theological relevance of the different perspectives embodied in these voices, this article will focus on one particular sequence in the oratorio (from in act 1, scene 2): the “Total Eclipse!” air, to the accompagnato “Since Light so necessary is to Life,” to the chorus “O first created Beam!” This excerpt is especially interesting from a hermeneutic perspective since the libretto draws on Milton’s Samson Agonistes (ll. 80-97), and Hamilton returns to the same Miltonic lines within this sequence multiple times. This sequence is particularly important for the Samson narrative; “Total Eclipse!” constitutes a frequently cited starting point for Samson’s spiritual progress in the oratorio, notably because of how successful the air is in portraying Samson’s pathos. The main theological argument that will come to the forefront as the sequence unfolds rests on a hermeneutic principle derived from Augustine, where observation of the material world offers insight into the relation between the creation narrative and Samson’s particular narrative (and suffering). Ultimately the accompagnato and chorus, through reference to the creation narrative, will show how Providence (in light of the material body) reveals the purpose of the individual (and all created life) as the servant of God

    Teacher perspectives on professional development needs for better serving Nebraska\u27s Spanish heritage language learners

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    A growing number of heritage language speakers of Spanish are enrolling in Spanish language courses during secondary school. Current scholarship has suggested that these heritage language learners (HLLs) have very different instructional needs than learners of second or foreign languages. Because Spanish language instruction in Nebraska secondary schools has been traditionally conceptualized only as foreign language instruction, classroom teachers may not be adequately prepared to meet the needs of HLLs. This dissertation examined the experiences of Nebraska secondary Spanish teachers who worked with HLLs in order to inform the creation of relevant professional learning experiences for pre- and in-service teachers. Specifically, data were collected from a statewide survey of Nebraska Spanish teachers (n=92) and follow-up semi-structured interviews of nine of the survey participants representing three sub-groups. Findings from this design study indicated that while most teachers recognized significant differences between HLLs and L2 learners enrolled in their courses and had very positive attitudes towards HL maintenance, few were engaged in significant instructional differentiation practices in mixed-enrollment courses. There were few reported instances of HLL specific courses offerings such as Spanish for Spanish speakers (SSS) across the state. Respondents reported, on average, receiving very little pre- or in-service professional development related to HLLs but indicated strong interest in learning more about serving HLLs. These data informed the design and delivery of a practitioner-led professional development workshop focused on one of the most significant practitioner- articulated learning needs: instructional differentiation for HLLs in mixed courses. Additional professional development areas identified by study included sociolinguistic characteristics of HLL affect and motivation, models of curriculum design and development for SSS courses, models of course articulation sequences and placement procedures for HLLs in World Language departments, and frank collegial discourse on the subject of teacher qualifications for HL instruction. This dissertation illuminated the importance of practitioner-led inquiry into “problems of practice,” and suggested several foci for future efforts in better preparing Spanish teachers to work with HLLs. Adviser: Edmund T. Haman


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    This design was a nod to iconic medieval style, embracing a contemporary take on traditional fashion

    The Number and Size of the Stomata

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    Contemporary Utilitarianism

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    This project was designed to modernize and stylize workwear. By designing overalls that retain the function and practical characteristics of the workwear staple, while updating the fit and exaggerating proportions. Making it possible to create a fashionable post-modern aesthetic which still embodies the utilitarian purpose overalls serve. Several changes were made in updating the overalls linen was used rather than denim, excess ease to create a drop crotch, cuffing the pant hem with elastic, and exaggerating pocket and strap proportions. The oversized white t-shirt was made to complement but not overshadow the overalls, it simplifies the look to create a contemporary minimalistic take on aesthetic and comfort focused workwear. The fit of the overalls, and oversized aesthetics of the look were inspired by the work of Yohji Yamamoto throughout the 1980s in which he presented an impoverished and unconventionally oversized aesthetic in a highly stylized and marketable fashion