15 research outputs found

    Monitoring wetlands and water bodies in semi-arid Sub-Saharan regions

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    Surface water in wetlands is a critical resource in semi-arid West-African regions that are frequently exposed to droughts. Wetlands are of utmost importance for the population as well as the environment, and are subject to rapidly changing seasonal fluctuations. Dynamics of wetlands in the study area are still poorly understood, and the potential of remote sensing-derived information as a large-scale, multi-temporal, comparable and independent measurement source is not exploited. This work shows successful wetland monitoring with remote sensing in savannah and Sahel regions in Burkina Faso, focusing on the main study site Lac Bam (Lake Bam). Long-term optical time series from MODIS with medium spatial resolution (MR), and short-term synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series from TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 with high spatial resolution (HR) successfully demonstrate the classification and dynamic monitoring of relevant wetland features, e.g. open water, flooded vegetation and irrigated cultivation. Methodological highlights are time series analysis, e.g. spatio-temporal dynamics or multitemporal-classification, as well as polarimetric SAR (polSAR) processing, i.e. the Kennaugh elements, enabling physical interpretation of SAR scattering mechanisms for dual-polarized data. A multi-sensor and multi-frequency SAR data combination provides added value, and reveals that dual-co-pol SAR data is most recommended for monitoring wetlands of this type. The interpretation of environmental or man-made processes such as water areas spreading out further but retreating or evaporating faster, co-occurrence of droughts with surface water and vegetation anomalies, expansion of irrigated agriculture or new dam building, can be detected with MR optical and HR SAR time series. To capture long-term impacts of water extraction, sedimentation and climate change on wetlands, remote sensing solutions are available, and would have great potential to contribute to water management in Africa

    Crop Growth Monitoring by Hyperspectral and Microwave Remote Sensing

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    Methoden und Techniken der Fernerkundung fungieren als wichtige Hilfsmittel im regionalen Umweltmanagement. Um diese zu optimieren, untersucht die folgende Arbeit sowohl die Verwendung als auch Synergien verschiedener Sensoren aus unterschiedlichen Wellenlängenbereichen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Modellentwicklung zur Ableitung von Pflanzenparametern aus fernerkundlichen Bestandsmessungen sowie auf deren Bewertung. Zu den verwendeten komplementären Fernerkundungssystemen zählen die Sensoren EO-1 Hyperion und ALI, Envisat ASAR sowie TerraSAR-X. Für die optischen Hyper- und Multispektralsysteme werden die Reflexion verschiedener Spektralbereiche sowie die Performanz der daraus abgeleiteten Vegetationsindizes untersucht und bewertet. Im Hinblick auf die verwendeten Radarsysteme konzentriert sich die Untersuchung auf Parameter wie Wellenlänge, Einfallswinkel, Radarrückstreuung und Polarisation. Die Eigenschaften verschiedener Parameterkombinationen werden hierbei dargestellt und der komplementäre Beitrag der Radarfernerkundung zur Wachstumsüberwachung bewertet. Hierzu wurden zwei Testgebiete, eines für Winterweizen in der Nordchinesischen Tiefebene und eines für Reis im Nordosten Chinas ausgewählt. In beiden Gebieten wurden während der Wachstumsperioden umfangreiche Feldmessungen von Bestandsparametern während der Satellitenüberflüge oder zeitnah dazu durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe von linearen Regressionsmodellen zwischen Satellitendaten und Biomasse wird die Sensitivität hyperspektraler Reflexion und Radarrückstreuung im Hinblick auf das Wachstum des Winterweizens untersucht. Für die optischen Daten werden drei verschiedene Modelvarianten untersucht: traditionelle Vegetationsindices berechnet aus Multispektraldaten, traditionelle Vegetationsindices berechnet aus Hyperspektraldaten sowie die Berechnung von Normalised Ratio Indices (NRI) basierend auf allen möglichen 2-Band Kombinationen im Spektralbereich zwischen 400 und 2500 nm. Weiterhin wird die gemessene Biomasse mit der gleichpolarisierten (VV) C-Band Rückstreuung des Envisat ASAR Sensors linear in Beziehung gesetzt. Um den komplementären Informationsgehalt von Hyperspektral und Radardaten zu nutzen, werden optische und Radardaten für die Parameterableitung kombiniert eingesetzt. Das Hauptziel für das Reisanbaugebiet im Nordosten Chinas ist das Verständnis über die kohärente Dualpolarimetrische X-Band Rückstreuung zu verschiedenen phänologischen Wachstumsstadien. Hierfür werden die gleichpolarisierte TerraSAR-X Rückstreuung (HH und VV) sowie abgeleitete polarimetrische Parameter untersucht und mit verschiedenen Ebenen im Bestand in Beziehung gesetzt. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss der Variation von Einfallswinkel und Auflösung auf die Bestandsparameterableitung quantifiziert. Neben der Signatur von HH und VV ermöglichen vor allem die polarimetrischen Parameter Phasendifferenz, Ratio, Koherenz und Entropy-Alpha die Bestimmung bestimmter Wachstumsstadien. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen, dass die komplementären Fernerkundungssysteme Optik und Radar die Ableitung von Pflanzenparametern und die Bestimmung von Heterogenitäten in den Beständen ermöglichen. Die Synergien diesbezüglich müssen auch in Zukunft weiter untersucht werden, da neue und immer variablere Fernerkundungssysteme zur Verfügung stehen werden und das Umweltmanagement weiter verbessern können

    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries

    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries.Postprint (published version

    Advanced techniques for classification of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data

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    With various remote sensing technologies to aid Earth Observation, radar-based imaging is one of them gaining major interests due to advances in its imaging techniques in form of syn-thetic aperture radar (SAR) and polarimetry. The majority of radar applications focus on mon-itoring, detecting, and classifying local or global areas of interests to support humans within their efforts of decision-making, analysis, and interpretation of Earth’s environment. This thesis focuses on improving the classification performance and process particularly concerning the application of land use and land cover over polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data. To achieve this, three contributions are studied related to superior feature description and ad-vanced machine-learning techniques including classifiers, principles, and data exploitation. First, this thesis investigates the application of color features within PolSAR image classi-fication to provide additional discrimination on top of the conventional scattering information and texture features. The color features are extracted over the visual presentation of fully and partially polarimetric SAR data by generation of pseudo color images. Within the experiments, the obtained results demonstrated that with the addition of the considered color features, the achieved classification performances outperformed results with common PolSAR features alone as well as achieved higher classification accuracies compared to the traditional combination of PolSAR and texture features. Second, to address the large-scale learning challenge in PolSAR image classification with the utmost efficiency, this thesis introduces the application of an adaptive and data-driven supervised classification topology called Collective Network of Binary Classifiers, CNBC. This topology incorporates active learning to support human users with the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR data focusing on collections of images, where changes or updates to the existing classifier might be required frequently due to surface, terrain, and object changes as well as certain variations in capturing time and position. Evaluations demonstrated the capabilities of CNBC over an extensive set of experimental results regarding the adaptation and data-driven classification of single as well as collections of PolSAR images. The experimental results verified that the evolutionary classification topology, CNBC, did provide an efficient solution for the problems of scalability and dynamic adaptability allowing both feature space dimensions and the number of terrain classes in PolSAR image collections to vary dynamically. Third, most PolSAR classification problems are undertaken by supervised machine learn-ing, which require manually labeled ground truth data available. To reduce the manual labeling efforts, supervised and unsupervised learning approaches are combined into semi-supervised learning to utilize the huge amount of unlabeled data. The application of semi-supervised learning in this thesis is motivated by ill-posed classification tasks related to the small training size problem. Therefore, this thesis investigates how much ground truth is actually necessary for certain classification problems to achieve satisfactory results in a supervised and semi-supervised learning scenario. To address this, two semi-supervised approaches are proposed by unsupervised extension of the training data and ensemble-based self-training. The evaluations showed that significant speed-ups and improvements in classification performance are achieved. In particular, for a remote sensing application such as PolSAR image classification, it is advantageous to exploit the location-based information from the labeled training data. Each of the developed techniques provides its stand-alone contribution from different viewpoints to improve land use and land cover classification. The introduction of a new fea-ture for better discrimination is independent of the underlying classification algorithms used. The application of the CNBC topology is applicable to various classification problems no matter how the underlying data have been acquired, for example in case of remote sensing data. Moreover, the semi-supervised learning approach tackles the challenge of utilizing the unlabeled data. By combining these techniques for superior feature description and advanced machine-learning techniques exploiting classifier topologies and data, further contributions to polarimetric SAR image classification are made. According to the performance evaluations conducted including visual and numerical assessments, the proposed and investigated tech-niques showed valuable improvements and are able to aid the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR image data. Due to the generic nature of the developed techniques, their applications to other remote sensing data will require only minor adjustments

    Remote Sensing and Geosciences for Archaeology

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    This book collects more than 20 papers, written by renowned experts and scientists from across the globe, that showcase the state-of-the-art and forefront research in archaeological remote sensing and the use of geoscientific techniques to investigate archaeological records and cultural heritage. Very high resolution satellite images from optical and radar space-borne sensors, airborne multi-spectral images, ground penetrating radar, terrestrial laser scanning, 3D modelling, Geographyc Information Systems (GIS) are among the techniques used in the archaeological studies published in this book. The reader can learn how to use these instruments and sensors, also in combination, to investigate cultural landscapes, discover new sites, reconstruct paleo-landscapes, augment the knowledge of monuments, and assess the condition of heritage at risk. Case studies scattered across Europe, Asia and America are presented: from the World UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa to heritage under threat in the Middle East and North Africa, from coastal heritage in the intertidal flats of the German North Sea to Early and Neolithic settlements in Thessaly. Beginners will learn robust research methodologies and take inspiration; mature scholars will for sure derive inputs for new research and applications

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    Preservation of Polarimetric Properties Filtering for TSX Data Based on Barnes Decomposition

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