34,433 research outputs found

    Instructional Basis of Libra

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    Chalenging Issues in Learning Listening: a Correlational Study in University Level

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    Listening is one of the four skills that have an important role in mastering the target language, especially in the university level. This skill is very useful to help college students to do some academic activities that involve attending lectures or speeches, presenting materials or finding some resources to do their assignments. However, listening skill cannot be developed well due to some problems. Based on a research, listening problems include lack of vocabulary mastery, less understanding grammatical forms, e.g: speakers' utterances, unclear pronunciation and speed of speech, unclear contents of the passages, and physical setting including uncomfortable class; and lack of facility and background noise. The data is proven by the achievement of listening test that indicates that students who have listening problems tends to have low achievement in the class. To overcome this problem, lectures have to design specific instructional design to solve the listening problems. This paper will discuss more about listening problems and the appropriate learning strategies to solve the problems

    Learning Theories in Instructional Multimedia for English Learning

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    Learning theory is the concept of human learning. This concept is one of the important components in instructional for learning, especially English learning. English subject becomes one of important subjects for students but learning English needs specific strategy since it is not our vernacular. Considering human learning process in English learning is expected to increase students' motivation to understand English better. Nowadays, the application of learning theories in English learning has appeared in several learning methods and media. One of popular media today is instructional multimedia by using computer. There are many educators who design English material in certain computer software or games. It is still possible to apply learning theories in instructional multimedia program since multimedia provides complete learning by using text, picture, sound, video and animation. Multimedia program can adapt students' differences in learning. It is a good potential of collaborating learning process and technology to learn English better. The program will help students to master the whole English language competence (listening, speaking, reading and writing). This paper will discuss the types of learning theory that can be used in instructional multimedia to learn English. This paper also provides several examples of instructional multimedia product that contain learning theories application

    Impact of visual based prosody training on listening micro-skills.

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    El fomento de la habilidad de escucha en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés ha sido directamente acercado al desarrollo de estrategias para mejorar la escucha comprensión. Sin embargo, incluso abrazar tal habilidad receptiva en clase, el lenguaje educadores han prestado poca atención al desarrollo de las habilidades de escucha micro necesaria para permitir la comunicación genuina. Como Ylinen (2010) sostiene, la correcta la comprensión del habla idioma extranjero requiere un reconocimiento adecuado de los sonidos del habla. Con esto en mente, este estudio trata de determinar hasta qué punto formación basada visual en la prosodia de la lengua facilitaría escucha los alumnos el desarrollo de micro-habilidades. Esta investigación involucró a 29 pre-servicio de idiomas Inglés profesores de una universidad pública que se inscribieron en la fonética y por supuesto fonología. Dentro de la clase de instrucción y actividades fuera de clase eran implementado por implique la utilización del software de análisis de realimentación visual acústico.Fostering the listening skill in English language learners has been directly approached to the development of strategies for enhancing listening comprehension. However, even embracing such receptive skill in class, language educators have paid scant regard to the development of listening micro-skills needed to enable genuine communication. As Ylinen (2010) contends, the correct comprehension of foreign language speech requires an adequate recognition of the speech sounds. With this in mind, this study sought to determine to what extent visual based training in prosody of the language would facilitate learners’ listening micro-skills development. This research involved 29 pre-service English language teachers from a public university who were enrolled in the Phonetics and Phonology course. In-class instruction and outside class activities were implemented by entailing the use of the acoustic analysis software visual feedback


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    Speaking is a productive skill with requires the interactive and performance process. To be able to improve and represent student’s capability in their speaking skill, student also need to drill and practice their speaking as the academic presenter, because if they able to speak academically, their speaking skill will get well improvement automatically. This research is aimed to investigate student’s speaking performance while they have academic speaking practice. The population of this research is 4th semester student of Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang, located in Cikokol-Tangerang. The sample is single sample. To find the data, researcher use video record originally from the speaker then doing the analysis with triangulation validity. This research showed that students speaking performance is need to be treating well, especially in their self-confident and vocabulary master, because it will be impossible for them to be a good speaker if they have lots of anxiety

    On Cognitive Preferences and the Plausibility of Rule-based Models

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    It is conventional wisdom in machine learning and data mining that logical models such as rule sets are more interpretable than other models, and that among such rule-based models, simpler models are more interpretable than more complex ones. In this position paper, we question this latter assumption by focusing on one particular aspect of interpretability, namely the plausibility of models. Roughly speaking, we equate the plausibility of a model with the likeliness that a user accepts it as an explanation for a prediction. In particular, we argue that, all other things being equal, longer explanations may be more convincing than shorter ones, and that the predominant bias for shorter models, which is typically necessary for learning powerful discriminative models, may not be suitable when it comes to user acceptance of the learned models. To that end, we first recapitulate evidence for and against this postulate, and then report the results of an evaluation in a crowd-sourcing study based on about 3.000 judgments. The results do not reveal a strong preference for simple rules, whereas we can observe a weak preference for longer rules in some domains. We then relate these results to well-known cognitive biases such as the conjunction fallacy, the representative heuristic, or the recogition heuristic, and investigate their relation to rule length and plausibility.Comment: V4: Another rewrite of section on interpretability to clarify focus on plausibility and relation to interpretability, comprehensibility, and justifiabilit

    The impact of aging and language proficiency on the interhemispheric dynamics for discourse processing: a nirs study

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura CorrespondenteO estudo do cérebro bilíngüe e em fase de envelhecimento pode trazer evidências importantes para nossa compreensão da dinâmica cerebral no processamento lingüístico. Há uma necessidade de se implementarem estudos que investiguem o processamento do discurso por estas populações. Neste estudo, investigou-se o processamento de narrativas em seus níveis micro-, macro-proposicional e situacional por bilíngües de proficiência intermediária na língua estrangeira (L1 inglês e L2 francês) e por indivíduos idosos. Os participantes leram narrativas seguidas de asserções as quais contemplavam um dos três níveis do discurso e julgavam a plausibilidade da informação apresentada na asserção com referência ao texto correspondente. Os resultados trazidos pelo estudo sugerem a possibilidade da aplicação de abordagens teóricas similares para explicar o processamento lingüístico nestas duas populações. Embora originadas por diferentes razões (envelhecimento ou reduzida proficiência na segunda língua), as deficiências ou limitações trazidas à compreensão da linguagem geram padrões comparáveis nas mudanças hemodinâmicas no cérebro (por exemplo, mudanças hemodinâmicas mais significativas, difusas ou em alguns casos bilaterais), as quais parecem poder ser explicadas através do mesmo enquadramento teórico, proposto por Banich e colegas. A partir dos dados, parece plausível afirmar-se que, em ambos os grupos, os hemisférios tenderam a cooperar e dividir os custos impostos pelo processamento da tarefa, ou solicitaram uma mais prominente ativação na área recrutada para executar a tarefa. De modo semelhante ao que é postulado pelo modelo, um aumento na ativação em uma região e/ou as contribuições entre os hemisférios foram positivamente correlacionadas ao nível de complexidade da tarefa. The study of the bilingual and of the aging brain has the potential to offer important evidences for our understanding of the cerebral dynamics for language processing. There is a special need of studies to investigate discourse processing by these populations. In this study, intermediate-proficiency bilinguals (English as L1 and French as L2) and elderly individuals' narrative processing at the micro-, macro-structural and situational levels were investigated, by the application of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Participants read narratives followed by probes, which tapped one of the three levels, and judged the plausibility of their information by reference to the corresponding passage. The findings brought by the study suggest the possibility of the application of similar theoretical approaches to explain language processing in these two populations. Although emerging from different reasons (aging or low proficiency in the L2), the deficits or limitations brought to language comprehension generate some comparable inter-hemispheric patterns in brain hemodynamics (for instance that of more relevant, wider and in some cases bilateral hemodynamic changes), which are compatible with the theoretical framework proposed by Banich and colleagues. Thus, it seems to be arguable that in both populations the hemispheres tended to cooperate and share the costs for task processing, or demanded an increased activation in the recruited area in order to accomplish the task. Similarly to the assumptions made by the model, it seems to be plausible to state that the increase of activation within a region and/or the interhemispheric contributions were positively correlated to the amount of task difficulty

    Invisible Net

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    In the past, several studies have found empirical support for the psychological notion of foregrounding. In this paper we will present the results of a reading experiment investigating descriptive and evaluative reader reactions to a poem, both in its original form (containing rather heavy foregrounding, both deviation and parallelism) and a version (from which all foregrounding has been removed). In this sense the research presents a replication of earlier experiments as well as a comparison with some more recent ones that failed to find empirical evidence for the notion of foregrounding. It will also cast light on Bortolussi and Dixon’s rereading paradigm. The results will be combined with a reconsideration of the concept of literariness, which will be confronted with the variety within a reader population, as well as with the diversity within a text corpus. The latter will be confronted with Van Peer’s (1991) effort to develop a descriptive definition of literature, incorporating the heterogeneous nature of the corpus of texts that are regarded as literary. Revisiting these aspects of texts and their reception may illuminate persistent problems in the theory of literariness