305 research outputs found

    New Approaches in Airborne Thermal Image Processing for Landscape Assessment

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    Letecká termální hyperspektrální data přinášejí řadu informací o teplotě a emisivitě zemského povrchu. Při odhadování těchto parametrů z dálkového snímání tepelného záření je třeba řešit nedourčený systém rovnic. Bylo navrhnuto několik přístupů jak tento problém vyřešit, přičemž nejrozšířenější je algoritmus označovaný jako Temperature and Emissivity Separation (TES). Tato práce má dva hlavní cíle: 1) zlepšení algoritmu TES a 2) jeho implementaci do procesingového řetězce pro zpracování obrazových dat získaných senzorem TASI. Zlepšení algoritmu TES je možné dosáhnout nahrazením používaného modulu normalizování emisivity (tzv. Normalized Emissivity Module) částí, která je založena na vyhlazení spektrálních charakteristik nasnímané radiance. Nový modul je pak označen jako Optimized Smoothing for Temperature Emissivity Separation (OSTES). Algoritmus OSTES je připojen k procesingovému řetězci pro zpracování obrazových dat ze senzoru TASI. Testování na simulovaných datech ukázalo, že použití algoritmu OSTES vede k přesnějším odhadům teploty a emisivity. OSTES byl dále testován na datech získaných ze senzorů ASTER a TASI. V těchto případech však není možné pozorovat výrazné zlepšení z důvodu nedokonalých atmosférických korekcí. Nicméně hodnoty emisivity získané algoritmem OSTES vykazují více homogenní vlastnosti než hodnoty ze standardního produktu senzoru ASTER.Airborne thermal hyperspectral data delivers valuable information about the temperature and emissivity of the Earth's surface. However, attempting to derive temperature and emissivity from remotely sensed thermal radiation results in an underdetermined system of equations. Several approaches have been suggested to overcome this problem, but the most widespread one is called the Temperature and Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm. This work focuses on two major topics: 1) improving the TES algorithm and 2) implementing it in a processing chain of image data acquired from the TASI sensor. The improvement of the TES algorithm is achieved by replacing the Normalized Emissivity Module with a new module, which is based on smoothing of spectral radiance signatures. The improved TES algorithm is called Optimized Smoothing for Temperature Emissivity Separation (OSTES). The OSTES algorithm is appended to a pre-processing chain of image data acquired from the TASI sensor. The testing of OSTES with simulated data shows that OSTES produces more accurate and precise temperature and emissivity retrievals. OSTES was further applied on ASTER standard products and on TASI image data. In both cases is not possible to observe significant improvement of the OSTES algorithm due to imperfect atmospheric corrections. However, the OSTES emissivitites are smoother than emissivities delivered as ASTER standard product over homogeneous surfaces.

    Maximum Likelihood Temperature/Emissivity Separation of Hyperspectral Images with Gaussian Distributed Downwelling Radiance

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    Hyperspectral images are made up of energy measurements at different wavelengths of light. The case is considered where these measurements are dependent on temperature, the self-emitted energy (emissivity), and reflected energy (downwelling radiance) from the surroundings. The process where the downwelling radiance is fixed and the temperature and emissivity are estimated is referred to as temperature/emissivity separation. Due to the way these terms mix, for a given set of measurements, there exist many pairs of temperatures and emissivities that satisfy the model. This creates ambiguity in the solution that must be resolved for the result to have any significance. A new model is developed which reduces this ambiguity. This model is used to form an objective function. The temperature and emissivity which maximize the value of the objective function are solved for given a set of measurements. As part of the solution, a new algorithm is developed which exploits the shape of the objective function to estimate the temperature and emissivity quickly and accurately. Extensive testing of this algorithm is performed to gain an understanding of its average speed and accuracy

    Physics-constrained Hyperspectral Data Exploitation Across Diverse Atmospheric Scenarios

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    Hyperspectral target detection promises new operational advantages, with increasing instrument spectral resolution and robust material discrimination. Resolving surface materials requires a fast and accurate accounting of atmospheric effects to increase detection accuracy while minimizing false alarms. This dissertation investigates deep learning methods constrained by the processes governing radiative transfer to efficiently perform atmospheric compensation on data collected by long-wave infrared (LWIR) hyperspectral sensors. These compensation methods depend on generative modeling techniques and permutation invariant neural network architectures to predict LWIR spectral radiometric quantities. The compensation algorithms developed in this work were examined from the perspective of target detection performance using collected data. These deep learning-based compensation algorithms resulted in comparable detection performance to established methods while accelerating the image processing chain by 8X

    Optimizing Object, Atmosphere, and Sensor Parameters in Thermal Hyperspectral Imagery

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    Scale-Wavelength Decomposition of Hyperspectral Signals - Use for Mineral Classification & Quantification

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    An approach for material identification & soil constituent quantification based on a generalized multi-scale derivative analysis of hyperspectral signals is presented. It employs the continuous wavelet transform to project input spectra onto a scale-wavelength space. This allows investigating the spectra at selectable level of detail while normalizing/separating disturbances. Benefits & challenges of this decomposition for mineral classification & quantification will be shown for a mining site

    Mineral identification using data-mining in hyperspectral infrared imagery

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    Les applications de l’imagerie infrarouge dans le domaine de la géologie sont principalement des applications hyperspectrales. Elles permettent entre autre l’identification minérale, la cartographie, ainsi que l’estimation de la portée. Le plus souvent, ces acquisitions sont réalisées in-situ soit à l’aide de capteurs aéroportés, soit à l’aide de dispositifs portatifs. La découverte de minéraux indicateurs a permis d’améliorer grandement l’exploration minérale. Ceci est en partie dû à l’utilisation d’instruments portatifs. Dans ce contexte le développement de systèmes automatisés permettrait d’augmenter à la fois la qualité de l’exploration et la précision de la détection des indicateurs. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit le travail mené dans ce doctorat. Le sujet consistait en l’utilisation de méthodes d’apprentissage automatique appliquées à l’analyse (au traitement) d’images hyperspectrales prises dans les longueurs d’onde infrarouge. L’objectif recherché étant l’identification de grains minéraux de petites tailles utilisés comme indicateurs minéral -ogiques. Une application potentielle de cette recherche serait le développement d’un outil logiciel d’assistance pour l’analyse des échantillons lors de l’exploration minérale. Les expériences ont été menées en laboratoire dans la gamme relative à l’infrarouge thermique (Long Wave InfraRed, LWIR) de 7.7m à 11.8 m. Ces essais ont permis de proposer une méthode pour calculer l’annulation du continuum. La méthode utilisée lors de ces essais utilise la factorisation matricielle non négative (NMF). En utlisant une factorisation du premier ordre on peut déduire le rayonnement de pénétration, lequel peut ensuite être comparé et analysé par rapport à d’autres méthodes plus communes. L’analyse des résultats spectraux en comparaison avec plusieurs bibliothèques existantes de données a permis de mettre en évidence la suppression du continuum. Les expérience ayant menés à ce résultat ont été conduites en utilisant une plaque Infragold ainsi qu’un objectif macro LWIR. L’identification automatique de grains de différents matériaux tels que la pyrope, l’olivine et le quartz a commencé. Lors d’une phase de comparaison entre des approches supervisées et non supervisées, cette dernière s’est montrée plus approprié en raison du comportement indépendant par rapport à l’étape d’entraînement. Afin de confirmer la qualité de ces résultats quatre expériences ont été menées. Lors d’une première expérience deux algorithmes ont été évalués pour application de regroupements en utilisant l’approche FCC (False Colour Composite). Cet essai a permis d’observer une vitesse de convergence, jusqu’a vingt fois plus rapide, ainsi qu’une efficacité significativement accrue concernant l’identification en comparaison des résultats de la littérature. Cependant des essais effectués sur des données LWIR ont montré un manque de prédiction de la surface du grain lorsque les grains étaient irréguliers avec présence d’agrégats minéraux. La seconde expérience a consisté, en une analyse quantitaive comparative entre deux bases de données de Ground Truth (GT), nommée rigid-GT et observed-GT (rigide-GT: étiquet manuel de la région, observée-GT:étiquetage manuel les pixels). La précision des résultats était 1.5 fois meilleur lorsque l’on a utlisé la base de données observed-GT que rigid-GT. Pour les deux dernières epxérience, des données venant d’un MEB (Microscope Électronique à Balayage) ainsi que d’un microscopie à fluorescence (XRF) ont été ajoutées. Ces données ont permis d’introduire des informations relatives tant aux agrégats minéraux qu’à la surface des grains. Les résultats ont été comparés par des techniques d’identification automatique des minéraux, utilisant ArcGIS. Cette dernière a montré une performance prometteuse quand à l’identification automatique et à aussi été utilisée pour la GT de validation. Dans l’ensemble, les quatre méthodes de cette thèse représentent des méthodologies bénéfiques pour l’identification des minéraux. Ces méthodes présentent l’avantage d’être non-destructives, relativement précises et d’avoir un faible coût en temps calcul ce qui pourrait les qualifier pour être utilisée dans des conditions de laboratoire ou sur le terrain.The geological applications of hyperspectral infrared imagery mainly consist in mineral identification, mapping, airborne or portable instruments, and core logging. Finding the mineral indicators offer considerable benefits in terms of mineralogy and mineral exploration which usually involves application of portable instrument and core logging. Moreover, faster and more mechanized systems development increases the precision of identifying mineral indicators and avoid any possible mis-classification. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to create a tool to using hyperspectral infrared imagery and process the data through image analysis and machine learning methods to identify small size mineral grains used as mineral indicators. This system would be applied for different circumstances to provide an assistant for geological analysis and mineralogy exploration. The experiments were conducted in laboratory conditions in the long-wave infrared (7.7μm to 11.8μm - LWIR), with a LWIR-macro lens (to improve spatial resolution), an Infragold plate, and a heating source. The process began with a method to calculate the continuum removal. The approach is the application of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) to extract Rank-1 NMF and estimate the down-welling radiance and then compare it with other conventional methods. The results indicate successful suppression of the continuum from the spectra and enable the spectra to be compared with spectral libraries. Afterwards, to have an automated system, supervised and unsupervised approaches have been tested for identification of pyrope, olivine and quartz grains. The results indicated that the unsupervised approach was more suitable due to independent behavior against training stage. Once these results obtained, two algorithms were tested to create False Color Composites (FCC) applying a clustering approach. The results of this comparison indicate significant computational efficiency (more than 20 times faster) and promising performance for mineral identification. Finally, the reliability of the automated LWIR hyperspectral infrared mineral identification has been tested and the difficulty for identification of the irregular grain’s surface along with the mineral aggregates has been verified. The results were compared to two different Ground Truth(GT) (i.e. rigid-GT and observed-GT) for quantitative calculation. Observed-GT increased the accuracy up to 1.5 times than rigid-GT. The samples were also examined by Micro X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in order to retrieve information for the mineral aggregates and the grain’s surface (biotite, epidote, goethite, diopside, smithsonite, tourmaline, kyanite, scheelite, pyrope, olivine, and quartz). The results of XRF imagery compared with automatic mineral identification techniques, using ArcGIS, and represented a promising performance for automatic identification and have been used for GT validation. In overall, the four methods (i.e. 1.Continuum removal methods; 2. Classification or clustering methods for mineral identification; 3. Two algorithms for clustering of mineral spectra; 4. Reliability verification) in this thesis represent beneficial methodologies to identify minerals. These methods have the advantages to be a non-destructive, relatively accurate and have low computational complexity that might be used to identify and assess mineral grains in the laboratory conditions or in the field

    Airborne Forward-Looking Interferometer for the Detection of Terminal-Area Hazards

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    The Forward Looking Interferometer (FLI) program was a multi-year cooperative research effort to investigate the use of imaging radiometers with high spectral resolution, using both modeling/simulation and field experiments, along with sophisticated data analysis techniques that were originally developed for analysis of data from space-based radiometers and hyperspectral imagers. This investigation has advanced the state of knowledge in this technical area, and the FLI program developed a greatly improved understanding of the radiometric signal strength of aviation hazards in a wide range of scenarios, in addition to a much better understanding of the real-world functionality requirements for hazard detection instruments. The project conducted field experiments on three hazards (turbulence, runway conditions, and wake vortices) and analytical studies on several others including volcanic ash, reduced visibility conditions, in flight icing conditions, and volcanic ash

    NASA's surface biology and geology designated observable: A perspective on surface imaging algorithms

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    The 2017–2027 National Academies' Decadal Survey, Thriving on Our Changing Planet, recommended Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) as a “Designated Targeted Observable” (DO). The SBG DO is based on the need for capabilities to acquire global, high spatial resolution, visible to shortwave infrared (VSWIR; 380–2500 nm; ~30 m pixel resolution) hyperspectral (imaging spectroscopy) and multispectral midwave and thermal infrared (MWIR: 3–5 μm; TIR: 8–12 μm; ~60 m pixel resolution) measurements with sub-monthly temporal revisits over terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal marine habitats. To address the various mission design needs, an SBG Algorithms Working Group of multidisciplinary researchers has been formed to review and evaluate the algorithms applicable to the SBG DO across a wide range of Earth science disciplines, including terrestrial and aquatic ecology, atmospheric science, geology, and hydrology. Here, we summarize current state-of-the-practice VSWIR and TIR algorithms that use airborne or orbital spectral imaging observations to address the SBG DO priorities identified by the Decadal Survey: (i) terrestrial vegetation physiology, functional traits, and health; (ii) inland and coastal aquatic ecosystems physiology, functional traits, and health; (iii) snow and ice accumulation, melting, and albedo; (iv) active surface composition (eruptions, landslides, evolving landscapes, hazard risks); (v) effects of changing land use on surface energy, water, momentum, and carbon fluxes; and (vi) managing agriculture, natural habitats, water use/quality, and urban development. We review existing algorithms in the following categories: snow/ice, aquatic environments, geology, and terrestrial vegetation, and summarize the community-state-of-practice in each category. This effort synthesizes the findings of more than 130 scientists
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