24 research outputs found

    Using Workload Prediction and Federation to Increase Cloud Utilization

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    The wide-spread adoption of cloud computing has changed how large-scale computing infrastructure is built and managed. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds consolidate different separate workloads onto a shared platform and provide a consistent quality of service by overprovisioning capacity. This additional capacity, however, remains idle for extended periods of time and represents a drag on system efficiency.The smaller scale of private IaaS clouds compared to public clouds exacerbates overprovisioning inefficiencies as opportunities for workload consolidation in private clouds are limited. Federation and cycle harvesting capabilities from computational grids help to improve efficiency, but to date have seen only limited adoption in the cloud due to a fundamental mismatch between the usage models of grids and clouds. Computational grids provide high throughput of queued batch jobs on a best-effort basis and enforce user priorities through dynamic job preemption, while IaaS clouds provide immediate feedback to user requests and make ahead-of-time guarantees about resource availability.We present a novel method to enable workload federation across IaaS clouds that overcomes this mismatch between grid and cloud usage models and improves system efficiency while also offering availability guarantees. We develop a new method for faster-than-realtime simulation of IaaS clouds to make predictions about system utilization and leverage this method to estimate the future availability of preemptible resources in the cloud. We then use these estimates to perform careful admission control and provide ahead-of-time bounds on the preemption probability of federated jobs executing on preemptible resources. Finally, we build an end-to-end prototype that addresses practical issues of workload federation and evaluate the prototype's efficacy using real-world traces from big data and compute-intensive production workloads

    Neural Adaptive Admission Control Framework: SLA-driven action termination for real-time application service management

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    Although most modern cloud-based enterprise systems, or operating systems, do not commonly allow configurable/automatic termination of processes, tasks or actions, it is common practice for systems administrators to manually terminate, or stop, tasks or actions at any level of the system. The paper investigates the potential of automatic adaptive control with action termination as a method for adapting the system to more appropriate conditions in environments with established goals for both system’s performance and economics. A machine-learning driven control mechanism, employing neural networks, is derived and applied within data-intensive systems. Control policies that have been designed following this approach are evaluated under different load patterns and service level requirements. The experimental results demonstrate performance characteristics and benefits as well as implications of termination control when applied to different action types with distinct run-time characteristics. An automatic termination approach may be eminently suitable for systems with harsh execution time Service Level Agreements, or systems running under conditions of hard pressure on power supply or other constraints. The proposed control mechanisms can be combined with other available toolkits to support deployment of autonomous controllers in high-dimensional enterprise information systems

    Grid Federation: Number of Jobs and File Size Effects on Jobs Time

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    Grid federation is fast emerging as an alternative solution to the problems posed by the large data handling and computational needs of the existing numerous worldwide scientific projects. Efficient access to such extensively distributed data sets has become a fundamental challenge in grid computing. Creating and placing replicas to suitable sites, using data replication mechanisms can increase the system’s performance. Data Replication reduces data access time, ensures load balancing as well as narrows bandwidth consumption. In this paper, an enhanced data replication mechanism called EDR is proposed. EDR applies the principle of exponential growth/decay to both file size and file access history, based on the Latest Access Largest Weight (LALW) mechanism. The mechanism selects a popular file and determines an appropriate number of replicas as well as suitable grid sites for replication. It establishes the popularity of each file by associating a different weight to each historical data access record. Typically, recent data access record has a larger weight, which signifies that the record is more relevant to the current situation of data access. By varying the number of jobs as well as file sizes, the proposed EDR mechanism was simulated using file size and job completion time as the variable metrics. Optorsim simulator was used to evaluate the proposed mechanism alongside the existing Least Recently Used (LRU), and Least Frequently Used (LFU) Mechanisms. The simulation results showed that job completion time increases by the growth in both file size and number of jobs. EDR shows improved performance on the mean job completion time, compared to LRU and LFU mechanisms

    An enhanced dynamic replica creation and eviction mechanism in data grid federation environment

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    Data Grid Federation system is an infrastructure that connects several grid systems, which facilitates sharing of large amount of data, as well as storage and computing resources. The existing mechanisms on data replication focus on finding file values based on the number of files access in deciding which file to replicate, and place new replicas on locations that provide minimum read cost. DRCEM finds file values based on logical dependencies in deciding which file to replicate, and allocates new replicas on locations that provide minimum replica placement cost. This thesis presents an enhanced data replication strategy known as Dynamic Replica Creation and Eviction Mechanism (DRCEM) that utilizes the usage of data grid resources, by allocating appropriate replica sites around the federation. The proposed mechanism uses three schemes: 1) Dynamic Replica Evaluation and Creation Scheme, 2) Replica Placement Scheme, and 3) Dynamic Replica Eviction Scheme. DRCEM was evaluated using OptorSim network simulator based on four performance metrics: 1) Jobs Completion Times, 2) Effective Network Usage, 3) Storage Element Usage, and 4) Computing Element Usage. DRCEM outperforms ELALW and DRCM mechanisms by 30% and 26%, in terms of Jobs Completion Times. In addition, DRCEM consumes less storage compared to ELALW and DRCM by 42% and 40%. However, DRCEM shows lower performance compared to existing mechanisms regarding Computing Element Usage, due to additional computations of files logical dependencies. Results revealed better jobs completion times with lower resource consumption than existing approaches. This research produces three replication schemes embodied in one mechanism that enhances the performance of Data Grid Federation environment. This has contributed to the enhancement of the existing mechanism, which is capable of deciding to either create or evict more than one file during a particular time. Furthermore, files logical dependencies were integrated into the replica creation scheme to evaluate data files more accurately

    Intelligent Network Infrastructures: New Functional Perspectives on Leveraging Future Internet Services

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    The Internet experience of the 21st century is by far very different from that of the early '80s. The Internet has adapted itself to become what it really is today, a very successful business platform of global scale. As every highly successful technology, the Internet has suffered from a natural process of ossification. Over the last 30 years, the technical solutions adopted to leverage emerging applications can be divided in two categories. First, the addition of new functionalities either patching existing protocols or adding new upper layers. Second, accommodating traffic grow with higher bandwidth links. Unfortunately, this approach is not suitable to provide the proper ground for a wide gamma of new applications. To be deployed, these future Internet applications require from the network layer advanced capabilities that the TCP/IP stack and its derived protocols can not provide by design in a robust, scalable fashion. NGNs (Next Generation Networks) on top of intelligent telecommunication infrastructures are being envisioned to support future Internet Services. This thesis contributes with three proposals to achieve this ambitious goal. The first proposal presents a preliminary architecture to allow NGNs to seamlessly request advanced services from layer 1 transport networks, such as QoS guaranteed point-to-multipoint circuits. This architecture is based on virtualization techniques applied to layer 1 networks, and hides from NGNs all complexities of interdomain provisioning. Moreover, the economic aspects involved were also considered, making the architecture attractive to carriers. The second contribution regards a framework to develop DiffServ-MPLS capable networks based exclusively on open source software and commodity PCs. The developed DiffServ-MPLS flexible software router was designed to allow NGN prototyping, that make use of pseudo virtual circuits and assured QoS as a starting point of development. The third proposal presents a state of the art routing and wavelength assignment algorithm for photonic networks. This algorithm considers physical layer impairments to 100% guarantee the requested QoS profile, even in case of single network failures. A number of novel techniques were applied to offer lower blocking probability when compared with recent proposed algorithms, without impacting on setup delay time

    Anti load-balancing for energy-aware distributed scheduling of virtual machines

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    La multiplication de l'informatique en nuage (Cloud) a abouti à la création de centres de données dans le monde entier. Le Cloud contient des milliers de nœuds de calcul. Cependant, les centres de données consomment d'énorme quantités d'énergie à travers le monde estimées à plus de 1,5 % de la consommation mondiale d'électricité et devrait continuer à croître. Une problématique habituellement étudiée dans les systèmes distribués est de répartir équitablement la charge. Mais lorsque l'objectif est de réduire la consommation électrique, ce type d'algorithmes peut mener à avoir des serveurs fortement sous chargés et donc à consommer de l'énergie inutilement. Cette thèse présente de nouvelles techniques, des algorithmes et des logiciels pour la consolidation dynamique et distribuée de machines virtuelles (VM) dans le Cloud. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de proposer des stratégies d'ordonnancement tenant compte de l'énergie dans le Cloud pour les économies d'énergie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous utilisons des approches centralisées et décentralisées. Les contributions à ce niveau méthodologique sont présentées sur ces deux axes. L'objectif de notre démarche est de réduire la consommation de l'énergie totale du centre de données en contrôlant la consommation globale d'énergie des applications tout en assurant les contrats de service pour l'exécution des applications. La consommation d'énergie est réduite en désactivant et réactivant dynamiquement les nœuds physiques pour répondre à la demande des ressources. Les principales contributions sont les suivantes: - Ici on s'intéressera à la problématique contraire de l'équilibrage de charge. Il s'agit d'une technique appelée Anti Load-Balancing pour concentrer la charge sur un nombre minimal de nœuds. Le but est de pouvoir éteindre les nœuds libérés et donc de minimiser la consommation énergétique du système. - Ensuite une approche centralisée a été proposée et fonctionne en associant une valeur de crédit à chaque nœud. Le crédit d'un nœud dépend de son affinité pour ses tâches, sa charge de travail actuelle et sa façon d'effectuer ses communications. Les économies d'énergie sont atteintes par la consolidation continue des machines virtuelles en fonction de l'utilisation actuelle des ressources, les topologies de réseaux virtuels établis entre les machines virtuelles et l'état thermique de nœuds de calcul. Les résultats de l'expérience sur une extension de CloudSim (EnerSim) montrent que l'énergie consommée par les applications du Cloud et l'efficacité énergétique ont été améliorées. - Le troisième axe est consacré à l'examen d'une approche appelée "Cooperative scheduling Anti load-balancing Algorithm for cloud". Il s'agit d'une approche décentralisée permettant la coopération entre les différents sites. Pour valider cet algorithme, nous avons étendu le simulateur MaGateSim. Avec une large évaluation expérimentale d'un ensemble de données réelles, nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion que l'approche à la fois en utilisant des algorithmes centralisés et décentralisés peut réduire l'énergie consommée des centres de données.The multiplication of Cloud computing has resulted in the establishment of largescale data centers around the world containing thousands of compute nodes. However, Cloud consume huge amounts of energy. Energy consumption of data centers worldwide is estimated at more than 1.5% of the global electricity use and is expected to grow further. A problem usually studied in distributed systems is to evenly distribute the load. But when the goal is to reduce energy consumption, this type of algorithms can lead to have machines largely under-loaded and therefore consuming energy unnecessarily. This thesis presents novel techniques, algorithms, and software for distributed dynamic consolidation of Virtual Machines (VMs) in Cloud. The main objective of this thesis is to provide energy-aware scheduling strategies in cloud computing for energy saving. To achieve this goal, we use centralized and decentralized approaches. Contributions in this method are presented these two axes. The objective of our approach is to reduce data center's total energy consumed by controlling cloud applications' overall energy consumption while ensuring cloud applications' service level agreement. Energy consumption is reduced by dynamically deactivating and reactivating physical nodes to meet the current resource demand. The key contributions are: - First, we present an energy aware clouds scheduling using anti-load balancing algorithm : concentrate the load on a minimum number of severs. The goal is to turn off the machines released and therefore minimize the energy consumption of the system. - The second axis proposed an algorithm which works by associating a credit value with each node. The credit of a node depends on its affinity to its jobs, its current workload and its communication behavior. Energy savings are achieved by continuous consolidation of VMs according to current utilization of resources, virtual network topologies established between VMs, and thermal state of computing nodes. The experiment results, obtained with a simulator which extends CloudSim (EnerSim), show that the cloud application energy consumption and energy efficiency are being improved. - The third axis is dedicated to the consideration of a decentralized dynamic scheduling approach entitled Cooperative scheduling Anti-load balancing Algorithm for cloud. It is a decentralized approach that allows cooperation between different sites. To validate this algorithm, we have extended the simulator MaGateSim. With an extensive experimental evaluation with a real workload dataset, we got the conclusion that both the approach using centralized and decentralized algorithms can reduce energy consumed by data centers

    Mission-Critical Communications from LMR to 5G: a Technology Assessment approach for Smart City scenarios

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    Radiocommunication networks are one of the main support tools of agencies that carry out actions in Public Protection & Disaster Relief (PPDR), and it is necessary to update these communications technologies from narrowband to broadband and integrated to information technologies to have an effective action before society. Understanding that this problem includes, besides the technical aspects, issues related to the social context to which these systems are inserted, this study aims to construct scenarios, using several sources of information, that helps the managers of the PPDR agencies in the technological decisionmaking process of the Digital Transformation of Mission-Critical Communication considering Smart City scenarios, guided by the methods and approaches of Technological Assessment (TA).As redes de radiocomunicações são uma das principais ferramentas de apoio dos órgãos que realizam ações de Proteção Pública e Socorro em desastres, sendo necessário atualizar essas tecnologias de comunicação de banda estreita para banda larga, e integra- las às tecnologias de informação, para se ter uma atuação efetiva perante a sociedade . Entendendo que esse problema inclui, além dos aspectos técnicos, questões relacionadas ao contexto social ao qual esses sistemas estão inseridos, este estudo tem por objetivo a construção de cenários, utilizando diversas fontes de informação que auxiliem os gestores destas agências na tomada de decisão tecnológica que envolve a transformação digital da Comunicação de Missão Crítica considerando cenários de Cidades Inteligentes, guiado pelos métodos e abordagens de Avaliação Tecnológica (TA)

    Containerization in Cloud Computing: performance analysis of virtualization architectures

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    La crescente adozione del cloud è fortemente influenzata dall’emergere di tecnologie che mirano a migliorare i processi di sviluppo e deployment di applicazioni di livello enterprise. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è analizzare una di queste soluzioni, chiamata “containerization” e di valutare nel dettaglio come questa tecnologia possa essere adottata in infrastrutture cloud in alternativa a soluzioni complementari come le macchine virtuali. Fino ad oggi, il modello tradizionale “virtual machine” è stata la soluzione predominante nel mercato. L’importante differenza architetturale che i container offrono ha portato questa tecnologia ad una rapida adozione poichè migliora di molto la gestione delle risorse, la loro condivisione e garantisce significativi miglioramenti in termini di provisioning delle singole istanze. Nella tesi, verrà esaminata la “containerization” sia dal punto di vista infrastrutturale che applicativo. Per quanto riguarda il primo aspetto, verranno analizzate le performances confrontando LXD, Docker e KVM, come hypervisor dell’infrastruttura cloud OpenStack, mentre il secondo punto concerne lo sviluppo di applicazioni di livello enterprise che devono essere installate su un insieme di server distribuiti. In tal caso, abbiamo bisogno di servizi di alto livello, come l’orchestrazione. Pertanto, verranno confrontate le performances delle seguenti soluzioni: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos e Cattle

    Modelling, Dimensioning and Optimization of 5G Communication Networks, Resources and Services

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    This reprint aims to collect state-of-the-art research contributions that address challenges in the emerging 5G networks design, dimensioning and optimization. Designing, dimensioning and optimization of communication networks resources and services have been an inseparable part of telecom network development. The latter must convey a large volume of traffic, providing service to traffic streams with highly differentiated requirements in terms of bit-rate and service time, required quality of service and quality of experience parameters. Such a communication infrastructure presents many important challenges, such as the study of necessary multi-layer cooperation, new protocols, performance evaluation of different network parts, low layer network design, network management and security issues, and new technologies in general, which will be discussed in this book