293 research outputs found

    Predicting Yelp Food Establishment Ratings Based on Business Attributes

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    Social networking and business review sites play an integral role in the buying behavior of the modern consumer. An individual with access to the internet may observe millions of reviews on almost every type of product and service on the market. Websites such as Angie’s List, Facebook, Yellow Pages, and Yelp all facilitate this process, acting as crowd-sourced hubs for review data. This has major implications for the modern business, as past research shows that reviews and ratings play a direct role on the demand a business receives. With the vast dissemination of review data to the potential buyer market, it is imperative for businesses to focus on receiving high reviews from all of their customers. Hence, one important question for many businesses is whether there is a way to encourage higher ratings through targeted alterations to their offerings

    Profiling users' behavior, and identifying important features of review 'helpfulness'

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    The increasing volume of online reviews and the use of review platforms leave tracks that can be used to explore interesting patterns. It is in the primary interest of businesses to retain and improve their reputation. Reviewers, on the other hand, tend to write reviews that can influence and attract people’s attention, which often leads to deliberate deviations from past rating behavior. Until now, very limited studies have attempted to explore the impact of user rating behavior on review helpfulness. However, there are more perspectives of user behavior in selecting and rating businesses that still need to be investigated. Moreover, previous studies gave more attention to the review features and reported inconsistent findings on the importance of the features. To fill this gap, we introduce new and modify existing business and reviewer features and propose a user-focused mechanism for review selection. This study aims to investigate and report changes in business reputation, user choice, and rating behavior through descriptive and comparative analysis. Furthermore, the relevance of various features for review helpfulness is identified by correlation, linear regression, and negative binomial regression. The analysis performed on the Yelp dataset shows that the reputation of the businesses has changed slightly over time. Moreover, 46% of the users chose a business with a minimum of 4 stars. The majority of users give 4-star ratings, and 60% of reviewers adopt irregular rating behavior. Our results show a slight improvement by using user rating behavior and choice features. Whereas, the significant increase in R2 indicates the importance of reviewer popularity and experience features. The overall results show that the most significant features of review helpfulness are average user helpfulness, number of user reviews, average business helpfulness, and review length. The outcomes of this study provide important theoretical and practical implications for researchers, businesses, and reviewers

    Cross-Cultural Examination on Content Bias and Helpfulness of Online Reviews: Sentiment Balance at the Aspect Level for a Subjective Good

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    Online reviews can be fraught with biases, especially on experience goods. Using multilingual sentiment analysis software, we examined the characteristics of review biases and helpfulness at the aspect level across two different cultures. First, we found the lopsidedness of emotions expressed over the four key aspects of Japanese restaurant reviews between Japanese and Western consumers. Second, helpful reviews have sentiments expressed more evenly over those aspects than average for both Japanese and Western consumers. Third, however, there are significant differences over how sentiments are spread over aspects between them. Westerners found reviews helpful when reviews focused less on food and more on service. In addition, Japanese customers were more concerned with savings whereas Westerners paid attention to whether they are getting their money’s worth. These findings point to future research opportunities for leveraging sentiment analysis over key aspects of goods, particularly those of experience/subjective goods, across different cultures and customer profile categories

    A Sentiment Analysis of Star-rating: a Cross-Cultural Perspective

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    Consumer-generated reviews and ratings are critical for the tourism industry. The star rating distribution of services can significantly influence a consumer’s decision-making and choice of services. We analyze the star rating distribution of restaurant reviews from three nations (Japan, China, and the U.S.) and find two distribution patterns: bimodal and unimodal. Then, we analyze the sentiment correlation with each star rating across the three cultures. We find the inconsistency of positive sentiment correlation with 5- and 4-star ratings generated by Japanese consumers. Possible contributing factors, including biases, national culture, and socioeconomic conditions, are discusse

    En studie av karakteristikker som gjør produktomtaler hjelpsomme

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    Online product reviews are an important source of information that facilitates the consumer in the purchase decision process. This study investigates the correlation between three review characteristics and the perceived helpfulness of online reviews. These variables are founded in the theoretical background of information economics. Drawing on the theoretical foundation of information economics these variables are then tested by the product types provided from this theory, namely search goods and experience goods. An analysis of 120 reviews from three different website across four products indicated that the most significant correlation existed between helpfulness and review length. Review timeliness proved to have an inconsequential effect on helpfulness, while the effect of star rating was dependent on product type. Correlations are then discussed in greater detail, after which a theoretical and practical implications are mentioned. Lastly limitations and future research directions are evaluated and suggested.Online product reviews are an important source of information that facilitates the consumer in the purchase decision process. This study investigates the correlation between three review characteristics and the perceived helpfulness of online reviews. These variables are founded in the theoretical background of information economics. Drawing on the theoretical foundation of information economics these variables are then tested by the product types provided from this theory, namely search goods and experience goods. An analysis of 120 reviews from three different website across four products indicated that the most significant correlation existed between helpfulness and review length. Review timeliness proved to have an inconsequential effect on helpfulness, while the effect of star rating was dependent on product type. Correlations are then discussed in greater detail, after which a theoretical and practical implications are mentioned. Lastly limitations and future research directions are evaluated and suggested

    This product works well (for me): The impact of first-person singular pronouns on online review helpfulness

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    Can linguistic choices of reviewers, such as using first-person singular pronouns (FPSP), affect readers' perception of information helpfulness? When sharing their purchase and consumption experiences, online reviewers tend to excessively use FPSP to refer to themselves. However, the effect of this language choice on readers' perception of information value is unknown. Drawing on communication and psycholinguistic literatures, this research theoretically develops and empirically analyzes the effects of the use of FPSP on perceived review helpfulness. The empirical results, based on a sample of 41,656 reviews from Amazon.com, suggest that the use of these pronouns has a negative impact on the perceived helpfulness of online reviews. In addition, such effects are moderated by review attributes such as length, valence and affective content, being more prominent for shorter reviews, reviews with lower valence and higher level of affect

    Understanding electronic word-of-mouth in tourism in the social media era

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    In recent decades, social media has fundamentally changed how communication takes place in business. It has contributed to the evolution of the Internet from a broadcasting medium to a participatory and interactive platform which allows users to generate and share information and become part of the media. For instance, social media has enabled the creation and exchange of electronic word-ofmouth (eWOM). We have witnessed the popularity of eWOM in travel and tourism industry. EWOM behaviour among individuals and the impact of eWOM on organizations have become important research focuses in eWOM research. However, the extant research has ignored the important function of social media platforms as both hedonic and social-oriented information systems (IS) for users, and few researchers have tried to explain eWOM use from the social, hedonic, and technology perspectives. eWOM application from the organizational perspective has also attracted the attention of researchers. Most prior studies in this field have focused primarily on the impact of eWOM on business performance and organizations’ eWOM strategy. However, the understanding of how social media platforms can be used to co-create value with customers and how eWOM can help organizations to engage customers is still fragmented. What is more, the understanding of the interplay between an organization’s activity and social media technology remains obscure. The objective of this study is threefold: 1) to explore eWOM use and generation behaviours among individuals by taking eWOM content, as well as the social media platform—that is, the channel of eWOM generation and use—into consideration; 2) to explore the value creation of social media and eWOM in organizations; and 3) to examine how social media and eWOM connect individuals and organizations and uncover the myth of how eWOM benefits both individuals and travel organizations. A combination of quantitative survey research and qualitative case study is used in this study. In particular, quantitative survey research method was used to explore the eWOM use among individual user’s to solve the research questions regarding the determinants of travellers’ eWOM use and generation behaviours. Qualitative case study method was used to solve the questions regarding how can tourism organizations use social media to co-create value with customers and to engage with customers via eWOM communication. This research includes empirical data collected from individual tourists in China and tourism organizations from both China and Finland. This study contributes to the understanding of eWOM in tourism context. Specifically, it contributes to the understanding of customers’ eWOM behavior by taking the social and hedonic functions into consideration, and sheds light on the understanding of eWOM application in organizations. This study also integrates eWOM research from both individual and organization perspectives and helps to explain the eWOM interplay between them. From practical view, the results of this study have important implications for tourism e-service practitioners in their understanding of customers’ decision making process, and the strategy to facilitate customers’ propensity of eWOM generation behavior. It also helps eWOM website designers to make successful eWOM websites. The findings also shed lights on e-service providers on how to co-create value with customers via social media platform and how to engage customer via eWOM communication.Sosiaalinen media on ratkaisevasti muuttanut tapaa jolla liikeviestintää hoidetaan nykyvuosikymmenellä. Se on muuttanut Internetin yksisuuntaisesta julkaisukanavasta yhteisölliseksi ja interaktiiviseksi alustaksi joka mahdollistaa käyttäjien informaation tuottamisen ja jakamisen, heidän tulemisensa osaksi mediaa. Esimerkiksi, sosiaalinen media on mahdollistanut eWOM-ilmiön, jolla tarkoitetaan asiakkaiden ja käyttäjien jostain kohteesta tekemien arvioiden antamista ja jakamista sähköisillä alustoilla. eWOM on osoittautunut erittäin suosituksi matkailun ja turismin alalla viime vuosina. eWOM-yksilökäyttäytyminen sekä se miten eWOM vaikuttaa organisaatioihin ovat tulleet tärkeiksi tutkimuskohteiksi eWOM-tutkimuksessa. Kuitenkin nykyinen tutkimus on jättänyt ottamatta huomioon sen että sosiaalisen median alustat toimivat myös mielihyvää tuottavina ja sosiaalisesti orientoituneina tietojärjestelminä käyttäjille, ja vain vähäinen tutkimus on yrittänyt selvittää eWOMkäyttöä sosiaalisesta, hedonisesta ja teknologisesta näkökulmasta. eWOM tutkimus organisatorisesta näkökulmasta keskittyy pääosin siihen miten eWOM vaikuttaa liiketoimintaan ja organisaation eWOM-strategiaan. Kuitenkin sen ymmärtäminen miten sosiaalisen median alustoja voidaan käyttää arvon yhteiseen tuottamiseen ja kuinka eWOM voi auttaa organisaatioita sitouttamaan asiakkaan on yhä sirpaleista. Lisäksi, organisaation toiminnan ja sosiaalisen median teknologian vuorovaikutuksen ymmärtäminen on yhä häilyvää. Tällä tutkimuksella on kolme tavoitetta: 1) tutkia eWOM-käyttöä ja tiedon tuottamista yksilötasolla ottamalla eWOM-sisältö samoin kuin sosiaalisen median alusta – kanava eWOMin tuottamiseen ja jakamiseen – huomioon; 2) tutkia eWOMin sosiaalisen median arvontuottoa organisaatiossa; 3) tutkia miten sosiaalinen media ja eWOM yhdistävät yksilöitä ja organisaatioita, jotta voitaisiin selvittää myytti siitä miten eWOM hyödyntää sekä yksilöitä että organisaatioita. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvantitatiivisen kyselytutkimuksen ja kvalitatiivisen tapaustutkimuksen yhdistelmää. Erityisesti, kvantitatiivista kyselytutkimusta käytettiin tutkimusmenetelmänä tutkittaessa yksilöiden eWOM-käyttöä, jotta voitiin vastata tutkimuskysymykseen koskien matkustajien eWOMgeneroinnin ja –käytön keskeisiä suureita. Laadullista tapaustutkimusta käytettiin tutkimusmenetelmänä selvitettäessä sitä miten organisaatiot käyttävät sosiaalista mediaa tuottaakseen lisäarvoa asiakkaiden kanssa ja miten ne sitouttavat asiakkaat eWOM-viestinnän keinoin. Tämä tutkimus sisältää empiiristä dataa jota on kerätty sekä yksittäisiltä matkustajilta Kiinassa sekä matkailualan yrityksiltä sekä Kiinassa että Suomessa. Tämä tutkimus lisää ymmärrystä eWOM-ilmiöstä matkailussa. Erityisesti se tuottaa tietoa asiakkaiden eWOM-käyttäytymisestä ottamalla eWOMin sosiaaliset ja hedoniset aspektit huomioon, ja tuottaa tietoa eWOMin käytön ymmärtämiseksi organisaatioissa. Tämä tutkimus integroi eWOM-tutkimuksen sekä yksilön että organisaation näkökulmasta ja auttaa ymmärtämään näkökulmien yhteydet. Käytännön näkökulmasta tämän tutkimuksen tuloksilla on tärkeitä viestejä sähköisen palvelutuotannon toteuttajille kun he pyrkivät ymmärtämään asiakkaan päätöksentekoa. Se myös auttaa eWOM-suunnittelijoita tekemään onnistuneita eWOM-verkkopalveluita. Tutkimustulokset myös kertovat verkkopalveluiden tuottajille miten tuottaa lisäarvoa yhdessä asiakkaiden kanssa sosiaalisessa mediassa ja miten sitouttaa asiakkaat eWOM-kommunikaation avulla

    4th. International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022)

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    Research methods in economics and social sciences are evolving with the increasing availability of Internet and Big Data sources of information. As these sources, methods, and applications become more interdisciplinary, the 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA) is a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and advances on how emerging research methods and sources are applied to different fields of social sciences as well as to discuss current and future challenges. Due to the covid pandemic, CARMA 2022 is planned as a virtual and face-to-face conference, simultaneouslyDoménech I De Soria, J.; Vicente Cuervo, MR. (2022). 4th. International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2022.2022.1595

    Visual analytics and artificial intelligence for marketing

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    In today’s online environments, such as social media platforms and e-commerce websites, consumers are overloaded with information and firms are competing for their attention. Most of the data on these platforms comes in the form of text, images, or other unstructured data sources. It is important to understand which information on company websites and social media platforms are enticing and/or likeable by consumers. The impact of online visual content, in particular, remains largely unknown. Finding the drivers behind likes and clicks can help (1) understand how consumers interact with the information that is presented to them and (2) leverage this knowledge to improve marketing content. The main goal of this dissertation is to learn more about why consumers like and click on visual content online. To reach this goal visual analytics are used for automatic extraction of relevant information from visual content. This information can then be related, at scale, to consumer and their decisions