24 research outputs found

    Predicting mostly disordered proteins by using structure-unknown protein data

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    BACKGROUND: Predicting intrinsically disordered proteins is important in structural biology because they are thought to carry out various cellular functions even though they have no stable three-dimensional structure. We know the structures of far more ordered proteins than disordered proteins. The structural distribution of proteins in nature can therefore be inferred to differ from that of proteins whose structures have been determined experimentally. We know many more protein sequences than we do protein structures, and many of the known sequences can be expected to be those of disordered proteins. Thus it would be efficient to use the information of structure-unknown proteins in order to avoid training data sparseness. We propose a novel method for predicting which proteins are mostly disordered by using spectral graph transducer and training with a huge amount of structure-unknown sequences as well as structure-known sequences. RESULTS: When the proposed method was evaluated on data that included 82 disordered proteins and 526 ordered proteins, its sensitivity was 0.723 and its specificity was 0.977. It resulted in a Matthews correlation coefficient 0.202 points higher than that obtained using FoldIndex, 0.221 points higher than that obtained using the method based on plotting hydrophobicity against the number of contacts and 0.07 points higher than that obtained using support vector machines (SVMs). To examine robustness against training data sparseness, we investigated the correlation between two results obtained when the method was trained on different datasets and tested on the same dataset. The correlation coefficient for the proposed method is 0.14 higher than that for the method using SVMs. When the proposed SGT-based method was compared with four per-residue predictors (VL3, GlobPlot, DISOPRED2 and IUPred (long)), its sensitivity was 0.834 for disordered proteins, which is 0.052–0.523 higher than that of the per-residue predictors, and its specificity was 0.991 for ordered proteins, which is 0.036–0.153 higher than that of the per-residue predictors. The proposed method was also evaluated on data that included 417 partially disordered proteins. It predicted the frequency of disordered proteins to be 1.95% for the proteins with 5%–10% disordered sequences, 1.46% for the proteins with 10%–20% disordered sequences and 16.57% for proteins with 20%–40% disordered sequences. CONCLUSION: The proposed method, which utilizes the information of structure-unknown data, predicts disordered proteins more accurately than other methods and is less affected by training data sparseness

    Abundance of intrinsic disorder in SV-IV, a multifunctional androgen-dependent protein secreted from rat seminal vesicle

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    The potent immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and procoagulant properties of the
protein no. 4 secreted from the rat seminal vesicle epithelium (SV-IV) have been
previously found to be modulated by a supramolecular monomer-trimer equilibrium.
More structural details that integrate experimental data into a predictive framework
have recently been reported. Unfortunately, homology modelling and fold-recognition
strategies were not successful in creating a theoretical model of the structural
organization of SV-IV. It was inferred that the global structure of SV-IV is not similar
to any protein of known three-dimensional structure. Reversing the classical approach
to the sequence-structure-function paradigm, in this paper we report on novel
information obtained by comparing physicochemical parameters of SV-IV with two
datasets made of intrinsically unfolded and ideally globular proteins. In addition, we
have analysed the SV-IV sequence by several publicly available disorder-oriented
predictors. Overall, disorder predictions and a re-examination of existing experimental
data strongly suggest that SV-IV needs large plasticity to efficiently interact with the
different targets that characterize its multifaceted biological function and should be
therefore better classified as an intrinsically disordered protein

    SAHG, a comprehensive database of predicted structures of all human proteins

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    Most proteins from higher organisms are known to be multi-domain proteins and contain substantial numbers of intrinsically disordered (ID) regions. To analyse such protein sequences, those from human for instance, we developed a special protein-structure-prediction pipeline and accumulated the products in the Structure Atlas of Human Genome (SAHG) database at http://bird.cbrc.jp/sahg. With the pipeline, human proteins were examined by local alignment methods (BLAST, PSI-BLAST and Smith–Waterman profile–profile alignment), global–local alignment methods (FORTE) and prediction tools for ID regions (POODLE-S) and homology modeling (MODELLER). Conformational changes of protein models upon ligand-binding were predicted by simultaneous modeling using templates of apo and holo forms. When there were no suitable templates for holo forms and the apo models were accurate, we prepared holo models using prediction methods for ligand-binding (eF-seek) and conformational change (the elastic network model and the linear response theory). Models are displayed as animated images. As of July 2010, SAHG contains 42 581 protein-domain models in approximately 24 900 unique human protein sequences from the RefSeq database. Annotation of models with functional information and links to other databases such as EzCatDB, InterPro or HPRD are also provided to facilitate understanding the protein structure-function relationships

    Protein secondary structure appears to be robust under in silico evolution while protein disorder appears not to be

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    Motivation: The mutation of amino acids often impacts protein function and structure. Mutations without negative effect sustain evolutionary pressure. We study a particular aspect of structural robustness with respect to mutations: regular protein secondary structure and natively unstructured (intrinsically disordered) regions. Is the formation of regular secondary structure an intrinsic feature of amino acid sequences, or is it a feature that is lost upon mutation and is maintained by evolution against the odds? Similarly, is disorder an intrinsic sequence feature or is it difficult to maintain? To tackle these questions, we in silico mutated native protein sequences into random sequence-like ensembles and monitored the change in predicted secondary structure and disorder

    Integrative Features of the Yeast Phosphoproteome and Protein–Protein Interaction Map

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    Following recent advances in high-throughput mass spectrometry (MS)–based proteomics, the numbers of identified phosphoproteins and their phosphosites have greatly increased in a wide variety of organisms. Although a critical role of phosphorylation is control of protein signaling, our understanding of the phosphoproteome remains limited. Here, we report unexpected, large-scale connections revealed between the phosphoproteome and protein interactome by integrative data-mining of yeast multi-omics data. First, new phosphoproteome data on yeast cells were obtained by MS-based proteomics and unified with publicly available yeast phosphoproteome data. This revealed that nearly 60% of ∼6,000 yeast genes encode phosphoproteins. We mapped these unified phosphoproteome data on a yeast protein–protein interaction (PPI) network with other yeast multi-omics datasets containing information about proteome abundance, proteome disorders, literature-derived signaling reactomes, and in vitro substratomes of kinases. In the phospho-PPI, phosphoproteins had more interacting partners than nonphosphoproteins, implying that a large fraction of intracellular protein interaction patterns (including those of protein complex formation) is affected by reversible and alternative phosphorylation reactions. Although highly abundant or unstructured proteins have a high chance of both interacting with other proteins and being phosphorylated within cells, the difference between the number counts of interacting partners of phosphoproteins and nonphosphoproteins was significant independently of protein abundance and disorder level. Moreover, analysis of the phospho-PPI and yeast signaling reactome data suggested that co-phosphorylation of interacting proteins by single kinases is common within cells. These multi-omics analyses illuminate how wide-ranging intracellular phosphorylation events and the diversity of physical protein interactions are largely affected by each other

    Differences in the Number of Intrinsically Disordered Regions between Yeast Duplicated Proteins, and Their Relationship with Functional Divergence

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    BACKGROUND: Intrinsically disordered regions are enriched in short interaction motifs that play a critical role in many protein-protein interactions. Since new short interaction motifs may easily evolve, they have the potential to rapidly change protein interactions and cellular signaling. In this work we examined the dynamics of gain and loss of intrinsically disordered regions in duplicated proteins to inspect if changes after genome duplication can create functional divergence. For this purpose we used Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the outgroup species Lachancea kluyveri. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find that genes duplicated as part of a genome duplication (ohnologs) are significantly more intrinsically disordered than singletons (p<2.2(e)-16, Wilcoxon), reflecting a preference for retaining intrinsically disordered proteins in duplicate. In addition, there have been marked changes in the extent of intrinsic disorder following duplication. A large number of duplicated genes have more intrinsic disorder than their L. kluyveri ortholog (29% for duplicates versus 25% for singletons) and an even greater number have less intrinsic disorder than the L. kluyveri ortholog (37% for duplicates versus 25% for singletons). Finally, we show that the number of physical interactions is significantly greater in the more intrinsically disordered ohnolog of a pair (p = 0.003, Wilcoxon). CONCLUSION: This work shows that intrinsic disorder gain and loss in a protein is a mechanism by which a genome can also diverge and innovate. The higher number of interactors for proteins that have gained intrinsic disorder compared with their duplicates may reflect the acquisition of new interaction partners or new functional roles