1,725 research outputs found

    Contributions to artificial intelligence: the IIIA perspective

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    La intel·ligència artificial (IA) és un camp científic i tecnològic relativament nou dedicat a l'estudi de la intel·ligència mitjançant l'ús d'ordinadors com a eines per produir comportament intel·ligent. Inicialment, l'objectiu era essencialment científic: assolir una millor comprensió de la intel·ligència humana. Aquest objectiu ha estat, i encara és, el dels investigadors en ciència cognitiva. Dissortadament, aquest fascinant però ambiciós objectiu és encara molt lluny de ser assolit i ni tan sols podem dir que ens hi haguem acostat significativament. Afortunadament, però, la IA també persegueix un objectiu més aplicat: construir sistemes que ens resultin útils encara que la intel·ligència artificial de què estiguin dotats no tingui res a veure amb la intel·ligència humana i, per tant, aquests sistemes no ens proporcionarien necessàriament informació útil sobre la naturalesa de la intel·ligència humana. Aquest objectiu, que s'emmarca més aviat dins de l'àmbit de l'enginyeria, és actualment el que predomina entre els investigadors en IA i ja ha donat resultats impresionants, tan teòrics com aplicats, en moltíssims dominis d'aplicació. A més, avui dia, els productes i les aplicacions al voltant de la IA representen un mercat anual de desenes de milers de milions de dòlars. Aquest article resumeix les principals contribucions a la IA fetes pels investigadors de l'Institut d'Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial del Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques durant els darrers cinc anys.Artificial intelligence is a relatively new scientific and technological field which studies the nature of intelligence by using computers to produce intelligent behaviour. Initially, the main goal was a purely scientific one, understanding human intelligence, and this remains the aim of cognitive scientists. Unfortunately, such an ambitious and fascinating goal is not only far from being achieved but has yet to be satisfactorily approached. Fortunately, however, artificial intelligence also has an engineering goal: building systems that are useful to people even if the intelligence of such systems has no relation whatsoever with human intelligence, and therefore being able to build them does not necessarily provide any insight into the nature of human intelligence. This engineering goal has become the predominant one among artificial intelligence researchers and has produced impressive results, ranging from knowledge-based systems to autonomous robots, that have been applied to many different domains. Furthermore, artificial intelligence products and services today represent an annual market of tens of billions of dollars worldwide. This article summarizes the main contributions to the field of artificial intelligence made at the IIIA-CSIC (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of the Spanish Scientific Research Council) over the last five years

    Contributions of formal language theory to the study of dialogues

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    For more than 30 years, the problem of providing a formal framework for modeling dialogues has been a topic of great interest for the scientific areas of Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Formal Languages, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. In the beginning the goal was to develop a "conversational computer", an automated system that could engage in a conversation in the same way as humans do. After studies showed the difficulties of achieving this goal Formal Language Theory and Artificial Intelligence have contributed to Dialogue Theory with the study and simulation of machine to machine and human to machine dialogues inspired by Linguistic studies of human interactions. The aim of our thesis is to propose a formal approach for the study of dialogues. Our work is an interdisciplinary one that connects theories and results in Dialogue Theory mainly from Formal Language Theory, but also from another areas like Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and Multiprogramming. We contribute to Dialogue Theory by introducing a hierarchy of formal frameworks for the definition of protocols for dialogue interaction. Each framework defines a transition system in which dialogue protocols might be uniformly expressed and compared. The frameworks we propose are based on finite state transition systems and Grammar systems from Formal Language Theory and a multi-agent language for the specification of dialogue protocols from Artificial Intelligence. Grammar System Theory is a subfield of Formal Language Theory that studies how several (a finite number) of language defining devices (language processors or grammars) jointly develop a common symbolic environment (a string or a finite set of strings) by the application of language operations (for instance rewriting rules). For the frameworks we propose we study some of their formal properties, we compare their expressiveness, we investigate their practical application in Dialogue Theory and we analyze their connection with theories of human-like conversation from Linguistics. In addition we contribute to Grammar System Theory by proposing a new approach for the verification and derivation of Grammar systems. We analyze possible advantages of interpreting grammars as multiprograms that are susceptible of verification and derivation using the Owicki-Gries logic, a Hoare-based logic from the Multiprogramming field

    Can Translation Evolve? Translation Errors of Chinese-to-English Tourism Promotional Materials from Eco-Translatology Perspectives

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    Chinese tourism has been revised since the Covid-19 quarantine policy was abolished. Tourism institutions are going to continue to attract inbound and international tourists by using tourism promotional materials. Tourism commonly seems like an intercultural communication process. Therefore, translating Chinese tourism promotional materials into English with good quality should be highlighted, such as leaflets, brochures, websites, etc. However, while promotional discourse in the tourism industry has been developed for many years, previous studies indicated that some English translations of tourism promotional materials fail to achieve very promotional efficacy, or worse, leave a negative impression on international tourists. This paper aims to focus on analyzing the translation errors of tourism promotional materials and improve them from Eco-translatology perspective, namely Three-dimensional Transformation. Finally, the findings argue that the essential reason for the translation errors is ascribed to the lack of persuasive tourism skills and the non-consideration of Anglophone tourists’ characteristics

    Finnegans Wake as proving ground for theory and agent provocateur in literary studies

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    "Finnegans Wake" has struck many of its exegetes as the epitome of the postmodern text. The oddity of James Joyce's last work has been and still is a provocation not only for literary criticism and theory but for every reader of the work. It provokes us to reflect on our preconceptions concerning such fundamental issues as reading, meaning and understanding. Due to this very quality, the work has been a fertile intellectual stimulus for an illustrious band of thinkers of the ―post-projects. Its singularity has provoked and facilitated the further development of theoretical frameworks beyond the confines of literary theory proper. This essay will trace the elaborate theoretical responses of Umberto Eco and Jacques Lacan to Joyce's grand literary arcanum. Eco's concept of the openness of modern works of art and Lacan's elaboration of his psychoanalytic concepts of the symptom and of the Borromean knot were inspired by their study of Joyce. As an extreme instance of literariness, Finnegans Wake thus constitutes an ideal opportunity to consider the scope and boundaries of the scholarly study of literary texts more generally

    Cultural Studies, Critical Theory and Critical Discourse Analysis: Histories, Remembering and Futures

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    In this paper I have explored some of the histories which inevitably connect, but also differentiate, critical discourse analysis and cultural studies. I have argued that both are strongly influenced by the versions of critical theory which have been characterised as 'postmodernism' and 'poststructuralism' and that both could benefit not only from some serious engagement with the several disciplines from which their interdisciplinarity is derived but also from some further in depth exploration of the critical theory which informs them and which they have often 'translated' or 'co-opted' in reductionist ways. I have also argued that the claims sometimes made for critical discourse analysis are inflated and that without serious ethnographies and attention to the theorisation as well as research of contexts those claims cannot really be sustained. On the other hand 'resignification' or the cultural politics of CDA are important agendas and we need to do much more work on establishing exactly how social change can be effected through the kinds of work CDA could do. My conclusion is that we need to reframe and recontextualise the ways in which we define and perform CDA and that that will involve bringing cultural studies and critical discourse analysis together in productive new ways with other disciplinary and theoretical formations and with proper attention to the new and different global and local contexts in which we work

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 12. Number 4.

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    Translating (With) the Speculum

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