6 research outputs found

    Teknik Owncloud Dalam Pengolahan Data Cloud Computing Berbasis Linux

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    Abstrak: Makalah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sebuah sistem penyimpanan berbasis cloud computing pada PT. Trieka Daya Unggul untuk membantu pengguna dalam masalah pengolahan big data, agar user tidak penyimpan data pada komputer yang digunakan. Sehingga data yang tersimpan menjadi terpusat. Hal ini memudahkan bagi pegawai yang membutuhkan data mereka hanya perlu mengakses server cloud yang sudah diterapkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Owncloud yang sudah diterapkan pada sistem operasi linux ubuntu versi 14.04 serta menggunakan PHP dan Apache sebagai layanan web dan databasenya. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah sistem penyimpanan cloud berbasis internet yang lebih mudah dalam hal akses data sehingga user yang berada pada sistem cloud computing ini dapat menyimpan dan mengunduh data yang ada pada server owncloud dengan mudah dan aman.     Kata kunci:  Data, Cloud Computing, Owncloud.   Abstract: This research paper aims to design a cloud computing-based storage system at PT. Trieka Daya Unggul to help users in big data processing problems, so that users do not store data on the computer used. So that the stored data becomes centralized. This makes it easy for employees who need data they only need to access the cloud server that has been implemented. The method used in this study is to use Owncloud which has been applied to the Linux operating system version 14.04 and uses PHP and Apache as web services and databases. The results of this study are to build an internet-based cloud storage system that is easier in terms of data access so that users who are in this cloud computing system can store and download data that is on their own cloud server easily and safely.   Keywords: Data, Cloud Computing, Own Cloud

    Enterprise file synchronization and sharing services for educational environments in case of disaster

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    Cloud computing is an emerging solution that responds to the concept of Smart University; it aims at offering an intelligent environment of business continuity for the actors of an educational center. This research offers a recovery plan of educational services in case of disaster, through an action research, which analyzed free software for cloud computing, focusing on Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS). To achieve this, the implementation was placed in a local scenario (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP, LAMP), and stress tests were performed on three applications: Nextcloud, Seafile and Pydio. Nextcloud had more consistent and better results than the other two applications; however, it lacks a system that allows synchronizing two Nextcloud instances. To solve this, we developed a routine aimed at providing an environment that monitors the hot site where the application is hosted and, from time to time, synchronize the instance to avoid data loss during disaster events. Afterwards, we configured a second application on a cold site that is alert to a possible service breakdown, so it can respond and sent immediate alerts. Finally, the usability of the routine was evaluated, and the disaster recovery plan for the EFSS was assembled, to offer a continuity of the educational services that are running in these environments

    Serviços de sincronização e armazenamento de arquivos para ambientes educativos em caso de desastre

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 81-91).Las nubes computacionales son una solución emergente que responden al concepto de Smart University, para proporcionar un entorno inteligente de continuidad del negocio para los actores de un centro educativo. Esta investigación propone un plan de recuperación de servicios educativos en caso de desastres, aplicando la metodología de Investigación-Acción, que incluye un análisis de nubes computacionales de software libre, al enfocarse en los sistemas de Sincronización y Uso Compartido de Archivos Empresariales (EFSS). Para llevarlo a cabo se diseñó e implementó un escenario local (Linux Apache, MySQL, y PHP, LAMP). Para su evaluación y validación se realizaron varias pruebas de estrés en tres aplicativos: Nextcloud, Seafile y Pydio. Entre los hallazgos se evidenció que Nextcloud tuvo resultados consistentes por encima de las dos opciones restantes; sin embargo, esta solución no tiene un sistema que le permita sincronizar dos instancias de Nextcloud. Para solucionarlo, se desarrolló una rutina con el objetivo de proporcionar un ambiente que monitoree un hot site donde está alojado el aplicativo en producción y, cada cierto tiempo, realice sincronizaciones de la instancia para evitar la pérdida de información en caso de desastres. Luego, se configuró un segundo aplicativo en un cold site que está atento ante una posible caída del servicio, para su respuesta y alerta inmediata. Por último, se evalúo la usabilidad de la rutina y se ensambló un plan de recuperación de desastres para las EFSS, a fin de ofrecer una continuidad de los servicios educativos que se gestan en estos entornos.Cloud computing is an emerging solution that responds to the concept of Smart University; it aims at offering an intelligent environment of business continuity for the actors of an educational center. This research offers a recovery plan of educational services in case of disaster, through an action research, which analyzed free software for cloud computing, focusing on Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS). To achieve this, the implementation was placed in a local scenario (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP, LAMP), and stress tests were performed on three applications: Nextcloud, Seafile and Pydio. Nextcloud had more consistent and better results than the other two applications; however, it lacks a system that allows synchronizing two Nextcloud instances. To solve this, we developed a routine aimed at providing an environment that monitors the hot site where the application is hosted and, from time to time, synchronize the instance to avoid data loss during disaster events. Afterwards, we configured a second application on a cold site that is alert to a possible service breakdown, so it can respond and sent immediate alerts. Finally, the usability of the routine was evaluated, and the disaster recovery plan for the EFSS was assembled, to offer a continuity of the educational services that are running in these environments.As nuvens computacionais são uma solução emergente que respondem ao conceito de Smart University, para proporcionar um ambiente inteligente de continuidade do negócio para os atores de um centro educativo. Esta pesquisa propõe um plano de recuperação de serviços educativos em caso de desastres, aplicando a metodologia de Pesquisa-Ação, que inclui uma análise de nuvens computacionais de software livre, ao enfocar-se nos sistemas de Sincronização e Uso Compartilhado de Arquivos Empresariais (EFSS). Para levá-lo a cabo desenhou-se e implementou-se um cenário local (Linux Apache, MySQL, e PHP, LAMP). Para sua avaliação e validação realizaram-se várias provas de estresse em três aplicativos: Nextcloud, Seafile e Pydio. Entre os achados evidenciou-se que Nextcloud teve resultados consistentes acima das duas opções restantes; porém, esta solução não tem um sistema que lhe permita sincronizar duas instâncias de Nextcloud. Para solucioná-lo, desenvolveu-se uma rotina com o objetivo de proporcionar um ambiente que monitore um hot site onde está alojado o aplicativo em produção e, cada certo tempo, realize sincronizações da instância para evitar a perda de informação em caso de desastres. Logo, configurou-se um segundo aplicativo em um cold site que está atento ante uma possível queda do serviço, para sua resposta e alerta imediata. Por último, avaliou-se a usabilidade da rotina e elaborou-se um plano de recuperação de desastres para as EFSS, a fim de oferecer uma continuidade dos serviços educativos que se gestam nestes ambientes.Bibliografía: páginas 90-91

    Avaliação de desempenho de nuvens privadas: um comparativo entre Owncloud, Nextcloud e Pydio / Performance evaluation of private clouds: a comparison between OwnCloud, NextCloud and Pydio

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    A computação em nuvem está presente no dia a dia das pessoas e das empresas e devido ao seu progresso várias ferramentas para implantação no modelo privado estão sendo ofertadas. Portanto, o processo de escolha de servidores para compartilhamento de arquivos em uma nuvem privada é uma decisão importante e tende a ser complexa dadas as diversas características. Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de três destes servidores, sendo eles: OwnCloud, NextCloud e Pydio. Um estudo de caso é apresentado através da composição de diferentes cenários de testes para avaliação do desempenho de CPU, memória e disco, de modo a ilustrar a aplicabilidade destes softwares em uma nuvem privada de baixo custo com facilidade de gerenciamento e alta capacidade de desempenho. 

    Evaluation of the WPA2-PSK wireless network security protocol using the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools

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    Due to the emergence of new techniques and technologies of intrusion, the wireless network protocols have become obsolete; for this reason, this research seeks to violate and evaluate the security of the WPA2 protocol that is widely used by the Colombian service providers. The first section of this paper introduces the WPA2 protocol by describing its operation and the potential attacks it may suffer; the second part details the methodology used to collect the tests data and to carry out the evaluation necessary for the preparation of this article. In addition, we present the Linset and Aircrack-ng tools for auditing wireless networks that were selected to assess the security of the protocol. Finally, we show the results and conclusions

    Security comparison of ownCloud, Nextcloud, and Seafile in open source cloud storage solutions

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    Cloud storage has become one of the most efficient and economical ways to store data over the web. Although most organizations have adopted cloud storage, there are numerous privacy and security concerns about cloud storage and collaboration. Furthermore, adopting public cloud storage may be costly for many enterprises. An open-source cloud storage solution for cloud file sharing is a possible alternative in this instance. There is limited information on system architecture, security measures, and overall throughput consequences when selecting open-source cloud storage solutions despite widespread awareness. There are no comprehensive comparisons available to evaluate open-source cloud storage solutions (specifically owncloud, nextcloud, and seafile) and analyze the impact of platform selections. This thesis will present the concept of cloud storage, a comprehensive understanding of three popular open-source features, architecture, security features, vulnerabilities, and other angles in detail. The goal of the study is to conduct a comparison of these cloud solutions so that users may better understand the various open-source cloud storage solutions and make more knowledgeable selections. The author has focused on four attributes: features, architecture, security, and vulnerabilities of three cloud storage solutions ("ownCloud," "Nextcloud," and "Seafile") since most of the critical issues fall into one of these classifications. The findings show that, while the three services take slightly different approaches to confidentiality, integrity, and availability, they all achieve the same purpose. As a result of this research, the user will have a better understanding of the factors and will be able to make a more informed decision on cloud storage options