783 research outputs found

    Inferring Power Grid Information with Power Line Communications: Review and Insights

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    High-frequency signals were widely studied in the last decade to identify grid and channel conditions in PLNs. PLMs operating on the grid's physical layer are capable of transmitting such signals to infer information about the grid. Hence, PLC is a suitable communication technology for SG applications, especially suited for grid monitoring and surveillance. In this paper, we provide several contributions: 1) a classification of PLC-based applications; 2) a taxonomy of the related methodologies; 3) a review of the literature in the area of PLC Grid Information Inference (GII); and, insights that can be leveraged to further advance the field. We found research contributions addressing PLMs for three main PLC-GII applications: topology inference, anomaly detection, and physical layer key generation. In addition, various PLC-GII measurement, processing, and analysis approaches were found to provide distinctive features in measurement resolution, computation complexity, and analysis accuracy. We utilize the outcome of our review to shed light on the current limitations of the research contributions and suggest future research directions in this field.Comment: IEEE Communication Surveys and Tutorials Journa

    Addressable And Energy Management System For The Built Environment (I)

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    The increasing awareness for a cleaner earth has created more interests in the electric vehicle (EV) technology. Electric vehicles (EVs) will not only cause a reduction in our current greenhouse gas emissions, but also stop or reverse the trend at which our natural resources are being depleted. However, the introduction of the EVs into our societies will still require energy usage in the form of electricity. Integration of charging infrastructures will eventually be required in the built environment for these vehicles. This will add to the current energy consumption in the built environment which will mean more emission of CO2, NO2 etc., in the electrical power generation process. Therefore, this research looks at reducing energy wastage as a way of saving energy for the future integration of EVs into the built environment

    Fault Monitoring in Passive Optical Networks using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Passive optical network (PON) systems are vulnerable to a variety of failures, including fiber cuts and optical network unit (ONU) transmitter/receiver failures. Any service interruption caused by a fiber cut can result in huge financial losses for service providers or operators. Identifying the faulty ONU becomes difficult in the case of nearly equidistant branch terminations because the reflections from the branches overlap, making it difficult to distinguish the faulty branch given the global backscattering signal. With increasing network size, the complexity of fault monitoring in PON systems increases, resulting in less reliable monitoring. To address these challenges, we propose in this paper various machine learning (ML) approaches for fault monitoring in PON systems, and we validate them using experimental optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) data.Comment: ICTON 202

    Effect of non-axisymmetric tokamak plasmas on the coupling performance of ion cyclotron wave antennas

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    Soil Moisture Sensing via Swept Frequency Based Microwave Sensors

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    There is a need for low-cost, high-accuracy measurement of water content in various materials. This study assesses the performance of a new microwave swept frequency domain instrument (SFI) that has promise to provide a low-cost, high-accuracy alternative to the traditional and more expensive time domain reflectometry (TDR). The technique obtains permittivity measurements of soils in the frequency domain utilizing a through transmission configuration, transmissometry, which provides a frequency domain transmissometry measurement (FDT). The measurement is comparable to time domain transmissometry (TDT) with the added advantage of also being able to separately quantify the real and imaginary portions of the complex permittivity so that the measured bulk permittivity is more accurate that the measurement TDR provides where the apparent permittivity is impacted by the signal loss, which can be significant in heavier soils. The experimental SFI was compared with a high-end 12 GHz TDR/TDT system across a range of soils at varying soil water contents and densities. As propagation delay is the fundamental measurement of interest to the well-established TDR or TDT technique; the first set of tests utilized precision propagation delay lines to test the accuracy of the SFI instrument’s ability to resolve propagation delays across the expected range of delays that a soil probe would present when subjected to the expected range of soil types and soil moisture typical to an agronomic cropping system. The results of the precision-delay line testing suggests the instrument is capable of predicting propagation delays with a RMSE of +/−105 ps across the range of delays ranging from 0 to 12,000 ps with a coefficient of determination of r2 = 0.998. The second phase of tests noted the rich history of TDR for prediction of soil moisture and leveraged this history by utilizing TDT measured with a high-end Hewlett Packard TDR/TDT instrument to directly benchmark the SFI instrument over a range of soil types, at varying levels of moisture. This testing protocol was developed to provide the best possible comparison between SFI to TDT than would otherwise be possible by using soil moisture as the bench mark, due to variations in soil density between soil water content levels which are known to impact the calibration between TDR’s estimate of soil water content from the measured propagation delay which is converted to an apparent permittivity measurement. This experimental decision, to compare propagation delay of TDT to FDT, effectively removes the errors due to variations in packing density from the evaluation and provides a direct comparison between the SFI instrument and the time domain technique of TDT. The tests utilized three soils (a sand, an Acuff loam and an Olton clay-loam) that were packed to varying bulk densities and prepared to provide a range of water contents and electrical conductivities by which to compare the performance of the SFI technology to TDT measurements of propagation delay. For each sample tested, the SFI instrument and the TDT both performed the measurements on the exact same probe, thereby both instruments were measuring the exact same soil/soil-probe response to ensure the most accurate means to compare the SFI instrument to a high-end TDT instrument. Test results provided an estimated instrumental accuracy for the SFI of +/−0.98% of full scale, RMSE basis, for the precision delay lines and +/−1.32% when the SFI was evaluated on loam and clay loam soils, in comparison to TDT as the bench-mark. Results from both experiments provide evidence that the low-cost SFI approach is a viable alternative to conventional TDR/TDT for high accuracy applications

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThree major catastrophic failures in photovoltaic (PV) arrays are ground-faults, line-to-line faults, and arc faults. Although the number of such failures is few, recent fire events on April 5, 2009, in Bakersfield, California, and April 16, 2011, in Mount Holly, North Carolina suggest the need for improvements in present fault detection and mitigation techniques, as well as amendments to existing codes and standards to avoid such accidents. A fault prediction and detection technique for PV arrays based on spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR) has been proposed and was successfully implemented. Unlike other conventional techniques, SSTDR does not depend on the amplitude of the fault-current. Therefore, SSTDR can be used in the absence of solar irradiation as well. However, wide variation in impedance throughout different materials and interconnections makes fault locating more challenging than prediction/detection of faults. Another application of SSTDR in PV systems is the measurement of characteristic impedance of power components for condition monitoring purposes. Any characteristic variations in one component will simultaneously alter the operating conditions of other components in a closed-loop system, resulting in a shift in overall reliability profile. This interdependence makes the reliability of a converter a complex function of time and operating conditions. Details of this failure mode, mechanism, and effect analysis (FMMEA) have been developed. By knowing the present state of health and the remaining useful life (RUL) of a power converter, it is possible to reduce the maintenance cost for expensive high-power converters by facilitating a reliability centered maintenance (RCM) scheme. This research is a step forward toward power converter reliability analysis since the cumulative effect of multiple degraded components has been considered here for the first time in order to estimate reliability of a power converter

    Structure of a bacterial cell surface decaheme electron conduit

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    Some bacterial species are able to utilize extracellular mineral forms of iron and manganese as respiratory electron acceptors. In Shewanella oneidensis this involves decaheme cytochromes that are located on the bacterial cell surface at the termini of trans-outer-membrane electron transfer conduits. The cell surface cytochromes can potentially play multiple roles in mediating electron transfer directly to insoluble electron sinks, catalyzing electron exchange with flavin electron shuttles or participating in extracellular intercytochrome electron exchange along “nanowire” appendages. We present a 3.2-Å crystal structure of one of these decaheme cytochromes, MtrF, that allows the spatial organization of the 10 hemes to be visualized for the first time. The hemes are organized across four domains in a unique crossed conformation, in which a staggered 65-Å octaheme chain transects the length of the protein and is bisected by a planar 45-Å tetraheme chain that connects two extended Greek key split ß-barrel domains. The structure provides molecular insight into how reduction of insoluble substrate (e.g., minerals), soluble substrates (e.g., flavins), and cytochrome redox partners might be possible in tandem at different termini of a trifurcated electron transport chain on the cell surface