1,370 research outputs found

    Wędrówki po definicjach.Znaczenia terminów „nowoczesny”/„nowoczesność”/„modernizm”

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    The main task of the present article is to characterize the changing perspectives in the description and definition of modernism and modernity in a reciprocal relationship of these two categories. The creation of definitions is described here as a processes of fictionalization with a generational viewpoint of scholars. Moreover, the article indicates the difference between a nominal and a relational mode of defining and the question of institutionalization of knowledge within the framework of definition projects. Such research perspectives lead to the conclusion about dialogical and at the same time contradictory character of historical formations of phenomena to which the studied terms allude

    „Jak stać się lustrem tej nowoczesności?” Planetarność, periodyzacja i nowe studia modernistyczne

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    The main task of this article is to enter into discussion with a concept of modernism as an expressive dimension of modernity by Susan Stanford Friedman. In place of statements of epistemological nature, the author of the article proposes ontological questions and return to such an understanding of modernism which would primarily stress a specific Anglo-Saxon modernity. This kind of a historically motivated definition should protect the coherence of modernism as a research subject.The main task of this article is to enter into discussion with a concept of modernism as an expressive dimension of modernity by Susan Stanford Friedman. In place of statements of epistemological nature, the author of the article proposes ontological questions and return to an understanding of modernism which would primarily stress a specific historical, global modernity. This kind of a historically motivated definition should protect the coherence of modernism as a research subject

    Three Voices about the Book by Włodzimierz Bolecki Modalności modernizmu (Modalities of Modernism)

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    The text is a commentary on the book Modalności modernizmu (“Modalities of Modernism”) by Włodzimierz Bolecki which is regarded here as a pioneer synthesis. The authors bring attention to Bolecki’s model of thinking about Central and Eastern European modernism and ponder about the new perspectives that this model opens up. Special emphasis is put on the questions of methodology and training of a new generation of interpreters who should be equipped with the competences essential for conducting this type of research. Also, the attention is brought to cognitive benefits resulting from the perspective combining the description of the typical features of not only Polish modernism but also the Modernisms of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and especially, which is ever more evident in this context, not self-evident, unique character of Polish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries and the Polish turn towards modern culture in the studies of the recent decades. A broader presentation of a regional perspective which is suggested in the book by Bolecki, could help to explain the empty space on the map of parallel transformations in close, and yet individually different countries of the region, forcing us to revise our previous ways of thinking about literature and culture of modernism, as well as the languages of its description

    Towards the Understanding of the Concepts “Modernity,” “Modernism” and “Avant-Gardism” in (Post)-Soviet and German Literary Theory (An Attempt of Terminological Unification)

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    The paper is concerned with the analysis of the key concepts “Modernity”, “Modernism” and “Avant-gardism”. This analysis reveals the ambiguity in the perception of these concepts in (Post)-Soviet and German literary theory. The mentioned problem is discussed on the example of the “central” texts (encyclopedia, literary encyclopedia, literary dictionaries, textbooks etc.) of the Soviet, post-Soviet and German literary criticism. The problem is relevant owing to the existence in the Soviet times of the so-called “Iron Curtain” and ideological differences. Western and Soviet literary theories were on different sides of the barricades, which resulted in the terminological “noise” in the scientific literature of the USSR. Besides, the post-Soviet Russian literary criticism has not yet revised the Soviet-era training manuals, dictionaries, encyclopedia, and consequently, the semantic “noise” about those terms penetrates into the post-Soviet scientific literature written in Russian as well. During the analysis of the understanding of the selected terms, those sources of the conceptual “noise” in the Soviet times, which have affected and are still partly affecting as stereotypes the understanding of the above-mentioned concepts, were identified.     Keywords: modernity, modernism, avant-gardism, Soviet literary criticism, postSoviet literary criticism in Russia

    The Concept of Modernity in Architecture and Turkey

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, mimarlık mesleğinin/kuramının/pratiğinin ve tarih yazımının, diğer bir deyişle mimarlık düşüncesinin “modernite” kavramı ile olan ilişkisini yakın dönem ve ülkemiz özelinde incelemektir. Yöntem olarak, çoğu birbirinden ayrık duran söylem tiplerinin olabildiğince karşılaştırmalı okumasının yapılması yolu izlenmiştir. Konunun sınırlarını belirlemek adına, genel literatür sınıfına girebilecek açıklamalara değinilerek özelde Türkiye’de mimarlık ve planlama yazını içinde “modernite” kavramının kullanılışına dair farklılıkların ve kişilerin anlatımlarındaki özgün çerçevelerin ortaya konulması fikri önemsenmiştir. Ülkemizde, yakın dönem popüler metinlerde, modernist kurguların nasıl farklı anlaşıldıkları ve kendi dışında birçok düşünceye dayanak yapıldıkları gösterilirken, ortaya çıkan büyük resmin çeşitliliği üzerinden modernitenin rasyonalite, evrensellik ve özgürlük iddiaları yorumlanmaya çalışılmıştır

    Rosyjska opozycja wobec świata modernizmu

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    Modernity is typically defined as a post-traditional historical period. Central to modernity is  emancipation from religion and consequent secularization. In my article I analyze and interpret the ideological foundations of contemporary Russian neo-Euroasianism. This movement is led by Alexander Dugin, an important representative of Russian traditionalism and conservatism. What he postulates is to build an ideocratic orthodox-soviet state, which should include Ukraine

    Modernizm, postmodernizm ve kamu yönetimi

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    In this study, the impacts of modernism and postmodernism on public administration have been comperatively examined. This distinction between modernism and postmodernism also expresses different living and thinking ways in point of perceiving and giving meaning to social life. This situation naturally denotes in the field of administration. While bureaucratic organisations become experienced modernism, post-bureaucratic organisations reflect postmodern life in a way that postmodernism rejects modern viewpoint.Bu çalışmada, modernizm ve postmodernizmin kamu yönetimi üzerine etkileri karşılaştırmalı bir biçimde incelenmiştir. Modernizm ve postmodernizm şeklindeki ayrımlama, aynı zamanda toplumsal yaşamın algılanması ve anlamlandırılması bakımından farklı yaşayış ve düşünüş tarzlarının bir ifadesi olmaktadır. Bu durum doğal olarak kendini yönetsel alanda da göstermektedir. Bürokratik örgütler modernizm deneyiminin yaşandığı mekânlar; post-bürokratik örgütler ise modern dünya görüşünün reddine paralel biçimde, postmodern dönemin örgütleri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır

    Periods in the Art History of Turkey

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