130 research outputs found

    A review of convex approaches for control, observation and safety of linear parameter varying and Takagi-Sugeno systems

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    This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description which uses a set of linear models interpolated by appropriately defined weighing functions. Convex systems have become very popular since they allow applying extended linear techniques based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to complex nonlinear systems. This survey aims at providing the reader with a significant overview of the existing LMI-based techniques for convex systems in the fields of control, observation and safety. Firstly, a detailed review of stability, feedback, tracking and model predictive control (MPC) convex controllers is considered. Secondly, the problem of state estimation is addressed through the design of proportional, proportional-integral, unknown input and descriptor observers. Finally, safety of convex systems is discussed by describing popular techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control (FTC).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Receding-horizon switched linear system design: a semidefinite programming approach with distributed computation

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    This dissertation presents a framework for analysis and controller synthesis problems for switched linear systems. These are multi-modal systems whose parameters vary within a finite set according to the state of a discrete time automaton; the switching signal may be unconstrained or may be drawn from a language of admissible switching signals. This model of system dynamics and discrete logic has many applications in a number of engineering contexts. A receding-horizon type approach is taken by designing controllers with access to a finite-length preview of future modes and finite memory of past modes; the length of both preview and memory are taken as design choices. The results developed here take the form of nested sequences of SDP feasibility problems. These conditions are exact in that the feasibility of any element of the sequence is sufficient to construct a suitable controller, while the existence of a suitable controller necessitates the feasibility of some element of the sequence. Considered first is the problem of controller synthesis for the stabilization of switched systems. These developments serve both as a control problem of interest and a demonstration of the methods used to solve subsequent switched control problems. Exact conditions for the existence of a controller are developed, along with converse results which rule out levels of closed-loop stability based on the infeasibility of individual SDP problems. This permits the achievable closed-loop performance level to be approximated to arbitrary accuracy. Examined next are two different performance problems: one of disturbance attenuation and one of windowed variance. For each problem, controller synthesis conditions are presented exactly in the form of SDP feasibility problems which may be optimized to determine levels of performance. In both cases, the performance level may be taken as uniform or allowed to vary based on the switching path encountered. The controller synthesis conditions presented here can grow both large and computationally intensive, but they share a common structural sparsity which may be exploited. The last part of this dissertation examines this structure and presents a distributed approach to solving such problems. This maintains the tractability of these results even at large scales, expanding the scope of systems to which these methods can be applied

    Time-Delay Systems

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    Time delay is very often encountered in various technical systems, such as electric, pneumatic and hydraulic networks, chemical processes, long transmission lines, robotics, etc. The existence of pure time lag, regardless if it is present in the control or/and the state, may cause undesirable system transient response, or even instability. Consequently, the problem of controllability, observability, robustness, optimization, adaptive control, pole placement and particularly stability and robustness stabilization for this class of systems, has been one of the main interests for many scientists and researchers during the last five decades

    FeedNetBack-D04.03 - Design of Robust Variable Rate Controllers

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    A consequence of the execution of control algorithms on digital distributed platforms is inducing delays, jitter and various limitations in sampling rate from different sources in the control loops. These disturbances should be taken into account in the control algorithms design and tuning. Control systems are often cited as examples of "hard real-time systems" where jitter and deadline violations are strictly forbidden. In fact experiments show that this assumption may be false for closed-loop control. Any practical feedback system is designed to obtain some stability margin and robustness w.r.t. the plant parameters uncertainty. This also provides robustness w.r.t. timing uncertainties: closed-loop systems are able to tolerate some amount of sampling period and computing delays deviations, jitter and occasional data loss without loss of stability or integrity. Hence the design of dependable distributed control systems may rely on robust controllers, i.e. controllers which are slightly sensitive to both process model and execution resource uncertainties, or on controllers which are made adaptive w.r.t. the variations of the control intervals and other implementation induced disturbances. Section 2 provides new results concerning the control of systems with delays. A novel analysis of linear systems under asynchronous sampling is provided. This approach is based on the discrete-time Lyapunov Theorem applied to the continuous-time model of the sampled-data systems. Tractable conditions are derived to ensure asymptotic stability and also to obtain an estimate of the exponential rate of the solutions. Examples show the efficiency of the method and the reduction of the conservatism compared to other results from the literature. Moreover the methodology addresses the stability analysis of systems under several sampling periods. We show that a sampled-data system can be stable even if one of the sampling period leads to instability. This has been treated by a continuous-time approach and allows considering uncertain or time-varying systems. An extension of the method includes transmission delays in the control loop. As the variations of the control intervals can be both a consequence of network induced delays and a control variable to manage the CPU and/or network load, robust variable sampling control design is investigated in section 3. Here it is assumed that the control interval is itself a control parameter, e.g. which can be adapted at run-time by a feedback scheduler to cope with operating conditions in a varying environment. The control design is stated using the formulation of Linear Parameters Varying (LPV) systems, where the sampling interval is considered as a varying and measurable parameters of the system. Previous results using a polytopic model of a discretized plant are recalled. A new design using a Linear Fractional Transform (LFT) is developed, where the control interval is considered as a system's uncertainty. This new approach is expected to be more tractable that the polytopic one when the system has several varying parameters. Both designs are assessed and compared using as testbed the control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles using scheduled ultrasonic sensors for control and navigation.

    Discrete Time Systems

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    Discrete-Time Systems comprehend an important and broad research field. The consolidation of digital-based computational means in the present, pushes a technological tool into the field with a tremendous impact in areas like Control, Signal Processing, Communications, System Modelling and related Applications. This book attempts to give a scope in the wide area of Discrete-Time Systems. Their contents are grouped conveniently in sections according to significant areas, namely Filtering, Fixed and Adaptive Control Systems, Stability Problems and Miscellaneous Applications. We think that the contribution of the book enlarges the field of the Discrete-Time Systems with signification in the present state-of-the-art. Despite the vertiginous advance in the field, we also believe that the topics described here allow us also to look through some main tendencies in the next years in the research area

    On Control and Estimation of Large and Uncertain Systems

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    This thesis contains an introduction and six papers about the control and estimation of large and uncertain systems. The first paper poses and solves a deterministic version of the multiple-model estimation problem for finite sets of linear systems. The estimate is an interpolation of Kalman filter estimates. It achieves a provided energy gain bound from disturbances to the point-wise estimation error, given that the gain bound is feasible. The second paper shows how to compute upper and lower bounds for the smallest feasible gain bound. The bounds are computed via Riccati recursions. The third paper proves that it is sufficient to consider observer-based feedback in output-feedback control of linear systems with uncertain parameters, where the uncertain parameters belong to a finite set. The paper also contains an example of a discrete-time integrator with unknown gain. The fourth paper argues that the current methods for analyzing the robustness of large systems with structured uncertainty do not distinguish between sparse and dense perturbations and proposes a new robustness measure that captures sparsity. The paper also thoroughly analyzes this new measure. In particular, it proposes an upper bound that is amenable to distributed computation and valuable for control design. The fifth paper solves the problem of localized state-feedback L2 control with communication delay for large discrete-time systems. The synthesis procedure can be performed for each node in parallel. The paper combines the localized state-feedback controller with a localized Kalman filter to synthesize a localized output feedback controller that stabilizes the closed-loop subject to communication constraints. The sixth paper concerns optimal linear-quadratic team-decision problems where the team does not have access to the model. Instead, the players must learn optimal policies by interacting with the environment. The paper contains algorithms and regret bounds for the first- and zeroth-order information feedback

    Decentralized control of uncertain interconnected time-delay systems

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    In this thesis, novel stability analysis and control synthesis methodologies are proposed for uncertain interconnected time-delay systems. It is known that numerous real-world systems such as multi-vehicle flight formation, automated highway systems, communication networks and power systems can be modeled as the interconnection of a number of subsystems. Due to the complex and distributed structure of this type of systems, they are subject to propagation and processing delays, which cannot be ignored in the modeling process. On the other hand, in a practical environment the parameters of the system are not known exactly, and usually the nominal model is used for controller design. It is important, however, to ensure that robust stability and performance are achieved, that is, the overall closed-loop system remains stable and performs satisfactorily in the presence of uncertainty. To address the underlying problem, the notion of decentralized fixed modes is extended to the class of linear time-invariant (LTI) time-delay systems, and a necessary and sufficient condition is proposed for stabilizability of this type of systems by means of a finite-dimensional decentralized LTI output feedback controller. A near-optimal decentralized servomechanism control design method and a cooperative predictive control scheme are then presented for uncertain LTI hierarchical interconnected systems. A H {592} decentralized overlapping control design technique is provided consequently which guarantees closed-loop stability and disturbance attenuation in the presence of delay. In particular, for the case of highly uncertain time-delay systems, an adaptive switching control methodology is proposed to achieve output tracking and disturbance rejection. Simulation results are provided throughout the thesis to support the theoretical finding
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