7 research outputs found

    Porting and Developing a Boot Loader

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    See magistritöö kirjeldab projekti, mille eesmärk oli asendada illumos projektis aegunud boot programm alternatiivsega, mis võimaldab paremini toetada kaasaegseid ja tuleviku süsteeme ning mille arhitektuur võimaldab parenduste ja täienduste kirjutamist.This paper describes the project to replace outdated boot program in illumos project with alternative one, allowing to provide better support for modern and future computer systems and having an architecture to support extending and improving the implementation

    Evaluation of performance and space utilisation when using snapshots in the ZFS and Hammer file systems

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    Modern file systems implements snapshots, or read-only point-in-time representations of the file system. Snapshots can be used to keep a record of the changes made to the data, and improve backups. Previous work had shown that snapshots decrease read- and write performance, but there was an open question as to how the number of snapshots affect the file system. This thesis studies this on the ZFS and Hammer file systems. The study is done by running a series of benchmarks and creating snapshots of each file system. The results show that performance decreases significantly on both ZFS and Hammer, and ZFS becomes unstable after a certain point; there is a steep decrease in performance, and increase in latency and the variance of the measurements. The performance of ZFS is significantly lower than on Hammer, and the performance decrease is higher. On space utilisation, the results are linear for ZFS, up to the point where the system turns unstable. The results are not linear on Hammer, but more work is needed to reveal by which function.Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjo

    Aplicaciones anti-forenses en el sistema de archivos ZFS

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    Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad

    Advanced Techniques for Improving the Efficacy of Digital Forensics Investigations

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    Digital forensics is the science concerned with discovering, preserving, and analyzing evidence on digital devices. The intent is to be able to determine what events have taken place, when they occurred, who performed them, and how they were performed. In order for an investigation to be effective, it must exhibit several characteristics. The results produced must be reliable, or else the theory of events based on the results will be flawed. The investigation must be comprehensive, meaning that it must analyze all targets which may contain evidence of forensic interest. Since any investigation must be performed within the constraints of available time, storage, manpower, and computation, investigative techniques must be efficient. Finally, an investigation must provide a coherent view of the events under question using the evidence gathered. Unfortunately the set of currently available tools and techniques used in digital forensic investigations does a poor job of supporting these characteristics. Many tools used contain bugs which generate inaccurate results; there are many types of devices and data for which no analysis techniques exist; most existing tools are woefully inefficient, failing to take advantage of modern hardware; and the task of aggregating data into a coherent picture of events is largely left to the investigator to perform manually. To remedy this situation, we developed a set of techniques to facilitate more effective investigations. To improve reliability, we developed the Forensic Discovery Auditing Module, a mechanism for auditing and enforcing controls on accesses to evidence. To improve comprehensiveness, we developed ramparser, a tool for deep parsing of Linux RAM images, which provides previously inaccessible data on the live state of a machine. To improve efficiency, we developed a set of performance optimizations, and applied them to the Scalpel file carver, creating order of magnitude improvements to processing speed and storage requirements. Last, to facilitate more coherent investigations, we developed the Forensic Automated Coherence Engine, which generates a high-level view of a system from the data generated by low-level forensics tools. Together, these techniques significantly improve the effectiveness of digital forensic investigations conducted using them