869 research outputs found

    Population ageing and ICT: An exploratory review of technology innovation trough digital applications

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    The multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change produced by population ageing affects not only the quality of life of elderly people but also of our societies. Some dimensions of population ageing grow and expand over time (e.g. knowledge of the world events, or experience in particular situations), while others decline (e.g. reaction time, physical and psychological strength, or other functional abilities like reduced speed and tiredness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help elderly to overcome possible limitations due to ageing. As a particular case, biometrics can allow the development of new algorithms for early detection of cognitive impairments, by processing continuous speech, handwriting or other challenged abilities. Among all possibilities, digital applications (Apps) for mobile phones or tablets can allow the dissemination of such tools. In this article, after presenting and discussing the process of population ageing and its social implications, we explore how ICTs through different Apps can lead to new solutions for facing this major demographic challenge

    ICT-Enabled Social Innovation - Evidence & Prospective

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    This report presents the results of the JRC-led research on ‘ICT-enabled Social Innovation to support the implementation of the Social Investment Package’ (IESI) conducted in partnership with the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. The IESI research is set out to help policymakers and practitioners use ICT-enabled social innovation to modernise welfare systems, provide better and more efficient social services, and ultimately increase the wellbeing and quality of life of citizens. The original research design, its theoretical framework and empirical findings contribute to the growing scientific interest on ICT-enabled social innovation in the field of social policy reforms, within the scope of the implementation of the social investment approach. Based on the analysis of evidence gathered through a documented collection of initiatives across the EU, the research also advances a proposal for developing a methodological framework to assess the social and economic impact of ICT enabled social innovation. The approach proposed is expected to support policymakers and relevant stakeholders in designing, monitoring and evaluating ICT-enabled social innovation initiatives, which could be transferred, scaled-up and replicated across Europe. Insights from the research contribute to the policy debate on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the future of the Welfare State in the EU.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    Tecnologias pervasivas da saúde : como está o futuro a ser preparado pelas empresas de software em Portugal?

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    The present work addresses the software industry aiming to evaluate its preparation for the opportunity that the healthcare area offers in terms of pervasive healthcare technologies, as a perspective for the growth of the market. Phenomena such as chronic disease growth and survival, increasing longevity, active ageing, remote patient monitoring, the big data of healthcare and the globalization of the smartphone, provide growth opportunities for the software industry and indicate a path by which where societies are orienting themselves and giving special importance. Following a literature review, after a general introduction to the major themes of economic development and globalization, and a survey of current technologies and the evolution of successful industries in Portugal, it was developed an analysis to the software industry and the results of a survey of associates of an Industry Association. The study concludes that while there are positive aspects that may help the software industry to be prepared for the opportunities that the health sector offers, there are key elements that will have to be improved not only in clusters activities as in knowledge of health and focus on exports that will have to be improved so that industry can be successful in this field.O presente trabalho aborda a indústria do software pretendendo avaliar a sua preparação para a oportunidade que a área da saúde oferece em termos de tecnologias pervasivas de saúde numa perspetiva de crescimento do mercado. Fenómenos como o aumento das doenças crónicas, a crescente longevidade, bem como o aparecimento de soluções tecnológicas extraordinariamente sofisticadas, oferece oportunidades de crescimento à indústria do software e indicam um caminho por onde as sociedades estão a orientar-se e a dar especial importância. Após uma pesquisa bibliográfica, que permitiu um levantamento das tecnologias atuais e da evolução das indústrias bem-sucedidas em Portugal, desenvolveu-se uma análise à indústria do software a partir dos resultados de um inquérito dirigido aos associados de uma Associação representativa da indústria. Do estudo conclui-se que embora haja aspetos positivos que poderão ajudar a indústria do software a preparar-se para as oportunidades que o sector da saúde oferece, há elementos essenciais que terão que ser melhorados não só na orgânica produtiva com base em clusters, mas também no conhecimento da área da saúde e enfoque nas exportações que terão que ser melhoradas para que a indústria possa ser bem-sucedida neste ramo.Programa Doutoral em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúd

    Studies on Inequalities in Information Society. Proceedings of the Conference, Well-Being in the Information Society

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Engager les personnes âgées dans les équipes intergénérationnels et processus de design participatif: une revue systématique de la recherche actuelle

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    This paper presents the results of a systematic review of the literature (SRL) in the field of Participatory Design (PD), undertaken under the scope of LOCUS – Playful Connected Rural Territories. The project employs an ethnographically, participatory and agile approach to the process of co-designing, developing and evaluating an IoT system to support playful intergenerational engagement in exploring cultural heritage of Portuguese rural territories, by engaging inhabitants, stakeholders and visitors. The SRL aimed to understand how older adults have been integrated and engaged into technology PD teams and processes. This paper focus on the most used methodological approaches and participation methods, along with the challenges in integrating older adults and the strategies to overcome them, which are discussed in the light of project aims. / Cet article présente les résultats d'une revue systématique de la littérature dans le domaine du design participatif, effectuée dans le cadre du Projet LOCUS - Territoires ruraux connectés et ludiques. Le projet utilise une approche ethnographique, participative et agile du processus de co-design, développement et évaluation d'un système d’Internet des objets pour soutenir un engagement intergénérationnel ludique dans l'exploration du patrimoine culturel des territoires ruraux portugais, en impliquant les habitants, les parties prenantes et les visiteurs. La revue systématique de la littérature vise à comprendre comment les personnes âgées ont été intégrées et engagées dans des équipes et des processus de design participatif des technologiques. Cet article se concentre sur les approches méthodologiques et les méthodes de participation les plus utilisées, ainsi que sur les défis de l'intégration des personnes âgées et les stratégies pour les surmonter, qui sont discutés à la lumière des objectifs du projet

    i-FRAME – Assessing impacts of social policy innovation in the EU: Proposed methodological framework to evaluate socio-economic returns on investment of social policy innovations

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    This report presents the final proposal for developing a methodological framework to assess the impacts generated by social policy innovations which promote social investment in the EU, in short i-FRAME. This framework has the objective to provide a structured approach that shall serve as a comprehensive framework for conducting analysis of the economic and social returns on investments of social policy innovations. It also aims to act as a guide to gather insights into replicability and transferability of initiatives which promote social investment across the EU. The report outlines the reviewed and improved theoretical and methodological approach developed by the JRC with help from external experts, and validated by testing the operational components proposed on a number of case studies and scenarios of use. After outlining the conceptual and methodological approach underpinning the i-FRAME (V1.0), the report discusses the proposal for building its operational components according to a structured theoretical framework of a dynamic simulation model for social impact assessment (V1.5). The final proposal for i-FRAME (V2.0) and an overview of the operational components for its implementation are then presented discussing the key elements that should be developed to build a comprehensive i-FRAME Web-Platform and simulator for social impact assessment. Conclusions are then offered in terms of implications for policy and directions for future research. These were drawn after consulting experts from different research disciplines, practitioners and representatives of relevant stakeholders and policymakers, and they include .recommendations for further developing the operational components proposed, paving the way towards building the i-FRAME (V3.0) and beyond.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    An assessment of risk associated with digitalisation in the South African construction industry

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    Abstract: In recent years, globalisation, international trade and industry competition have become a part of the construction industry’s operative. In this regard, time and space are progressively diminishing as obstacles to deliver customised and best services to clients at constrained budgets and time frames. All these deliverables call for an innovative approach in conducting business with effective communication being a key to its success. It is for this reason that digital methods and processes are slowly becoming a requirement for any construction company in South Africa to keep abreast with competitors in the same market. Digitalisation is the term used to describe the optimisation of information that has been digitised to improve business operations. Companies around the globe are considering this digital transition in order improve bottom line figures. However, the introduction of digital methods that threaten processes that have been working for years is perceived as a risk. Previous research studies outline a wide range of benefits related to the implementation of digital technology in the construction industry; however, studies do not highlight the inherent critical risk factors. This reveals an information deficit, which this study sought to fill. This study therefore assessed risks that are related to digitalisation uptake in the South African construction industry. In pursuit of this, a quantitative approach was adopted with questionnaires used as the instrument for data collection from construction professionals in the Gauteng Province...M.Tech. (Quantity Surveying

    Med-e-Tel 2013

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    3D Printing and intellectual property futures

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    This report contains socio-legal research conducted on the relationship between 3D printing and intellectual property (IP) at the current point in time and in potential future scenarios, through the use of horizon-scanning methods in six countries—China, France, India, Russia, Singapore and the UK - to build a rich picture of this issue, comprising both developed and emerging economies
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