15 research outputs found

    Cache-aware cross-profiling for java processors

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    The Eureka Programming Model for Speculative Task Parallelism

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    In this paper, we describe the Eureka Programming Model (EuPM) that simplifies the expression of speculative parallel tasks, and is especially well suited for parallel search and optimization applications. The focus of this work is to provide a clean semantics for, and efficiently support, such "eureka-style" computations (EuSCs) in general structured task parallel programming models. In EuSCs, a eureka event is a point in a program that announces that a result has been found. A eureka triggered by a speculative task can cause a group of related speculative tasks to become redundant, and enable them to be terminated at well-defined program points. Our approach provides a bound on the additional work done in redundant speculative tasks after such a eureka event occurs. We identify various patterns that are supported by our eureka construct, which include search, optimization, convergence, and soft real-time deadlines. These different patterns of computations can also be safely combined or nested in the EuPM, along with regular task-parallel constructs, thereby enabling high degrees of composability and reusability. As demonstrated by our implementation, the EuPM can also be implemented efficiently. We use a cooperative runtime that uses delimited continuations to manage the termination of redundant tasks and their synchronization at join points. In contrast to current approaches, EuPM obviates the need for cumbersome manual refactoring by the programmer that may (for example) require the insertion of if checks and early return statements in every method in the call chain. Experimental results show that solutions using the EuPM simplify programmability, achieve performance comparable to hand-coded speculative task-based solutions and out-perform non-speculative task-based solutions

    ContextWorkflow: A Monadic DSL for Compensable and Interruptible Executions

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    Context-aware applications, whose behavior reactively depends on the time-varying status of the surrounding environment - such as network connection, battery level, and sensors - are getting more and more pervasive and important. The term "context-awareness" usually suggests prompt reactions to context changes: as the context change signals that the current execution cannot be continued, the application should immediately abort its execution, possibly does some clean-up tasks, and suspend until the context allows it to restart. Interruptions, or asynchronous exceptions, are useful to achieve context-awareness. It is, however, difficult to program with interruptions in a compositional way in most programming languages because their support is too primitive, relying on synchronous exception handling mechanism such as try-catch. We propose a new domain-specific language ContextWorkflow for interruptible programs as a solution to the problem. A basic unit of an interruptible program is a workflow, i.e., a sequence of atomic computations accompanied with compensation actions. The uniqueness of ContextWorkflow is that, during its execution, a workflow keeps watching the context between atomic actions and decides if the computation should be continued, aborted, or suspended. Our contribution of this paper is as follows; (1) the design of a workflow-like language with asynchronous interruption, checkpointing, sub-workflows and suspension; (2) a formal semantics of the core language; (3) a monadic interpreter corresponding to the semantics; and (4) its concrete implementation as an embedded domain-specific language in Scala

    Retrofitting parallelism onto OCaml.

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    OCaml is an industrial-strength, multi-paradigm programming language, widely used in industry and academia. OCaml is also one of the few modern managed system programming languages to lack support for shared memory parallel programming. This paper describes the design, a full-fledged implementation and evaluation of a mostly-concurrent garbage collector (GC) for the multicore extension of the OCaml programming language. Given that we propose to add parallelism to a widely used programming language with millions of lines of existing code, we face the challenge of maintaining backwards compatibility--not just in terms of the language features but also the performance of single-threaded code running with the new GC. To this end, the paper presents a series of novel techniques and demonstrates that the new GC strikes a balance between performance and feature backwards compatibility for sequential programs and scales admirably on modern multicore processors

    Program Transformations for Light-Weight CPU Accounting and Control in the Java Virtual Machine - A Systematic Review

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    This article constitutes a thorough presentation of an original scheme for portable CPU accounting and control in Java, which is based on program transformation techniques at the bytecode level and can be used with every standard Java Virtual Machine. In our approach applications, middleware, and even the standard Java runtime libraries (i.e., the Java Development Kit) are modified in a fully portable way, in order to expose details regarding the execution of threads. These transformations however incur a certain overhead at runtime. Further contributions of this article are the systematic review of the origin of such overheads and the description of a new static path prediction scheme targeted at reducing them

    Platform-independent profiling in a virtual execution environment

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    Virtual execution environments, such as the Java virtual machine, promote platform-independent software development. However, when it comes to analyzing algorithm complexity and performance bottlenecks, available tools focus on platform-specific metrics, such as the CPU time consumption on a particular system. Other drawbacks of many prevailing profiling tools are high overhead, significant measurement perturbation, as well as reduced portability of profiling tools, which are often implemented in platform-dependent native code. This article presents a novel profiling approach, which is entirely based on program transformation techniques, in order to build a profiling data structure that provides calling-context-sensitive program execution statistics. We explore the use of platform-independent profiling metrics in order to make the instrumentation entirely portable and to generate reproducible profiles. We implemented these ideas within a Java-based profiling tool called JP. A significant novelty is that this tool achieves complete bytecode coverage by statically instrumenting the core runtime libraries and dynamically instrumenting the rest of the code. JP provides a small and flexible API to write customized profiling agents in pure Java, which are periodically activated to process the collected profiling information. Performance measurements point out that, despite the presence of dynamic instrumentation, JP causes significantly less overhead than a prevailing tool for the profiling of Java code

    Observable dynamic compilation

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    Managed language platforms such as the Java Virtual Machine rely on a dynamic compiler to achieve high performance. Despite the benefits that dynamic compilation provides, it also introduces some challenges to program profiling. Firstly, profilers based on bytecode instrumentation may yield wrong results in the presence of an optimizing dynamic compiler, either due to not being aware of optimizations, or because the inserted instrumentation code disrupts such optimizations. To avoid such perturbations, we present a technique to make profilers based on bytecode instrumentation aware of the optimizations performed by the dynamic compiler, and make the dynamic compiler aware of the inserted code. We implement our technique for separating inserted instrumentation code from base-program code in Oracle's Graal compiler, integrating our extension into the OpenJDK Graal project. We demonstrate its significance with concrete profilers. On the one hand, we improve accuracy of existing profiling techniques, for example, to quantify the impact of escape analysis on bytecode-level allocation profiling, to analyze object life-times, and to evaluate the impact of method inlining when profiling method invocations. On the other hand, we also illustrate how our technique enables new kinds of profilers, such as a profiler for non-inlined callsites, and a testing framework for locating performance bugs in dynamic compiler implementations. Secondly, the lack of profiling support at the intermediate representation (IR) level complicates the understanding of program behavior in the compiled code. This issue cannot be addressed by bytecode instrumentation because it cannot precisely capture the occurrence of IR-level operations. Binary instrumentation is not suited either, as it lacks a mapping from the collected low-level metrics to higher-level operations of the observed program. To fill this gap, we present an easy-to-use event-based framework for profiling operations at the IR level. We integrate the IR profiling framework in the Graal compiler, together with our instrumentation-separation technique. We illustrate our approach with a profiler that tracks the execution of memory barriers within compiled code. In addition, using a deoptimization profiler based on our IR profiling framework, we conduct an empirical study on deoptimization in the Graal compiler. We focus on situations which cause program execution to switch from machine code to the interpreter, and compare application performance using three different deoptimization strategies which influence the amount of extra compilation work done by Graal. Using an adaptive deoptimization strategy, we manage to improve the average start-up performance of benchmarks from the DaCapo, ScalaBench, and Octane suites by avoiding wasted compilation work. We also find that different deoptimization strategies have little impact on steady- state performance

    Simple optimizing JIT compilation of higher-order dynamic programming languages

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    Implémenter efficacement les langages de programmation dynamiques demande beaucoup d’effort de développement. Les compilateurs ne cessent de devenir de plus en plus complexes. Aujourd’hui, ils incluent souvent une phase d’interprétation, plusieurs phases de compilation, plusieurs représentations intermédiaires et des analyses de code. Toutes ces techniques permettent d’implémenter efficacement un langage de programmation dynamique, mais leur mise en oeuvre est difficile dans un contexte où les ressources de développement sont limitées. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche et de nouvelles techniques dynamiques permettant de développer des compilateurs performants pour les langages dynamiques avec de relativement bonnes performances et un faible effort de développement. Nous présentons une approche simple de compilation à la volée qui permet d’implémenter un langage en une seule phase de compilation, sans transformation vers des représentations intermédiaires. Nous expliquons comment le versionnement de blocs de base, une technique de compilation existante, peut être étendue, sans effort de développement significatif, pour fonctionner interprocéduralement avec les langages de programmation d’ordre supérieur, permettant d’appliquer des optimisations interprocédurales sur ces langages. Nous expliquons également comment le versionnement de blocs de base permet de supprimer certaines opérations utilisées pour implémenter les langages dynamiques et qui impactent les performances comme les vérifications de type. Nous expliquons aussi comment les compilateurs peuvent exploiter les représentations dynamiques des valeurs par Tagging et NaN-boxing pour optimiser le code généré avec peu d’effort de développement. Nous présentons également notre expérience de développement d’un compilateur à la volée pour le langage de programmation Scheme, pour montrer que ces techniques permettent effectivement de construire un compilateur avec un effort moins important que les compilateurs actuels et qu’elles permettent de générer du code efficace, qui rivalise avec les meilleures implémentations du langage Scheme.Efficiently implementing dynamic programming languages requires a significant development effort. Over the years, compilers have become more complex. Today, they typically include an interpretation phase, several compilation phases, several intermediate representations and code analyses. These techniques allow efficiently implementing these programming languages but are difficult to implement in contexts in which development resources are limited. We propose a new approach and new techniques to build optimizing just-in-time compilers for dynamic languages with relatively good performance and low development effort. We present a simple just-in-time compilation approach to implement a language with a single compilation phase, without the need to use code transformations to intermediate representations. We explain how basic block versioning, an existing compilation technique, can be extended without significant development effort, to work interprocedurally with higherorder programming languages allowing interprocedural optimizations on these languages. We also explain how basic block versioning allows removing operations used to implement dynamic languages that degrade performance, such as type checks, and how compilers can use Tagging and NaN-boxing to optimize the generated code with low development effort. We present our experience of building a JIT compiler using these techniques for the Scheme programming language to show that they indeed allow building compilers with less development effort than other implementations and that they allow generating efficient code that competes with current mature implementations of the Scheme language

    Cilk : efficient multithreaded computing

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (p. 170-179).by Keith H. Randall.Ph.D