20,872 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic signatures of different symmetries of the superconducting order parameter in metal-decorated graphene

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    Motivated by the recent experiments indicating superconductivity in metal-decorated graphene sheets, we investigate their quasi-particle structure within the framework of an effective tight-binding Hamiltonian augmented by appropriate BCS-like pairing terms for p-type order parameter. The normal state band structure of graphene is modified not only through interaction with adsorbed metal atoms, but also due to the folding of bands at Brillouin zone boundaries resulting from a 3×3R30∘\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}R30^{\circ} reconstruction. Several different types of pairing symmetries are analyzed utilizing Nambu-Gorkov Green's function techniques to show that p+ipp+ip-symmetric nearest-neighbor pairing yields the most enhanced superconducting gap. The character of the order parameter depends on the nature of the atomic orbitals involved in the pairing process and exhibits interesting angular and radial asymmetries. Finally, we suggest a method to distinguish between singlet and triplet type superconductivity in the presence of magnetic substitutional impurities using scanning tunneling spectroscopy.Comment: Preprint, 15 pages, 4+1 figure

    Role of pseudospin in quasiparticle interferences in epitaxial graphene probed by high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy

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    Pseudospin, an additional degree of freedom related to the honeycomb structure of graphene, is responsible of many of the outstanding electronic properties found in this material. This article provides a clear understanding of how such pseudospin impacts the quasiparticle interferences of monolayer (ML) and bilayer (BL) graphene measured by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. We have used this technique to map, with very high energy and space resolution, the spatial modulations of the local density of states of ML and BL graphene epitaxialy grown on SiC(0001), in presence of native disorder. We perform a Fourier transform analysis of such modulations including wavevectors up to unit-vectors of the reciprocal lattice. Our data demonstrate that the quasiparticle interferences associated to some particular scattering processes are suppressed in ML graphene, but not in BL graphene. Most importantly, interferences with 2qF wavevector associated to intravalley backscattering are not measured in ML graphene, even on the images with highest resolution. In order to clarify the role of the pseudospin on the quasiparticle interferences, we use a simple model which nicely captures the main features observed on our data. The model unambiguously shows that graphene's pseudospin is responsible for such suppression of quasiparticle interferences features in ML graphene, in particular for those with 2qF wavevector. It also confirms scanning tunneling microscopy as a unique technique to probe the pseudospin in graphene samples in real space with nanometer precision. Finally, we show that such observations are robust with energy and obtain with great accuracy the dispersion of the \pi-bands for both ML and BL graphene in the vicinity of the Fermi level, extracting their main tight binding parameters

    Magnetic induction and diffusion mechanisms in a liquid sodium spherical Couette experiment

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    We present a reconstruction of the mean axisymmetric azimuthal and meridional flows in the DTS liquid sodium experiment. The experimental device sets a spherical Couette flow enclosed between two concentric spherical shells where the inner sphere holds a strong dipolar magnet, which acts as a magnetic propeller when rotated. Measurements of the mean velocity, mean induced magnetic field and mean electric potentials have been acquired inside and outside the fluid for an inner sphere rotation rate of 9 Hz (Rm 28). Using the induction equation to relate all measured quantities to the mean flow, we develop a nonlinear least square inversion procedure to reconstruct a fully coherent solution of the mean velocity field. We also include in our inversion the response of the fluid layer to the non-axisymmetric time-dependent magnetic field that results from deviations of the imposed magnetic field from an axial dipole. The mean azimuthal velocity field we obtain shows super-rotation in an inner region close to the inner sphere where the Lorentz force dominates, which contrasts with an outer geostrophic region governed by the Coriolis force, but where the magnetic torque remains the driver. The meridional circulation is strongly hindered by the presence of both the Lorentz and the Coriolis forces. Nevertheless, it contributes to a significant part of the induced magnetic energy. Our approach sets the scene for evaluating the contribution of velocity and magnetic fluctuations to the mean magnetic field, a key question for dynamo mechanisms

    Reconstruction of the two-dimensional gravitational potential of galaxy clusters from X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements

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    The mass of galaxy clusters is not a direct observable, nonetheless it is commonly used to probe cosmological models. Based on the combination of all main cluster observables, that is, the X-ray emission, the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) signal, the velocity dispersion of the cluster galaxies, and gravitational lensing, the gravitational potential of galaxy clusters can be jointly reconstructed. We derive the two main ingredients required for this joint reconstruction: the potentials individually reconstructed from the observables and their covariance matrices, which act as a weight in the joint reconstruction. We show here the method to derive these quantities. The result of the joint reconstruction applied to a real cluster will be discussed in a forthcoming paper. We apply the Richardson-Lucy deprojection algorithm to data on a two-dimensional (2D) grid. We first test the 2D deprojection algorithm on a ÎČ\beta-profile. Assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, we further reconstruct the gravitational potential of a simulated galaxy cluster based on synthetic SZ and X-ray data. We then reconstruct the projected gravitational potential of the massive and dynamically active cluster Abell 2142, based on the X-ray observations collected with XMM-Newton and the SZ observations from the Planck satellite. Finally, we compute the covariance matrix of the projected reconstructed potential of the cluster Abell 2142 based on the X-ray measurements collected with XMM-Newton. The gravitational potentials of the simulated cluster recovered from synthetic X-ray and SZ data are consistent, even though the potential reconstructed from X-rays shows larger deviations from the true potential. Regarding Abell 2142, the projected gravitational cluster potentials recovered from SZ and X-ray data reproduce well the projected potential inferred from gravitational-lensing observations. (abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in the journal A&

    An elliptic expansion of the potential field source surface model

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    Context. The potential field source surface model is frequently used as a basis for further scientific investigations where a comprehensive coronal magnetic field is of importance. Its parameters, especially the position and shape of the source surface, are crucial for the interpretation of the state of the interplanetary medium. Improvements have been suggested that introduce one or more additional free parameters to the model, for example, the current sheet source surface (CSSS) model. Aims. Relaxing the spherical constraint of the source surface and allowing it to be elliptical gives modelers the option of deforming it to more accurately match the physical environment of the specific period or location to be analyzed. Methods. A numerical solver is presented that solves Laplace's equation on a three-dimensional grid using finite differences. The solver is capable of working on structured spherical grids that can be deformed to create elliptical source surfaces. Results. The configurations of the coronal magnetic field are presented using this new solver. Three-dimensional renderings are complemented by Carrington-like synoptic maps of the magnetic configuration at different heights in the solar corona. Differences in the magnetic configuration computed by the spherical and elliptical models are illustrated.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Mechanics of the Vacuum State in Two-Dimensional QCD with Adjoint Fermions

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    A study of two-dimensional QCD on a spatial circle with Majorana fermions in the adjoint representation of the gauge groups SU(2) and SU(3) has been performed. The main emphasis is put on the symmetry properties related to the homotopically non-trivial gauge transformations and the discrete axial symmetry of this model. Within a gauge fixed canonical framework, the delicate interplay of topology on the one hand and Jacobians and boundary conditions arising in the course of resolving Gauss's law on the other hand is exhibited. As a result, a consistent description of the residual ZNZ_N gauge symmetry (for SU(N)) and the ``axial anomaly" emerges. For illustrative purposes, the vacuum of the model is determined analytically in the limit of a small circle. There, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is justified and reduces the vacuum problem to simple quantum mechanics. The issue of fermion condensates is addressed and residual discrepancies with other approaches are pointed out.Comment: 44 pages; for hardcopies of figures, contact [email protected]
