52 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan Melalui Permainan Bahasa Siswa Kelas I Sdn Bulakrejo Madiun

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    Early reading is a stage of learning reading for elementary school students of early grades. They learn to acquire the reading skill and techniques tosuccessfully decode passages. Learning atmosphere should be created through the language plays for reading. It goes with their characteristic of enjoying playing, Language playsplay a vital role to support their cognitive and social development. The current study aims to describe the process as well as the results of early reading through a language play at early grades of elementary school. Qualitatively approached, the current study involves participants of the first graders of the elementary school SDN BulakrejoMadiun. Data were collected through observation and documentation. Results show: (1) high achievement of average 80.7; (2) high enthusiasm specifically on the play batuloncatan (stepping stone); (3) the play could be carried out in and out of classroom and increasing their interest; and (4) headmaster, teachers and students appreciate the learning reading through the play

    A Survey of Published American Radio Drama

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    (From the Introduction) Radio broadcasting is a product of the twentieth century, taking its place beside the automobile, the airplane, two world wars, and now television as an influence upon the people of the world. Radio has had a short but colorful life, a reign studded with court fights, money-making, good and bad drama, music and showmanship, and a fair share or public acceptance and criticism. Radio broadcasting is a composite or music programs, news reports, dramatic programs, commercial announcements, and comedy features. The American people listen to all of these programs at various times. Radio has become a part or our culture, be the adjunct a good or an annoying one. As it pertains to drama, radio broadcasting is another medium or projecting the spoken word in dramatic form, joining the stage and the more recent medium or the movies. The numerous books on radio drama now available are concerned with the techniques of putting on a radio play or they contain a number of plays for reading enjoyment. There is, to my knowledge, no book on the literature of radio studied as a whole. While there are several collections of radio plays, they are limited to the printing of some ten to twenty-five play by different authors. This paper will be a limited survey of radio dramatic literature. Only published radio plays will be treated and not all of those, since the number is too large. Nearly 300 of the more important printed plays have been studied and many of them will be mentioned in this work. There will be included some comment on the nature of radio drama, some material on theories, techniques, and limitations, and a considerable amount of critical material from contemporary books and periodicals

    The effectiveness of performing drama to improve students’ pronunciation of affix “s” added to sibilant sounds in the simple present tense (an experimental research at the seventh grade students of SMPN 23 Semarang in the academic year of 2010/2011)

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    Background of this study is an effort to know which technique is suitable to use in teaching Pronunciation. Indonesian students who have learned English for several years are still cannot communicate using English. So the researcher thought that there should be a solution to cope with that problem. The researcher tried to use Performing Drama as a technique to improve students’ Pronunciation of Affix "S" Added to Sibilant Sounds in the Simple Present Tense. This study is about the use of Performing Drama as technique/method to improve student’s Pronunciation of Affix "S" Added to Sibilant Sounds in the Simple Present Tense of the seventh grade students of SMPN 23 Semarang in the 2010/2011 academic year. The statement of the problem in this study is; is Performing Drama effective for the seventh grade students of SMPN 23 Semarang to improve Student's Pronunciation of Affix "S" Added to Sibilant Sounds in the Simple Present Tense? The objective of the study is to find out whether or not Performing Drama is effective for the seventh grade students’ of SMPN 23 Semarang in 2010/2011 academic year to improve Student's Pronunciation of Affix "S" Added to Sibilant Sounds in the Simple Present Tense. The population of the research was the seventh grade students of SMPN 23 Semarang. The research methodology was an experimental research, which conducted in two classes; the experimental group (VII B) and control group (VII A) as sample. The VII B was taught by Performing Drama, while the VII A was taught without Performing Drama (Direct Method). The writer gave Performance test to gather the data. The test without tried out test because the test had been valid. The formula that was used to analyze the data was t-test. It was used to determine whether or not there was a significance difference between students’ score in experimental group and students’ score in control group. After the data had been collected by using test, it was found that t-test was (1.754), whereas the t-table was (1.67) for a = 5%. The t-test score was higher than the t-table (1.754 > 1.67). It was meant that Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. Since t-test score was higher than the t-table, Performing Drama was effective technique/method in improving students’ pronunciation in SMPN 23 Semarang


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    Early reading is a stage of learning reading for elementary school students of early grades. They learn to acquire the reading skill and techniques tosuccessfully decode passages. Learning atmosphere should be created through the language plays for reading. It goes with their characteristic of enjoying playing, Language playsplay a vital role to support their cognitive and social development. The current study aims to describe the process as well as the results of early reading through a language play at early grades of elementary school. Qualitatively approached, the current study involves participants of the first graders of the elementary school SDN BulakrejoMadiun. Data were collected through observation and documentation. Results show: (1) high achievement of average 80.7; (2) high enthusiasm specifically on the play batuloncatan (stepping stone); (3) the play could be carried out in and out of classroom and increasing their interest; and (4) headmaster, teachers and students appreciate the learning reading through the play

    Жанрова своєрідність п’єси М. Фріша "Санта Крус"

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    У статті розглянуто жанрові особливості драматургії М. Фріша на прикладі п’єси "Санта Крус". Проаналізовано авторські самовизначення підзаголовків драм у контексті літературної теорії. Запропоновано нову версію жанрових форм (фрагментарних і визначальних) у текстах драматурга та подано можливий варіант жанрової ідентифікації "Санта Круса" в ракурсі сучасного бачення проблеми. Зроблено висновок, що за структурою й послідовністю розміщення частин драма "Cанта Крус" – це п’єса-парабола, однак за сюжетом і формою – це фарсова ліро-драма. М. Фріш написав інтелектуальну драму, основний зміст якої є мелодраматичним і банальним, тоді як найважливіше можна відчитати з підтексту

    Перекладацький аналіз тексту

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    Даний навчальний курс є інтегративним курсом, оскільки нерозривно пов'язаний з курсами «Теорії та практики перекладу» та «Редагування перекладу». Даний курс призначений для студентів третього року навчання

    Students' Feeling Affecting The Communication In English Drama Performance

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    This research aims to know students' ability in getting their feeling involved and to knowthe effect of the conformity of their verbal and nonverbal communication in playing drama Labiode in English Drama Performance 2014. The subject of this research is the students of English Education Study Program of FKIP Untan who played drama Labiode in English Drama Performance 2014. In this case study, the data were obtained from observation and interview. The data shows that the students had the ability to involve their feeling and to conform their verbal and nonverbal communication in playing their role in drama Labiode. This study reveals that the students with more ability to get involved into the role showed better conformity in communicating the dialogue through both verbal and nonverbal languages

    The Inkwell

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    Shakespeare\u27s Henry VI and Depression

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    In her article Shakespeare’s Henry VI and Depression”, Cindy Chopoidalo discusses Shakespeare’s Henry VI plays not only as his first significant explorations of the tragic consequences of war and the price of ambition, but also as his first major treatment of a character who, in both fiction and reality, suffered from what has sometimes been described as severe clinical depression and what would have been known in Shakespeare’s time as melancholy. In Shakespeare’s Henry VI, as well as in his historical inspiration, we see an early counterpart of his later characters who have been linked to melancholy or depression, such as Jaques and Hamlet. Examining the historical and literary character(s) of Henry VI in light of both contemporary and modern models of depression, melancholy, and related mental conditions allows us to trace an early Shakespearean treatment of melancholy and depression as well as the ways in which this character type has been codified in various periods of literary and medical history