15 research outputs found

    Trends in consumer communications: Networked homes [Guest Editorial]

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    A major theme in the consumer communications area has been networked homes. In the past this has often focused on networking consumer devices within a single home to offer added value or better control. Initially, these solutions were often closed and only worked with devices of a single manufacturer. Subsequently, this interworking has been extended to include equipment from different sources. With the increasing number of solutions available, and the increasing demand for sharing audio and video, the demands on the home network have grown substantially. Another focus of increased activity is extending the sharing of devices and services within a single home to across many homes. These two themes are covered by the two articles in this current issue of the Consumer Communications and Networking Series

    Fabrication and Characterization of Bragg Grating in CYTOP POF at 600-nm Wavelength

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    We demonstrate Bragg grating inscription in commercial CYTOP POF at a wavelength of 600 nm using a 248 nm krypton fluoride excimer laser system with a repetition rate of 40 Hz and average pulse energy of 0.60 ± 0.02 mJ during 60 min. Experimental characterization of the Bragg grating is performed under different conditions, where the temperature and strain sensitivities were accurately measured to define potential sensing and optical communication applications. Furthermore, different humidity conditions were experimentally tested, and it was proved CYTOP POF as a good candidate for sensing applications under humidity change environment

    Efficient Multiplexer/Demultiplexer for Visible WDM Transmission over SI-POF Technology

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    A five channel step index plastic optical fiber proposal for a multiplexer/demultiplexer having insertion losses (IL) of 2.9-4 dB, pass bandwidths at -3 dB > 30 nm, crosstalk attenuation >30 dB and size of similar to ~65 mm x 55 mm, is demonstrated. It is based on a reflective diffraction grating with blazed profile and an aspheric lens. The theoretical analysis presented is used to further reduce the system size to similar to ~37 mm x 30 mm and to increase the number of channels to 8 keeping ILs < 4.5 dB. Experimental results have good agreement with theoretical expectations.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and by Madrid region under Grants TEC2012-37983-C03-02 and P2013/MIT-2790.Publicad

    SI-POF supporting power-over-fiber in multi-Gbit/s transmission for in-home networks

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    We propose the integration of power-over-fiber (PoF) in home networks with multi Gbit/s data transmission based on wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) in step-index plastic optical fibers (SI-POF). Different powering architectures are described. The efficiencies of different components are discussed to address the maximum remote energy that can be delivered. Experimental results show the ability of the system to deliver several mW of optical power with negligible data signal quality degradation and with BER of 1 × 10¿10. The potential of utilizing PoF in combination with low-loss WDM-POF to optically powering multiple devices for specific in-home applications and IoT ecosystems is discussed. A PoF scalability analysis is detailed.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grant RTI2018-094669-B-C3; in part by the Directorate for Research and Innovation at Madrid region under Grant Y2018/EMT-4892; and in part by the H2020 European Union 5G PPP Bluespace project under Grant n°.762055

    Modelling of an Optical Access Network Platform for Radio-Frequency Transmission in the S Band / Modelação de uma Plataforma de Rede de Acesso Óptico para Transmissão de Radiofrequências na Banda S

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    Microwave transmission in the S Band are used in WiMAX, mobile telephony, air control and satellite communications. Such applications demand the use of wideband optical access networks. In this article, the impact of non-linearities of a fluorescent optical source (FFOS) is analyzed on the performance, at 560 nm, of Discrete-Multitone (DMT) transmissions, using the multicarrier signal-to-noise ratio  (SNRmc) metric. The objective is to provide a  model of SNRmc level curves based on empirical measurements by varying the bias current and the amplitude of the input signal in the optical source. The cartography was approximated by fitting ellipses, which allows us to find an approximate optimum point of operation for the setup.

    Comunicações avançadas com fibra óptica plástica

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    Nowadays, fiber to the Home/Curb/Building/Cabinet (FTTx) services that interconnect homes with a standard glass optical fiber cables to the core/access optical networks have brought the optical fiber at the doorsteps of our homes. However, the last few miles in home access network is still based on the limited bandwidth electronic component which supports by the cooper wires e.g. Cat-5, 6. The rapid growth of personal smart/mobile electronic devices with new developments such as video on demand, High Definition (HD) and three-Dimension (3D) television (TV), cloud computing, video conferences, etc. has been proposed new challenges for the next generation high bandwidth demand required for subscribers in home access network. In order to meet the more demanding expectations of the end user with new developments, it is necessary to improve the physical infrastructure of the existing in home networks in order to obtain the best ratio between quality of service and price of implementation. Plastic optical fibers (POFs) are point out as a promising transmission medium for short-range communication in compare to the “classic” single/multimode glass optical fibers and current cooper wire technology developments. The main advantages of POF are its easy to install, easy splicing and the possibility of using low cost optical transceivers, capability of being robust, and immunity to electromagnetic noise interference. However, the benefits of large-core POFs come at the expense of a less bandwidth and a higher attenuation than silica-based solution. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to explore the possibilities and develop low cost, short reach, high data rate POF-links for in home networks applications. This thesis investigates the use of multilevel modulation in particular, pulse amplitude modulation (PAM in combination of the receiver equalizer in order to overcome the bandwidth limitations of the graded index POFs. The possibility of the using multiple channels over a single fiber to increase the capacity of POF systems using commercially available multimode components is also analyzed in this dissertation. Moreover, a low cost Digitised radio signal over plastic fiber system is proposed and evaluated to deliver digital baseband data for wireline and wireless users in home access network. The deployment will be specified in terms of performance, maximum rates and any degradation that might appear in the network. Furthermore, the possibilities of the microstructured fibers in telecommunication application will be studied with main emphasis on their structural design. The photonic crystal fibers made of different highly nonlinear materials with different structures are optimized to achieve ultra-flat dispersion, high nonlinearity and low confinement loss over a broad range of wavelengths in the perspective of their usage in telecommunication applications.Hoje em dia, a possibilidade de a fibra óptica até casa (FTTH) para a transmissão simultânea de diferentes serviços como internet, telefone, televisão digital é uma realidade. No entanto, para satisfazer as expectativas mais exigentes do usuário final com novos desenvolvimentos, tais como vídeo sob demanda, de alta definição (HD) e tridimensional (3D) de televisão (TV), computação em nuvem, vídeo conferências, etc., é necessário melhorar a infra-estrutura física da existente em redes domésticas, a fim de obter a melhor relação entre a qualidade do serviço e preço de implementação. Fibra óptica de plástico (POF) é considerada um meio de transmissão promissor para comunicações de curto alcance, queando comparadas com a clássica fibra óptica de silica (tanto monomodo como multimodo) e com as tecnologias atuais baseadas em fio de cobre. As principais vantagens da POF encontramse na sua facilidade de instalação e conecção, possibilidade de uso de fontes e detectores de baixo custo, robustez e imunidade electromagnética. No entanto, o uso da POF de elevado diâmetro têm também desvantagens uma vez que esta oferece uma menor largura de banda e uma atenuação superior à fibra de sílica convêncional. Esta dissertação de doutoramento tem como principal objetivo explorar as possibilidades de desemvolvimento de componentes de baixo custo baseados em POF para redes de curto alcance, com alta taxa de transmisssão de dados. Esta tese investiga a utilização de vários formatos de modulação combinados com equalizador e receptor, de maneira a superar as limitações de largura de banda em sistemas de comunicação óptica de curto alcance. Em particular, a modulação em amplitude de impulso (PAM) é proposta e investigada a fim de aumentar a capacidade de tais sistemas. Além disso, a possibilidade de usar múltiplos canais, utilizando uma única fibra óptica, também conhecido por multiplexagem por divisão de comprimento de onda (WDM), será analisada neste trabalho. A viabilidade das tecnologias de redes de acesso tanto a nível individual como em sistemas WDM serão analisadas usando componentes multimodo disponíveis comercialmente. A implementação será especificada em termos de desempenho tanto a nível da taxas máximas de transmissão, bem como na degradação do sinal que possa ocorrer na rede. No capitulo 5 desta dissertação é apresentado sistema de radio através de fibra. Este tipo de sistemas permite a simplificação das estações base providenciando também uma elevada manutenção de custos. O principal objectivo deste estudo prende-se com a investigação do impacto da amostragem na preformance de digitalização de rádio através de fibra e também como a introdução de fibra óptica de plástico pode afetar o sistema. Além disso, a possibilidade da aplicação de fibras óticas microestruturadas em redes de telecomunicações serão estudadas com ênfase principal na sua concepção estrutural. As fibras de cristal fotônico feitas de diferentes materiais altamente não-lineares com diferentes estruturas serão otimizadas a fim de alcançar uma dispersão ultra-plana, elevada não linearidade e baixa perda de confinamento em uma vasta gama espectral, na perspectiva de seu uso em aplicações de telecomunicações.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Towards high bandwidth communication systems: from Multi-Gbit/s over SI-POF in home scenarios to 5G cellular networks over SMF

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    The main objective of the thesis is to study high bandwidth communication systems for different network architectures from the end user at the in-home scenario to the service provider through the mobile cellular front-haul network. This is in parallel with the integration of power over fiber (PoF) technology in these systems.The present work received funds from the following Spanish and international projects: - Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, “Tecnologías avanzadas inteligentes basadas en fibras ópticas/Advanced SMART technologies based on Optical Fibers (SMART-OF)”, grant no. RTI2018-094669-B-C32, within the coordinated project “Polymer Optical Fiber Disruptive Technologies (POFTECH)”. - Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades “LAboratorio de montaje, medida y CAracterización de antenas y dispositivos integrados fotónicos para comunicaciones 5G y de espacio en milimétricas, submilimétricas y THz (hasta 320 GHz) (LACA5G))”, grant no. EQC2018-005152-P. - Comunidad de Madrid “TElealimentación FotovoLtaica por fibra Óptica para medida y coNtrol en entornos extremos (TEFLON-CM)”, grant no. Y2018/EMT-4892. - Comunidad de Madrid “Sensores e Instrumentación en Tecnologías Fotónicas 2 (SINFOTON-2)”, grant no. P2018/NMT-4326, coordinated project with UC3MUPM- UAH-URCJ-CSIC. - H2020 European Union programme Bluespace project “Building the Use of Spatial Multiplexing 5G Networks Infrastructures and Showcasing Advanced Technologies and Networking Capabilities” grant nº.762055.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Beatriz Ortega Tamarit.- Secretario: Guillermo Carpintero del Barrio.- Vocal: Óscar Esteban Martíne

    Polymer optical fiber gratings for microwave photonics and communications application

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Con el continuo desarrollo de materiales y tecnologías de fabricación durante las últimas tres décadas, la atenuación de la transmisión de las fibras ópticas de polímero (POF) se ha reducido considerablemente. Las POF son ventajosas para las redes domésticas, así como para las interconexiones de almacenamiento, y tienen ventajas significativas para muchas aplicaciones de detección, que incluye el límite alto de tensión elástica, alta resistencia a la fractura, alta flexibilidad en la flexión, alta sensibilidad a la tensión y coeficientes termoópticos negativos. Esta tesis consigue mejorar la tecnología de irradiación con láser para POF e investiga dispositivos especiales basados en redes de difracción en POF para comunicaciones ópticas, microondas, fotónica y detección. En particular, desarrollamos la tecnología de fabricación rápida de FBGs en POF con un estudio detallado y la optimización de los parámetros de fabricación de redes de difracción de Bragg en fibra (FBG). Los resultados más destacados incluyen un FBG uniforme de 8 dB con un solo pulso láser Nd: YAG (26 nsm) (8 ns) basado en fibra dopada con BDK, que es el tiempo más corto presentado hasta ahora para la fabricación de FBGs en POF. La irradiación de fibras ópticas de polímero utilizando diferentes materiales basado en el láser KrF a 248 nm permitió demostrar un mejor rendimiento en comparación con el sistema que emplea el láser He-Cd a 325 nm. Además, se fabricaron FBGs uniformes en POFs de índice escalón dopadas con TS en menos de 1 segundo mediante la repetición de pulsos con baja energía. Finalmente, el estudio de la irradiación UV con pulsos de baja energía para la fabricación de redes de difracción estables permitió ahorrar energía en el proceso de fabricación de FBGs en POF, como uno de los principales requisitos para la producción en masa. Basándonos en la tecnología de fabricación mejorada, nos centramos en la fabricación de redes de difracción con diferentes estructuras: se fabricó un FBG con desplazamiento de fase utilizando dos pulsos de 15 ns a 248 nm KrF superpuestos por el método de Moiré; el primer FBG con chirp sintonizable se logró utilizando un solo pulso corto del láser, que abrió nuevas perspectivas a las aplicaciones basadas en redes de difracción con chirp en POF; también se propuso un nuevo método basado en gradientes térmicos para obtener FBG con chirp en POF basadas en FBG uniformes, y se demostró como la forma más conveniente publicada hasta la fecha para lograr este tipo de FBGs no uniformes en POF; y, finalmente, también se han fabricado redes de difracción de largo período utilizando un proceso de fabricación de corto tiempo, especialmente en comparación con investigaciones anteriores. En la última parte de la tesis, y en base a los dispositivos basados en redes de difracción obtenidos a lo largo de este trabajo, se han propuesto varias aplicaciones . De manera similar a los FBG en fibra de sílice, los FBGs con chirp en POF tienen muchas aplicaciones futuras en las áreas de comunicaciones ópticas y de los sensores. Este documento describe la aplicación de detección de tensión basada en una FBG con chirp sintonizable en POF, su aplicación para detección térmica en sistemas biomédicos; e ilustra el potencial de los dispositivos de dispersión sintonizables en el campo de las comunicaciones ópticas, bien como compensación de dispersión o en fotónica de microondas.[CA] Amb el continu desenvolupament de materials i tecnologies de fabricació durant les últimes tres dècades, l'atenuació de la transmissió de les fibres òptiques de polímer (POF) s'ha reduït considerablement. Els POF són avantatjosos per a les xarxes domèstiques, així com per a les interconnexions d'emmagatzematge, i tenen avantatges significatius per a moltes aplicacions de detecció, inclosos els límits de tensió elàstica alta, alta resistència a la fractura, alta flexibilitat en la flexió, alta sensibilitat a la tensió i potencials coeficients termoópticos negatius. Aquesta tesi va millorar la tecnologia d'irradiació amb làser per a POF i va investigar dispositius basats en xarxes difracció de Bragg (FBG) especials en POF per a comunicació òptica, microones, fotònica i detecció. En particular, desenvolupem la tecnologia de fabricació ràpida de FBG en POF amb un estudi detallat i l'optimització dels paràmetres per a la seua fabricació. Els punts destacats dels resultats inclouen un FBG uniforme de 8 dB amb un sol pols del làser Nd: YAG (266 nm) (8 ns) basat en fibra dopada amb BDK, que és el temps més curt reportat per a la fabricació de POF FBG. La irradiació de fibres òptiques de polímer utilitzant diferents materials sota el sistema de làser KrF a 248 nm va permetre demostrar un millor rendiment en comparació amb el sistema de làser Kimmon de 325 nm. A més, els FBG uniformes en el POF dopat amb TS d'índex escalonat es van aconseguir amb menys d'1 segon mitjançant la repetició de polsos de control i l'energia baixa de pols. Finalment, l'estudi de la irradiació d'energia de pols per a la fabricació de FBGs estables va permetre estalviar energia en el procés de fabricació de FBGs en POF, com un dels principals objectius de la producció en massa. Basant-nos en la tecnologia de fabricació millorada, ens centrem en la fabricació de diferents estructures de xarxes de difracció: es va fabricar un FBG amb desplaçament de fase utilitzant dos polsos de 15 ns a 248 nm KrF superposats pel mètode de Moiré; el primer FBG amb chirp sintonitzable es va aconseguir utilitzant un sol pols curt de làser, que va obrir les aplicacions basades en FBG amb chirp en POF; també es va proposar un nou mètode amb gradients tèrmics per a obtindre FBG en POF basat en FBG uniformes, i es va demostrar com la forma més convenient publicada fins hui per a aconseguir FBG POF estimulada; i, finalment, també s'han aconseguit xarxes de llarg període utilitzant un procés de fabricació de curt temps, especialment en comparació amb investigacions anteriors. Finalment, sobre la base dels dispositius de xarxes de difracció obtinguts al llarg d'aquest treball, s'han proposat diverses aplicacions potencials en aquesta tesi. De manera similar que per als FBG amb silici, el FBG amb chirp en POF té moltes aplicacions potencials en comunicacions òptiques i a l¿àrea de sensors. Aquest document descriu l'aplicació de detecció de tensió basada en FBG amb chirp sintonitzable en POF; a més, l'aplicació de detecció tèrmica en sistemes biomèdics; i el potencial dels dispositius de dispersió sintonitzables en les comunicacions òptiques, com per eixample a la compensació de dispersió o a la fotònica de microones.[EN] With the continuing development of material and fabrication technologies over the last three decades, the transmission attenuation of polymer optical fibers (POF) has been greatly decreased. POFs are advantageous for home networks as well as storage interconnections and have significant advantages for many sensing applications, including high elastic strain limits, high fracture toughness, high flexibility in bending, high sensitivity to strain and potential negative thermo-optic coefficients. This thesis improved the laser irradiation technology for POF and investigated special grating devices in POF for optical communication, microware photonics and sensing. In particular, we developed fast POF grating fabrication technology with a detailed study and optimization of the polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (POFBG) fabrication parameters. Highlights of the results include an 8 dB uniform POFBG with one single Nd:YAG (266nm) laser pulse (8 ns) based on BDK doped fiber, which is the shortest time ever reported for POFBG fabrication. The irradiation of polymer optical fibers using different materials under 248 nm KrF laser system allowed to demonstrate a better performance compared with 325 nm Kimmon laser system. Furthermore, uniform FBGs in step-index TS doped POF were achieved with less than 1 second by means of controlling pulse repetition and low pulse energy. Finally, the study of low UV pulse power irradiation for fabricating stable gratings allowed to save energy in the POF grating fabrication process, as one of the main goals for mass production. Based on the improved fabrication technology, we focused on the fabrication of different grating structures: a phase-shifted FBG was fabricated by using two 15 ns 248 nm KrF pulses overlapped by Moiré method; the first tunable chirped FBG was achieved by using a single laser short pulse, which opened the applications based on chirped POF BGs; also a novel thermal annealing method was proposed to obtain chirped POFBGs based on uniform FBGs, and proved as the ever published most convenient way to achieve chirped POFBG; and finally, long period gratings have been also achieved by using a short time fabrication process, specially when compared with previous research. Finally, based on the grating devices obtained throughout this work, several potential applications have been proposed in this thesis. Similarly, to silica chirped FBG, chirped FBG in POF have many potential applications in optical communications and sensing area. This document described the potential strain sensing application based on tunable chirped POFBG; also, the thermal detection application in bio-medical systems; and the potential of tunable dispersion devices in optical communications, i.e., dispersion compensation or microwave photonics.Min, R. (2019). Polymer optical fiber gratings for microwave photonics and communications application [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125473TESISCompendi

    High-capacity Optical Wireless Communication by Directed Narrow Beams

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