36 research outputs found

    Prikaz slobodnog prostora za dvonožne hodajuće robote

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    Motion planning for biped walking robots is a highly demanding task because of the complex kinematics of such machines and the many degrees of freedom involved. One approach to dealing with this problem is to determine a feasible path in a reduced configuration space of the robot and then to perform the motion planning by searching for an appropriate sequence of steps which allows the locomotion along this path. In this work, a novel method for creating a free space representation for biped walking robots is presented. The method rests upon the approximation of the robot by a set of 3D hulls whose shapes allow efficient determination of feasible paths in a 3D configuration space, involving stepping over obstacles and changing the walking level. The robot’s environment is partitioned into two regions. In the first region, 2D motion planning can be performed, while the complexity of 3D motion planning in the second region can be significantly reduced by considering only a restricted set of paths sufficient for solving a wide range of locomotion tasks.Planiranje kretanja dvonožnih hodajućih robota predstavlja iznimno zahtjevan zadatak zbog složenosti kinematike takvih strojeva i velikog broja stupnjeva slobode gibanja. Jedan pristup tom problemu je da se prvo pronađe izvediva staza u reduciranom konfiguracijskom prostoru robota te da se zatim traži odgovarajući niz koraka koji omogućuje kretanje tom stazom. U ovom radu predstavljena je nova metoda stvaranja prikaza slobodnog prostora za dvonožne hodajuće robote. Metoda se temelji na aproksimaciji robota skupom jednostavnih trodimenzionalnih geometrijskih tijela čiji oblici omogućuju učinkovito određivanje izvedivih staza u 3D konfiguracijskom prostoru, koje mogu uključivati prekoračivanje prepreka te prelazak između hodnih površina različitih visina. Okolina robota dijeli se na dva područja. U prvom području može se primijeniti 2D planiranje koraka, dok se složenost 3D planiranja koraka u drugom području može značajno smanjiti tako što se pri planiranju uzima u obzir samo jedan reducirani skup staza, koji je pak dostatan za rješavanje velikog broja praktičnih zadataka

    Humanoid Robots

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    For many years, the human being has been trying, in all ways, to recreate the complex mechanisms that form the human body. Such task is extremely complicated and the results are not totally satisfactory. However, with increasing technological advances based on theoretical and experimental researches, man gets, in a way, to copy or to imitate some systems of the human body. These researches not only intended to create humanoid robots, great part of them constituting autonomous systems, but also, in some way, to offer a higher knowledge of the systems that form the human body, objectifying possible applications in the technology of rehabilitation of human beings, gathering in a whole studies related not only to Robotics, but also to Biomechanics, Biomimmetics, Cybernetics, among other areas. This book presents a series of researches inspired by this ideal, carried through by various researchers worldwide, looking for to analyze and to discuss diverse subjects related to humanoid robots. The presented contributions explore aspects about robotic hands, learning, language, vision and locomotion

    The development of fire detection robot

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    Bu tez çalışmasının amacı; özellikle endüstriyel alanlarda, erken yangın algılamada kullanılacak bir yangın algılama robotu tasarlamak ve imal etmektir. Bu robot; önceden belirlenen sanal güzergâh üzerinde engel algılama fonksiyonuyla ve yeniden programlanabilir hareket ünitesiyle devriye gezebilecek ve yangın kaynağını tespit edebilmek için ortam taraması yapabilecek şekilde tasarlanmış ve imal edilmiştir. Sistem; hareket planlama ünitesine tanımlanan programlar ile değişken devriye güzergâhlarını takip edebilme yeteneğine sahiptir. Robotun tasarım ve uygulama süreçleri şu şekildedir; mekanik sistemin tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi, elektronik sistemin tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi ve gerekli yazılımların hazırlanmasıdır. Mekanik sistemin tasarım ve geliştirilme sürecinde; taslak çizimleri, ölçülendirmeler ve üç boyutlu modelleme için bilgisayar destekli tasarım ve katı modelleme programları kullanılmıştır. Robotun taşıyıcı gövdesi; ucuz, sağlam ve kolay işlenebilir malzemeler olan ahşap ve sert plastik köpük kullanılarak imal edilmiştir. Robot sürüş sisteminde diferansiyel metot kullanılmıştır. Yarı otomatik robot dört adet fırçalı doğru akım motoru ile çalışmaktadır. Elektronik sistemin tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi sürecinde; hazır kart almak yerine ihtiyaca uygun elektronik veri kazanım ve kontrol devreleri tasarlanıp üretilmiştir. Bu devrelerin şematik diyagramı ve baskı devresi Proteus elektronik tasarım programı kullanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Bu devreler; motor hareketlerini kontrol etmekte ve dizüstü bilgisayar ile algılama üniteleri arasında bir köprü kurmakta kullanılmıştır. Yazılımların hazırlanma sürecinde; engel algılamada ve güzergâh takibinde kullanılacak akıllı yazılımlar geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca daha güvenilir yangın algılama sağlamak için; çoklu sensör algılama ve değerlendirme algoritması geliştirilmiştir. Bu tezin sonucunda; özellikle endüstriyel alanlarda kullanılabilecek, çeşitli fonksiyonlara sahip bir yangın algılama robotu tasarlanıp imal edilmiştir. Yapılan testlerle; sistemin en fazla 100 cm mesafedeki yangını, robot 0,5 m/s hızla ilerlerken tespit edebildiği sonucuna varılmıştır.The aim of this thesis is to design and manufacture a fire detection robot that especially operates in industrial areas for fire inspection and early detection. Robot is designed and implemented to track prescribed paths with obstacle avoidance function through obstacle avoidance and motion planning units and to scan the environment in order to detect fire source using fire detection unit. Robot is able to track patrolling routes using virtual lines that defined to the motion planning unit. The design and implementation processes of the robot are as follow; the design and the development of mechanical, electronic systems and software. The design and the development of mechanical system; for the sketch drawings, dimensioning and solid state modeling of the robot, computer aided design and solid modelling computer programs were used. The carrier board of the robot is produced using wooden material and rigid plastic foam which are cheap, strong enough and easy to manufacture. Differential steering method is selected for semi-autonomous robot driving system and it is powered by four brushed DC (direct current) motors. The design and the development of electronic system; electronic circuits were designed and produced, instead of buying a commercial card. Both schematic diagrams and circuits of the data acquisition and control circuits are designed using Proteus electronic design program. These circuits are used to control the motion of the motors and establish a data flow between the laptop and the other peripheral sensing components. Software development; intelligent algorithms for obstacle avoidance and path tracking have been developed. A sensor data fusion algorithm for the sensors was also developed to get more reliable fire detection information. In conclusion; a fire inspection and detection robot with various functions to especially can be used in industrial areas was designed and manufactured. The functions of the robot were tested. It can be concluded that system is able to detect the fire source maximum 100 cm distance away while robot is moving with 0.5 m/s forward speed

    Supplementing Frequency Domain Interpolation Methods for Character Animation

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    The animation of human characters entails difficulties exceeding those met simulating objects, machines or plants. A person's gait is a product of nature affected by mood and physical condition. Small deviations from natural movement are perceived with ease by an unforgiving audience. Motion capture technology is frequently employed to record human movement. Subsequent playback on a skeleton underlying the character being animated conveys many of the subtleties of the original motion. Played-back recordings are of limited value, however, when integration in a virtual environment requires movements beyond those in the motion library, creating a need for the synthesis of new motion from pre-recorded sequences. An existing approach involves interpolation between motions in the frequency domain, with a blending space defined by a triangle network whose vertices represent input motions. It is this branch of character animation which is supplemented by the methods presented in this thesis, with work undertaken in three distinct areas. The first is a streamlined approach to previous work. It provides benefits including an efficiency gain in certain contexts, and a very different perspective on triangle network construction in which they become adjustable and intuitive user-interface devices with an increased flexibility allowing a greater range of motions to be blended than was possible with previous networks. Interpolation-based synthesis can never exhibit the same motion variety as can animation methods based on the playback of rearranged frame sequences. Limitations such as this were addressed by the second phase of work, with the creation of hybrid networks. These novel structures use properties of frequency domain triangle blending networks to seamlessly integrate playback-based animation within them. The third area focussed on was distortion found in both frequency- and time-domain blending. A new technique, single-source harmonic switching, was devised which greatly reduces it, and adds to the benefits of blending in the frequency domain

    Data-Driven Methods to Build Robust Legged Robots

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    For robots to ever achieve signicant autonomy, they need to be able to mitigate performance loss due to uncertainty, typically from a novel environment or morphological variation of their bodies. Legged robots, with their complex dynamics, are particularly challenging to control with principled theory. Hybrid events, uncertainty, and high dimension are all confounding factors for direct analysis of models. On the other hand, direct data-driven methods have proven to be equally dicult to employ. The high dimension and mechanical complexity of legged robots have proven challenging for hardware-in-the-loop strategies to exploit without signicant eort by human operators. We advocate that we can exploit both perspectives by capitalizing on qualitative features of mathematical models applicable to legged robots, and use that knowledge to strongly inform data-driven methods. We show that the existence of these simple structures can greatly facilitate robust design of legged robots from a data-driven perspective. We begin by demonstrating that the factorial complexity of hybrid models can be elegantly resolved with computationally tractable algorithms, and establish that a novel form of distributed control is predicted. We then continue by demonstrating that a relaxed version of the famous templates and anchors hypothesis can be used to encode performance objectives in a highly redundant way, allowing robots that have suffered damage to autonomously compensate. We conclude with a deadbeat stabilization result that is quite general, and can be determined without equations of motion.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155053/1/gcouncil_1.pd

    Enhancing RGB-D SLAM Using Deep Learning

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    What is the Avatar? Fiction and Embodiment in Avatar-Based Singleplayer Computer Games: Revised and Commented Edition

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    What are the characteristic features of avatar-based singleplayer videogames, from Super Mario Bros. to Grand Theft Auto? The author examines this question with a particular focus on issues of fictionality and realism, and their relation to cinema and Virtual Reality. Through close-up analysis and philosophical discussion, the author argues that avatar-based gaming is a distinctive and dominant form of virtual self-embodiment in digital culture. This book is a revised edition of Rune Klevjer's pioneering work from 2007, featuring a new introduction by the author and afterword by Stephan Günzel, Jörg Sternagel, and Dieter Mersch

    Haptic Media Scenes

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    The aim of this thesis is to apply new media phenomenological and enactive embodied cognition approaches to explain the role of haptic sensitivity and communication in personal computer environments for productivity. Prior theory has given little attention to the role of haptic senses in influencing cognitive processes, and do not frame the richness of haptic communication in interaction design—as haptic interactivity in HCI has historically tended to be designed and analyzed from a perspective on communication as transmissions, sending and receiving haptic signals. The haptic sense may not only mediate contact confirmation and affirmation, but also rich semiotic and affective messages—yet this is a strong contrast between this inherent ability of haptic perception, and current day support for such haptic communication interfaces. I therefore ask: How do the haptic senses (touch and proprioception) impact our cognitive faculty when mediated through digital and sensor technologies? How may these insights be employed in interface design to facilitate rich haptic communication? To answer these questions, I use theoretical close readings that embrace two research fields, new media phenomenology and enactive embodied cognition. The theoretical discussion is supported by neuroscientific evidence, and tested empirically through case studies centered on digital art. I use these insights to develop the concept of the haptic figura, an analytical tool to frame the communicative qualities of haptic media. The concept gauges rich machine- mediated haptic interactivity and communication in systems with a material solution supporting active haptic perception, and the mediation of semiotic and affective messages that are understood and felt. As such the concept may function as a design tool for developers, but also for media critics evaluating haptic media. The tool is used to frame a discussion on opportunities and shortcomings of haptic interfaces for productivity, differentiating between media systems for the hand and the full body. The significance of this investigation is demonstrating that haptic communication is an underutilized element in personal computer environments for productivity and providing an analytical framework for a more nuanced understanding of haptic communication as enabling the mediation of a range of semiotic and affective messages, beyond notification and confirmation interactivity