517,920 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional surface codes: Transversal gates and fault-tolerant architectures

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    One of the leading quantum computing architectures is based on the two-dimensional (2D) surface code. This code has many advantageous properties such as a high error threshold and a planar layout of physical qubits where each physical qubit need only interact with its nearest neighbours. However, the transversal logical gates available in 2D surface codes are limited. This means that an additional (resource intensive) procedure known as magic state distillation is required to do universal quantum computing with 2D surface codes. Here, we examine three-dimensional (3D) surface codes in the context of quantum computation. We introduce a picture for visualizing 3D surface codes which is useful for analysing stacks of three 3D surface codes. We use this picture to prove that the CZCZ and CCZCCZ gates are transversal in 3D surface codes. We also generalize the techniques of 2D surface code lattice surgery to 3D surface codes. We combine these results and propose two quantum computing architectures based on 3D surface codes. Magic state distillation is not required in either of our architectures. Finally, we show that a stack of three 3D surface codes can be transformed into a single 3D color code (another type of quantum error-correcting code) using code concatenation.Comment: 23 pages, 24 figures, v2: published versio

    How Fast Can Dense Codes Achieve the Min-Cut Capacity of Line Networks?

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    In this paper, we study the coding delay and the average coding delay of random linear network codes (dense codes) over line networks with deterministic regular and Poisson transmission schedules. We consider both lossless networks and networks with Bernoulli losses. The upper bounds derived in this paper, which are in some cases more general, and in some other cases tighter, than the existing bounds, provide a more clear picture of the speed of convergence of dense codes to the min-cut capacity of line networks.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to IEEE ISIT 201

    On asymptotically good ramp secret sharing schemes

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    Asymptotically good sequences of linear ramp secret sharing schemes have been intensively studied by Cramer et al. in terms of sequences of pairs of nested algebraic geometric codes. In those works the focus is on full privacy and full reconstruction. In this paper we analyze additional parameters describing the asymptotic behavior of partial information leakage and possibly also partial reconstruction giving a more complete picture of the access structure for sequences of linear ramp secret sharing schemes. Our study involves a detailed treatment of the (relative) generalized Hamming weights of the considered codes

    Cross Continental Readings of Visual Narratives: An analysis of Six Books in the New Zealand PictureBook Collection

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    This article argues that, by analyzing the ways in which illustrators use certain visual codes, we can learn much about a country's history/culture and demonstrates this by analyzing the visual narratives of six picture books from the New Zealand Picture Book Collection (NZPBC) Emphasis is placed on how the front covers-which introduce both the stories and the new culture to young readers-are used to facilitate cultural understanding by focusing on Intercultural stimuli/cultural exchanges; respecting beliefs/values; observing cultural lifestyles, sharing visual imagery and discussing the interplay between text and imag

    A Note on the Injection Distance

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    Koetter and Kschischang showed in [R. Koetter and F.R. Kschischang, "Coding for Errors and Erasures in Random Network Coding," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, {54(8), 2008] that the network coding counterpart of Gabidulin codes performs asymptotically optimal with respect to the subspace distance. Recently, Silva and Kschischang introduced in [D. Silva and F.R. Kschischang, "On Metrics for Error Correction in Network Coding," To appear in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, ArXiv: 0805.3824v4[cs.IT], 2009] the injection distance to give a detailed picture of what happens in noncoherent network coding. We show that the above codes are also asymptotically optimal with respect to this distance

    Support Constrained Generator Matrices of Gabidulin Codes in Characteristic Zero

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    Gabidulin codes over fields of characteristic zero were recently constructed by Augot et al., whenever the Galois group of the underlying field extension is cyclic. In parallel, the interest in sparse generator matrices of Reed–Solomon and Gabidulin codes has increased lately, due to applications in distributed computations. In particular, a certain condition pertaining to the intersection of zero entries at different rows, was shown to be necessary and sufficient for the existence of the sparsest possible generator matrix of Gabidulin codes over finite fields. In this paper we complete the picture by showing that the same condition is also necessary and sufficient for Gabidulin codes over fields of characteristic zero.Our proof builds upon and extends tools from the finite-field case, combines them with a variant of the Schwartz–Zippel lemma over automorphisms, and provides a simple randomized construction algorithm whose probability of success can be arbitrarily close to one. In addition, potential applications for low-rank matrix recovery are discussed

    Value World–Pictures and Axiological Codes of Musical Genres

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    This article explores the possibility of establishing cultural dialogue through the axiological codes of musical genres. Genre here is defined as a worldview and as a component of the world-picture that carries axiological codes. The methodology used here combines culturological, axiological, world-image, and comparative approaches. As a result, we have developed the samples of the typological and national models of the value world-picture based on genre axiological codes. The key conclusions are: it is possible to construct a musical genre world-picture, which reflects the hierarchy of values in the world pictures of different types, and to promote the genre-value world-picture facilitating cultural dialogue.     Keywords: value world-picture, musical genre, axiocode, axiologeme, value hierarch

    Majorana dimers and holographic quantum error-correcting codes

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    Holographic quantum error-correcting codes have been proposed as toy models that describe key aspects of the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence. In this work, we introduce a versatile framework of Majorana dimers capturing the intersection of stabilizer and Gaussian Majorana states. This picture allows for an efficient contraction with a simple diagrammatic interpretation and is amenable to analytical study of holographic quantum error-correcting codes. Equipped with this framework, we revisit the recently proposed hyperbolic pentagon code (HyPeC). Relating its logical code basis to Majorana dimers, we efficiently compute boundary-state properties even for the non-Gaussian case of generic logical input. The dimers characterizing these boundary states coincide with discrete bulk geodesics, leading to a geometric picture from which properties of entanglement, quantum error correction, and bulk/boundary operator mapping immediately follow. We also elaborate upon the emergence of the Ryu-Takayanagi formula from our model, which realizes many of the properties of the recent bit thread proposal. Our work thus elucidates the connection among bulk geometry, entanglement, and quantum error correction in AdS/CFT and lays the foundation for new models of holography