80 research outputs found

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Study of the speckle noise effects over the eigen decomposition of polarimetric SAR data: a review

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    This paper is focused on considering the effects of speckle noise on the eigen decomposition of the co- herency matrix. Based on a perturbation analysis of the matrix, it is possible to obtain an analytical expression for the mean value of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors, as well as for the Entropy, the Anisotroopy and the dif- ferent a angles. The analytical expressions are compared against simulated polarimetric SAR data, demonstrating the correctness of the different expressions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Principles and Application

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    Demonstrates the benefits of the usage of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in applications of Earth remote sensing, with educational and development purposes. Includes numerous up-to-date examples with real data from spaceborne platforms and possibility to use a software to support lecture practicals. Reviews theoretical principles in an intuitive way for each application topic. Covers in depth five application domains (forests, agriculture, cryosphere, urban, and oceans), with reference also to hazard monitorin

    Wetland mapping and monitoring using polarimetric and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and tools

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    Wetlands are home to a great variety of flora and fauna species and provide several unique environmental functions, such as controlling floods, improving water-quality, supporting wildlife habitat, and shoreline stabilization. Detailed information on spatial distribution of wetland classes is crucial for sustainable management and resource assessment. Furthermore, hydrological monitoring of wetlands is also important for maintaining and preserving the habitat of various plant and animal species. This thesis investigates the existing knowledge and technological challenges associated with wetland mapping and monitoring and evaluates the limitations of the methodologies that have been developed to date. The study also proposes new methods to improve the characterization of these productive ecosystems using advanced remote sensing (RS) tools and data. Specifically, a comprehensive literature review on wetland monitoring using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Interferometric SAR (InSAR) techniques is provided. The application of the InSAR technique for wetland mapping provides the following advantages: (i) the high sensitivity of interferometric coherence to land cover changes is taken into account and (ii) the exploitation of interferometric coherence for wetland classification further enhances the discrimination between similar wetland classes. A statistical analysis of the interferometric coherence and SAR backscattering variation of Canadian wetlands, which are ignored in the literature, is carried out using multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization SAR data. The study also examines the capability of compact polarimetry (CP) SAR data, which will be collected by the upcoming RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) and will constitute the main source of SAR observation in Canada, for wetland mapping. The research in this dissertation proposes a methodology for wetland classification using the synergistic use of intensity, polarimetry, and interferometry features using a novel classification framework. Finally, this work introduces a novel model based on the deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for wetland classification that can be trained in an end-to-end scheme and is specifically designed for the classification of wetland complexes using polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) imagery. The results of the proposed methods are promising and will significantly contribute to the ongoing efforts of conservation strategies for wetlands and monitoring changes. The approaches presented in this thesis serve as frameworks, progressing towards an operational methodology for mapping wetland complexes in Canada, as well as other wetlands worldwide with similar ecological characteristics

    Multitemporal SAR and polarimetric SAR optimization and classification: Reinterpreting temporal coherence

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    In multitemporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and polarimetric SAR (PolSAR), coherence is a capital parameter to exploit common information between temporal acquisitions. Yet, its use is limited to high coherences. This article proposes the analysis of low-coherence scenarios by introducing a reinterpretation of coherence. It is demonstrated that coherence results from the product of two terms accounting for coherent and radiometric changes, respectively. For low coherences, the first term presents low values, preventing its exploitation for information retrieval. The information provided by the second term can be used in these circumstances to exploit common information. This second term is proposed, as an alternative to coherence, for information retrieval for low coherences. Besides, it is shown that polarimetry allows the temporal optimization of its values. To prove the benefits of this approach, multitemporal SAR and PolSAR data classification is considered as a tool, showing that improvements of the classification overall accuracy may range between 20% and 50%, compared to classification based on coherence.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61871413, in part by the China Scholarship Council under Grant 2020006880033, and in part by the Project INTERACT funded by the Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under Grant PID2020-114623RB-C32.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Orbital differential SAR interferometry with polarimetric data

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    Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems have demonstrated great effectiveness to survey wide areas, independently of the weather conditions and the day/night cycle. One of the most exploited applications is Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR), and by extension, advanced multi-temporal techniques addressed as Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI). These techniques provide the means to retrieve the displacement on the observed terrain surface. Taking advantage of the high coverage provided by this technology, natural and human induced phenomena may be monitored and detected in order to avoid and prevent hazardous or even catastrophic situations. A good characterization of such events is often related to the density and quality of the information delivered. In many cases, the success in the interpretation of localized surface motion phenomena relies on having as much measurements as possible. Conventional insitu techniques, when used properly, are able to provide reliable measurements. However, they are limited to their localization, and deploy a high number of instruments is not cost effective. The good characterization provided by PSI measurements is limited by the acquisition parameters and the actual scene under monitoring. SAR images sensitivity over the scene depends strongly on the geometric shape and distribution of targets. Historically, satellite SAR sensors had single polarimetric capabilities, so sensitivity over the scene was restricted to a certain antenna configuration. On the contrary, polarimetric acquisitions emit an receive with different antenna configurations, providing sensitivity to different geometries in the scenario. The launch in these later years of several satellites with polarimetric capabilities has triggered its use in several fields of application. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the use of Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data for its application in the PSI framework. The extra information contained in PolSAR datasets is bound to improve the effectiveness of PSI techniques. Obtaining a higher density and quality of motion measurements will ease the detection and interpretation of terrain displacement phenomena.Els Radars d'Obertura Sintètica (SAR) embarcats en satèl·lits han demostrat ser molt efectius per monitoritzar grans àrees, independentment de les condicions atmosfèriques i del cicle dia/nit. L'aplicació més explotada es l'Interferometria Diferencial SAR (DInSAR), i per extensió, les tècniques avançades de processament multi-temporal anomenades Interferometria de Reflectors Persistents (PSI). Aquestes tècniques són capaces de mesurar el desplaçament en superfície del terreny observat. Aprofitant la gran cobertura que s'aconsegueix amb aquesta tecnologia, fenòmens d'origen tant natural com humà poden ser detectats i controlats per evitar i prevenir situacions de perill o fins i tot catastròfiques. La bona caracterització d'aquestes situacions sovint es relaciona tant amb la densitat com en la qualitat de la informació obtinguda. En molts casos, l’èxit en la interpretació de moviments de terreny localitzats depèn de tenir tants punts de mesura com sigui possible. Les tècniques convencionals de mesura in-situ, quan s'usen de forma adequada, són capaces de donar mesures fiables. No obstant, la seva cobertura està limitada a la localització de l'instrument, i la instal·lació d’un gran nombre d'instruments no és una solució econòmica. La bona caracterització de l'àrea mesurada amb tècniques PSI està limitada pels paràmetres d'adquisició i les característiques de la pròpia escena observada. La sensitivitat de les imatges SAR depèn en gran mesura de la distribució i la forma geomètrica dels blancs mesurats. Històricament, els sensors SAR emetien en polarització simple, i per tant la sensitivitat a la escena estava restringida a aquesta configuració específica de la antena. Per altra banda, durant les adquisicions polarimètriques s'emet i es rep en diferents configuracions de l'antena. Això permet tenir sensitivitat a geometries diferents dins la mateixa escena. El llançament aquest últims anys de diferents satèl·lits amb capacitats polarimètriques ha permès el seu ús en diversos camps d'aplicació. L'objectiu d’aquesta tesi és avaluar l'ús de dades polarimètriques SAR (PolSAR) per la seva aplicació en el marc de les tècniques PSI. La informació addicional que contenen els conjunts d’adquisicions PolSAR ha de millorar l'efectivitat de les tècniques PSI. L'obtenció d'una millor densitat i qualitat de les mesures permet una millor detecció i interpretació dels fenòmens de desplaçament superficial del terreny.Postprint (published version

    Detecting covariance symmetries for classification of polarimetric SAR images

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    The availability of multiple images of the same scene acquired with the same radar but with different polarizations, both in transmission and reception, has the potential to enhance the classification, detection and/or recognition capabilities of a remote sensing system. A way to take advantage of the full-polarimetric data is to extract, for each pixel of the considered scene, the polarimetric covariance matrix, coherence matrix, Muller matrix, and to exploit them in order to achieve a specific objective. A framework for detecting covariance symmetries within polarimetric SAR images is here proposed. The considered algorithm is based on the exploitation of special structures assumed by the polarimetric coherence matrix under symmetrical properties of the returns associated with the pixels under test. The performance analysis of the technique is evaluated on both simulated and real L-band SAR data, showing a good classification level of the different areas within the image

    Multi-source Remote Sensing for Forest Characterization and Monitoring

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    As a dominant terrestrial ecosystem of the Earth, forest environments play profound roles in ecology, biodiversity, resource utilization, and management, which highlights the significance of forest characterization and monitoring. Some forest parameters can help track climate change and quantify the global carbon cycle and therefore attract growing attention from various research communities. Compared with traditional in-situ methods with expensive and time-consuming field works involved, airborne and spaceborne remote sensors collect cost-efficient and consistent observations at global or regional scales and have been proven to be an effective way for forest monitoring. With the looming paradigm shift toward data-intensive science and the development of remote sensors, remote sensing data with higher resolution and diversity have been the mainstream in data analysis and processing. However, significant heterogeneities in the multi-source remote sensing data largely restrain its forest applications urging the research community to come up with effective synergistic strategies. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the field by exploring the potential of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), SAR Polarimetry (PolSAR), SAR Interferometry (InSAR), Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and multispectral remote sensing in forest characterization and monitoring from three main aspects including forest height estimation, active fire detection, and burned area mapping. First, the forest height inversion is demonstrated using airborne L-band dual-baseline repeat-pass PolInSAR data based on modified versions of the Random Motion over Ground (RMoG) model, where the scattering attenuation and wind-derived random motion are described in conditions of homogeneous and heterogeneous volume layer, respectively. A boreal and a tropical forest test site are involved in the experiment to explore the flexibility of different models over different forest types and based on that, a leveraging strategy is proposed to boost the accuracy of forest height estimation. The accuracy of the model-based forest height inversion is limited by the discrepancy between the theoretical models and actual scenarios and exhibits a strong dependency on the system and scenario parameters. Hence, high vertical accuracy LiDAR samples are employed to assist the PolInSAR-based forest height estimation. This multi-source forest height estimation is reformulated as a pan-sharpening task aiming to generate forest heights with high spatial resolution and vertical accuracy based on the synergy of the sparse LiDAR-derived heights and the information embedded in the PolInSAR data. This process is realized by a specifically designed generative adversarial network (GAN) allowing high accuracy forest height estimation less limited by theoretical models and system parameters. Related experiments are carried out over a boreal and a tropical forest to validate the flexibility of the method. An automated active fire detection framework is proposed for the medium resolution multispectral remote sensing data. The basic part of this framework is a deep-learning-based semantic segmentation model specifically designed for active fire detection. A dataset is constructed with open-access Sentinel-2 imagery for the training and testing of the deep-learning model. The developed framework allows an automated Sentinel-2 data download, processing, and generation of the active fire detection results through time and location information provided by the user. Related performance is evaluated in terms of detection accuracy and processing efficiency. The last part of this thesis explored whether the coarse burned area products can be further improved through the synergy of multispectral, SAR, and InSAR features with higher spatial resolutions. A Siamese Self-Attention (SSA) classification is proposed for the multi-sensor burned area mapping and a multi-source dataset is constructed at the object level for the training and testing. Results are analyzed by different test sites, feature sources, and classification methods to assess the improvements achieved by the proposed method. All developed methods are validated with extensive processing of multi-source data acquired by Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR), Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS), PolSARproSim+, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2. I hope these studies constitute a substantial contribution to the forest applications of multi-source remote sensing

    Sentinel-1 InSAR coherence for land cover mapping: a comparison of multiple feature-based classifiers

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    This article investigates and demonstrates the suitability of the Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence for land cover and vegetation mapping. In addition, this study analyzes the performance of this feature along with polarization and intensity products according to different classification strategies and algorithms. Seven different classification workflows were evaluated, covering pixel- and object-based analyses, unsupervised and supervised classification, different machine-learning classifiers, and the various effects of distinct input features in the SAR domain—interferometric coherence, backscattered intensities, and polarization. All classifications followed the Corine land cover nomenclature. Three different study areas in Europe were selected during 2015 and 2016 campaigns to maximize diversity of land cover. Overall accuracies (OA), ranging from 70% to 90%, were achieved depending on the study area and methodology, considering between 9 and 15 classes. The best results were achieved in the rather flat area of Doñana wetlands National Park in Spain (OA 90%), but even the challenging alpine terrain around the city of Merano in northern Italy (OA 77%) obtained promising results. The overall potential of Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence for land cover mapping was evaluated as very good. In all cases, coherence-based results provided higher accuracies than intensity-based strategies, considering 12 days of temporal sampling of the Sentinel-1 A stack. Both coherence and intensity prove to be complementary observables, increasing the overall accuracies in a combined strategy. The accuracy is expected to increase when Sentinel-1 A/B stacks, i.e., six-day sampling, are considered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Advanced techniques for classification of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data

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    With various remote sensing technologies to aid Earth Observation, radar-based imaging is one of them gaining major interests due to advances in its imaging techniques in form of syn-thetic aperture radar (SAR) and polarimetry. The majority of radar applications focus on mon-itoring, detecting, and classifying local or global areas of interests to support humans within their efforts of decision-making, analysis, and interpretation of Earth’s environment. This thesis focuses on improving the classification performance and process particularly concerning the application of land use and land cover over polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data. To achieve this, three contributions are studied related to superior feature description and ad-vanced machine-learning techniques including classifiers, principles, and data exploitation. First, this thesis investigates the application of color features within PolSAR image classi-fication to provide additional discrimination on top of the conventional scattering information and texture features. The color features are extracted over the visual presentation of fully and partially polarimetric SAR data by generation of pseudo color images. Within the experiments, the obtained results demonstrated that with the addition of the considered color features, the achieved classification performances outperformed results with common PolSAR features alone as well as achieved higher classification accuracies compared to the traditional combination of PolSAR and texture features. Second, to address the large-scale learning challenge in PolSAR image classification with the utmost efficiency, this thesis introduces the application of an adaptive and data-driven supervised classification topology called Collective Network of Binary Classifiers, CNBC. This topology incorporates active learning to support human users with the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR data focusing on collections of images, where changes or updates to the existing classifier might be required frequently due to surface, terrain, and object changes as well as certain variations in capturing time and position. Evaluations demonstrated the capabilities of CNBC over an extensive set of experimental results regarding the adaptation and data-driven classification of single as well as collections of PolSAR images. The experimental results verified that the evolutionary classification topology, CNBC, did provide an efficient solution for the problems of scalability and dynamic adaptability allowing both feature space dimensions and the number of terrain classes in PolSAR image collections to vary dynamically. Third, most PolSAR classification problems are undertaken by supervised machine learn-ing, which require manually labeled ground truth data available. To reduce the manual labeling efforts, supervised and unsupervised learning approaches are combined into semi-supervised learning to utilize the huge amount of unlabeled data. The application of semi-supervised learning in this thesis is motivated by ill-posed classification tasks related to the small training size problem. Therefore, this thesis investigates how much ground truth is actually necessary for certain classification problems to achieve satisfactory results in a supervised and semi-supervised learning scenario. To address this, two semi-supervised approaches are proposed by unsupervised extension of the training data and ensemble-based self-training. The evaluations showed that significant speed-ups and improvements in classification performance are achieved. In particular, for a remote sensing application such as PolSAR image classification, it is advantageous to exploit the location-based information from the labeled training data. Each of the developed techniques provides its stand-alone contribution from different viewpoints to improve land use and land cover classification. The introduction of a new fea-ture for better discrimination is independent of the underlying classification algorithms used. The application of the CNBC topology is applicable to various classification problems no matter how the underlying data have been acquired, for example in case of remote sensing data. Moreover, the semi-supervised learning approach tackles the challenge of utilizing the unlabeled data. By combining these techniques for superior feature description and advanced machine-learning techniques exploiting classifier topologies and data, further contributions to polarimetric SAR image classification are made. According to the performance evaluations conducted including visual and numerical assessments, the proposed and investigated tech-niques showed valuable improvements and are able to aid the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR image data. Due to the generic nature of the developed techniques, their applications to other remote sensing data will require only minor adjustments
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