21 research outputs found

    Data-driven MRI analysis reveals fitness-related functional change in default mode network and cognition following an exercise intervention

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    Previous research has indicated that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is structurally and functionally neuroprotective in older adults. However, questions remain regarding the mechanistic role of CRF on cognitive and brain health. The purposes of this study were to investigate if higher pre-intervention CRF was associated with greater change in functional brain connectivity during an exercise intervention and to determine if the magnitude of change in connectivity was related to better post-intervention cognitive performance. The sample included low-active older adults (n = 139) who completed a 6-month exercise intervention and underwent neuropsychological testing, functional neuroimaging, and CRF testing before and after the intervention. A data-driven multi-voxel pattern analysis was performed on resting-state MRI scans to determine changes in whole-brain patterns of connectivity from pre- to post-intervention as a function of pre-intervention CRF. Results revealed a positive correlation between pre-intervention CRF and changes in functional connectivity in the precentral gyrus. Using the precentral gyrus as a seed, analyses indicated that CRF-related connectivity changes within the precentral gyrus were derived from increased correlation strength within clusters located in the Dorsal Attention Network (DAN) and increased anti-correlation strength within clusters located in the Default Mode Network (DMN). Exploratory analysis demonstrated that connectivity change between the precentral gyrus seed and DMN clusters were associated with improved post-intervention performance on perceptual speed tasks. These findings suggest that in a sample of low-active and mostly lower-fit older adults, even subtle individual differences in CRF may influence the relationship between functional connectivity and aspects of cognition following a 6-month exercise intervention.Center for Nutrition, Learning, and Memory at University of Illinois, Grant/Award Number: C4712National Institute on Aging, Grant/Award Number: R37 AG02566

    Resting state networks mediate the association between both cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills with neurocognitive functioning

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    Recent evidence suggests that cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skill performance are related to neurocognitive functioning by influencing brain structure and functioning. This study investigates the role of resting-state networks (RSNs) in the relation of cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills with neurocognitive functioning in healthy 8- to 11-year-old children (n = 90, 45 girls, 10% migration background). Cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills were related to brain activity in RSNs. Furthermore, brain activity in RSNs mediated the relation of both cardiovascular fitness (Frontoparietal network and Somatomotor network) and gross motor skills (Somatomotor network) with neurocognitive functioning. The results indicate that brain functioning may contribute to the relation between both cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills with neurocognitive functioning

    Effects of a 12-Week Aerobic Spin Intervention on Resting State Networks in Previously Sedentary Older Adults

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    Objective: We have previously demonstrated that aerobic exercise improves upper extremity motor function concurrent with changes in motor cortical activity using task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, it is currently unknown how a 12-week aerobic exercise intervention affects resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in motor networks. Previous work has shown that over a 6-month or 1-year exercise intervention, older individuals show increased resting state connectivity of the default mode network and the sensorimotor network (Voss et al., 2010b; Flodin et al., 2017). However, the effects of shorter-term 12-week exercise interventions on functional connectivity have received less attention.Method: Thirty-seven sedentary right-handed older adults were randomized to either a 12-week aerobic, spin cycling exercise group or a 12-week balance-toning exercise group. Resting state functional magnetic resonance images were acquired in sessions PRE/POST interventions. We applied seed-based correlation analysis to left and right primary motor cortices (L-M1 and R-M1) and anterior default mode network (aDMN) to test changes in rsFC between groups after the intervention. In addition, we performed a regression analysis predicting connectivity changes PRE/POST intervention across all participants as a function of time spent in aerobic training zone regardless of group assignment.Results: Seeding from L-M1, we found that participants in the cycling group had a greater PRE/POST change in rsFC in aDMN as compared to the balance group. When accounting for time in aerobic HR zone, we found increased heart rate workload was positively associated with increased change of rsFC between motor networks and aDMN. Interestingly, L-M1 to aDMN connectivity changes were also related to motor behavior changes in both groups. Respective of M1 laterality, comparisons of all participants from PRE to POST showed a reduction in the extent of bilateral M1 connectivity after the interventions with increased connectivity in dominant M1.Conclusion: A 12-week physical activity intervention can change rsFC between primary motor regions and default mode network areas, which may be associated with improved motor performance. The decrease in connectivity between L-M1 and R-M1 post-intervention may represent a functional consolidation to the dominant M1.Topic Areas: Neuroimaging, Aging

    Physical activity over a decade modifies age-related decline in perfusion, gray matter volume, and functional connectivity of the posterior default mode network : a multimodal approach

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    One step toward healthy brain aging may be to entertain a physically active lifestyle. Studies investigating physical activity effects on brain integrity have, however, mainly been based on single brain markers, and few used a multimodal imaging approach. In the present study, we used cohort data from the Betula study to examine the relationships between scores reflecting current and accumulated physical activity and brain health. More specifically, we first examined if physical activity scores modulated negative effects of age on seven resting state networks previously identified by Salami, Pudas, and Nyberg (2014). The results revealed that one of the most age-sensitive RSN was positively altered by physical activity, namely, the posterior default-mode network involving the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). Second, within this physical activity-sensitive RSN, we further analyzed the association between physical activity and gray matter (GM) volumes, white matter integrity, and cerebral perfusion using linear regression models. Regions within the identified DMN displayed larger GM volumes and stronger perfusion in relation to both current and 10-years accumulated scores of physical activity. No associations of physical activity and white matter integrity were observed. Collectively, our findings demonstrate strengthened PCC–cortical connectivity within the DMN, larger PCC GM volume, and higher PCC perfusion as a function of physical activity. In turn, these findings may provide insights into the mechanisms of how long-term regular exercise can contribute to healthy brain aging

    Assessing Cognitive-Motor Integration in Middle-Aged Athletes: The Effects of Dementia Risk & Concussion

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    We investigated the relationship between dementia risk and concussion history in a physically active, middle-aged adult population (between the ages of 30 and 65). These participants either had one of the following: a family history of Alzheimer's disease, a history of concussion(s), both histories, or no histories. We know from previous work in our lab that those with dementia or concussion history performed poorly when asked to make skilled movements when having to think simultaneously (cognitive-motor integration, CMI). Here we conducted a cognitive-motor assessment on middle-aged recreational athletes (male and female) using a computer tablet-based task. Data collected included kinematics such as reaction and movement time, path length, accuracy, precision. We predicted that those who either have a concussion history and/or family history of dementia will perform poorly when compared to controls, and that this effect will be exacerbated in those individuals with both factors. On an exploratory basis, these data will provide insight into lifestyle factors that may affect cognitive-motor integration in middle-aged adults, an ability often important for functioning safely at work and sport. We found that those with both histories have impairments in movement pathlength when compared to those with only concussion history and no histories, suggesting an additive effect of both histories on CMI performance. But activity level does not seem to be protective with regards to CMI decline in those with brain health issues

    Measuring the Effects of Sport-Related Concussion on Default Mode Network Activity Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Sport-related concussion is a serious and frequently occurring health condition that impacts the lives of athletes. It is important to correctly diagnose concussions in athletes to avoid potential further injury. However, concussions are difficult to diagnose because there are currently no medical tests to identify them. Neuroimaging may be a useful technique in diagnosing concussion and understanding the neuropathological mechanisms of concussion sequalae. The default mode network is a neural network associated with processes such as episodic memory and self-reflection. It is active when a person is at rest and is not focused on completing a task, Research suggests that sport-related concussion can negatively impact the activity of this neural network. This study analyzed default mode network activity in male and female varsity athletes with a sport related concussion (Mean age = 21.33, SD = 0.577; 2/3 female) and healthy male and female control individuals without a sport-related concussion (Mean age = 21, SD = 2.64; 9/15 female) as well as healthy control varsity athletes without a sport-related concussion (Mean age = 22, SD = 0; 2/2 female). All individuals completed a stop-signal task that acted as an active trial and a rest trial where their default mode network activity was recorded with fNIRS. Concussed female athletes showed lower levels of default mode network activity than control females during rest tasks. Concussed female athletes also showed lower levels of default mode network activity compared to control females and control female athletes during active tasks. This suggests that concussed females showed abnormal activity in default mode network associated regions compared to healthy controls especially when switching between active and rest trials. Increased activity in default mode network regions was observed between control athletes and control non-athletes during rest tasks, suggesting that an active lifestyle may affect default mode network activity in healthy individuals. Overall, the results of this pilot study suggest that fNIRS is useful for identifying concussion and that it may help to explain observed sex and gender differences in sport-related concussion


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    Diabetes mellitus, insulin sekresyonunda ya da insulinin etkisinde veya her ikisindeki defektler sonucu karbonhidrat, yağ ve protein metabolizmasında bozukluklar ile karakterize çoklu etiyolojiye sahip bir metabolizma bozukluğudur. Uzun dönemde diyabet değişik dokularda fonksiyon bozuklukları ve hasarlara neden olur. Egzersizin diyabetle ile ilişkili patolojiler üzerinde faydalı etkilere sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada ılımlı yüzme egzersizinin tip-1 diyabetik sıçanlarda vasküler cevaplara olan etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmada 36 adet erişkin Wistar Albino ırkı erkek sıçan kullanıldı. Deneydeki gruplar; diyabet, diyabet+egzersiz, egzersiz ve kontrol olarak oluşturuldu. Tip 1 diyabeti indüklemek için streptozotosin (50 mg/kg, periton içi) verildi. Diyabet+egzersiz ve egzersiz grubu sıçanlar streptozotosin enjeksiyonundan sonra 4 hafta boyunca 1 saatlik yüzme egzersizine tabi tutuldu. Kan glikoz düzeyleri başlangıçta ve sonda ve vücut ağırlığı haftalık olarak ölçüldü. Deney sonunda in vitro torasik aort yanıtları kaydedildi. Tip-1 diyabetik sıçanların vücut ağırlığında 1. haftadan 4. haftaya kadar azalma belirlendi (p<0,001). Kan glikoz düzeyleri, her iki diyabetik grupta kontrol ve egzersiz grubuna göre anlamlı derecede (p<0,001) yüksekti, ancak yüzme egzersizi diyabetik sıçanların kan glikoz seviyelerini etkilemedi. Torasik aortun norepinefrin ve sodyum nitroprussid cevabında gruplar arasında fark bulunmadı. Asetilkolin için en yüksek gevşeme yanıtı kontrol grubundaydı ve bu yanıtı diyabet+egzersiz, egzersiz ve diyabet grupları izledi. Asetilkolin yanıtları 10-⁷, 10-⁶ ve 10-⁵ mmol konsantrasyonlarda anlamlıydı (sırasıyla, p<0,05, p<0,05, p<0,01). Sonuç olarak, 4 haftalık orta dereceli yüzme egzersizinin tip 1 diyabetik sıçanlarda endotel bağımlı gevşeme yanıtlarını düzelttiği gözlendi.ĠÇĠNDEKĠLER KABUL VE ONAY SAYFASI............................................................................................... i TEŞEKKÜR ............................................................................................................................ ii İÇİNDEKİLER........................................................................................................................ iii SİMGELER VE KISALTMALAR DİZİNİ............................................................................ vi ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ................................................................................................................. ix TABLOLAR DİZİNİ............................................................................................................... x ÖZET....................................................................................................................................... xi ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................ xii 1. GİRİŞ................................................................................................................................... 1 2. GENEL BİLGİLER............................................................................................................. 3 2.1. Arterlerin Yapısı............................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1. Tunika İntima ................................................................................................................ 4 2.1.2. Tunika Medya................................................................................................................ 7 2.1.3. Tunika Adventisya......................................................................................................... 8 2.2. Vasküler Düz Kasın Yapısı .............................................................................................. 8 2.2.1. İnce Filamentler............................................................................................................. 8 2.2.2. Kalın Filamentler........................................................................................................... 10 2.3. Vasküler Düz Kas Hücrelerinde Kasılma ve Gevşeme .................................................... 11 2.3.1. Kasılma Mekanizması ................................................................................................... 11 2.3.2. Gevşeme Mekanizması.................................................................................................. 12 2.4. Vasküler Düz Kasın Elektriksel ve Mekanik Özellikleri ................................................. 14 2.4.1. Elektriksel Özellikler..................................................................................................... 14 2.4.2. Mekanik Özellikler........................................................................................................ 15 Uzunluk gerim ilişkisi ................................................................................................ 15 Güç hız ilişkisi............................................................................................................ 16 2.5. Vasküler Düz Kas Kontraksiyonunun Endotel Aracılı Düzenlenmesi............................. 16 2.6. Diyabet Komplikasyonları................................................................................................ 17 2.6.1. Diyabetin Vasküler Komplikasyonları .......................................................................... 19 Poliyol yolak akım artışı............................................................................................. 19 İleri glikasyon son ürünleri oluşumu artışı................................................................. 21 iv Protein kinaz C izoformları aktivasyonu .................................................................... 22 Hekzozamin yolak akım artışı .................................................................................... 22 2.7. Deneysel Diyabet Modelleri............................................................................................. 22 2.8. Egzersizin Etkileri ............................................................................................................ 24 2.8.1. Genel Etkiler.................................................................................................................. 24 2.8.2. Diyabet Oluşumu ve Diyabet Komplikasyonlarındaki Etkileri..................................... 26 3. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM........................................................................................................ 27 3.1. Gereç................................................................................................................................. 27 3.1.1. Deney Hayvanları.......................................................................................................... 27 3.2. Yöntem ............................................................................................................................. 27 3.2.1. Deney Grupları ve Deneme Dizaynı ............................................................................. 27 3.2.2. Tip 1 Diyabet Oluşturulması ......................................................................................... 27 3.2.3. Kan Glikoz Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi ......................................................................... 28 3.2.4. Vücut Ağırlıklarının Belirlenmesi................................................................................. 28 3.2.5. Egzersiz Protokolü......................................................................................................... 28 3.2.6. İzole Torasik Aort Dokularının Hazırlanması............................................................... 28 3.2.7. İzole Organ Banyosu Düzeneği..................................................................................... 29 3.2.8. Çalışmada Kullanılan Solüsyon ve Maddelerin Hazırlanması...................................... 29 Krebs solüsyonu ......................................................................................................... 29 3.2.9. Deney protokolü ............................................................................................................ 30 Damar endotel bütünlüğünün test edilmesi ................................................................ 30 Fenilefrin yanıtları...................................................................................................... 30 Asetilkolin yanıtları .................................................................................................... 31 Sodyum nitroprussid yanıtları .................................................................................... 31 3.2.10. İstatistiksel Analizler................................................................................................... 31 4. BULGULAR ....................................................................................................................... 32 4.1. Kan Glikoz Düzeyleri....................................................................................................... 32 4.2. Canlı Ağırlık Değişimleri................................................................................................. 33 4.3. Damar Yanıtları ................................................................................................................ 34 4.3.1. Potasyum Klorür Yanıtları............................................................................................. 34 4.3.2. Fenilefrin Yanıtları ........................................................................................................ 34 4.3.3. Asetilkolin Yanıtları ...................................................................................................... 35 4.3.4. Sodyum Nitroprussid Yanıtları...................................................................................... 37 v 5. TARTIŞMA......................................................................................................................... 38 5.1. Kan Glikoz Düzeylerindeki Değişimler ........................................................................... 38 5.2. Canlı Ağırlık Düzeyindeki Değişimler............................................................................. 39 5.3. Potasyum Klorür Yanıtı.................................................................................................... 40 5.4. Fenilefrin Yanıtı ............................................................................................................... 41 5.5. Asetilkolin Yanıtı ............................................................................................................. 42 5.6. Sodyum Nitroprussid Yanıtı............................................................................................. 44 6. SONUÇ ve ÖNERİLER...................................................................................................... 45 KAYNAKLAR........................................................................................................................ 46 EKLER .................................................................................................................................... 61 Ek 1 (ADÜ-HADYEK Kararı)................................................................................................ 61 ÖZGEÇMİŞ............................................................................................................................. 6

    Assosiasjoner mellom individuelle- og livsstilsfaktorer og kognitiv funksjon hos friske eldre

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    Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke om det er en assosiasjon mellom ulike individuelle- og livsstilsfaktorer og kognitiv funksjon hos friske eldre. Antallet eldre i verden og i Norge har økt drastisk de siste årene, og det predikeres at dette vil fortsette å øke. Aldring er assosiert med en rekke kognitive endringer og svekkelser, samt økt risiko for sykdommen demens. Det finnes ingen behandling for kognitiv svekkelse og demenssykdom. Det har derfor i større grad begynt å forskes på hvorvidt det er noen individuelle- og livsstilsfaktorer som kan forebygge kognitiv svekkelse hos eldre. Få slike studier har blitt gjennomført i Norge. Denne studien undersøkte hvorvidt faktorene utdanning, mentalt stimulerende yrke, mentalt stimulerende fritidsaktiviteter og fysisk aktivitet påvirker kognitiv funksjon hos friske eldre. 74 friske eldre (aldersspenn 59 - 90 år) deltok i studien. Deltakerne gjennomførte kognitive tester (MMSE-NR, TMT, Stroop, tallhukommelse og logisk hukommelse), samt et spørreskjema bestående av anamnestisk informasjon. Våre funn viste en signifikant effekt av antall år utdanning på prestasjon på MMSE-NR, TMT-A, Stroop Word, umiddelbar gjenkalling og utsatt gjenkalling. Av de tre treningstypene (kondisjonstrening, styrketrening og kombinasjonstrening) viste styrketrening en signifikant effekt på umiddelbar gjenkalling. Dette foreslår at den individuelle faktoren utdanning og livsstilsfaktoren fysisk aktivitet påvirker kognitiv funksjon hos friske eldre. Kognitiv funksjon hos eldre kan dermed påvirkes av faktorer som er modifiserbare. Dette er kunnskap som kan bidra til å utforme forebyggende intervensjoner og som kan hjelpe eldre å beholde god kognitiv funksjon inn i alderdommen

    Benefits of physical exercise practice in Parkinson disease : a study with patients of Clinical Hospital in University of Campinas

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    Orientador: Anelyssa Cysne Frota D'AbreuDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: A Doença de Parkinson é o segundo distúrbio neurodegenerativo mais comum no mundo, afetando em torno de 1% de pessoas com 60 anos ou mais na população mundial. Sua prevalência aumenta com a idade, acometendo ambos os sexos, diferentes classes sociais e etnias. Seus sintomas cardinais são a rigidez, a bradicinesia, o tremor de repouso, instabilidade postural, congelamento da marcha e postura fletida de tronco, membros e pescoço. O diagnóstico é clínico e leva em consideração diversos fatores endógenos e exógenos. Os sintomas podem ser controlados através de intervenções terapêuticas, não medicamentosas, medicamentosas e cirúrgicas. Dentre essas intervenções, o exercício físico aparece como uma forma de intervenção importante para a atenuação dos sintomas provocados por essa doença. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os benefícios que a prática de exercício físico proporcionou ao paciente com Doença de Parkinson. Para isso foram utilizadas as escalas UPDRS, PDQ-39 (Mobilidade e AVD) e um questionário estruturado. Foram entrevistados 111 pacientes, e através do questionário, os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos: Praticam Exercício Físico (70 Pacientes) e não Praticam Exercício Físico (41 pacientes). A análise de ressonância magnética funcional observou a conectividade funcional em 50 pacientes, divididos em: Caminhada (13 pacientes), outros EF (18 pacientes) e nEF (19 pacientes). Após a análise estatística das escalas e do questionário, constatou-se que há redução nos escores do PDQ-39 (Mobilidade e AVD), que a cada 1 hora destinada à prática esse escore tende a cair em média 0,55 pontos. Não houve diferença significativa nos escores do UPDRS, e observou que há aumento de conectividade funcional em pacientes que se exercitam. Isso possibilitou compreender como é o perfil da amostra estudada e estabelecer estratégias para incentivar a adesão ao exercício físico. Dentre as destacadas são a conscientização por parte dos pacientes e seus cuidadores referentes ao benefício do exercício físico, oferecimento de exercício físico direcionado a esse público na iniciativa pública e o reforço da ação interdisciplinar como a base que consolida todas as ações de intervenção e que ela é a melhor forma de conscientizar o paciente da importância de todas as ações de intervenção para a melhora na qualidade de vida do paciente com doença de ParkinsonAbstract: Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder in the world, affecting about 1% of the world's population with 60 years old or more. Its prevalence increases according with age, affecting both sexes, different social classes and ethnicities. Its cardinal symptoms are stiffness, bradykinesia, resting tremor, postural instability, freezing and flexed posture of trunk, limbs and neck. The diagnosis is clinical and it takes into account several factors. Symptoms can be controlled through therapeutic, non-drug, drug and surgical interventions. Among these interventions, physical activity appears to be an important factor in attenuating the symptoms. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact that physical exercise practice provided to the patient with PD. For this we use the UPDRS scales, PDQ-39 (mobility and DLA) and also a structured questionnaire. 111 patients were interviewed, and through the structured questionnaire, the patients were divided into 2 groups: Patients that practice Physical Exercises (70); not Physical Exercises (41). A Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan analyses the function connectivities into 3 groups: Walk (13 patients), Other EF(18 Patients) and non EF (19 patients). After the statistical analysis of the questionnaires, we found that there is a reduction in the scores of the PDQ-39 (mobility and DLA), that every hour destined to practice this score tends to fall on average 0.55 points. Although there was no significant difference in the UPDRS scores, and noted that there is increased functional connectivity in patient who exercise. This made it possible to understand the profile of the sample studied and to establish strategies to encourage adherence to Physical Exercises. Among the highlights are the awareness of patients and their caregivers regarding the benefit of physical exercise, offering physical exercise directed to this public in the public initiative and the reinforcement of interdisciplinary action as the basis that consolidates all intervention actions and that it is the best way to make the patient aware of the importance of all intervention actions to improve the quality of life of patients with Parkinson's diseaseMestradoFisiopatologia MédicaMestre em CiênciasCAPE

    A Retrospective Survey of Exercise Habits in Low-Income Female Senior Citizens

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    American adults spend at least 50% of their time sedentary with the most inactive demographic being low-income women over 60. This is detrimental because routine physical activity benefits for senior women include balancing hormones, maintaining bone mineral density, and decreasing the risk of breast cancer. Statements like “good exercise habits begin during youth; children should play sports to establish healthy habits they’ll continue throughout their lives” are common, but not clearly supported by literature. Objective: The purpose of this retrospective, cross-sectional study was to identify whether physical activity/exercise habits during youth and young adulthood predict old age physical activity/exercise habits in women of low socio-economic status (SES). Research Question 1: Do physical activity/exercise habits during young and early adulthood affect physical activity/exercise habits in female senior citizens of low SES? Research Question 2: Does participation in at least one high school sport affect physical activity/exercise habits in female senior citizens of low SES? Participants completed a modified version of the Chasan-Taber Lifetime Physical Activity Questionnaire and a demographic survey (N=136). Multiple logistic regression was used to examine significant predictors of current physical activity level. Physical activity from the onset of menstruation to 21 years of age was a statistically significant predictor of current physical activity level [B=.0001; Wald (1) = 5.40,