2,701 research outputs found

    Improving the Energy Efficiency of Petrochemical Plant Operations: A Measurement and Verification Case Study Using a Balanced Wave Optimizer

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    The Chinese petrochemical industry is facing pressure to meet strict targets of energy consumption and carbon emission reductions. Water pumps are the primary equipment used in most chemical and agrochemical industries sectors since water is commonly used for cooling and heating purposes, but these pumps also consume a large amount of energy. Other uses of water pumps in these industries include producing steam for heating, preparing reaction media or absorptive reagents, rinsing products, and distilling. As for the electrical components of the water pump systems, current technologies of variable frequency drives and superconducting transmission lines are unable to increase the energy efficiency of these systems with a fixed load. However, the Balanced Wave Technology (BWT) is offered as a solution to overcome these limitations. In this report, a case study using a BWT optimizer is conducted on a closed loop water circulation system. Two BWTs are added to the individual motor-controlled section of each pump that is being used on the switchboard. For the first time, a detailed example was provided on how to implement option B of the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) in China by evaluating the performance of BWT as an energy conservation measure. The evaluated periods included those of the baseline, post-installation, and actual performance of the optimizers. An average saving of energy of about 10.46% is recorded in a 5-week reporting period. On this basis, that annual electricity saved is estimated to be 66,447.18 kWh, which is equivalent to the emission of 68.94 metric tons of CO2e. This case study demonstrates in detail how option B of IPMVP can be implemented for BWTs applied on pumping systems. In addition to petrochemical production plants, other industries like textile and clothing sections, which are heavy users of water and electrical energy with fixed loads in the production processes of raw materials, fiber, yarn, and fabric, as well as textile-dyeing and final treatment, could benefit from applying this new technology

    Relating Air Quality in the Work Environment to Occupational Health Disease

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    Comprehensive knowledge of the air pollutants effects on the human health generally is a crucial requirement in developing effective policies for reducing such adverse effects related to ambient air pollution. Such knowledge would be essential in helping various affected countries, including the less developed countries (LDCs), to develop effective regulatory frameworks for assessing and managing air quality in the workplaces. Developed and developing countries therefore need to develop effective techniques or strategies focused towards improving the workplace monitoring competence in diverse industrial environments. Such initiatives are essential in reducing or eliminating the industrial pollutants within the workplaces while also helping in developing effective working environment standards to preserve the workers‘ health. This research will therefore investigate the relationship between the quality of air in the working environment and the occupational health. The study particularly attempt to determine whether individuals working in the metal industries are at higher risks of air-related health effects as compared to those in other industries. A qualitative and quantitative method will apply, using both the primary and secondary data. A survey will be the major primary data collection tool while various cases will provide the secondary data (Reijula, 2008, p.8) A questionnaire (Appendix A) was distributed in Jubai Industrial City, Saudi Arabia and completed by 178 study participants from three diverse industries: metal, petrochemical and building material. Chapter IV includes the analyzed data from the three groups of workers stratifying those gathered data for two vital aspects that might impact on the result by being confounders which are smoking habits and age. A retrospective person time cohort study took place for assessing the relative risk of air pollution exposure to the workers‘ occupational health problems such as respiratory disease, occupational asthma, and scar tissue

    An Approach on the Evaluation of LNG Tank Container Transportation Safety

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    As a clean energy source, liquefied natural gas (LNG) has been widely accepted all around the world. As away to transport LNG, tank container transportation is becoming more and more popular. However, how to carry outsafety management for the whole transportation process of tank container is a problem troubling the whole industry.Therefore, this paper proposes a model based on the Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) to evaluate the safetyperformance. First, find the factors affecting the safety of LNG transport by sea and construct an index system. Next,design a questionnaire and get scores from supporting experts. Then, this paper utilize the trained RNN to judge the safetystatue of LNG tank transportation. Through the comparison of training results and the final score got from experts, theresult shows that the MAE is negligible and prove the effectiveness of the RNN. Finally, a case study was conducted.From the analysis of the training results, it is known that enterprise safety management plays an important role intransportation safety and a better safety management systemwill greatly reduce the probability of accidents and improvethe transportation safety

    Technique of the Analysis and Assessment of Innovative Industrial Risks at Different Stages of Innovative Activity

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    High rates of innovation in enterprises require setting a number of scientific and technical problems related to the evaluation and analysis of innovative industrial risks and their control systems. The article proposes an original technique for evaluation of innovative industrial risks at different stages of innovation. Its feature is that the rate determined by the survivability of the economic system. The basis of the study developed the method for determining the survivability is the definition of the integral index of vitality based on a comprehensive assessment of the production system. The closer the result of this indicator to one, the better the control system will determine the problem areas in the implementation of innovation and more efficient use of a set of measures to address the problems identified. Methods of assessing and analyzing the vitality of enterprises are available for the purposes of risk management as a tool of analysis to identify reasons for the decline performance of innovation. In this regard, we determined preliminary values of specific factors and the limit values for these indicators. Keywords: innovations, innovative industrial risks, stages of innovative activity, survivability of innovative economic systems JEL Classifications: E22, G32, G3

    Operations Management

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    Global competition has caused fundamental changes in the competitive environment of the manufacturing and service industries. Firms should develop strategic objectives that, upon achievement, result in a competitive advantage in the market place. The forces of globalization on one hand and rapidly growing marketing opportunities overseas, especially in emerging economies on the other, have led to the expansion of operations on a global scale. The book aims to cover the main topics characterizing operations management including both strategic issues and practical applications. A global environmental business including both manufacturing and services is analyzed. The book contains original research and application chapters from different perspectives. It is enriched through the analyses of case studies

    Insight into the Sustainable Integration of Bio- and Petroleum Refineries for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals.

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    A petroleum refinery heavily depends on crude oil as its main feedstock to produce liquid fuels and chemicals. In the long term, this unyielding dependency is threatened by the depletion of the crude oil reserve. However, in the short term, its price highly fluctuates due to various factors, such as regional and global security instability causing additional complexity on refinery production planning. The petroleum refining industries are also drawing criticism and pressure due to their direct and indirect impacts on the environment. The exhaust gas emission of automobiles apart from the industrial and power plant emission has been viewed as the cause of global warming. In this sense, there is a need for a feasible, sustainable, and environmentally friendly generation process of fuels and chemicals. The attention turns to the utilization of biomass as a potential feedstock to produce substitutes for petroleum-derived fuels and building blocks for biochemicals. Biomass is abundant and currently is still low in utilization. The biorefinery, a facility to convert biomass into biofuels and biochemicals, is still lacking in competitiveness to a petroleum refinery. An attractive solution that addresses both is by the integration of bio- and petroleum refineries. In this context, the right decision making in the process selection and technologies can lower the investment and operational costs and assure optimum yield. Process optimization based on mathematical programming has been extensively used to conduct techno-economic and sustainability analysis for bio-, petroleum, and the integration of both refineries. This paper provides insights into the context of crude oil and biomass as potential refinery feedstocks. The current optimization status of either bio- or petroleum refineries and their integration is reviewed with the focus on the methods to solve the multi-objective optimization problems. Internal and external uncertain parameters are important aspects in process optimization. The nature of these uncertain parameters and their representation methods in process optimization are also discussed

    HSE management system and efficiency evaluation of construction projects

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    The strategy of Belt and Road Initiative actively advocates the establishment of economic partnerships with countries along the belt and road, and makes infrastructure construction a field for preferential development. It provides good development opportunities for domestic and foreign engineering contracting enterprises. The "Strategic Implementation Guidance Document" mentions that infrastructure construction and operation should be green and efficient. However, most state owned engineering contracting enterprises do not attach importance to HSE management, which obviously affects the engineering efficiency and hinders the sustainable development of enterprises. However, China's engineering contracting enterprises pay less attention to HSE management, which obviously affects project efficiency and hinders the sustainable develop ment of enterprises. This study takes a typical large project contracting enterprise (Enterprise A) in China as the research object, adopts the SWOT analysis method, analyzes the weakness of project management at the organization level, and consummates th e organization level project HSE management system of the enterprise at the organization layer and the project layer. Through the enterprise interview, questionnaire design and investigation, this study puts forward the suitable indicators and methods of H SE management performance evaluation, and verifies the effectiveness of the methods through the empirical analysis of eight projects. Then, this study proposes incorporating the project HSE management performance into the comprehensive evaluation methods o f project efficiency. The empirical analysis shows that the HSE management system proposed in this study at the organization layer and at the project layer can improve the HSE management performance of the project. Project HSE management performance has a positive impact on project efficiency, that is, the more enterprises attach importance to project HSE management, the higher the degree of completion of project objectives. The above research results are helpful to improve project management system at the organizational level and enhance the competitiveness of project contracting enterprises.A estratégia da "Belt and Road Initiative" defende ativamente o estabelecimento de parcerias económicas com os países ao longo de uma determinada faixa e faz da construção de infraestruturas um campo preferencial para desenvolvimento. Este campo fornece boas oportunidades de desenvolvimento para as empresas de engenharia nacionais e estrangeiras. O "Documento de Orientação de Implementação Estratégica" menciona que a construção e operação de infraestruturas deve ser eficiente e sustentável. No entanto, a grande maioria das empresas públicas contratadas não atribuem a devida importância aos sistemas de gestão de saúde e segurança (HSE) o que, obviamente, afecta a eficiência da engenharia e dificulta o desenvolvimento sustentável das empresas. As empresas privadas chinesas de engenharia ignoram a gestão HSE o que, obviamente, afecta, também, a eficiência dos projetos de sustentabilidade das empresas. Neste trabalho foi considerada uma grande empresa Chinesa de contratação (Empresa A) na China como referência de pesquisa, que adota a análise swot, analisa as fraquezas na gestão de projetos ao nível da organização e consuma a gestão de projetos em HSE ao nível da organização e do projeto em si. Através de entrevistas, questionários e investigação, este projeto apresenta os indicadores e métodos a dequados de avaliação de desempenho e verifica a efetividade dos métodos através da análise empírica de oito projetos. Em suma, este projeto propõe incorporar métodos de avaliação da eficiência através dos indicadores de gestão do HSE. A análise empírica demonstrou que o sistema proposto de gestão HSE, ao nível da organização e de projeto, pode aumentar efetivamente a gestão de performance do HSE em projeto. A gestão da performance do projeto HSE teve um impacto positivo na eficiência do projeto, ou seja, quanto mais as empresas atribuirem importância à gestão de projetos HSE maior será o nível de conclusão dos objetivos sustentáveis do projeto. Os resultados deste projeto são úteis para melhorar o sistema de gestão de projetos ao nível organizacional e aum entar a competitividade das empresas na contratação de projectos


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    Critical infrastructures play a significant role in countries because of the essentiality of nation security, public safety, socioeconomic security, and way of life. According to the importance of infrastructures, it is a necessity to analyze the potential risks to do not allow these risks be converted into events. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a developed framework with the aim to overcome limitations of the classical approach to build a more secure, safer, and more resilient critical infrastructures in order to develop, implement, control. The proposed framework extends conventional RAMCAP (Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection) through introducing new parameters the effects on risk value. According to the complexity of problem and the inherent uncertainty, this research adopts the fuzzy COPRAS (COPRAS-F) as a fuzzy multi criteria decision making technique to determine the weights of each criterion and the importance of alternatives with respect to criteria. Case analysis is implemented to illustrate the capability and effectiveness of the model for ranking the risk of critical infrastructures. The proposed model demonstrates a significant improvement in comparison with conventional RAMCAP.Kritične infrastrukture imaju važnu ulogu u zemljama radi same važnosti nacionalne sigurnosti, javne sigurnosti, društveno-ekonomske sigurnosti i načina života. S obzirom na važnost infrastruktura potrebno je analizirati potencijalne rizike kako se isti ne bi ostvarili. Svrha ovog rada je ponuditi razvijeni okvir u cilju prevladavanja ograničenja klasičnog pristupa izgradnji sigurnijih i izdržljivijih kritičnih infrastruktura s ciljem razvoja, primjene i kontrole. Predloženi okvir proširuje konvencionalni RAMCAP (Analiza i upravljanje rizikom za zaštitu ključnih faktora) uvođenjem novih parametara učinka na vrijednost rizika. S obzirom na složenost problema i inherentnu nesigurnost, istraživanje koristi neizrazitu (fuzzy) COPRAS (COPRAS-F) kao neizrazitu multi kriterijsku tehniku donošenja odluka kako bi se odredila težina svakog kriterija i važnost alternativa u odnosu na kriterije. Koristi se analiza slučajeva kako bi se prikazala sposobnost i efikasnost modela za rangiranje rizika kritičnih infrastruktura. Predloženi model prikazuje značajan napredak u usporedbi s konvencionalnim RAMCAP-om

    Finanční analýza vybrané společnosti

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    Financial analysis is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets and other finance-related entities to determine their performance and suitability. Typically, financial analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment. When looking at a specific company, a financial analyst conducts analysis by focusing on the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze Sinopec Group. It would be analyzed through three methods:common size analysis, financial ratio analysis and DuPont analysis. Sinopec Group is a large petroleum and petrochemical enterprise group established by the state in July 1998 and is a wholly state-owned company. Companies registered capital is 231.6 billion yuan, the head office established in Beijing. The company's main business areas include: industrial investment and investment management; oil and natural gas exploration, mining, storage and transportation (including pipeline transportation), sales and utilization; coal production, sales, storage and transportation; oil refining; refined oil storage, Transportation, wholesale and retail etc. The thesis is divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter is introduction of the thesis. In chapter 2, financial analysis methodologies,such as financial statements, common-size analysis, financial ratio analysis and DuPont analysis are introduced. Chapter 3 is description of Sinopec Group It includes: The development of Sinopec Group, Corporate Culture of Sinopec Group, Industries, Company Size In chapter 4, We use these analytical methods to analyze its actual situation. In chapter5, Sinopec Group’s company status was concluded.Financial analysis is the process of evaluating businesses, projects, budgets and other finance-related entities to determine their performance and suitability. Typically, financial analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment. When looking at a specific company, a financial analyst conducts analysis by focusing on the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze Sinopec Group. It would be analyzed through three methods:common size analysis, financial ratio analysis and DuPont analysis. Sinopec Group is a large petroleum and petrochemical enterprise group established by the state in July 1998 and is a wholly state-owned company. Companies registered capital is 231.6 billion yuan, the head office established in Beijing. The company's main business areas include: industrial investment and investment management; oil and natural gas exploration, mining, storage and transportation (including pipeline transportation), sales and utilization; coal production, sales, storage and transportation; oil refining; refined oil storage, Transportation, wholesale and retail etc. The thesis is divided into 5 chapters. The first chapter is introduction of the thesis. In chapter 2, financial analysis methodologies,such as financial statements, common-size analysis, financial ratio analysis and DuPont analysis are introduced. Chapter 3 is description of Sinopec Group It includes: The development of Sinopec Group, Corporate Culture of Sinopec Group, Industries, Company Size In chapter 4, We use these analytical methods to analyze its actual situation. In chapter5, Sinopec Group’s company status was concluded.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř