23 research outputs found

    Host-Toxin Interactions Involving EspC and Pet, Two Serine Protease Autotransporters of the Enterobacteriaceae

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    EspC and Pet are toxins secreted by the diarrheagenic enteropathogenic and enteroaggregative Escherichia coli pathotypes, respectively. Both toxins have a molecular mass around 110 kDa and belong to the same protein family called Serine Protease Autotransporters of the Enterobacteriaceae (SPATE). Furthermore, both toxins act within the cytosol of intoxicated epithelial cells to disrupt the architecture of the actin cytoskeleton. This cytopathic and enterotoxic effect results from toxin cleavage of the actin-binding protein fodrin, although the two toxins recognize different cleavage sites on fodrin. EspC and Pet also have dramatically different mechanisms of entering the target cell which appear dependent upon the E. coli pathotype. In this review, we compare/contrast EspC and Pet in regards to their mode of delivery into the target cell, their effects on fodrin and the actin cytoskeleton, and their possible effects on the physiology of the intestinal epithelial cell

    The Immunogenic SigA Enterotoxin of Shigella flexneri 2a Binds to HEp-2 Cells and Induces Fodrin Redistribution in Intoxicated Epithelial Cells

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    BACKGROUND: We have previously shown that the enterotoxin SigA which resides on the she pathogenicity island (PAI) of S. flexneri 2a is an autonomously secreted serine protease capable of degrading casein. We have also demonstrated that SigA is cytopathic for HEp-2 cells and plays a role in the intestinal fluid accumulation associated with S. flexneri infections. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work we show that SigA binds specifically to HEp-2 cells and degrades recombinant human alphaII spectrin (alpha-fodrin) in vitro, suggesting that the cytotoxic and enterotoxic effects mediated by SigA are likely associated with the degradation of epithelial fodrin. Consistent with our data, this study also demonstrates that SigA cleaves intracellular fodrin in situ, causing its redistribution within cells. These results strongly implicate SigA in altering the cytoskeleton during the pathogenesis of shigellosis. On the basis of these findings, cleavage of fodrin is a novel mechanism of cellular intoxication for a Shigella toxin. Furthermore, information regarding immunogenicity to SigA in infected patients is lacking. We studied the immune response of SigA from day 28 post-challenge serum of one volunteer from S. flexneri 2a challenge studies. Our results demonstrate that SigA is immunogenic following infection with S. flexneri 2a. CONCLUSIONS: This work shows that SigA binds to epithelial HEp-2 cells as well as being able to induce fodrin degradation in vitro and in situ, further extending its documented role in the pathogenesis of Shigella infections

    The Structural And Folding Characteristics Of The Plasmid-encoded Toxin From Enteroaggregative Escherichia Coli

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    Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) from enteroaggregative Escherichia coli is a member of the autotransporter subfamily termed SPATE (serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae). Autotransporters, which are the most common Gram-negative secreted virulence factors, contain three functional domains: an amino terminal leader sequence, a mature protein or passenger domain, and a carboxy-terminal Ξ² domain. The leader sequence targets the protein to the periplasmic space and the Ξ² domain then forms a Ξ²-barrel pore in the outer membrane of the bacterium which allows the passenger domain to enter the external milieu. In some cases the passenger domain is cleaved from the Ξ²-barrel at the extracellular surface to release a soluble toxin. This is thought to be a self-contained process that does not require chaperones or ATP for folding and export of the passenger domain. Pet produces cytotoxic effects through cleavage of its target, the actin-binding protein Ξ±- fodrin. Pet is secreted into the extracellular environment, but its target lies within the cytosol. To reach its target, Pet moves from the cell surface to the ER where it triggers ER-associated degradation (ERAD) to enter the cytosol. ERAD is a normal cellular process in which improperly folded proteins are exported from the ER to the cytosol for degradation. Other toxins that utilize this pathway are AB toxins such as cholera toxin (CT) and ricin. The A subunits of these toxins are thermally unstable, and this facilitates their ERAD-dependent translocation into the cytosol. Pet, however, is not an AB toxin. We predict that thermal unfolding is not the mechanism Pet employs to exploit ERAD. It was necessary to purify the toxin first in order to study the structural properties and ER export of Pet. Surprisingly, purified Pet eluted as two close peaks by size exclusion chromatography. Both peaks were Pet as demonstrated through immunoblotting. The folding efficiency of autotransporters has not been extensively elucidated, and based on our purification results, we hypothesized that there is inefficiency in the folding of autotransporters, specifically Pet. A toxicity assay showed that Pet peak one did not display cytopathic activity while Pet peak two did. CD and fluorescence spectroscopy measurements also detected structural differences between the two variants of Pet and demonstrated that Pet peak one was an unfolded variant of Pet peak two. Native gel electrophoresis and biophysical measurements indicated that Pet peak one did not exist as a dimer or aggregate. Our results indicate there are two forms of Pet, and thus the folding process of autotransporters appears to be inherently inefficient. Active Pet (peak two) was used for further biophysical measurements and biochemical assays. Circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the secondary and tertiary structures of Pet are maintained at physiological temperature, 37Β°C. Thermal unfolding of Pet occurred at temperatures above 50Β°C. Fluorescence quenching of Pet was also performed and demonstrated that, at 37Β°C, there are solvent-exposed aromatic amino acids. The slight structural alterations to Pet at physiological temperature as well as the exposed hydrophobic residues could trigger ERAD. In addition, a modeled structure of Pet revealed a hydrophobic loop which is surface-exposed and a likely target for toxin-ERAD interactions. The data suggests that translocation of Pet mediated by ERAD can occur by a mechanism different from certain AB toxins. An open, hydrophobic conformation likely triggers ERAD, but may also contribute to poor folding

    Serine Protease Autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs): Biogenesis and Function

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    Serine Protease Autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATEs) constitute a large family of proteases secreted by Escherichia coli and Shigella. SPATEs exhibit two distinct proteolytic activities. First, a C-terminal catalytic site triggers an intra-molecular cleavage that releases the N-terminal portion of these proteins in the extracellular medium. Second, the secreted N-terminal domains of SPATEs are themselves proteases; each contains a canonical serine-protease catalytic site. Some of these secreted proteases are toxins, eliciting various effects on mammalian cells. Here, we discuss the biogenesis of SPATEs and their function as toxins

    Prevalence, Biogenesis, and Functionality of the Serine Protease Autotransporter EspP

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    Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) causes severe diseases in humans worldwide. One of its virulence factors is EspP, which belongs to the serine protease autotransporters of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATE) family. In this review we recapitulate the current data on prevalence, biogenesis, structural properties and functionality. EspP has been used to investigate mechanistic details of autotransport, and recent studies indicate that this transport mechanism is not autonomous but rather dependent on additional factors. Currently, five subtypes have been identified (EspPΞ±-EspPΞ΅), with EspPΞ± being associated with highly virulent EHEC serotypes and isolates from patients with severe disease. EspPΞ± has been shown to degrade major proteins of the complement cascade, namely C3 and C5 and probably interferes with hemostasis by cleavage of coagulation factor V. Furthermore, EspPΞ± is believed to contribute to biofilm formation perhaps by polymerization to rope-like structures. Together with the proteolytic activity, EspPΞ± might ameliorate host colonization and interfere with host response.

    PicU, a second serine protease autotransporter of uropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Escherichia coli is the major Γ†;tiological agent of urinary tract infections (UTI). Like diarrhoeagenic strains of E. coli , uropathogenic isolates possess virulence determinants that distinguish them from commensal strains and allow them to produce the clinical manifestations associated with UTI. Several autotransporter proteins have been associated with the ability of E. coli , and other Gram-negative bacteria, to cause disease. Recently, we described the existence within uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) strains of Sat, a toxin of the serine protease autotransporter of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATE) subfamily. Using features common to proteins secreted via the autotransporter pathway we have identified nine additional autotransporter proteins from the genomic sequence data of UPEC CFT073. Surprisingly, two additional members of the SPATE subfamily were identified. One protein, designated PicU, was homologous to the Pic protein identified in Shigella flexneri and enteroaggregative E. coli . The PicU protein was expressed and investigated for functional activity.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72222/1/S0378-1097_03_00862-0.pd

    Complete Genome Sequence and Comparative Metabolic Profiling of the Prototypical Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Strain 042

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    Background \ud Escherichia coli can experience a multifaceted life, in some cases acting as a commensal while in other cases causing intestinal and/or extraintestinal disease. Several studies suggest enteroaggregative E. coli are the predominant cause of E. coli-mediated diarrhea in the developed world and are second only to Campylobacter sp. as a cause of bacterial-mediated diarrhea. Furthermore, enteroaggregative E. coli are a predominant cause of persistent diarrhea in the developing world where infection has been associated with malnourishment and growth retardation. \ud \ud Methods \ud In this study we determined the complete genomic sequence of E. coli 042, the prototypical member of the enteroaggregative E. coli, which has been shown to cause disease in volunteer studies. We performed genomic and phylogenetic comparisons with other E. coli strains revealing previously uncharacterised virulence factors including a variety of secreted proteins and a capsular polysaccharide biosynthetic locus. In addition, by using Biologβ„’ Phenotype Microarrays we have provided a full metabolic profiling of E. coli 042 and the non-pathogenic lab strain E. coli K-12. We have highlighted the genetic basis for many of the metabolic differences between E. coli 042 and E. coli K-12. \ud \ud Conclusion \ud This study provides a genetic context for the vast amount of experimental and epidemiological data published thus far and provides a template for future diagnostic and intervention strategies

    Identification of Subsets of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Associated with Diarrheal Disease among Under 5 Years of Age Children from Rural Gambia.

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    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) cause acute and persistent diarrhea, mostly in children worldwide. Outbreaks of diarrhea caused by EAEC have been described, including a large outbreak caused by a Shiga toxin expressing strain. This study investigated the association of EAEC virulence factors with diarrhea in children less than 5 years. We characterized 428 EAEC strains isolated from stool samples obtained from moderate-to-severe diarrhea cases (157) and healthy controls (217) children aged 0-59 months recruited over 3 years as part of the Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS) in The Gambia. Four sets of multiplex polymerase chain reaction were applied to detect 21 EAEC-virulence genes from confirmed EAEC strains that target pCVD432 (aatA) and AAIC (aaiC). In addition, Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed on 88 EAEC strains following Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute guidelines. We observed that the plasmid-encoded enterotoxin [odds ratio (OR): 6.9, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.06-29.20, P 12 months). Our data suggest that some EAEC-virulent factors have age-specific associations with moderate-to-severe diarrhea in infants. Furthermore, our study showed that 85% and 72% of EAEC strains tested were resistant to sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim and ampicillin, respectively. Sulphamethoxazole-trimethoprim and ampicillin are among the first-line antibiotics used for the treatment of diarrhea in The Gambia

    Markers of Inflammation in Bacterial Diarrhea among Travelers, with a Focus on Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli Pathogenicity

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    The intestinal inflammatory response of traveler's diarrhea acquired in Goa, India, and Guadalajara, Mexico, was studied. Fecal lactoferrin was found in stool samples in which enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli, or Salmonella or Shigella species were isolated, with Shigella-positive cases showing the highest level. Samples from cases of Shigella-associated diarrhea had the highest concentrations of fecal cytokines. Travelers to India who had EAEC-associated diarrhea showed elevated levels of interleukin (IL)-8 (median, 341.15 pg/mL) and IL-1Ξ² (median, 749.90 pg/mL). Although 15 travelers to Mexico who had EAEC-associated diarrhea had a median concentration of 0 pg/mL for both IL-8 and IL-1Ξ², 2 had high levels of IL-8 (1853 and 11,786 pg/mL), and 5 showed elevated levels of IL-1Ξ² (1-1240 pg/mL). Samples from patients in India who had pathogen-negative diarrhea or from patients in Mexico who had asymptomatic EAEC infection were negative for cytokines. Bacterial pathogens causing traveler's diarrhea commonly produce intestinal inflammation, although a subset of patients with EAEC-associated diarrhea fail to develop an inflammatory respons